Научная статья на тему 'The Evenkiya Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk territory - an experimental field for the business incubator creation'

The Evenkiya Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk territory - an experimental field for the business incubator creation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kirko Vladimir I., Koptseva Natalya P., Keusch Anna V.

In the present article we consider a model of creation of a business incubator in the Evenkiya Municipal District on the basis of interaction of Siberian Federal University, Regional Administration and Financial-Industrial Groups. Here, we present the main directions of the business incubator activity and its structure. The main peculiarity of a business incubator is as follows: it should contribute both to the economical and to the socio-cultural development of the territory; and precisely, realization of the project of the business incubator creation should provide a high quality of peoples life, a competitive ability of the enterprises and preservation of cultural heritage of the small-numbered peoples.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Evenkiya Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk territory - an experimental field for the business incubator creation»

УДК 338.24 (571.510)

The Evenkiya Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory -an Experimental Field for the Business Incubator Creation

Vladimir I. Kirko*, Natalya P. Koptseva and Anna V. Keusch

Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia 1

Received 5.08.2011, received in revised form 12.08.2011, accepted 19.08.2011

In the present article we consider a model ofcreation of a business incubator in the Evenkiya Municipal District on the basis of interaction of Siberian Federal University, Regional Administration and Financial-Industrial Groups. Here, we present the main directions of the business incubator activity and its structure.

The main peculiarity of a business incubator is as follows: it should contribute both to the economical and to the socio-cultural development of the territory; and precisely, realization of the project of the business incubator creation should provide a high quality ofpeople’s life, a competitive ability of the enterprises and preservation of cultural heritage of the small-numbered peoples.

Keywords: Business incubator, Siberian Federal University, Evenkiya Municipal District.

The given research was implemented under the financial support of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Support of Science and Scientific-Technical Activity, and also ofthe Federal Target Program «Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia» for the period 2009-2013.

Siberian Federal University is an

autonomic institution that carries out an

educational, scientific and innovative activity in a wide spectrum of directions in order to integrate personnel and scientific supply

of wide-scale projects and programs at the

federal and regional levels (The Conception of Creation...).

Autonomy of the federal universities provides wide opportunities in creating small enterprises, which includes that:

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

- there are no limitations by the Federal Law No. 94 “Concerning Making Orders for Goods and Works Delivery, and Rendering Services to the State and Municipal Institutions”, and it narrows the number of obligatory procedures and accelerates the innovative process (renting premises, etc.).

- Profits from the charter capital interests of the business enterprises and some part of the profits of the business enterprises

are at their independent disposal, without any designation of the resources.

- There is no any closed list of objects that should be used as a contribution to the charter capital.

One of the perspective innovative structures of the University, the main task of which is to support and to develop small innovative enterprises, is a business incubator.

In the research works (Bukharov et al.,

2008, Verkhovets et al., 2008, Keusch et al.,

2011, Bukharov et al., 2008), the authors present a model of formation of the regional innovative structure on the basis of a net of business incubators created around Siberian Federal University in collaboration with the financial-industrial groups (FIGs) acting on a corresponding territory.

The researchers are especially interested in the Northern territories. The given territories are characterized by peculiar socio-economical conditions of people’s life and they are defined by the state of surrounding environment and use of natural resources to a greater extend.

We have chosen the Evenkiya Municipal District with its administrative center u.t.s. Tura as an experimental field. The given territory that is referred to the Extreme North of Russia possesses a huge industrial potential, which is caused by the abundance of its resources, and is a living territory of the native small-numbered peoples.

Realization of the project of creating the business incubator on the territory of Evenkiya will contribute not only to the social-economical development of the region, but also to its inclusion into the innovative process.

In order to define the innovative potential of the territory, its principals of formation and the choice of the main vectors of the business incubator activity, we used the following methodologies:

- Internet research of the territory’s socio-economical development;

- Research of the programmes of settlements development;

- Questioning on the basis of a modified TACIS methodology;

- Organization of project seminars with

participation of the heads of local administrations, non-governmental

organizations and business representatives.

As the result of the carried researches, we have worked out a structure of formation of a business incubator (Fig. 1).

The main peculiarity of the business incubator is as follows: it should contribute both to the economical and to the socio-cultural development of the territory; and precisely, realization of the project of the business incubator creation should provide a high quality of people’s life, a competitive ability of the enterprises, and preservation of cultural heritage of the small-numbered peoples (The Protocol.., 2010).

A high quality of people’s life presupposes the following conditions:

- Comfortable and ecologically safe habitation;

- A high level of medical care;

- A possibility to give children good upbringing and qualitative education;

- A possibility of job placement;

- A possibility of distant transport communications and distant connections;

- A possibility of cultural communications and self-development;

- A possibility of consumption of ecologically pure and safe food products;

A competitive ability of the enterprises (under conditions of the settlement distant isolation) presupposes the following conditions:

- Maximally possible automatization of the settlement supply with the necessary food stuff and convenience goods;

Fig. 1. The structure of the business incubator formation in the Evenkiya Municipal District

- Advanced processing of the available natural resources into the goods with a high added value;

- Decrease in the manufactured product selfcost due to a decrease in consummation of power and energy consumption and due to reforming of the system of energy supply;

- Usage of the modern highly-efficient technologies of the raw resources advanced processing;

Preservation of the cultural heritage of the native small-numbered peoples presupposes the following conditions:

- Preservation of their traditions;

- Preservation of their language;

- Preservation and development of their traditional cropping;

- Preservation of flora, fauna and ecology of their places of inhabitation;

- Social-economical and public legal assistance.

As the first stage of the project realization they will create two innovative fields of the business incubator on the basis of the Surinda settlement - a locality of the Evenkis- reindeer-breeders and the Essey settlement - a locality of the Yakuts - the hunters of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. To the minds of the authors of the given article precisely in these very settlements it will be most promising to work out the mechanisms of the university’s interaction with the northern territories by means of a complex approach to their problems solution.

The uniqueness of creation of the business incubator in Evenkiya that will contribute to the

increase of their life quality and population’s and to the solution of their ecological problems is

job placement, to the preservation of traditional that the given model can be translated on to other

cropping of the native small-numbered peoples regions of the Territory and country.


The Conception of Creation and State Support of the Federal Universities Development: approved at the meeting of the inter-departmental working group on the top-priority national project “Education” attached to the RF President’s Council for realization of the top-priority national projects and demographic policy No. АФ-33/03пр dated 22.09.2009, the Informational-Legal System “Garant”: [Electronic Resource], SIE “Garant-Service”, The latest update on 04.09.2010.

A. Bukharov, V. Zinov, V. Kirko, “On the Innovative Structure of University Complexes”, Innovations, 2008 (7), 38-43.

S. Verkhovets, A. Keusch, V. Kirko, “The Role of Federal Universities in the Regional Innovational Infrastructure Formation (on the example of Siberian Federal University)”, Innovations, 2010 (10), 6064.

A. Keusch, V. Kirko, “The Model of the Regional Innovative Platform of the Autonomous Educational Institution on the Example of Siberian Federal University”, Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2011 (1), 86-97.

A. Bukharov, V. Zinov, V. Kirko, “On the Innovative Structure of University Complexes”, Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2008 (3), 318-327.

The Protocol of the Joint Meeting of Heads of the Local Settlements, Deputies of the Evenkiya Regional Council, and the Evenkiya Municipal District Administration on the question of the business incubator organization on the territory of EMD in order to implement the innovative, industrial and social technologies with participation of the representatives of the Siberian Federal University dated September 21, 2010, u.t.s. Tura.

Эвенкийский муниципальный район Красноярского края -экспериментальная площадка по созданию бизнес-инкубатора

В.И. Кирко, Н.П. Копцева, А.В. Кеуш

Сибирский федеральный университет 660041 Россия, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В статье рассматривается модель создания бизнес-инкубатора в Эвенкийском муниципальном районе на основе взаимодействия Сибирского федерального университета, администрации района и финансово-промышленных групп. Приводятся основные направления деятельности бизнес-инкубатора и его структура.

Особенность бизнес-инкубатора должна быть в том, что он будет способствовать как экономическому, так и социально-культурному развитию территории, а именно реализация проекта по созданию бизнес-инкубатора должна обеспечить высокое качество жизни населения, конкурентную способность производств, сохранение культурного наследия коренных малочисленных народов.

Ключевые слова: бизнес-инкубатор, Сибирский федеральный университет, Эвенкийский муниципальный район.

Данное исследование было реализовано при финансовой поддержке Красноярского краевого фонда поддержки науки и научно-технической деятельности, а также Федеральной целевой программы «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на период 20092013 гг.

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