Научная статья на тему 'The essence of social protection of citizens in the context of insurance against accidents at work'

The essence of social protection of citizens in the context of insurance against accidents at work Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shymkiv Svitlana

The paper defines the content of social risks. The study deals with role and place of the risk of accidents at work in the social security system of citizensas well as are analyzing key trends and ways of social protection for workers. The results of the study highlight that corporate insurance was an additional element of insurance against the consequences of an accident and increase the level of trust and company image, and a balanced risk management reduces the potential losses.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The essence of social protection of citizens in the context of insurance against accidents at work»

Section 17. Economics and management

- анализ географической структуры экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции и продовольственных товаров стран СНГ указывает на то, что наибольшие объемы такой продукции в 2012 г. Украина экспортировала в Российскую Федерацию, Беларусь, Казахстан, Молдову. По европейским странам крупнейшими экспортерами Украины в 2012 г. были Испания, Италия, Польша, Франция, Португалия, Бельгия и др.;

- исследовано, что уровень экспортной ориентации относительно всех продовольственных групп

товаров остается достаточно низким. Только некоторые группы продовольствия характеризуются значительным уровнем экспортной ориентации, в частности зерно и зерновые продукты и масло;

- на основе полученных результатов расчета индексов Хиршмана сделаны выводы, что рассчитанные индексы концентрации в 2007-2012 гг. имеют средние значения, что говорит об в большей степени узкой структуре экспорта отечественных продовольственных товаров.

Список литературы:

1. Зовшшня торпвля Украши: Статистичний збiрник,• в^дпов. за випуск А. Фризоренко. - К.: Державна Служба Статистики Украши, - 2013. - 99 с.

2. Зовшшня торпвля Украши товарам та послугами у 2012 р.: [статистичний збiрник в 2-х т.] Т. 1; в^пов. за випуск А. Фризоренко. - К.: Державна Служба Статистики Украши, - 2013. - 139 с.

3. Баланси споживання основных продуктов харчування населенням Украши за 2012 рж: статистичний збiрник,• за ред. Н. С. Власенка. - К.: Державна Служба Статистики Украши, - 2013. - 56 с.

4. Статистичний щорiчник Украши за 2012 рж: статистичний збiрник,• за ред. О. Г. Осауленка. - К.: Державна Служба Статистики Украши, - 2013. - 552 с.

Shymkiv Svitlana, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Postgraduate student, the Faculty of Economics E-mail: [email protected]

The essence of social protection of citizens in the context of insurance against accidents at work

Abstract: The paper defines the content of social risks. The study deals with role and place of the risk of accidents at work in the social security system of citizensas well as are analyzing key trends and ways of social protection for workers. The results of the study highlight that corporate insurance was an additional element of insurance against the consequences of an accident and increase the level of trust and company image, and a balanced risk management reduces the potential losses.

Keywords: social risk, social insurance, social risk management, social care of workers, corporate insurance.

Statement of the problem. During many years in Ukraine, as in other many countries are actively discussing issues that characterize the nature, content, standards and mechanisms to achieve a high level of social protection system of citizens. The State creates the social security system covering social insurance, social security, social benefits, and social benefits of financing pensions, benefits, compensation, health and other social services. The essence of the social protection system is revealed through the functions it performs. One important function of social protection is avoidance social risk, because the content of social protection of population can be seen through the revelation of the essence of the concept of social risk, which is wide enough and covers all segments of

the citizens. In modern conditions ofmanaging in Ukraine, despite a number of economic issues appeared acute problems of social protection of the citizens particularly in the occurrence ofvarious kinds of against accidents. Development of market relations indicates that mandatory component while solving issues of economic development of Ukraine is to eliminate the influencing of factors of labor potential destruction and prevention of social risks.

In the industrial activity, workers are influence by many harmful (dangerous) production factors: physical, chemical, biological and physiological, which can directly affect their health condition.

There is a need to study directional actions of subjects social and labor relations at achieving reduction of social


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risks. With the formation of all of such measures increasingly crucial not only to estimate the risk of certain social dangers, but also the development of implementation measures for their prevention and effectiveness of the social protection system.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Significant contribution to the formation of the national concept of social protection have particular V. Ba-zylevych, K. Bazylevych, N. Vnukova, A. Hamanko-va, Yu.Hryshan, O. Zalyetov, S. Osadets, R. Pikus, Ya.Shumelda, S. I. Yuriy and other domestic scientists. The issue of key aspects of the social insurance investigated also overseas authors: A. Averin, B. Balabanov, H. Volgin, M. Zakharov, V Royk (2005), R. Yuldashev et al. However, the problem of understanding the social risk employment relationship remains the insufficiently developed and in need further study.

The goal of the paper is to determine the nature, place and role of social risks that contribute to the emergence of against accidents in the system of social protection..

The main material. On the modern stage of development and formation of market relations one of the major directions of our country is a resolving issues of social security appropriate conditions for life, free personal development, and decent conditions of labor and so on. Therefore, social protection plays a significant role in the lives of citizens of Ukraine, and especially those who because of any independent risk circumstances have lost their ability to independently to support themselves.

Becoming of market relations led the instability and unsteadiness in the socio-economic situation of the workers. The transformation of employment relationship has led to increasing social risks, stimulated the need for social security of employees and identified necessity for new conceptual approaches to the study of this system.

International Labour Organization, whose actions are aimed at supporting international cooperation in securing world peace and reducing social inequities by improving working conditions (hereinafter — ILO) defines the concept of social protection as a common base of social support for all citizens, regardless of their contribution or duration seniority. That interpretation of social protection revealed through the social support provided to the entire population and the purpose of which is social security [1].

Task of of most social protection systems is to support stability of the incomes, provision of necessary social services. The notion of social security possible understand the rules of redistribution of social wealth in favor of people who are temporarily or permanently require

special support from the community. As the subject of social security should be considered social risks [2].

The possibility of occurrence many social, political, natural, production processes, which take part in the social life subjects objectively caused by the existence of the risk.

Possibility of many social, political, natural, production processes, which take part in the social life subjects objectively due the existence of the risk. In connection with this and because of some unpredictable, random, subjective circumstances there may be all sorts of deviations from the expected result. This demonstrates the riskiness and ambiguity of social life.

Since in the scientific literature the concept of risk, including the social, has no clear definition, it is necessary to consider approaches to its content.

R. Pikus defines risk as the probability of occurrence of certain events, which may be the result of the loss of expected economic (financial) benefits or direct damages [3]. This approach to determining the risk of shares the and V Bazylevych. Structural describes risk through such the characteristics as a danger, subject at risk, sensitivity to the risk, the degree of interaction risks. Notes that the answer to the question about the cause (nature) damage caused by the object determines the character of and mechanism of occurrence of the relevant loss, which is very important for the analysis of any risk. That is according to this criterion, he identifies social risk and defines it as the risk of negative social phenomena such as crime, violation of safety rules facilities adverse social and the external conditions, and so on [4].

V. Royik under the social risk has in mind factors disruption of social position of people with damaged health, disability or lack of demand for labor (unemployment), accompanied by the onset for the employed material insecurity due to loss of income and additional costs associated with treatment, and for families — a loss source of income in the event of death benefit [5].

The term social risks A. Zalyetov understand the probability of random, independent of the will of man events that threaten its normal physiological reproduction, social and economic life. In particular, the process of human reproduction considers the broad sense of the word. First of all, at the level of family (household) occurs birth, upbringing and providing initial conditions of human life as the subject of public relations. Second, many elements of human reproduction are included to the economy of subjects, which hosted and where there are identified the function of reproduction manpower. And also on the macroeconomic level, where the


Section 17. Economics and management

restoration of man appears as a process of conservation and regulation population. This approach allows us to consider as social risks, all events that objectively impede or violate the implementation of human socio-economic functions in the process of social reproduction and social protection in the context of considering the actions of social risks in the society [6].

Generalization of the content of social risk can be definition of the International Labour Organisation, which states that social risk — is the loss of revenue which causes the need for financial support to meet the minimum public needs regardless of their individual capabilities [7].

In its approach to the concept of “social risk”, we define its from the standpoint of factors, the key in the understanding of which is the interpretation of the term “social”. From this position, social risk is regarded as social phenomenon, which leads to occurrence of threat vital functions of social subjects in any sphere life — political, economic, labor, social. So, should recognize the social risks arise for reasons public the character and protect themselves from them individually is overwhelmingly impossible. Since they are caused by a complex set of objective socio-economic conditions and does not depend on the will of the individual.

Special attention demanding social risks of employees. The reasons for their occurrence can be rejection or lack of understanding of the essence of the rights of employees to its workforce both employers and the state, the lack of social responsibility before the last working. Such situations give rise to a number of risks that include possible losses or damage for the workers. Danger that leads to a loss or unexpected damages, in turn, transforming into a set of adverse events and is an indicator of the emergence of the risk. It should be noted that when taking the precautions the risk is significantly reduced.

Protection against specific types of of social risk can be most effectively organized within individual areas of social insurance — pension, health, accident at work, unemployment benefits, etc. Experience insurance against accidents suggests that this type of of personal insurance can be in various forms, but thus retained only one socioeconomic sense: the management of social risks.

Risks occurrence in the labor sphere contributes to a number of factors. In particular, the unstable socio-economic situation in Ukraine and on specific business, resulting in decreased level of wages, lack of interest of the business improving working conditions of workers and to prevent the occurrence of accidents, growing dissatisfaction with work. The consequences of these process for

employees is the emergence industrial accidents, occupational diseases, unemployment, temporary disability, the disability. All these social risks arising in the course of labor relations and in need of government regulation.

Using a set of measures that are components of the social security system, the government controls the social risks to compensate for harm suffered, helps to reduce or prevent the process of their occurrence and the impact on the population. Therefore, the main task of the social security system is to provide the the necessary social services, and supporting stability revenues of citizens.

The basis for the efficient operation of the social security system should be mutually beneficial principles of social partnership and shared responsibility between government, the objects and subjects of social protection. This cooperation is realized considering types of social risks through compulsory state, compulsory and voluntary insurance. The complex combination of these forms of insurance promotes self-organization of effective social security system.

Protection against certain types of social risk can be most effectively organized within individual areas of social insurance — pension, health, accident at work, unemployment benefits, etc. Experience accident insurance suggests that this type of life insurance can be in various forms, but it remains the only socio-economic sense: the management of social risks.

Of hazards in the workplace contributes to a number of factors. In particular, the unstable socio-economic situation in Ukraine and the specific business, leading to lower wages, lack of interest in the business to improve the working conditions of workers and to prevent the occurrence of accidents, growing dissatisfaction with work. The consequences of these processes for workers is occupational accidents, occupational diseases, unemployment, temporary disability, the disability. All these social risks arising in the course of employment and in need of government regulation.

Enterprises implementing social protection of workers through its social policies which is connected with state social policy which independently chooses a state and which determines the ratio of responsibility of the parties. The Partnership is always the most effective method of cooperation. With social partnership going reconciling the interests of social institutions responsible for social protection, ie the realization of socio-economic interests by ensuring labor rights.

Social responsibility of business is an important area of social protection of workers. This term has a European origin and often sounds like «corporate social


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responsibility» [8]. The relationship of the main areas of social protection is realize through social partnership, social policy and corporate social responsibility of business.

That is, the mechanism of protection of objective social risks should be reliable, and therefore should be mandatory insurance coverage for all employees and the burden of the financial burden should jointly carry basic social subject — Employers and employees. The share of financial participation by the social partners may be different, but every country tries to find the optimal proportions for her financial responsibility to the specific economic and social conditions.

Therefore, we believe that the activities of social risk management should be systematic and related the results of the bussiness activities; its reputation has cause credibility of different groups. Given the unsatisfactory impacts of the compensation policy to protect workers, the economic resources should target their businesses to prevent the occurrence of risk, transparency organizations in terms of safety, occupational hazards, social protection of workers.

Every employer should understand that your staff is the most important capital of any company. And Accident Insurance can improve the security for the workers and is one of the most affordable ways to improve social protection.

One of the important elements of social risk management in social-labor relations is a collective insurance against accidents at work. It is interested in both directions. Workers, because they can feel confident and employers who thus providing assurance of its responsibility for enterprise personnel.

Additional corporate insurance of workers against accidents helps protect the property interests of the employees associated with temporary or permanent reduction in income due to an accident or illness.

High caring guidance of employees of the organization should be taking care of human life and health, workers for the benefit of the common cause. After all, what would not dealt with an organization, its leaders are

always interested in bringing the work of skilled workers because of the professionalism of the company depends the success of the business. Companies compete with each other by the qualified staff. Naturally, the loss of staff not the best way affects the well-being and image of the company. Therefore, they should create better conditions for work, assign higher wages, etc. However, higher wages may not always retain or attract sought after employee because the quality of the social package, offered now, is also important. That is why corporate insurance not only serves as an additional protection, but also acts as an incentive to work a particular firm. Thus, making a collective insurance against accidents at work, the company provides its employees with assurance that if anyone of them something unexpected happens, financial aid they guaranteed.

Therefore, the effective operation of the prospective developing enterprise should be based on the principles of corporate social responsibility, which, inter alia, include:

- work on creating the most secure jobs;

- additional use of programs and optionally additional social insurance;

- Human Resources Development.

These objectives are consistent with the corporate governance principles of sustainable development of companies. In the long term, their effect is not only in the growth of social indicators, but also economic benefits.

Conclusions. Careful and prudent risk management reduces the potential losses. Multifaceted risks that exist in the workplace are in need more sophisticated mechanisms of social protection for both workers and employers. Taking into account the aspects of the current compensation policy to protect workers, the economic resources should be directed to the company itself prevent the occurrence of the risk of transparency regarding working conditions, industrial hazards, social protection of workers.

Thus, the social security system is to maintain the stability of incomes and providing them with the necessary social services.


1. Minimum Standards of Social Security: ILO convention on 06.28.1952, No 102/[electronic resource]. - Mode of access: www.ilo.org

2. Kovalenko A. “Social protection as an element of social standards in terms of social justice" Theory and Practice of Public upravltnya. - Vol. 1 No.36 - 2012. - P. 303-309.

3. Picus R. and Prykazyuk N. Financial Risk Management: Defensive lecture notes. Kamenec Podolsky: Axiom, -

2010. - 228 p.

4. Bazylevych V. Insurance. - Kyiv. Znannia - 2008. - 1019 p.


Section 17. Economics and management

5. Royk V. Fundamentals of socio insurance. - Moscow: Ankil, - 2005. - 256 p.

6. Zalyetov A., Sobolyev A. and Bondar O. Accident insurance. - Kyiv: International Agency «BeeZoone», -2003 - 352 p.

7. International Labour Organisation Convention from 06.28.1952, No.102 Minimum Standards of Social Secu-rity/[electronic resource]. - Mode of access: www.zakon.rada.gov.ua

8. Fomenko H. Formation social costs of enterprises in the implementation of social protection. Industrial Economics. - 2012. - No.3-4. - p. 356-360.

Solovyova Olga Il'inichna, Institute of economy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctoral candidate E-mail: [email protected] Solovyova Elena Aleksandrovna, Center of business support, main specialist E-mail: [email protected]

Research of synergetic effect in business (on the example of trade)

Abstract: In article problems of small and average business from the point of view of synergetic effect are considered. Stability of environment is an indispensable condition of effective functioning of the enterprises of a services sector during each concrete period of time. Increase of such stability requires the regulator providing achievement of necessary economic productivity.

Keywords: microenterprises, small and average enterprises, business, multiplicative effect.

Соловьева Ольга Ильинична, Институт экономики УрО РАН, докторант

E-mail: [email protected] Соловьева Елена Александровна, КУ г. Омска «Центр поддержки предпринимательства», главный специалист E-mail: [email protected]

Исследование синергетического эффекта в предпринимательстве (на примере торговли)

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются проблемы малого и среднего предпринимательства с точки зрения синергетического эффекта. Стабильность внешней среды является обязательным условием эффективного функционирования предприятий сферы услуг в каждый конкретный период времени. Для повышения такой устойчивости требуется регулятор, обеспечивающий достижение необходимой экономической результативности.

Ключевые слова: микропредприятия, малые и средние предприятия, предпринимательство, мультипликативный эффект.

Субъекты малого и среднего предпринимательства и их деятельность являются важнейшим элементом развития экономики страны и каждой отдельно взятой отрасли. По данным сплошного федерального статистического наблюдения за деятельностью субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства большинство хозяйствующих субъектов по масштабам деятельности

являются субъектами малого предпринимательства, из них среди юридических лиц 87 % составляли микропредприятия., а среди индивидуальных предпринимателей 98 % общего количества индивидуальных предпринимателей. В целом на территории Российской Федерации зарегистрировано почти 1,7 млн. юридических лиц и 3 млн. индивидуальных предпринимателей.


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