When nitrogen fertilizer was added to the top dressing on winter vetch crops at a dose of more than 30 kg d.v./ ha, there was a change in the yield of spring wheat grain at the level of a steady downward trend. This is due to the manifestation of the inhibitory effect of nitrogen introduced with fertilizer on the development of the rhizobial apparatus on the root system of winter vetch. Obtaining a sufficiently high increase in the yield of spring wheat grain due to symbiotically fixed nitrogen can be explained by the fact that in the composition of mixed sowing there is an increase in the intensity of symbiotrophic nutrition of the legume component and an increase in the efficiency of nitrogen consumption from soil and fertilizer by cereals, due to which positive changes in the biochemical composition of the latter are observed. There is an increase in the nitrogen content in the grain, vegetative mass of plants and crop-root residues.
Conclusions. Mixed sowing of vetch and triticale had higher productivity relative to single-species crops. An increase in the proportion of the bean component in the mixture over 50% led to a decrease in yield. The introduction of nitrogen fertilizer increases the yield of the cereal component of sowing and its aggressiveness in the consumption of soil nitrogen and fertilizer. The yield of mixtures increased by 2.7...35.8%. The yield of spring wheat grain after mixed and single-species sowing of winter vetch was significantly higher than after mono-positioning of winter triticale and depended (r = 0.91) on the share of winter vetch in the composition of the sown mixture and the formed agrocenosis. When nitrogen fertilizer was added to the top dressing on winter vetch crops at a dose of more than 30 kg d.v./ ha,
there was a change in the yield of spring wheat grain at the level of a steady downward trend.
1. Maisak G.P., Voloshin V.A. Winter crops yield at different times of mowing and silage quality and grain haylage in middle Preduralie // Perm Agrarian Journal,
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3. Zavalin A.A., Sokolov O.A., Shmyreva N.Ya Ecology of nitrogen fixation - M.: RAS, 2019. 252 p.
4. Rochester I., Peoples M. Growing vetches (Vicia vil-losa Roth) in irrigated cotton systems: inputs of fixed N, N fertiliser savings and cotton productivity // Plant and Soil, 2005. Volume 271, pp. 251-264.
5. Alyoshin M.A. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield capacity and biochemical composition of cereal haylage of mixed winter crops // Perm Agrarian Journal, 2020. No.4 (32). pp. 31-40.
6. Titova V.I., Malysheva M.K. Influence of the liquid complex fertilizer "LCF 11-37-0" on productivity of peas in vegetative experiment // Perm Agrarian Journal,
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7. Salah B., Kachout S.S., Abidi S., Bilal S., Jamila I., Hichem B.S. Effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilization on forage yields and quality of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa, Roth) triticale (Xtritcosecale, Witmack) mixtures // The Open Agriculture Journal, 2019. Volume 13. pp. 90-100.
Alyoshin M.A.
Perm State Agro-Technological University Named after D.N. Pryanishnikov
614990 Russia, Perm, 23, Petropavlovskaya St.
The results of a 2-factor field experiment to establish the varietal responsiveness of seed peas to nitrogen doses in a mixed agrocenosis with winter wheat are presented. The formation of the aboveground mass and photosynthetic leaf apparatus for the studied varieties had a similar tendency only in the control variants. The introduction of nitrogen doses increased the foliage of plants by 1.1...1.5 times. Heavier plants were obtained on variants with the addition of 15 kg N per ha. At doses of N30 and N45, a delay in growth rates and the passage of development phases was recorded.
Keywords: nitrogen fertilizing, mixed agrocenosis, seed peas, winter wheat.
Introduction. In regions with unstable climatic and unfavorable soil conditions, the sowing of winter cereals is associated with a significant risk arising from the creation of unfavorable wintering conditions that can cause damage and death of these crops. In this regard, in the conditions of production, they very often face the question of determining the crops that need to be replanted or replanted. In order to obtain a balanced protein-carbohydrate composition of feed, a number of researchers [1] suggest using leguminous crops (peas,
vetch) as sown components. Mixed agrocenoses significantly exceed single-species crops in terms of yield of green mass and grain [2-4]. Their effectiveness is largely determined by the biological compatibility of the components [5]. In the case of working with sparse and weakened winter grain crops, the primary condition affecting the biological efficiency of plants is the level of nitrogen nutrition [6, 7]. Thanks to research [8], this parameter is clearly differentiated depending on the density of the winter stalks, mineral nitrogen reserves in the soil and a number of auxiliary criteria. The use of
nitrogen fertilizing in the case of sowing peas in the rarefied agrocenosis of winter wheat will have a multifac-eted effect, expressed by stimulating the growth and development of plants, increasing competition between root systems and the aboveground mass of plants.
Material and research methods. To achieve this goal in 2018, in the conditions of the experimental field of Perm State Agrarian and Technological University, a 2-factor field experiment was laid, the scheme of which was presented by the following options: Factor A - pea variety (direction of use): Ao Krasnoufimsky (grain), Ai Corduroy (fodder). Factor B - nitrogen dose, kg/ha: Bo N0, Bi N15, B2 N30, B3 N45.
The repetition in the experiment is 4-fold. The formulation of the experiment was carried out by the method of split plots. The total area of the plot is 112.5 m2, the accounting area is 33 m2. To obtain thinned crops of winter wheat of the Moskovskaya 39 variety (less than 300 pcs/m2), sowing was carried out in the second decade of September with a half seeding rate (3 million pcs/ha). Ammonium nitrate (34.4% d.v.) was used as a nitrogen fertilizer in the experiment, which was introduced in the form of early spring fertilizing. The methods of crop care in the experiment corresponded to the established system of agriculture for the Krasnoufimsky
June 13 June 11 July 9 July 25 August 28
conditions of the Perm Region. Harvesting for the green mass was carried out in conjunction with the direct method of crop accounting, upon reaching the phase of the appearance of beans on peas.
The soil for laying the experiment is sod-fine-pod-zolic medium-loamy with a low humus content (2.74%), a slightly acidic reaction of the medium (pHkci 5.2...5.5). The sum of the exchange bases and the capacity of the cation exchange is high. The availability of mobile forms of phosphorus and exchangeable potassium is high and very high.
Results and discussion. Varietal responsiveness of seed pea plants to nitrogen doses, by means of measurements of individual biometric parameters of the above-ground part, is shown in figures 1-2.
The leafiness of plants (fig. 1) is an important criterion that, from a biological point of view, indicates the competitiveness of a plant for solar insolation; from a technological point of view, when harvesting for green fodder, a juicier mass can be obtained, while when harvesting for grain, more leafy plants are able to provide synthesis and accumulation of more assimilates for their subsequent outflow into grain.
20,0 I—
June 13 June 27 July 9 July 2 5 August 28
—•—NO » N15 ■ N30 —A—N45
Figure 1. The effect of the dose of nitrogen fertilization on the foliage ofpea plants (%) as part of a mixed
The formation of photosynthetic leaf apparatus for the studied varieties had a similar tendency only in the control variants. The introduction of nitrogen doses significantly increased the foliage of plants - by 1.1...1.5 times. The most significant differences in the Krasnoufimsky variety were noted by July 25, while by June 27, the difference in the Corduroy variety, relative to the control, was 0.4-3.4%. Higher foliage in the Corduroy variety 10.5...
16.2% was recorded by the time of harvesting for green fodder (July 9). Upon reaching the phase of full ripeness of grain, the foliage of plants in all variants decreased markedly.
The productivity of crops cultivated for green fodder is estimated by the total mass collection from a hectare area, which depends on the formation and fulfillment of plants (fig. 2).
Figure 2. The effect of the dose of nitrogen fertilization on the mass of the aboveground part ofpea plants (g) as
part of a mixed agrocenoses
Despite the significant differences between the varieties in the actual indicators for the timing of harvesting, a number of general trends can be traced. The very first is a graphic image of the growth of vegetative mass during the growing season has the shape of a convex parabola, while its peak is shifted relative to the center, depending on the doses of nitrogen fertilizers used. The second is that heavier plants were obtained on variants with the addition of 15 kg N per ha. On the Krasnoufimsky variety by July 25, the average weight of 1 plant was more than 250 grams. Third- if at a dose of N30 the peak coincided with the control variant, then at a dose of N45 it was shifted 1-2 weeks later, which indicates a delay in growth and the passage of development phases with the introduction of a higher dosage of nitrogen.
When considering in detail the biometric parameters of the aboveground part of peas, it should be noted that, depending on nitrogen doses, more significant changes in both varieties were recorded for such a parameter as plant mass and separately plant height - in the Krasnoufimsky variety.
Conclusions. When applying nitrogen fertilizer, the foliage of pea plants increased by 1.1-1.5 times. The greatest increase in vegetative mass for the Krasnou-fimsky variety occurred by July 25, while for the Corduroy variety by June 27. By the time the grain matured, the leafiness of plants in all variants noticeably decreased due to the withering of the lower tiers of leaves. When using nitrogen fertilizer in doses of N30 and N45, a delay in the growth rate and the passage of phases of plant development was recorded.
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