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февраль, 2025 г.
DOI: 10.32743/UnMed.2025.119.2.19171
Yusif Ismayilov
candidate of Science, head of the Cell Culture Laboratory, Scientific Research Center of Azerbaijan Medical University,
Azerbaijan, Baku E-mail: ismailovyusif@mail. ru
Takhmina Salimli
Junior research assistant of the Cell Culture Laboratory, Scientific Research Center of Azerbaijan Medical University,
Azerbaijan, Baku E-mail: staxmina369@qmail. com
Zulfiya Iskenderova
candidate of Science, Senior research assistant of the Cell Culture Laboratory, Scientific Research Center of Azerbaijan Medical University,
Azerbaijan, Baku E-mail: [email protected]
Aftab Ismayilova
candidate of Science, Senior research assistant of the Cell Culture Laboratory, Scientific Research Center of Azerbaijan Medical University,
Azerbaijan, Baku E-mail: aftabismayiova 555 @ gmail.com
Исмайылов Юсиф Байрам
канд. биол. наук, доц.,
зав. лаборатории культуры клетки Научного- Исследовательского Центра
Азербайджанского Медицинского Университета,
Азербайджан, г. Баку
Салимли Тахмина Азер
мл. науч. сотр. лаборатории культуры клетки Научного-Исследовательского Центра
Азербайджанского Медицинского Университета,
Азербайджан, г. Баку
Зульфия Шамиль
ст. науч. сотр. лаборатории культуры клетки Научного-Исследовательского Центра
Азербайджанского Медицинского Университета,
Азербайджан, г.Баку
Исмаилова Афтаб Тофик
ст. науч. сотр. лаборатории культуры клетки Научного-Исследовательского Центра
Азербайджанского Медицинского Университета,
Азербайджан, г. Баку
Библиографическое описание: THE EFFECT OF STRESS CAUSED BY ELECTROMACNETIC RADIATION ON THE NEUROIMMUNE STATUS OF RATS // Universum: медицина и фармакология : электрон. научн. журн. Ismayilov Yu. [и др.]. 2025. 2(119). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/med/archive/item/19171
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The article presents the results of research on monoamine changes in the hypothalamus and blood, as well as the levels of hormones, and immune reactivity, depending on the duration of exposure to electromagnetic (EM) waves. The findings revealed that after of irradiation, the levels of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline in both the hypothalamus and blood decreased sharply. Conversely, the level of serotonin in the hypothalamus and blood increased. Thyroid hormone activity decreased, while the activity of cortisol, ACTH, and estradiol increased, likely due to a disruption in the interaction between the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems. Radiation exposure led to increased concentrations of the inflammatory interleukins IL-1P and IL-6 in the blood, while the level of a-TNF decreased. The level of y-INF exhibited a biphasic change. Blood levels of the IL-4 and IL-10 significantly decreased . Electromagnetic radiation also caused variable changes in the levels of specific and non-specific immune cells responsible for the body's immune response. The results indicate that EM waves cause deep alteration in the neuro-immuno-endocrine system of the organism.
В статье представлены результаты исследований изменения количества моноаминов в гипоталамусе и крови, активности гормонов и иммунной реактивности в зависимости от времени воздействия электромагнитного излучения (ЭМИ). Исследование показало, что после облучения концентрация дофамина (ДА) и норадреналина в гипоталамусе и крови резко снизилась. Напротив, количество серотонина в гипоталамусе и крови увеличивалось. Поскольку механизм взаимодействия ДА-ергической и серотонинергической систем был нарушен, активность кортизола, АКТГ и эстрадиола повышалась, а активность гормонов щитовидной железы снижалась. Под влиянием радиации в крови повышалась концентрация воспалительных интерлейкинов IL-ip и IL-6, а уровень a-TNF снижался. Уровень y-INF изменялся двухфазно. В крови значительно снизилась концентрация интерлейкинов IL-4 и IL-10. ЭМИ изменяет количество специфических и неспецифических клеток, обеспечивающих иммунный ответ организма в разных направлениях. Результаты показывают, что ЭМИ вызывает глубокие нарушения в ней-роиммуноэндокринной системе организма.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, dopamine, serotonin, hormon, interleukin.
Ключевые слова: электромагнитное излучение, дофамин, серотонин, гормон, интерлейкин.
In terms of public health, the issue of the negative impact of environmental factors on the human body remains highly relevant [1, p.42; 2, p.28; 3, p.138-139;11, p.39040]. Electromagnetic (EM) radiation generated by various electrical equipment and devices (radars, mobile phones, medical equipment) causes a variety of changes in the human body [4, p.84;5, p.89;6, p.187-188;7, p.1.2.3]. Consequently, ensuring electromagnetic safety for workers and the general population has significant medical and social implications today [4, p.84;5, p.89; 6, p.187-188;7, p.1.2.3].
A single neuro-immuno-endocrine system ensures the continuous maintenance of the body's normal functions and resistance. However, the regulatory mechanism of this system can be disrupted by adverse factors of various etiologies, including different stressors [7, p.2.3; 8, p.217;9, p.3244]. The nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are known to respond to environmental influences as a unified functional system and regulate all bodily functions. The nervous and immune systems, work in close functional interaction to maintain the body's homeostasis [8, p.217]. Functionally, the immune system acts as a barrier between the body and the environment, determining the body's response to various environmental components [2, p.28;8, p.217].
Long-term and intense stress exposure can lead to characteristic changes in physiological processes, including endocrine disorders and nervous and immune system dysfunctions. Pathogenic stress reactions initiate various pathophysiological processes and lead to numerous diseases [1, p.42; 2, p.28; 8, p.217; 9, p.3244]. Therefore, in terms of human health, the problem
of stress from various sources continues to hold significant medical and social relevance today [3, p.138-139]. Researchers in this field rightly highlight those long-term and intense stress factors are the primary contributors to the development of various diseases [1, p.42; 8, p.217; 9 p.3244]. Thus, studying the effects of EM radiation on various organs and tissues, depending on the frequency and amplitude range, is one of the critical research topics in biomedicine.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of electromagnetic waves in the decimeter range on the immune system and endocrine function.
Material and methods
The study was conducted on 35 female Wistar rats weighing 240-260 g kept in standard laboratory conditions. During the experiments, the principles outlined in the Declaration of the International Bioethical Committee of the European Union (Strasbourg, March 18, 1986) concerning the protection of animals used for experiments and other scientific purposes, as well as the 'Rules for Handling Experimental Animals' adopted by the local bioethical commission of Azerbaijan Medical University, were followed. The animals in this study were divided into 5 groups, with 7 animals in each group. The experimental animals in the 1st group were studied in an intact state, and the results obtained were accepted as the norm. The experimental animals in the 2nd and 3rd groups served as passive controls for 7 and 14 days, respectively, spending 20 minutes daily in the irradiation chamber with the radiation turned off. The animals in the 4th and 5th groups were exposed to electromagnetic (EM) waves for 20 minutes daily for 7 and 14 days, respectively. The physiotherapy device ' Volna-
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2,' which emits waves at a frequency of 460 MHz, was used as the EM wave source. The exposure was carried out in a special cylindrical chamber under high-intensity conditions (energy flow density of 30 ^W/cm2) [5, p.90]. The animals were decapitated under anesthesia by injecting 5% chloral hydrate into the abdominal cavity at a dose of 25 mg/100 g of body weight 1 day after the end of the experiment. Concentrations of monoamines (MA), immune markers, and hormones in the tissues and blood were measured using reagent kits manufactured by Elabscience Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China) and Bio-Plex Pro™ Rat Cytokine Th1/Th2 Assay (Bio-Rad, China). The determination of the markers was performed using a fully automated Bio Screen MS-2000 analyzer (USA). The quantitative data obtained
from the experiments were processed according to modern guidelines [11, p.1-250]. Statistical analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel, and the significance of differences between means was evaluated using the paired Student's t-test.
Results and discussion
Compared to the norm, the levels of DA and NA in the hypothalamus of rats exposed to EM radiation for 7 days decreased by 12.3% (p > 0,05) and 35.2%, respectively (p<0.01), and after 14 days, they decreased by 32.7% (p<0,05) and 41.7%, respectively (p<0.001) (Table 1).
Table 1.
Changes in the levels of monoamines in the hypothalamus and blood of rats after electromagnetic radiation,
(M±m, n=7)
Passive control After of EM radiation
Indicators Norm Duration of the experiment
7 days 14 days 7 days 14 days
i ■a Dopamine, ng/g 449.0±19.6 514.4±24.9 559.4±37.8 393.8±21.4* # # # 302.4±28.2** ###
Noradrenaline, ng/g 488.4±18.7 577.0±38.6 641.2±24.7 316.4±24.1**** ### 284.8±24.6**** ###
O a Serotonin, ng/g 471.0±8.2 402.6±43.6 376.0±20.7 610.0±32.6*** **** 685.4±31.3**** ###
5-oxyindoleacetic acid, ng/g 516.6±5.6 595.6±43.8 592.6±28.5 423±23.6** # # 391.2±38.0** ###
Blood Dopamine, ng/ml 411.8±7.9 469.6±38.2 486±29.4 380.8±29.2** # 327.0±27.6*** # # #
Serotonin, ng/ml 357.6±9.9 308±24.5 284.4±28.3 455.2±34.6** # 503.0±21.7**** ###
Note: Reliability in irradiated groups compared to normal * P > 0,05; **P<0,05 ; ***P <0.01 ; **** - P<0.001 **** and * Pi > 0,05; - # #Pi<0,05 ; # # #Pi <0.01; ### - Pi<0.001 (comparison of the seventh days) ; # # #P2 <0.01; ### - P2< 0.001 (comparison of the fourtheenth days)
In comparison to groups 2 and 3, the level of DA significantly decreased by 23.4%-45.9%, while the level of NA decreased by 35.2%-55.6% in groups 4 and 5 (Table 1). Therefore, EM radiation of different durations had a negative impact on the levels of DA and NA in the hypothalamus. In contrast, the levels of 5-OT in the hypothalamus increased by 29.4% -45.4% compared to the norm, and by 51.5%-82.3% compared to the control. However, the levels of 5-OIAA in the hypothalamus decreased by 18.1%-24.3% compared to the norm, and by 29.0%-34.0% (p<0.01) compared to the control group (Table 1).
The levels of DA in the blood decreased by 7.5%-20.6% (p > 0,05) under the influence of EM radiation compared to the norm, and by 18.9%-32.7% (p > 0,05) compared to the control. In contrast, the levels of 5-OT in the blood increased by 27.3%-40.7% compared to the norm, and by 47.8%-76.9% (p<0.01) compared to the
control (Table 1). According to the obtained results, depending on the duration of EM radiation, the mechanism of interaction between dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems in the hypothalamus and blood is disturbed leading to changes in reciprocal biochemical activity between these systems [12, p.39-44].
As the regulation mechanism of the hypothalamus was disturbed due to the chronic effect of EM radiation, the level of somatotropin in the blood decreased by 54.0% - 68.4% in groups 4 and 5, compared to the norm, and by 39.7% (p<0.05)- 55.6% (p<0.01) compared to the control. On the contrary, in the 4th and 5th groups, the level of ACTH in the blood increased by 126.3%-146.0% of the norm, and by 92.3% - 82.4% of the control. A similar regularity was observed in the concentration of cortisol in the blood. The concentration of cortisol was 124.0%-141.3% higher than the norm. However, compared to the control group, this increased level decreased almost 2 times to 70.6%-76.0% (Table 2).
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Table 2.
Changes in the concentration of hormones in the blood of rats under the influence of electromagnetic radiation,
(M±m, n=7)
Hormonal indicators Norm Passive control Effect of EM radiation
Days of the experiment
7 14 7 14
Somatotropin, pg/ml 1.52±0.13 1.16±0.1 1.08±0.1 0 7±0 1 **** # # 0.48±0.06**** ### #
Adrenocorticotropin, pg/ml 198±8.74 233±6.3 267±23.2 448±25.9**** ### 487±24 7 **** ###
Thyrotropin, ^Ed/l 1.46±0.03 1.86±0.2 2.12±0.2 2.896±0.45 *** # 3.34±0.3**** # # #
Cortisol, nmol/l 207.6±8.4 272.8±9.5 290±11.3 465±32,9 **** ### 501±36.2 **** ###
Thyroxine, nmol/l 28.4±2.04 23.6±2.2 21.2±2.5 14.4±2.4 * # 10±0.8 **** # # #
Triiodothyronine, nmol/l 0.96±0.08 0.74±0.1 0.62±0.1 0.38±01**** # # # 0.24±0.02 **** ###
Estradiol, nmol/l 21.8±1.34 31±1. 8 32±3.2 47 6±3 7 **** # # # 56.8±6.93 **** # # #
Note: Reliability in irradiated groups compared to normal * P > 0,05; ***P <0.01; **** - P<0.001 and # Pi > 0,05; - # # Pi<0,05 ; # # # Pi <0.01; ### - P<0.001 (comparison ofthe seventh days) ; # # # P2 <0.01; ### - P2<0.001 (comparison of the fourtheenth days).
The same change occurred in the activity of estradiol (it increased by 118.4%-160.6% and 53.6%-77.5%, respectively. A certain regularity was also observed in the thyroid status of the adenohypophysis-thyroid gland. The level of thyroxine in the irradiated groups was 49.3%-64.7% (>0,05) lower than the norm, and 39.0%-53.8% lower than the control group, (>0,05). A similar result was also obtained in the concentration of triiodothyronine. It was 60.4%-75.0% lower than the norm, and 48.7%-61.3% lower than the control. On the contrary, the level of TSH in the blood was 98.4%-
128.8% (p<0.01) higher than the norm, and 55.5%-57.6% higher than the control, (p>0,05) (Table 2).
Disruption of the communication mechanism between neuroendocrine systems alters immune function. The nervous and immune systems of the body are known to be closely functionally interconnected and ensure the maintenance of the whole homeostasis of the body [9]. Therefore, the concentration of inflammatory cytokine IL-ip increased by 67.6%-83.1% in the group exposed to radiation compared to the norm and by 56.0%-68.9%, (p<0.01) compared to the control (Table 3).
Table 3.
Changes in the activity of cytokines in the blood of rats under the influence of electromagnetic radiation,
( M±m, n=7)
Immune indicators Norm Passive control Effect of EM radiation
Days of the experiment
7 day 14 day 7 day 14 day
IL-1 ß, pg/ml 53.14±4.55 64.56±3.65 58.66±1.98 89.06±7.12 *** # # # 97.32±9.41*** ###
IL-6, pg/ml 59.0±8.25 80.0±8.27 92.4±9.58 141±9.58 **** ### 163±10.45 **** ###
TNT-a, pg/ml 0.318±0.03 0.242±0.02 0.232±0.01 0.182±0.01*** # 0.226±0.02** #
INF-y, pg/ml 56.4±3.07 62.52±2.75 62.86±1.85 48.04±2.67* # # # 69.26±4.97 ** #
IL-4, pg/ml 3.28±0.48 3.78±0.49 4.24±0.60 6.06±0.55*** # # # 8.04±0.72**** # # #
IL-10, pg/ml 3.76±0.16 3.32±0.22 2.92±0.28 10.74±1.83 *** # # # 12.64±1.72**** ###
Note: Reliability in irradiated groups compared to normal * P > 0,05; **P<0,05; ***P <0.01; **** - P<0.001 and # Pi > 0,05; - # # Pi<0,05; # # # Pi <0.01; ### - P<0.001 (comparison of the seventh days); # P2 > 0,05; # # # P2 <0.01; ### - P2< 0.001 (comparison of the fourtheenth days).
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The level of IL-6 in the blood increased by 139.0%-176.3% compared to the norm and by 76.3%-76.4% compared to the control. In the irradiated groups, the level of TNF-a in the blood was 42.8%-28.9%(p>0,05) lower than normal, and 24.8%-24.2% lower than the control group, (p>0,05) (Table 3). Under EM radiation, the level of INF-y in the blood changed in two phases compared to the norm. After the 7th day, it decreased compared to the norm by 14.9%, (p>0,05), and compared to the control group by 21.9% (p<0.01), but after the 14th day, its level increased by 22.8%, (p<0.05) and 10.2% (p>0,05), respectively. Compared to the norm, the level of anti-inflammatory cytokine - IL-4 increased
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by 84.8% and 145.1% (p<0.001), in the blood of animals of groups 4 and 5, respectively. While, compared to the control, the level of IL-4 increased by 120.1%-183.5%, p<0.01. On the contrary, the IL-10 level in the blood increased by 185.6% on the 7th day and 236.2% on the 14th day in the group exposed to EM radiation compared to the norm, while compared to the control group this increase amounted to 223.5%-332.9%, p<0.001 (Table 3).
The decrease in the amount of IgA in the blood under the effect of EM radiation was in the range of 42.849.8% (p<0.01), compared to the norm (Table 4).
Table 4.
Changes in the amount of immunoglobulins, complement, CIC, and lysozyme in the blood of rats under
electromagnetic radiation, (M±m, n=7)
Immune indicators Norm Passive control Effect of EM radiation
Days of the experiment
7 14 7 14
IgA, ^g/ml 2.62±0.23 2.56±0.15 2.06±0.18 1.5±0.09*** ### 1.32±0.1 ** #
IgM, ^g/ml 9.94±0.85 9.16±0.45 8.46±0.27 7.04±0.44*** # # # 5.7±0.18* #
IgG, ^g/ml 5.11±0.26 4.12±0.25 5.02±0.27 3.94±0.26 *** # 3.036±0.1* #
Ig E, ME/ml 59.0±5.86 70.6±2.51 91.0±3.3 196.8±10.44**** ### 215.0±3.71**** #
Komplement, % 45.0±3.48 40.2±2.85 37.4±1.37 34.8±1.74** # 31.8±2.83* #
CIC, BV 32.2±3.21 39.2±4.15 38.0±3.89 33.2±1.67 * # 29. 6±3.0* #
Lysozyme, % 27.52±1.93 25.0±2.0 21.6±1.07 20±1.94** # 18.6±1.18** #
Note: Reliability in irradiated groups compared to normal * P > 0,05; **P<0,05; ***P <0.01; **** - P<0.001 and # P1 > 0,05; - # # # P1<0,01; ### - P1<0.001 (comparison of the norm with irradiated within 7 days); # P2 > 0,05 (comparison of the norm with irradiated within 14 days.)
Similar changes (41.4% - 37.7% decrease, p<0.001) were also observed compared to the control group. The amount of IgG in the blood decreased by 22.9% (p<0.01), compared to the norm in the group irradiated for 7 days, but after 14 days, this level decreased more sharply by 40.6%. Compared to the control group, this reduction was 4.4% (p>0,05) after 7 days, and 39.5%(p>0,05) after the 14th day of irradiation (Table 4). The amount of IgM in the blood decreased by 29.2%-42.7% (p<0,01) compared to the norm, and this amount decreased by 23.1%-32.6% (p>0,05) compared to the control group.
Besides, the amount of IgE increased by 233.6%-264.4% compared to the norm, and by 178.8%-136.3%, compared to the control group (p<0.001). In the irradiated groups, complement reduction was 22.7%-29.3% of the norm, and 13.7%-15.0% of the control, (p>0,05). EM radiation had a very weak effect on the amount of circulating immune complexes (CIC) compared to the norm, but compared to the control group, its amount in the blood decreased by 15.3%(p>0,05), and then by 22.1%(p>0,05). The decrease in the amount of lysozyme
in the blood was 27.3% (p>0,05)- 32.4% compared to the norm and 20.0% (p>0,05)- 13.9% compared to the control, (p>0,05) (Table 4).
The interaction mechanism between MA in the hypothalamus and blood is disturbed due to EM radiation, the reciprocal biological activity between them changes [12, p.39-44], as a result, abnormalities in hormonal and immune reactivity are observed. Under normal conditions, the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems complement each other and ensure the homeostasis of the body [2, p.28;6, 8, p. 217; 9, p.3244]. An experimental study demonstrates that the increase in the cytokine concentration occurs not only in the first hours of the stress effect but is also maintained for a long time after the effect of the chronic stressogenic load [2, p.28]. However, changes in the amount of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood are different at various times after the end of the stressogenic effect. Considering that one of the important functions of cyto-kines, which are the central regulators of homeostasis,
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is to ensure the regulated connection between the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems [2, p.28;8, p. 217]. However, since magnetic rays disrupt this communication mechanism, the body's neuro-immuno-endo-crine regulation mechanism is completely disordered. Our research shows that due to the influence of intense waves, the functions of various physiological processes in the body change, defense mechanisms are mobilized, and the general adaptation syndrome develops. However, depending on the intensity of the radiation affecting the body, due to certain changes in the function of the neuro-immuno-endocrine system, the immune reactivity is weakened, as well as the stability of the ho-meostasis in the organism is disturbed.
Thus, the activity of hormones and immune markers changes as the mechanism of interaction between the monoaminergic systems is disturbed depending on the duration of the magnetic radiation. Due to this effect, the
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neuro-immuno-endocrine system of the body is characterized by deep disorder.
1. Short-term and long-term exposure to EM radiation decreases the amount of DA and NA in the hypothalamus of rats.
2. The effect of EM radiation increases the amount of 5-OT in the hypothalamus.
3. Depending on the duration magnetic radiation, the activity of hormones and immune markers changes, as it disrupts the mechanism of interaction between the MA-ergic systems.
4. Short-term and long-term exposure to EM radiation is characterized by deep disorder.
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