Научная статья на тему 'The effect of servant leadership towards job satisfaction and lecturer’s organizational commitment at Dhyana Pura University'

The effect of servant leadership towards job satisfaction and lecturer’s organizational commitment at Dhyana Pura University Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Servant leadership / job satisfaction / organizational commitment / public service

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ardana Imade Dwi Wira, Surya Ida Bagus Ketut

This research has purpose to find out the influence of servant leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. The research sample consisted of 99 permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. Technique of sample collection used the proportional sampling, and used the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the partial least square (PLS) method. Research result showed that the servant leadership has a positive effect to the organizational commitment, the servant leadership has a positive effect to the job satisfaction and job satisfaction has a positive effect to the organizational commitment. Indicators of wisdom and emotional healing are two indicators of servant leadership with the highest average values above the average value of all indicators of servant leadership. Promotion opportunities and The work itself are two indicators of job satisfaction with the highest average value above the average value of all indicators of job satisfaction. The Leadership at Dhyana Pura University is expected to continue to maintain and improve the implementation of the values of servant leadership.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of servant leadership towards job satisfaction and lecturer’s organizational commitment at Dhyana Pura University»

DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2019-12.18


Ardana I Made Dwi Wira*, Surya Ida Bagus Ketut

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana, Bali, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]


This research has purpose to find out the influence of servant leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. The research sample consisted of 99 permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. Technique of sample collection used the proportional sampling, and used the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the partial least square (PLS) method. Research result showed that the servant leadership has a positive effect to the organizational commitment, the servant leadership has a positive effect to the job satisfaction and job satisfaction has a positive effect to the organizational commitment. Indicators of wisdom and emotional healing are two indicators of servant leadership with the highest average values above the average value of all indicators of servant leadership. Promotion opportunities and The work itself are two indicators of job satisfaction with the highest average value above the average value of all indicators of job satisfaction. The Leadership at Dhyana Pura University is expected to continue to maintain and improve the implementation of the values of servant leadership.


Servant leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, public service.

The success of an organization depends on the quality of its human resources because quality human resources are human resources that have optimal performance. Employee performance in general is influenced by two factors, namely internal and external factors. Employees who get job satisfaction usually have a good attendance record; have work commitment and better performance than employees who do not get job satisfaction. Employee dissatisfaction can be identified from the low productivity of employees, high absenteeism at work, and low organizational commitment (Sinambela, 2012: 255). Increasing employee commitment will also increase employee performance in the company. According to Shobirin (2016), one's commitment in an occupied field can support success in an area of work, but it is possible to be determined by other factors such as the level of competence, job satisfaction and professionalism.

Employee satisfaction and organizational commitment are key elements in determining organizational performance and effectiveness (Rehman, 2012). Research conducted by Malik et al. (2010) found that job satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on organizational commitment. Employees who experience job satisfaction will show a positive relationship with the organization that leads to commitment. This theoretical relationship is supported by several empirical studies which also find that satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment (Pandey and Khare, 2012, Boles, et al. 2007, Jonathan, et al. 2013, Ismail, 2016, Babalola, 2016). Sjarif (2013) states that the main key to improving the quality of higher education is that institutions / leaders must improve the quality of lecturers who are highly motivated to advance the tertiary institution where they work, have competence in their fields, and have a high commitment to the university. Lecturer job satisfaction is an important factor that can give effect to lecturer performance because this factor is not only an indication of enthusiasm and excitement of work but can also affect effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the goals of higher education organizations.

Servant leadership is a style of leadership that is identical to the characteristics applied by Dhyana Pura University which is shown in the University's vision of exemplary and

excellent universities. Examples in question are thoughts, ideas, and behaviors that can be imitated and emulated by others. Examples show the existence of attitudes, ethics, morals and implementation systems that show high moral values in the academic and non-academic fields. This was formulated by developing governance and making programs that were designed in a bottom up manner and involved all components of the university. Servant leadership tends to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment of members of the organization through the commitment of leaders to serve members of the organization, the leaders' concern for the ideas and suggestions of organizational members, which allows them to take part in decision making, and the development of personal and professional follower growth. Olesia et al. (2014), found a positive and significant relationship between servant leadership's vision attributes and organizational commitment. Vision contributes positively to organizational commitment.

From the preliminary study conducted by the writer at Dhyana Pura University, the commitment of permanent lecturers of Dhyana Pura University in the task of conducting teaching cannot be doubted, this can be seen from the target of achieving the number of meetings of 12 to 14 times a semester can be achieved well, however when seen from the commitment of lecturers in carrying out the Tri Dharma task of tertiary institutions, the data is obtained that most of the lecturers at Dhyana Pura University are still focused on teaching and education alone, this can be seen from the data in the following Table:

Table 1 - Number of Permanent Lecturer Who do Research at Dhyana Pura University, 2014-2018

No Year Number %

1 2014 23 17,42%

2 2015 18 13,64%

3 2016 35 26,52%

4 2017 39 29,55%

5 2018 47 35.61%

Source: Dhyana Pura University, 2018.

Based on Table 1 it is known that seen from the number of permanent lecturers as many as 132 people the number of studies produced is still very small. the task of conducting education and research is at least commensurate with the nine credits carried out at the tertiary institution concerned.

The commitment of the permanent lecturer of Dhyana Pura University can be seen from the level of work turnover. From 2014-2018 there were 14 permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University who submitted letters of qualification needing to move to another university, of course this was a disadvantage for the Dhyana Pura University. When employees leave an organization either voluntarily or not, the impact will be substantial (Cho, et al, 2009). The discharge of lecturers from tertiary institutions will influence various programs that run in tertiary institutions, especially in the Tri Darma activities of tertiary institutions.

Turnover will incur direct costs and indirect costs (Lambert and Hogan, 2009). Direct financial costs that will arise include loss of performance and expertise of lecturers who do turnover, costs of recruitment and training of new lecturers. In addition, indirect costs arising from turnover include loss of social networks, increased use of new inexperienced lecturers, and decreased ratio of lecturers and students. Lecturers who have high organizational commitment will remain in the organization and will strive to continue to develop themselves in order to improve the quality of their obligations in the Tri Darma of higher education and the higher their productivity to the organization.


H1: Servant leadership has a positive effect on organizational commitment;

H2: Servant leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction of lecturers;

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational commitment.

Figure 1 - Framework of Study METHODS OF RESEARCH

Variables used in this study are servant leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Research data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data collected was processed using descriptive and quantitative analysis tools to determine the relationship and influence of servant leadership variables on job satisfaction variables and organizational commitment of permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. The analysis technique used to analyze data is SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis with partial least square (PLS) method. The results of the analysis are then interpreted and the final step concluded and given advice.

The location of this research was carried out at Dhyana Pura University by taking the permanent lecturer subject of Dhyana Pura University.

Table 2 - Samples

No Study program Level Number of lecturer Number of sample

1 Accounting S1 5 4

2 Biology S1 6 5

3 Physiotherapy S1 9 7

4 Science of nutrition S1 9 7

5 Public Health Sciences S1 12 9

6 Management S1 21 15

7 Early childhood education programs S1 7 5

8 Family Welfare Education S1 9 7

9 Health Recorders and Information S1 11 7

10 Psychology S1 9 7

11 English literature S1 10 7

12 Information Systems S1 6 5

13 Technical Information S1 6 5

14 Hospitality D4 7 5

15 Marketing D3 5 4

Total 132 99

Source: Data Processed, 2019.


This study uses a structural equation model with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach as an analysis method. The use of PLS as an analytical method requires several stages of structural equation modeling. The value of outer loading (loading factor) of servant leadership indicators, job satisfaction and organizational commitment shows that all reflective indicators of servant leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in this study

have met the convergent validity because there is no loading value below 0.5 and the t-statistic value is greater than 1.96. Evaluation of the measurement model is based on a comparison of the square root of AVE rage variance extracted value (AVE root value) of each latent variable with the correlation between other latent variables. Discriminant validity is said to be good if the square root of AVE latent variable is greater than the correlation of all other latent variables. The AVE value can be seen in Table 2.

Table 3 - Nilai AVE

Variable Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Job Satisfaction 0,636

Organizational Commitment 0,667

Servant Leadership 0,821

Source: Data Processed, 2019.

Based on Table 3 it can be seen that the AVE value for the variables of servant leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment has a AVE value above 0.50. This indicates that the model has good discriminant validity.

Table 4 - Composite Reliability

Variable Composite Reliability

Job Satisfaction 0,897

Organizational Commitment 0,854

Servant Leadership 0,958

Source: Data Processed, 2019.

Table 4 shows that composite reliability has values above 0.70. This means that the results of composite reliability are good or the latent variables of the study are reliable.

Table 5 - R-square Value (R2) Endogenous Latent Variable

Variable R Square

Job Satisfaction 0,221

Organizational Commitment 0,287

Source: Data Processed, 2019.

Based on Table 5, the predictive-relevance (Q2) value can be calculated, namely: 1- (1 - 0.221) (1 - 0.287) = 0.44. The results of this calculation indicate that the Q2 value is greater than 0 (0.44> 0). This can be interpreted that the good model has relevant predictive value, ie 44% of the variation in organizational commitment variables can be explained by servant leadership variables and job satisfaction, while the remaining 56% is explained by other variables outside the research model.

Table 6 - Direct Effect

Variable Original Sample (O) T Statistics (IO/STDEVI) P Values Information

Job Satisfaction ^ Organizational Commitment 0,287 3,193 0,001 Siginficant

Servant Leadership ^ Job Satisfaction 0,470 5,864 0,000 Significant

Servant Leadership ^ Organizational Commitment 0,337 3,581 0,000 Significant

Source: Data Processed, 2019.

Table 7 - Indirect Effect

Variable Original Sample (O) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values

Job Satisfaction ^ Organizational Commitment

Servant Leadership ^ Job Satisfaction

Servant Leadership ^ Organizational Commitment 0,1 35 2,438 0,0 15


The Effect of Servant Leadership on Organizational Commitment. Empirical test results show that servant leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. The results of the study give meaning to the higher servant leadership values developed at Dhyana Pura University, the higher the level of organizational commitment of permanent lecturers of Dhyana Pura University.

Servant leadership is measured using 5 (five) indicators, namely altruistic calling, emotional healing, wisdom, persuasive mapping and organizational stewardship, all of which show good average values. Lecturers' perceptions of Servant leadership at Dhyana Pura University are of good value, Indicators of wisdom and emotional healing are two indicators of servant leadership with the highest average values above the average value of all indicators of servant leadership. Wisdom behavior shown by leaders in higher education institutions becomes the most important indicator in increasing organizational commitment of lecturers, leaders in higher education institutions who have sensitivity to what is happening in their institutions, know what is happening in their institutions, are directly involved with what is happening and have high awareness of what is happening in his institution, fostering organizational commitment of lecturers to their organizations.

The emotional healing behavior exhibited by leaders in higher education institutions becomes the next most important indicator in increasing the organizational commitment of lecturers, talented leaders help overcome emotional problems of lecturers, can provide assistance to lecturers who are experiencing emotional problems and leaders who can be relied upon by lecturers when they have problems emotionally, leader behavior facilitating lecturers' emotional recovery will make lecturers mentally and emotionally healthy but also foster lecturer organizational commitment.

The results of this study are in line with those of Mazarei et al (2013) who examined the relationship between servant leadership and organizational commitment of teachers in Bushehr province, Iran. Servant leadership is measured using service indicators, humility and modesty, reliability and kindness, and organizational commitment is measured using indicators of affective commitment, continuaance commitment and normative commitment. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between servant leadership and teacher organizational commitment. Sokol (2014) conducted a study at a university located in the southwestern United States with a sample of 149 employees, found that servant leadership behavior had a significant positive effect on employee commitment. Olesia et al (2014), conducted a study of servant leadership's vision and employee organizational commitment in Kenyan state companies, by taking a sample of 385 employees from state companies, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between servant leadership's vision and organizational commitment. Cerit (2010), conducted a study on the effects of servant leadership on the commitment of elementary school teachers in the Duzce region, Turkey. This study found out that there was a significant and positive relationship between the behavior of the principal's servant leadership and the teacher's commitment to the school.

Effect of Servant Leadership on job satisfaction. Empirical test results show that servant leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of permanent lecturers. The results of the study give meaning that the higher the values of servant leadership developed at Dhyana Pura University, the higher the level of job satisfaction of permanent lecturers of Dhyana Pura University.

Altruistic calling behavior, emotional healing, wisdom, persuasive mapping, and organizational stewardship shown by leaders in servant leadership by placing lecturer needs as top priorities and treating them as coworkers, approaching lecturers, identifying, listening, empathizing and understanding the problems faced by lecturers, fostering potential and involving lecturers in decision making, has an impact on the closeness between leaders and lecturers because they are involved with each other, this has a positive impact on job satisfaction of lecturers.

The results of this study are in line with the results of research by Oris et al (2013), who

found that there is a positive correlation between servant leadership and academic work satisfaction at private universities in Atlanta, Georgia. The results of this study are also consistent with the results of researcher McKenzie (2012), who found that there was a positive correlation between perceptions of servant leadership behavior and teacher job satisfaction in public school districts in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States.

Effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment. Empirical test results show that job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. The results of the study give meaning that the higher the level of job satisfaction of permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University, the higher the level of organizational commitment of permanent lecturers.

Job satisfaction is measured using five five indicators namely the job itself, salary, supervision, promotion opportunities and relationships with fellow workers. When the lecturer feels satisfied with said indicators, this will increase the organizational commitment of the permanent lecturer. Job opportunities and promotion itself are two indicators of job satisfaction with the highest average value above the average value of all indicators of job satisfaction. The opportunity for permanent lecturers to develop their own potential within the organization, career development based on work within the organization, using their own methods of assignment and work that provides their own challenges is important in forming organizational commitment for permanent lecturers.

The results of this study are consistent with Rusu (2013), analyzing the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of educators in higher education institutions. It was found that there was a strong correlation between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of educators in higher education institutions, the higher the job satisfaction, the higher the organizational commitment. Puspitawati and Riana (2014), conducted a study of the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment and service quality of workers at the Bali Hyatt Sanur Hotel, from the results of the study found that job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational commitment of employees. Ehsan Malik et al (2010), examined the impact of job satisfaction of lecturers with the dimensions of work on perceived organizational commitment at Pakistani public sector universities. Job satisfaction is measured using the job indicators themselves, salary, supervision, promotion opportunities and relationships with fellow workers, the results of the study found that satisfaction with the work itself, quality of supervision and satisfaction with salaries have a significant positive effect on organizational commitment of lecturers. Anari (2011), examined the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees, from the results of research conducted found a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction with organizational commitment. It was stated that organizational commitment is a function of job satisfaction. From various dimensions of job satisfaction, such as satisfaction with salary, satisfaction with colleagues, supervisor supervision and the job itself, which are needed by workers to meet their basic needs. Suma and Lesha (2013) conducted a study of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of public sector employees in Shkoder, Albania. The research findings show that satisfaction with the work itself, quality of supervision and salary have a significant positive effect on employee organizational commitment.


From the results of the analysis of research that has been done, several research conclusions can be drawn, namely servant leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. This means that the higher the values of servant leadership, the higher the organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. Servant leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of permanent lecturers. This means that the higher the values of servant leadership, the higher the level of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. This gives meaning that the higher the level of job satisfaction of permanent lecturers, the higher the level of organizational commitment of permanent lecturers. Suggestions for leaders of Dhyana Pura University are expected to

continue to maintain and improve the implementation of servant leadership in leadership style. The results of the study showed that servant leadership was proven to have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University. On the perception of respondents on servant leadership, overall assessment of respondents is good, some things that need to get the attention of the leader to further improve the values of servant leadership such as placing subordinates' interests above their own interests, helping subordinates to the problems faced and paying more attention to the interests of subordinates, leaders are expected pay more attention to the emotional problems of subordinates, leaders are expected to be able to increase anticipation for decisions made, encourage employees to have big dreams about the organization, be better able to convince and persuade lecturers to do something, always encourage lecturers to have a community spirit at work and prepare the organization to develop positively in the future. The job satisfaction of permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University in general has good grades. But in an effort to increase job satisfaction of lecturers, leaders should pay more attention to the assignment of permanent lecturers in accordance with their competencies, especially in teaching assignments, salaries are given in accordance with the work performed, giving praise to lecturers who are able to complete their assignments well, opening opportunities as for lecturers to occupy different positions in the organization, enhancing programs that are able to increase collaboration with fellow colleagues. Organizational commitment of permanent lecturers at Dhyana Pura University in general has a very good value, respondents give the lowest value on the statement feel part of the family in the organization. In this case the leader is expected to further enhance the family culture in the organization by making more social interaction programs in organizations that build kinship and foster mutual cooperation in the organization which in turn fosters positive perceptions about the organization by assuming that the organization is like a family. For further research, this study only uses 2 dependent variables, namely job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In order to get better research results, it is necessary to add other dependent variables such as servant leadership to job satisfaction, organizational commitment and its impact on employee performance.


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