Научная статья на тему 'The elements of marketing in Polish subterranean building industry'

The elements of marketing in Polish subterranean building industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Czeslaw Cyrnek, Marta Sukiennik

Использование свободных производственных мощностей польских компаний, занимающихся подземным строительством и задействованных в основном в шахтостроении, может дать этим компаниям возможность работать вне горной промышленности. Одним из возможных путей достижения этой цели является использование рыночных механизмов в рамках концепции «5Р». Процессы реструктуризации польской горной промышленности значительное влияют на горно-строительную отрасль. Поэтому при поиске альтернативных рынков услуг, оказываемых этими компаниями, следует учитывать маркетинговые услуги с простыми характеристиками рыночной деятельности. Проведен анализ инвестиционных процессов, проводимых горно-строительными компаниями и самими шахтами.

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Utilization of free production abilities of Polish underground building industry corporations which mainly work for mines could give them a chance for functional activity also outside the mining trade. The use of marketing elements in the conception «5P» seems to be the way to achieve this aim. The matter of Polish mining restructure has a significant influence on underground industry. That is why searching for alternative ready markets for services testified by these corporations should take into account marketing services with plain characteristics of marketing activities. The comparative analysis of investment processes led by technical enterprises of underground building, and by the mines themselves indicates benefits that come from performing duties.

Текст научной работы на тему «The elements of marketing in Polish subterranean building industry»


University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland



Использование свободных производственных мощностей польских компаний, занимающихся подземным строительством и задействованных в основном в шахтостроении, может дать этим компаниям возможность работать вне горной промышленности. Одним из возможных путей достижения этой цели является использование рыночных механизмов в рамках концепции «5Р». Процессы реструктуризации польской горной промышленности значительное влияют на горно-строительную отрасль. Поэтому при поиске альтернативных рынков услуг, оказываемых этими компаниями, следует учитывать маркетинговые услуги с простыми характеристиками рыночной деятельности. Проведен анализ инвестиционных процессов, проводимых горно-строительными компаниями и самими шахтами.

Utilization of free production abilities of Polish underground building industry corporations which mainly work for mines could give them a chance for functional activity also outside the mining trade. The use of marketing elements in the conception «5P» seems to be the way to achieve this aim. The matter of Polish mining restructure has a significant influence on underground industry. That is why searching for alternative ready markets for services testified by these corporations should take into account marketing services with plain characteristics of marketing activities. The comparative analysis of investment processes led by technical enterprises of underground building, and by the mines themselves indicates benefits that come from performing duties.

1. Introduction

Marketing is one of the most crucial factors that enterprise should follow in the process of making decision. Mainly an accurate market analysis, it's surroundings, client's needs mostly determines investment's pay off.

Taking as a initial one the theory that aiming to satisfy the client (purchaser, user) is a main base of marketing proceedings around which gathers all the operations defining nowadays marketing understanding.

2. The elements of marketing strategies in terms of building industry services

A big role of marketing and the necessity of using it appears almost in every domain of economy. here is also a necessity of introducing it efficiently to the sector of underground building industry service.

The evolution of views about marketingmix elements composition in the field of service brought traditional; four element market-

ing strategy to expansion. Enlarged marketing («5P») includes:

• product,

• price,

• place,

• promotion,

• people.

Marketing's-mix constituent elements and their characteristics shows table nr1 [1].

Picture nr1 shows the conception of service marketing model possible to apply in underground building industry enterprises. Marketing service may become a centre that controls and coordinates work in a company.

3. The possibilities of extending the activity of subterranean building industry companies outside the carbon mining industry sphere

Difficult situation in Polish mining causes influence on economic and finance situation of executive investment firms,grouped in Kon-sorcjum Przedsiçbiorstw Robót Górniczych I

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Table 1. Elements and means of marketing- mix «5P» in the field of services according to [1]






1. Basic Service offer:

- an offer dorected to human being,

- an offer directd to the object

2. Additional service:

- advice,

- guarantee

3. Material sources of services:

- transport sources

4. «After-the-sell»:

- service's realization control

5. Trade mark:

- «collective» mark of service company,

- protection of the mark, firm's symbol

1. Formula of service's price arrangment:

- demanded,

- mixed

2. Differentiating the level of price f.ex. according to criterion:

- sesonal character of demands,

- terms of realization,

- places of testify the type of purchaser

3. Price as an encou-ragment:

- discounts,

- credits.

1. Canals of distribution:

- direct sale, indirect sale

2. Srevice posts:

- localisation

- the time of openind,

- equipment

- service's level

3. New ways of sale:

- rental services

1. Personal sale led by:

- direct staff serving purchasers

2. Advertisement:

- press,

- radio

- TV,

- publishing

3. Public relations:

- positive opinion surroundings shareholders, sponsors

4. Additional promotion:

- discounts 5.Sponsoring:

- cultural events

1. Staff that serves clients directly backside service (organisational)

2. Mutual staff contacts

Table 2. Comparison of investing works realization in coal mines

Nr. Specification Mines PGR i PBSz

1 Personel - these works are made by mining brigades consisting of people who aren't engaged in production and have no qualifications - hightly specialised minig brigades with years of expirience quaranteeing reliable work

2 Technical equipment - mines often don't have proper professional equipment to maken planned investitions, eople who don't have qualifications cause breakdowns - minig realisation firms have professional eqipment and qualified workers at their disposal thanks to wchich they gain high efficiency and low rate of breakdowns

3 The time of executing - it happens that the time of realisation - firms have to adjust the time of finishing

investition lenghten and the cause is low efficiency work to deadlines otherwise they wuld be risked to suffer losses

4 Guarantee - in case of making the investition by mine on it's own it doesn't get any guarantees to make the work, when any anomaly happens additional costs are made - firms of investing realisation give proper quarantees and protection of property for executed objects

Budowy Szybow (Consortium of Mining Work and Shaft Building Companies). Chance for making the situation better is to enlarge working front in underground building industry.At present the efforts to widen working front opportunities for mining execution enterprises with underground building industry objects meet huge difficulties on the stage of designing them.

In the last dozens of years we can observe significant growth of investments especially in highly developed countries. During last 10 years in Germany contracts for 25 km of tunnels have been signed annually (10-12 km were fast railway tunnels, 5km long railway tunnels,

10 km road tunnels [2]. So, it's a big chance for Polish mining building industry firms.

Though leading ISO norms for the realisation of investments is needful in order to let them compete on the international market effectively. For the good of Polish mining, further restructure of executive firms ought to be strictly linked to coal mining reform. Thanks to that their economical situation could stabilize.

4. Organisational scheme proposed for investment performance corporations

In relation to conducting the process of restructure in Polish mineral coal industry and what comes after the reduction of service's made for branche,investment companies of

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ISSN 0135-3500. Записки Горного института. Т.167. Часть 2

mining works should see to the right organizational structure. There are three crucial sections:

• productive,

• economic and commercial section,

• administrative and legal section.

Also an important task stands in front of investment companies in forms of marketing out of mining trade. In relation to large evolution of big cities the rise of investments in transport and environment protection, demand for underground objects (tunnels, garages, tanks, transmitting commutator) made using mining technology will appear.

5. Marketing activity characteristics

An important element in organizational structure of mining performance companies should be Marketing Section, it's main task should be working out methods which could let client's service in a range enabling making a sale plan:

• strategy and planning: defining aims and strategies, prognosis of economic account, making assumptions to economical plans, defining methods of realisation, verification and analysis of positions costs for a particular unit,

• canvassing and offering: analysis of offer's questions, making offerts in cooperation with studios of design, passing offerts to a client, taking part in auctions,

• contracts and invoices: accepting and registration of orders, preparing contracts with clients, making balance of contacts, drawing invoices, elaborating reports and information invoices for Management,

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• examination of the market: leading information bank about clients, checking credibility of clients,examinating the market in terms of sort of clients needs, trends,

• promotion and advertisement: defining necessary means and methods of firm's advertisement, care for the layout's look of project elaborations, prospects [3].

6. Comparative analysis of investment's performance realisation

Difficult situation of Polish mining brought to the position that mines try to make all the investments works on their own. It is estimated that the cost of excavation made by

firms is about 30-40% lower than the cost of making it by mines.

Table above and characteristics clearly show that work made by PGR and PBSz is more beneficial.

Nevertheless mines still make investment process on their own. It seems to be that there are two main reasons for this situation:

1. employment in this kind of work includes surpluses of workers from technological sequence

2. costs of work lighten mining companies without direct influence on financial results of those mines

7. Conclusions

Polish mining building industry corporations are facing serious changes. The process of restructure forces coal-mines to keep stable level of output which needs investment process to be made. Not using all the technical project, potential and personnel's experience of these firms will force them to further reorganization and reduction of employment. As a consequence it can lead to the situation that they won't be able to cope with making bigger and more complicates investments.

Unused production abilities could be successfully managed out of the coal mining industry sphere.

Moreover there is a necessity to introduce ISO norms for these corporations which would facilitate exporting services underground works abroad and what comes next the possibility of solving many problems they wrestle and reinforcement of their position on the market.

Comparative analysis that has been carried out shows many profits that highly specialized companies can derive from making investment works. That simply confirms the importance of their activity.


[1] Pluta-OlejnikM. Marketing uslug. PWE 1994.

[2] HaackA. Polityczne i spoleczne aspekty obecnego i perspektyw rozwoju budownictwa tunelowego. Budow-nictwo Górnicze i Tunelowe, 1/2000.

[3] Cyrnek Cz., Jasiewicz J. «Elementy marketingu w budownictwie podziemnym» Szkola Ekonomiki i Zarzqdzania w Górnictwie, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanislawa Staszica, Krynica, 2004.

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