Научная статья на тему 'The factors promoting crime of minors'

The factors promoting crime of minors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
crime among minors / prevention of crime / juvenile justice

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Duzbayeva Saltanat Bolatbekovna, Akbolatova Maral Eltaevna, Ilesov Darhan Nurbolovich

In this article the author considers the main reasons of crime of minors. The crime of minors is a consequence of the certain negative phenomena existing in our society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The factors promoting crime of minors»

The factors promoting crime of minors

- preventing and combating terrorism similar crimes (the taking of hostages, genocide, sabotage et al.);

- cooperation of international organizations in the prevention and suppression of terrorist activities.

Important to join efforts in combating terrorism of all the forces of the state and society. This upper echelons of representative government, and legislators, and intelligence agencies, and law enforcement agencies, and the media, religious and other associations.

Increasingly recently heard saying that it would be appropriate to apply to terrorists rules on liability of collaborators that applied for Nazi war criminals, that is, each member of a terrorist organization should be responsible for all of its criminal activities.

The fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive approach, which should include measures and economic, political, social and legal nature. This long-term program, which depends on many factors.

Duzbayeva Saltanat Bolatbekovna, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, master of law, the Faculty of Law Akbolatova Maral Eltaevna, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, master of law, the Faculty of Law Ilesov Darhan Nurbolovich, Mangistau Humanitarian Technical University, undergraduate, the Faculty of Law E-mail: [email protected]

The factors promoting crime of minors

Abstract: In this article the author considers the main reasons of crime of minors. The crime of minors is a consequence of the certain negative phenomena existing in our society.

Keywords: crime among minors, prevention of crime, juvenile justice.

Each government interested in having children, who in the future will become real person and worthy citizen of the country.

The crime of minors is one of the global problems of modern time, and all world community interested in solution of this problem. It is explained by an important role of younger generation in ensuring viability of society and its development. Even in most democratic and economically developed states exists the rise of crime of minors. It is impossible to solve a problem of crime of minors only by national means and also it is necessary to combine efforts of all society, as causes emergence and development of system of standards, the norms directed on the solution of this problem [1].

Teenagers are one of the unprotected categories of society. Their dreams of easy and fast enrichment conduct to various offenses and crimes. Their desire quite often brings them into the criminal sphere.

In structure of crime of minors serious crimes (more than a half) prevail, and the most part is made by robberies, burglaries and assaults. The quantity of the crimes committed by minors under the influence of alcohol or drugs grows. Spiritual life of teenagers is deformed owing to penetration into their environment of the standards of daily behavior not compatible to traditional valuable reference points of our society through mass media, household contacts. Force, cruelty, drugs as "norms" of life of younger generation are cultivated.

According to teachers, the television is dangerous to teenagers. There is an interrelation of violence on the screen with growth of crimes among minors, the television imposes as examples for imitation a cult of violence, roughness, cruelty, drugs: everything that the minor watches on TV, he tries to embody into the reality. Mental development of minors is harmed by computer games as they cultivate tendency to cruelty.

Parents began to take care less of children, seeking to shift the educational functions to school, the street, mass media.

It is noticed that family viewing of the TV replaces communication of parents with children. If parents couldn't reconstruct the relationship with children in time, the conflict situation which not only has an adverse effect on formation of personal characteristics of pupils is imperceptibly created, but also generates requirement at them for replacement of intra family communication with extra family contact [2]. On the other hand, negative influence from contemporaries on formation increases sense of justice of the teenager. Informal groups also promote distribution of alcoholism, drug addiction in the teenage environment.

Thus, it’s necessary not to forget that character bases, vital installations, values are initially put in a family. At early age, the main moral requirements, rules of conduct and decencies take root to children in a family. And in this regard all further process of education (at school, at work, in public organiza-


Section 18. Science of law

tions, etc.) already has certain bases of the moral principles put in character of the person by a family. Therefore defects of family education is one of the main reasons of crimes and other offenses of minors.

Adults for the growing person are certain "the psychological center”. It is known that when "the psychological center" in the person of mother, father or other person replacing them doesn't carry out assigned to him/her by the nature and society of function, the child has a feeling of concern, uncertainty and the vulnerability. It forms child’s mind a personal position of rejection of environment, misunderstanding. The child even starts expecting threat from society.

Now in the most difficult situation in society there are children and teenagers who aren't protected from negative influence of a dysfunctional family therefore considerable part of children and teenagers receive an example of an immoral way of life, are deformed in the development, gaining negative personal qualities.

One of the incentive reasons of commission by teenagers of offenses is unfair, ill-treatment of adult family members with them. Teenagers who constantly are exposed in a family to ill treatment, have a belief that roughness is a norm of human relations. They easily fall into a condition of anger, and their anger most often streams on weaker: younger on age, old, sick people, animal. Often the unfair attitude towards to teenager causes desperate desire at any cost to revenge the offender and conducts to commission of crime.

It should be noted that in families where the violence is a lever, at children the animosity against parents remains for the rest of life.

One of the specific reasons of crime of minors at the present stage of life of society is catastrophic situation with the organization of leisure of children and teenagers in a residence. The youth does nothing [3]. Because ofhigh prices the majority of forms of leisure is inaccessible to teenagers. Many child care facilities, the organizations stopped the existence, and the rooms belonging to them are leased to commercial structures. In the summer the younger generation is provided to itself. Many improving camp for children and teenagers are closed, children from incomplete needy families can not always get in existing camp because of the high cost of permits.

Therefore attics, cellars became favorite pastime of teenagers. In many cities there are no youth centers, sports grounds and sports clubs. And after all sport is that tool by means of which it is possible to fight teenage crime.

Thus, we came to a conclusion that the main reasons promoting commission of crimes by minors are lack of due control from parents, the low level of social financial position of families, weak organization of free leisure of minors, not employment by socially useful work in free time from study time, weak control from administration of educational institutions, weak scheduled maintenance of law enforcement agencies.

In normal conditions the teenager will never become a criminal. It is necessary not to forget that the minor criminal is a child who as a result of the wrong education and a bad example became a criminal. This is the child who didn't feel support of parents, societies and the governments in due time.

Proceeding from it, it’s necessary to build a prevention of deviant behavior of teenagers which could help him to adapt to the social environment.


1. Shakhbanova H.M. The main reasons for crime of minors at the present stage of development of the Russian society http:// vestnik.uapa.ru/ru-ru/issue/2013/02/27/

2. Bakayev of A. A. Sistem of prevention of offenses of minors. - M, 2004.

3. Prevention of offenses of minors - Almaty: Dayk-press, 2007

Efremova Marina Aleksandrovna, Ulyanovsk State University, Associate Professor, The faculty of laws E-mail: [email protected]

Computer fraud

Abstract: The article tells about such form of plunder as a computer fraud. The article gives the analysis of norm recently included in the criminal code of Russian Federation which provides responsibility for such an act. The author notes its imperfections and shows the ways of their elimination.

Keywords: criminal law; computer fraud; computer information; plunder.

Rapid development and widespread implementation of the Internet lead to the appearance of new ways of its use. However, it inevitably lead to the expansion of the “domain” for criminals and the appearance of new types of law violation including computer fraud. According to the statistics for

the first six months of 2012, 5696 cybercrimes were registered in Russia — that is 11 % more than for the same period of 2011. The majority of them are made up by crimes connected with the creation, spread and use of malicious software as well as fraud in the Internet. For six months of 2012 -


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