Социально-экономические и общественные науки
UDC 331
Aisulu Sarmanova
The Karaganda State University of the name of academician E.A.Buketov Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, University st., 28 Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Abstract: The article considers promising methods of personnel assessment in the organization.
Key words: staff, organization, assessment methodology, certification.
Personnel evaluation system that allows you to measure the results and level of professional competence of employees as well as their potential in the context of the strategic objectives of the company.
During the assessment, the employer compares the employee occupying a particular position with a specialist that is ideal for this position.
Certification is the right administration of the company which may be exercised in respect of all or certain categories of employees. May be excluded from the assessment of employees who have worked less than one year, pregnant women or with children up to three years, representatives of the top management.
Certification of one, two or three times a year. May be by decision of an ordinary or extraordinary.
Certification assesses skills, work results (evaluation sheet or on a recommendation from the head), the level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of the standard exam), business and personal qualities.
Evaluation criteria — the professional standard of professions and positions.
Is a joint task leader and employee, and assess their outcome after the reporting period (usually the end of the fiscal year).
A rating affects all the categories and posts of the company.
1) to make the task list:
a) the Manager sets tasks and then bring them to the staff. Then
adjusted taking into account the proposals of the employee;
b) Manager and employee set goals independently from each other, and then at the interview, agree on them.
2) criteria for tasks (factor weight as a percentage of total success for each task) in accordance with the company's strategy.
3) is Determined by the success of the task. Priority was given to the opinion of the Manager or the decision attracted a senior Manager.
4) efforts are Planned to improve the quality of work.
Evaluate the results, methods and competencies of employees, identifies development career plan of the employee. The participation of all the categories and posts of the company. The emphasis is on feedback of supervisor to subordinates in the form of regular contacts once a year (formally) and more often (as needed, informally).
Interview of the tasks and the final interviews (performed jointly by the supervisor and a subordinate) are held every year, where the employee is given feedback on his work and produced the way of his success and quality of work. Evaluated the results of the tasks and competencies identified region and plans training of staff and development of his career.
"360 degree":
Assessment of competency carried out by people who are constantly working with the employee.
Assess competence:
• Leadership
• Work in a team
• People management
• Self-management
• Good communication skills
• Vision
• Organizational skills
• Ability to make decisions
• Professionalism
• Self-starter
• Ability to adapt
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