УДК 519.86
Khudoyorov L.N.
Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kharizmi, Head of the department
This article analyzes the development of small business and private entrepreneurship and its prospects. In the country's economy, small business and private entrepreneurship is a decisive factor in creating economic foundations for solving important problems of development.
Key words:
economy, small business, entrepreneurship, private entrepreneurship, enterprise.
The practical experience of the world shows that a small business requires less capital expenditure compared to large manufacturers, is compact, can quickly change the types of products it produces depending on the conditions, and has the ability to rapidly modernize production facilities. is important. Small business can quickly adapt to the changing requirements of the market and economic crises that occur from time to time.
In particular, issues of developing small business and private entrepreneurship and improving the mechanisms of its management activities remain one of the urgent and priority tasks for today. It is small business and entrepreneurship that, with its mobility, with the involvement of low capital funds, provides competitive products to consumers by renewing the types of products produced in a short period of time through easier and faster modernization of production. The further development of small business and private entrepreneurship depends on improving the mechanisms of their activity management. In our country, measures aimed at supporting the application of modern management methods and in-depth study of advanced foreign experience are being implemented.
In Uzbekistan, the socio-economic relations of the entrepreneurial society are embodied, clearly manifested, and it is becoming a rapidly developing and dynamic field. Its place and role in the formation of market relations and economic development in the country is becoming more and more significant.
F. Allen and D. Gale recognize the existence of two systems of financing the activities of small and medium-sized business entities - a system based on the activity of banks and a system based on financial markets, and emphasize that the first system is relatively important.
In our opinion, this conclusion of F. Allen and D. Gale is of great practical importance for the countries of the transition economy. The reason for this is that, firstly, commercial banks have a leading position in the small business lending system in these countries; secondly, there is no opportunity for small business entities to attract resources through the stock market.
According to the conclusion of Chanel-Reynaud and Blois, the good establishment of relations between small and medium-sized enterprises with large enterprises increases their ability to use loans from commercial banks. Because, before entering into business relations with small and medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises analyze their ability to meet market requirements. It also constantly monitors the status of small and medium-sized enterprises that are partners of large enterprises.
As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich noted: "Our main task is to ensure the creation of the most favorable conditions for encouraging the development of entrepreneurship. Everyone who is engaged in business must have a strong belief that they will be supported by the state. People need to be interested in doing business. If the businessman and the people are rich, the country will be rich." Full and effective employment of the labor force has a significant impact on the stable and balanced development of
the national economy. However, it is very difficult to ensure this situation in the changing market conditions, and in most cases there is a mismatch between the demand for labor and its supply. This is caused by the fact that the demand for the labor force, expressed through high-paid jobs, lags behind the supply, and in most cases, it is not economically feasible to create new jobs by large economic entities. In such cases, small businesses appear as hidden opportunities to ensure full employment of the workforce. The role of small business enterprises as an employer in the labor market is one of its important social functions.
According to statistics and leading mass media, 2/3 of jobs are created every year at the expense of small businesses. In this regard, the role of small business is especially important in times of crisis, as well as in depressed areas. In this way, small business helps millions of people to overcome difficult times, and therefore, it allows to ease social tension in society. However, this function cannot be included among the characteristics of a small business, because jobs are also organized by the state, corporate structures, and even non-profit organizations.
Support and encouragement of the private sector, small entrepreneurship as a powerful factor in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of production by applying fundamental measures to reduce the share of state property in the economy; rapid development of the service sector and service, small business, household, social and market infrastructure, modernization and technical rearmament of existing facilities and introduction of new ones, creation of favorable conditions and incentives for expansion of housing construction, education, health It is important to implement an active social policy aimed at the consistent growth of the population's income and employment through the balanced development of the health and housing sectors.
The stable development of small business and private entrepreneurship ensures the development of the country's economy. The importance of this sector in ensuring the employment of the population shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the sector. Therefore, the regular implementation of structural changes, opportunities and privileges in the field of small business and private entrepreneurship will serve the development of the country's economy in every way. References:
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© Khudoyorov L.N., 2024
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Алламурадов М.А.
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