Научная статья на тему 'The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers'

The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Panchenko Oksana Ivanivna

The article focuses on the problems of training specialists at universities. The paper is a great attempt at explaining the concept of professional thinking in terms of academic training for future mechanical engineers. The author emphasizes the significance and importance of professional thinking development for future mechanical engineers, as modern societal trends require that academic education helped students develop their intellectual abilities and skills of active non-linear thinking.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers»

Section 1. Higher Education


1. Рекомендацн парламентских слухань „Стратепя шновацшного розвитку Укра!ни на 2010-2020роки в умовах глобал1зацшних виклишв”//Офщшний портал Верховно! ради Укра!ни. - [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_2?pf3516=5421&skl=7.

2. Стратег1я 1нновац1йного розвитку Укра!ни на 2010-2020 роки в умовах гло 6ал1зац1йних вик-лик1в/Авт.-упоряд.: Г. О. Андрощук, I. Б. Жиляев, Б. Г. Чижевський, М. М. Шевченко. - К: Парла-ментське вид-во, 2009. - 632 с.

3. Невиршеш проблеми в^чизняно! та загальноосв^ньо! школи//Соцiально-економiчний стан Украши: наслiдки для народу та держави: нацiональна доповщь/за заг. ред. В. М. Гейця [та ш]. - К.: НВЦ НБУВ, 2009. - С. 546-547.

4. Leuven Communique//European Education Portal. Available at: http://www.eu-edu.org/en/bolosnky5. html.

5. Нацюнальна стратепя розвитку освiти в Укра!ш на перiод до 2021 року//Офщшний портал Верховно! ради Укра!ни. - [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov. ua/laws/show/344/2013.

6. Strategic Framework for Europeen Cooperation in Education and Training 2020.- [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/strategic-frameworc/index_en.htm.

7. What are the skills ofthe future?//Google’s free online conference «Education on Air». - May 8-9, 2015.-[Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://educationonair.withgoogle.com/live/2015-may.

8. Закон Укра!ни «Про вищу освггу» -//Офщшний портал Верховно! ради Украши. - [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua.

9. Постанова Кабшету Мшктр!в Украши вщ 23.11.11 р. № 1341 «Про затвердження Нацюнально! рамки квал!фжацш». -//Офщшний портал Верховно! ради Укра!ни. - [Електронний ресурс]. -Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1341-2011-%D0%BF.

10. Sue E. Berryman Challenges To Education Systems In Transition Economies. The World Bank Europe And Central Region, Human Development Sector, September 2000. P.13.

11. «Освгга протягом життя: свгговий досвщ i укра!нська полйика»: аналггична записка//Нащональний шститут стратепчних дослщжень при Президентовi Укра!ни. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.niss.gov.ua/articles/252/.

12. Бордовский Г. А. Научно-исследовательская деятельность - решающее условие повышения качества подготовки специалиста/Г. А. Бордовский//Подготовка специалиста в области образования: Научно-исследовательская деятельность в совершенствовании профессиональной подготовки. -Спб., 1999. -Вып. VII. - С. 3-7.

13. Brockhoff K. Forschung Und Entwicklung: Planung Und Kontrolle/Von Klaus Brockhoff. - [5, Erg. Und Erw.Aufl.]. - München; Wien: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1999. - 500 S.

Panchenko Oksana Ivanivna, Ukraine, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Ph. D. student E-mail: [email protected]

The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers

Abstract: The article focuses on the problems of training specialists at universities. The paper is a great attempt at explaining the concept of professional thinking in terms of academic training for


The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers

future mechanical engineers. The author emphasizes the significance and importance of professional thinking development for future mechanical engineers, as modern societal trends require that academic education helped students develop their intellectual abilities and skills of active non-linear thinking.

Keywords: professional training, training process, professional thinking of the mechanical engineers, professional thinking components.

The problem. Every modern competitive expert is required to be able to think individually and outside of the box to predict results, be creative in any activity. Since the primitive form of thinking was identified through human actions, the successful professional activity of any expert requires cultivated professional thinking. Solution to this problem is of particular importance because of the deep economic crisis of our country and its technological lagging far behind the leading economic countries. There appears to be a contradiction between the objective societal and governmental demand for viable, skilled and self-cultivating engineers on the one hand, and their professional training on the other hand. It is obvious that modern engineering education is of reproductive nature, and thus, it overlooks its productive side, namely the development of professional thinking of future mechanical engineers.

The problem discussed is of particular relevance in view of modern globalization processes, where people choose innovative types of world development and the role of the personal factor becomes crucial in ensuring proper efficiency of social production.

The problem relies on theoretical and practical reasons such as insufficient study of theoretical issues related to the development of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers. Of great significance is the necessity to review the meaning and structure of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers. The development of the professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers within the system of engineering education is necessary due to the fact that a mechanical engineer will act as an inventor. Making inventions will require not only expert knowledge but cultivated professional thinking, rich imagination, deep feelings and strong will.

The research is relevant since it has been part of the academic research work “Leadership Development Methods for Humanitarian, Technical and

Managerial Elite in the Information Society” conducted at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social System Management of National Technical University “KhPI”.

The review of scientific papers on the problem suggests that the problem hasn’t been properly studied by modern domestic and foreign authors. One of the relevant papers is “Innovative Thinking Development for Manufacturing Engineering Students in Educational and Informational Processes” by L. Shumelchyk [9, p. 569], which states that a future expert must have innovative and creative style of thinking since the society requires those engineers who can solve complex theoretical and practical problems. The author emphasizes that the prior goals of modern education include revealing of creativity, creating of optimal conditions for personal fulfillment, inculcating of innovative thinking to future professionals.

A multi-authored monograph under the editorship of O. Romanovskyi and O. Ponomarova states that it is important to develop “innovative and strategic thinking, resolution, strong denial of old stereotypes and readiness to be responsible for your own decisions, actions and their possible consequences” [5].

The problems of professional thinking and creativity have been described in the papers by G. Alt-shuller, V. Andronov, A. Brushlinskyi, G. Valiullina, J. Guilford, D. Kuhn, T. Gura, E. Iliin, V. Kremen, T Kudryavtseva, S. Rubinshtein, S. Sysoieva and others.Psycho-pedagogical framework for creative personality development has been explored by B. Ananiev, L. Badanina, I. Beh, O. Vyhotskyi, V. Moliako, L. Sushchenko, T. Sushchenko, M. Che-remskyi and others.

The purpose of the paper is to explain the concept and to analyze the constituents of professional thinking of future mechanical engineers.

Materials and methods deal with planning of a strategy for training and development of future


Section 1. Higher Education

mechanical engineers in view of modern globalization processes. This, in turn, requires knowledge and consideration of trends that outpicture the priorities of modern European technological world-view i. e. a metacultural situation that determines the main vectors of human progress.

According to J. Beh, modern civilization breeds two basic types of personality, a socially-oriented one and an egocentric one [2, p.14]. The egocentric personality of the future mechanical engineer will have “insufficient humanistic consciousness, limited personal meaning and value orientations and poor survival needs. As a result, a subculture emerges that is devoid of interethnic tolerance and humanistic dialogue” [2, p. 15].

To contribute to the rebirth of Ukraine our society expects the future mechanical engineers to perform the following major activities: executive production, production communication, creativity in professional practice and social production [4, p. 58]. Obviously, to be an expert nowadays it is not enough to perform only specific manufacturing operations and carry out instructions that altogether requires a whole range of specific knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities and is what the students are mainly taught to do.

Future mechanical engineers are trained to solve many production problems, and this means that the top-priority task of education is to foster a system of qualities essential for them to be professionals and pursue their professional careers in the future. The leading scholars such as G. Altshuler, V. Mo-liako, T. Kudriavtsev and others emphasize that the career of mechanical engineers is associated with scientific and technological achievements, inventions, design, rationalisations and responsibilities. Thus, their professional activity requires a creative approach to solving professional problems as well as advanced professional thinking. E. Milerian maintains that “the major constituent of the whole training process is creative imagination combined with thinking” [cited by 3, p. 42].

Once, the representative of modern European philosophy, R. Descartes said “I think, therefore I exist” [2], which means that being is thinking. This was the philosophy of mind that set a general guidance to educational and training processes to serve

their fundamental purposes. According to J. Beh, the philosophy of mind has been replaced by a new philosophy where the categories ofbeing, existence and mind are conceived as categories of values. The ideas of the latter must underlie an innovative approach to development of professional thinking of future mechanical engineers. At present, the future experts must be trained to adequately respond to the extremely complex challenges of modern production processes, to generate rational ideas to face those challenges, and to take ethical and moral responsibility for their professional activities.

As we know now, teachers hardly practice this approach in the professional training of future mechanical engineers. According to G. Egorova, the modern system of education has focused mainly on the development of memory and reproduction of huge amounts of accumulated knowledge and out-of-the-box solutions to standard tasks. This, according to L. Shumelchyk, does not contribute to the development of innovative forms of engineering students’ thinking. As a result, modern mechanical engineers tend to have introspected inner world; they are not viable and competitive enough in the labor market and experience total spiritual serenity as a psychological condition and style of their life.

To single out the constituents of professional thinking of future mechanical engineers we must take into account the fact that habitually inherent to them are all types of thinking as one of the major categories of psychology. However, the career specifics of future mechanical engineers determines the types of thinking considered as professional thinking (fig. 1).

The problem of theoretical thinking development is essential for bringing up an expert who has a creative mind, who picks up deep and ontological connections between objects and phenomena and who can find generalized solutions to professional problems. Thus, theoretical thinking development is the key task in training future mechanical engineers. In his psychological studies V. Davydov identified three main components of theoretical thinking such as theoretical analysis, reflection and planning [6,

p. 281].

Theoretical analysis helps identify the internal ontology which is a property of objects and phenom-


The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers

ena to put aside external non-essential features. In particular, the professional training of future mechanical engineers relies on theoretical analysis which teaches students to find general principles of design problem formulations and, correspondently,

the general ways or principles of solving the above problems. The general method or principle of solution is found through solving one or two problems (at spot) and then carrying over the solution to the whole class of similar problems.

Fig. I.The constituents of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers

Reflection ensures searching and considering of essential reasons for the person’s actions. It helps people to mentally analyze their own actions, estimate the means and methods which suit the conditions and the structure of the problem.

Planning (imaginary experiments or internal scenario) provides mental restructuring of the problem without any external support, in order to identify ontological relations. Planning helps to determine the ways of pursuing a goal and to correlate intermediate and final results and goals (the empirical (practical) thinking allows one to plan only “one step forward”, verifying it by trial and

error). V. Andronov states that as a type of professional thinking, planning helps to achieve a common goal by determining and selecting the most appropriate ways and means which must comply with the essential conditions and moral criterion of the problem to be solved.

In today’s world of information technology modeling helps to imitate mental operations of mechanical engineers via spatial models or visualized images and tasks. To illustrate, the design of basic components and parts of the device via graphic dialogue systems plays a key role in the professional training of mechanical engineers. It simplifies the process of


Section 1. Higher Education

finding solutions to engineering problems and contributes to professional thinking development.

The methods of theoretical understanding of information by future mechanical engineers should include analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, classification, systematization, deduction, induction, unassisted problem specifications and others.

Thinking of the mechanical engineer is closely associated with action. E. Shalamon believes that thinking advances and improves through practical actions, which may not be considered as inherently primitive ones [3]. Professional activities help the mechanical engineer to perceive, affect, understand and change the reality. His/her mental operations are not simply accompanied by the actions or vice versa because action is the primary form of thinking of any individual and expert in particular. All mental operations that are part of theoretical thinking initially emerged as practical operations, and then evolved to theoretical ones. Practical thinking of the mechanical engineer is closely connected to visual-active thinking, because in solving professional problems the engineer appeals to real, physical transformation of the situation, manipulating the objects.

In solving professional problems, the mechanical engineer may use visual-spatial thinking that operates images and reflects the reality. Mental images help to build a holistic view of reality, and not its individual fragments. The main mental operations of the mechanical engineer who uses visual-spatial thinking to solve professional problems are such as recognition, discretion, forming, transformation and synthesis of content of mentally visualized technical objects.

Verbal reasoning of the mechanical engineer is the most recent stage of thinking development. Verbal reasoning uses concepts, logical constructions that sometimes cannot have an image representation (e. g. material strength, resistance etc.). The mechanical engineer with good verbal reasoning abilities may easily identify the most common patterns, predict and anticipate the operation processes of mechanisms and systems, generalize the data.

According to E. Franus, the design tasks that mechanical engineers perform are based on their imagination and thinking. Thinking that participates in the

design, “completes” the images of objects, real phenomena and their properties is called picture thinking. Picture thinking is associated with visual images. The creative activity of the individual begins with semantic interpretation of a mental-visual image (P. Symonenko) and selection of the strategy for image creation (colouristic, graphic shape and synthetic one). Possible errors in creating a visual image are not caused by the lack of imagination, but by the erroneous thinking due to the lack of professional knowledge and skills.

Practical activities of the mechanical engineers are related to manufacturing system control (system operators) and social system control (chiefs/lead-ers). The control processes often take place in stressful or even extreme conditions. When the mechanical engineer tries to solve the practical problem using simulated objects and systems it helps him to model further activities (make a plan) so as to reach the goal. This refers to quick thinking of the mechanical engineer. A characteristic feature of quick thinking is emotional experience caused by the responsibility for the decision made. It requires perception and reflection, causing great emotional-volitional stress.

Since every person experiences emotions and feelings, we consider sanogenic and pathogenic thinking (explored by Yu. Orlov) as parts of professional thinking of mechanical engineers. This means that person’s affections are subject to mental, cognitive control. According to Y. Orlov, every emotion is destructive and stressful if it totally controls the person’s behavior and if the person is obsessed with it. However, emotions are the product of cognitions that is why cognitive behavior may control the impact of negative emotions on the psyche. Pathogenic thinking is associated with resentment, envy, shame, failure, fear and other negative emotional experiences of a person. Sanogenic thinking, by contrast, helps to subdue negative emotions and contributes to psychological recovery of the future mechanical engineer. It can be considered an option of a broader concept such as positive thinking (M. Molts). This refers to the establishment, regular support and contribution to a positive self-image stimulated by personal successful actions and overall life success.

Depending on how new some activity is for the future mechanical engineer, we have identified repro-


The explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers

ductive, productive and creative thinking. Reproductive thinking of mechanical engineers “is based on certain logical rules without building any unusual, new associations, making comparisons, analyses, etc.” [1, p. 163]. Productive and creative thinking (L. Badani-na, Ya. Krushelnytska) are characterized by going beyond the existing facts, identification of latent properties of objects, detection of unusual relations, transfer of principles and ways of solving professional problems from one sphere to another and flexible change-over in the ways of solving complicated problems and so on. If the above-mentioned mental operations of future mechanical engineers give them new knowledge or information, which isn’t, however, new to the community, this is called productive thinking. In case mental operations of mechanical engineers give them some completely new information, this is called creative thinking. Creative thinking and creative imagination make up a psychological basis for human creativity and provide the source of innovation in all spheres of human activity.

Thus, all of the above types and styles of thinking j olly well co-exist in the intelligence of the mechanical engineer. The combination of knowledge (theoretical, practical, procedural) skills and interdisciplinary approach in solving professional problems create a uniform intelligence of any future mechanical engineer. The principle of a uniform intelligence (B. Teplov) is essential to clarify the nature of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineer.

Having familiarized ourselves with the scientific studies and clarified the meaning of professional thinking for mechanical engineers definition, we define “theprofessional thinking of the future mechanical engineer” as an intellectual activity aimed at solving theoretical and practical professional problems based on the specialized knowledge with regard to technical skills in the area of expertise.

To determine the level and adjust the process of practical thinking development, training must include various problem-oriented tasks, learning and manufacturing practices and competitions. The problems aimed at productive and professional thinking development must foster the ability of future mechanical engineers to overcome the psychological inertia and “see” not only “major” traditional features of objects and phenomena, but also “minor”

ones, which under certain conditions can become crucial.

An important aspect of the problem-oriented tasks is their research nature. We agree with L. Su-shchenko that in training of future experts problem-oriented tasks must bring up the research skills. The trainees must learn to advance their scientific knowledge independently, they also must be able to perform creative tasks and be mobile in their studious inquiries” [7, p. 509].

Considering the types of thinking that constitute professional thinking of mechanical engineers and the opinions of scientists on innovative changes to its development, we distinguish the following components: 1) motivation; 2) search for meaning and values; 3) integrated intelligence; 4) professional engagement and activities; 5) reflexive reasoning and evaluation.

Motivation implies impelling and searching mechanisms which stimulate the activity of future mechanical engineers. We know that a strong motivation compensates for some weak points of an expert (V. Andronov). Poor motivation of experts is unlikely to be compensated somehow. It is therefore very important to purposefully develop this component of professional thinking in future mechanical engineers.

The search for meaning and values is supposed to foster responsible attitude of personality to living beings and inanimate nature. As a result subjective and objective values are established. Responsible attitude and activity as an essential base of a person’s life is achieved through emotional experiences. Meaningful, active emotions generate rational motifs of future mechanical engineers. According to I. Beh, it is experience that “integrates the personality into his/her social and natural environments as objective reality, making the latter a vital social and cultural situation in which personal development takes place” [2, p. 127].

Integrated intelligence means the availability of basic knowledge in engineering, integrated with psychological, pedagogical and managerial knowledge to develop professional thinking of the future mechanical engineer.

Professional engagement and activities build up a frame of professional skills that contribute


Section 1. Higher Education

to the accumulation and development of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers. They include: design engineering skills that mean the ability to observe, collect and process information; the ability to find and single out the design features mechanisms or systems; the ability to critically analyze and summarize the data; ability to identify contradictions and formulate the problem; the ability to use imagination and thinking to visualize concepts and find solutions to professional problems; the ability to argue their choice in solving professional problems, as well as to put forward hypotheses and offer original ideas that differ from the existing ones; the ability to do research; planning and predicting skills that imply the ability to identify the unity of professional problem tasks and conditions for their fulfillment; the ability to react to the changing conditions in professional problem solving, taking into account the aftermath of the decisions and activities; information technology skills that mean the ability use computer systems and do computer-aided modeling when solving professional problems; organizational and communication skills that imply the methods and techniques of working with people, knowledge of philosophy, psychology and culture of management; the ability to solve management problems in complicated situations, including lack of information awareness and risk; the ability to present personal work to colleagues and in the labor market.

Reflexive reasoning and evaluation as a component of professional thinking is aimed at development of ethic identity (reflection) which it is essential for self-education and self-improvement. Self-reflec-

tion is based on introspective thinking that is when a personality learns and thinks about his/her inner self. Thus, in their analyses of thinking, M. Mamar-dashvili, E. Soloviev and V. Shvyrev state that consciousness employs the instruments of reflection and then becomes intelligent. According to I. Beh, reflection “is a way for the personality to understand his/her causes of actions, to think over the inner nature and the results of the actions done” [2, p. 48].

Thus, the structural components of professional thinking of future mechanical engineers are supposed to primarily influence the development of their particular personal qualities, to improve their cognitive abilities, to help them learn the culture of mental labour, to master professional thinking and professional skills.

Conclusions and prospects of further research. The paper presents a comprehensive explication of professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers. The author has described five structural components ofprofessional thinking, which must be regularly improved and developed by teachers and students, as well as modified in due course to meet the requirements of the modern world.

The study conducted confirms the diversified research into the concept of “professional thinking of the future mechanical engineers” and at the same time emphasizes that the explanation of its meaning and structure is not of great interest to the Ukrainian researchers. The explication of “professional thinking of future mechanical engineers” and determination of its structure enable the use of criteria! and stratified approach to further research of this phenomenon.


1. Баданина Л. П. Психология познавательных процессов: учеб. пособие/Л. П. Баданина. - М.: Флинта: МПСИ, 2008. - 240 с.

2. Бех I. Д. Особисткть у просторi духовного розвитку: навч. поабник/I. Д. Бех. - К.: Академвидав, 2012. - 256 с. - (Серiя «Альма-матер»).

3. Кудрявцев Т. В. Психология технического мышления: процесс и способы решения технических задач/Т. В. Кудрявцев. - М.: Педагогика, 1975. - 304 с.

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O. Г. Романовський, О. С. Пономарьов, Т. В. Гура та ш./за загальною редакцкю О. Г. Романовського та О. С. Пономарьова. -Х.: НТУ «ХП1»; видавець Савчук О. О., 2014. - 324 с.


Ethical development of future teachers of philological specialties-is the way of adaptation to the professional activity

6. Психолопя: шдручник/Ю. Л. Троф!мов, В. В. Рибалка, П. А. Гончарук та ш./за ред. Ю. Л. Трофiмова. - 2-ге вид. - К.: Либсдь, 1999. - 558 с.

7. Сущенко Л. О. Лопко-концептуальш аспекти проблеми розвитку досладницько!' позицпмайбутнiх педагог1в в ушверситетах/Л. О. Сущенко//Педагог1ка формування творчо! особистост1 у вищ1й i загальноосвггнш школах: зб. наук. праць [редкол.: Т. I. Сущенко (голов.ред) та ш]. - Запорiжжя: КПУ 2015. - Вип. 40 (93). - С. 506-512.

8. Сущенко Т.И Целестно-отношенческий поход к профессиональной подготовке студентов высшей технической школы/Т. И. Сущенко//Проблеми та перспективи формування нацюнально! гуманггарно-техшчно! елiти: зб. наук. пр./за ред. Л. Л. Товажнянського та О. Г. Романовського; Мiн-во освгги i науки Украши. - Харюв: НТУ «ХШ», 2002. - Т. III. - С. 292-295.

9. Шумельчик Л. Б. Формування шновацшного мислення в студенпв iнженерно-технiчного профНю в умовах iнформацiйно-освiтнього середовища/Л. Б. Шумельчик//Педагопка формування творчо'1 особистостi у вищш i загальноосвiтнiй школах: зб. наук. праць [редкол.: Т. I. Сущенко (голов.ред) та ш]. - Запорiжжя: КПУ 2015. - Вип. 41 (94). - С. 569-575.

Shepel Marina Yevgenievna, South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Odessa) postgraduate student, the Department of Pedagogy E-mail: [email protected]

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Ethical development of future teachers of philological specialties-is the way of adaptation to the professional activity

Abstract: The role of ethical development of future teachers of philological specialties during their adaptation to the professional activity is examined. Different methods to facilitate ethical development are proposed.

Keywords: ethics, adaptation, professional activity, future teachers of philological specialties

The culture of a teacher’s behavior is of great importance. Having a culture of behavior, the teacher is able to form it among whom he teaches and educates. So an educator or a school teacher form the culture of pupil’s behavior, and also influences the culture of behavior of pupil’s teacher. Teachers of a Higher Pedagogical Institution improve the culture of future teachers’ behavior. The actual question arises the influence of ethical development of future teachers of philological specialties to the adaptation to the pedagogical activity.

The purpose of the article is to define the role of ethical development of future teachers of philological specialties on the adaptation to the professional activity.

References define the term “ethics” as: 1. The science of morality, its origins, development and role in public and private life of people; 2. Standards

of conduct, a set of moral rules of any class, social organization, profession [7, 652]; 3. Moral principle; 4. Moral philosophy [10, 105].

Pedagogical ethics is a part of ethics that reflects the specifics of the functioning of morality in the conditions educational process; the science of different aspects of the moral activity of the teacher. The subject of pedagogical ethics are the regularities of the existence of morality in the minds, behaviors, relationships and activity of a teacher [2, 169].

Pedagogical ethics is present in every fragment of pedagogical actions, this so-called professional “compass” which orients teachers in semantic and situational field, suggests the necessary strategy and tactics ofbehavior. The individual- oriented character of educational activity, relations with pupils, their parents and other participants in this process include the need to reorient the consciousness of teachers


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