3. British Council. Blogging для преподавания английского языка. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.teachingenglish.org/ (дата обращения: 09.03.2017).
4. British Council. Podcasting для преподавания английского языка. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/ (дата обращения: 09.03.2017).
5. Bright Hub Education. Webquest путеводитель. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.brighthubeducation.com/ (дата обращения: 09.03.2017).
6. Шайкина О. И. Информационные технологии в преподавании английского языка. Podcasting в высшем образовании // Молодой ученый, 2012. № 6. С. 287-289.
THE EFFECTIVE USAGE OF EXTENSIVE READING 1 2 Umurzakova D.I. , Akramova S.M. (Republic of Uzbekistan)
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: in this article you come across to extensive reading which is very useful for all levels of students. Students read with pleasure if they choose what they will read and at the result of they will improve some their skills such as, reading, speaking skills as well as they will enlarge their vocabulary. Extensive reading refers to reading which students do often away from the classroom. They can read web pages, novels, newspapers, magazines or any other reference material. In another word, we can say extensive reading is reading for pleasure. It is enhanced them to read more, share their ideas with other students. An increase in reading fluency should be another objective. Because of this, reading should be a pleasurable activity for the student, promoted as much as possible by the teacher.
Keywords: accompanied, benefits, sustains motivation, sustained silent reading, cognitively and effectively.
ЭФФЕКТИВНОЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ НАЧИТАННОСТИ 12 Умурзакова Д.И. , Акрамова С.М. (Республика Узбекистан)
1Умурзакова Дилфуза Илхомовна - преподаватель; 2Акрамова Сохиба Мамуржон кизи - студент, кафедра английского языка и литературы, факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в этой статье изучена польза начитанности, которая является необходимой для всех уровней студентов. Студенты читают с удовольствием, если они выбирают то, что они действительно будут читать, и в результате они улучшают некоторые свои навыки, такие как, чтение разговорные навыки, а также они увеличивают свой словарный запас. Начитанность относится к чтению, которое студенты читают во время уроков. Они могут читать веб-страницы, романы, газеты, журналы или любые другие справочные материалы. По-другому мы можем сказать - обширное чтение для удовольствия. Начитанность усиливается, если читать больше, делиться своими идеями с другими студентами. Увеличение беглости чтения должно быть другой целью. Без этого, чтение должно быть приятным видом деятельности для студентов, помогало как можно больше учителям.
Ключевые слова: в сопровождении, выгоды, поддерживает мотивацию, устойчивый, бесшумное чтение, познавательно и эффективно.
There are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher's job. Students read texts for different purposes. We need to divide it into two types: intensive and extensive reading. Intensive reading refers to the detailed focus on the construction of reading texts that take place usually in the classrooms. Intensive reading is usually accompanied by different activities. Extensive reading refers to reading which students do often away from the classroom. They can read web pages, novels, newspapers, magazines or any other reference material. In another word, we can say extensive reading is reading for pleasure. It is enhanced them to read more, share their ideas with other students, increase their vocabulary, fast and etc. Therefore, some benefits of extensive reading are going to be discussed in this article. The principal objective of undertaking an extensive reading approach is to get students reading in English and linking it. An increase in reading fluency should be another objective. Because of this, reading should be a pleasurable activity for the student, promoted as much as possible by the teacher.
Maley described that extensive reading is often referred to but it is worth checking on what it actually involves. It is very useful both teachers as well as students. Day & Bamford highlight the benefits that have been gained by the undertaking of extensive reading programmes. These include gains in reading and writing proficiency, oral skills and vocabulary, an increase in motivation and positive affect. Furthermore, the following is a digest of the two lists of factors or principles for successful ER:
1. Students read a lot and read often.
2. There is a wide variety of text types and topics to choose from.
3. The texts are not just interesting: they are engaging/ compelling.
4. Students choose what to read.
5. Reading purposes focus on pleasure, information and general understanding.
6. Reading is its own reward.
7. There are no tests, no exercises, no questions and no dictionaries.
8. Materials are within the language competence of the students.
9. Reading is individual, and silent.
10. Speed is faster, not deliberate and slow.
11. The teacher explains the goals and procedures clearly, then monitors and guides the students.
12. The teacher is a role model ... a reader, who participates along with the students.
Graham Stanley identifies that extensive reading is an alternative approach, reading material,
reading for pleasure and information, extensive reading out of class, silent reading in class, language level, use of dictionaries, record keeping, the teacher as role model, teacher's role and motivation [1, p. 8].
However, there are some advantages of ER, it is more effective way to develop learner autonomy. Reading is, by its very nature, a private, individual activity. Readers can start and stop at will, and read at the speed that they are comfortable. They can visualize and interpret what they read in their own way. They can ask themselves questions (explicit or implicit), notice things about the language, or simply let the story carry them along. ER helps develop general, world knowledge. Many students have a rather limited experience and knowledge of the world they inhabit both cognitively and effectively. ER opens windows on the world seen through different eyes. This educational function of EF cannot be emphasized enough [2, p. 192].
References / Список литературы
1. Cunningham Roger. The Zanzibar English Reading Programme. Reading in a Foreign
Language. 8 (1), 1991.
2. Day R.R. & Bamford J. Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom. CUP, 1998. P.