Kamran Hatifi
Lecturer, Panjsher Institute of Higher Education, Afghanistan [email protected]
Assadullah Qatey
Lecturer, Samangan Institute of Higher Education, Afghanistan [email protected]
Abdul Walid Qadiri
Lecturer, Samangan Institute of Higher Education, Afghanistan wali.qadiri3 [email protected]
Mohammad Ismail Stanikzai
Assistant Professor, Laghman University, Afghanistan [email protected]
The purpose of the present study was to investigate various dimensions of self-regulated learning namely; self-awareness, Planning and goal setting, self-motivation, self-control, self-evaluation as well as self-modification and their impact on general self-efficacy among English as foreign Language university learners (EFL) of Afghanistan. One hundred eighty Students (105 males and 75 females) studying at four public universities (two central universities of Kabul province and two eastern provincial universities) of Afghanistan were taken into account. Self-regulated learning scale developed by Gupta Madhu and Mehtani Dimple (2017) and general self-efficacy scale developed by Ralf Schwarzer and Matthias Jerusalem (1995) were administered in the study. The results of data analysis indicated that male and female university students do not differ significantly from each other with respect to various dimensions of self-regulated learning. In addition, stepwise regression analysis revealed that, self-awareness and self-control significantly predict the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should make their students aware of the concept of self-regulated learning skills particularly self-awareness and self-control in order to support and scaffold students' emotions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors in the process of language learning which may ultimately lead them toward academic success.
Keywords: English Language, Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Efficacy
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
Language learning is a complex, time-devoting task that needs persistence, dedication and hard work. Oxford (2001) noted that, achieving adequate language expertise depends on self-regulatory skills of students. Self-regulated learning is directing one's own learning (Boekaerts and Corno, 2005). Self-regulated learning refers to an individual ability to understand and control one's learning environment, the ability of good time management, selection of most efficient learning and problem solving strategies as well as the capability to vigorously monitor and assess their learning. Graham and Harris (2000) defined self-regulated learning as the abilities of goal setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction as well as self-reinforcement. Self-regulation is a self-directive process of learning whereby learners apply their mental abilities (Zimmerman, 2002).
Moreover, smart and effective learners are self-regulated, they analyze task requirements, setting realistic and result oriented goals and adapt appropriate winning strategies in order to attain the objectives placed by them. They also monitor progress while working on a specific task, eliminate overlapping behaviors and motivate themselves in order to foster the process and achieve the targets. Paris and Paris (2001) asserted that self-regulated learners are asking questions, take active notes, allocate their time and their resources in such a way that assist them to be responsible of their own learning.
Besides, self-regulation establishes link between personal and environmental characteristics as well as with academic achievement (Pintrich, 2004). Therefore, it can be concluded that, learners who demonstrate more appropriate self-regulatory strategies, displays outstanding educational outcomes (Pintrich, 2000).
Considering the existing literature pertaining to self-regulated learning strategies, it can be concluded, that most of the studies were conducted with school level (Miller, 2000; Pajares & Graham, 1999; Peklaj & Pecjak, 2002) and few studies on university level (Fettahlioglu, 2011). However, there is no to limited studies pertaining to the effect of dimensions of self-regulated learning on general self-efficacy among English as foreign language university level students in Afghanistan. Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of dimensions of self-regulated learning namely; self-awareness, Planning and goal setting, self-motivation, self-control, self-evaluation and self-modification on general self-efficacy among English as foreign language university learners of Afghanistan to identify the most influential dimensions and further help them to develop as
well as how to self-regulate their English Language learning. uz
Multidisciplinary Scientific Journa
December, 2022
Mizumoto (2013) conducted an empirical study on 115 University English Language students in order to investigate the impact of self-regulated learning approach on self-efficacy in a vocabulary learning class. The study found that treatment group showed steady improvement of self-efficacy and vocabulary knowledge compare to control group by applying self-regulated learning approach. This empirical study also proposed that self-efficacy can be enhanced via self-regulated learning approach which will ultimately contribute in the vocabulary learning.
Wang et al (2013) examined 200 Chinese and 160 German college students to explore their self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulated learning strategies. The participants of the study completed two surveys regarding their self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulated learning. All the respondents also took an English language test to assess their English language ability. The study found statistically considerable relationship among self-efficacy and use of self-regulated learning strategies, and English language test scores. Besides, the study further found that female students achieved higher levels of self-efficacy beliefs but reported lower scores on the English language test in both countries.
Los et al (2014) examined 316 undergraduate college level students to investigate the process as well as how self-regulation and self-efficacy influence educational attainments. Data were collected through online survey using multidimensional self-efficacy and motivated strategies for learning questionnaire for self-regulation. The study asserted significant association between self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. Students who possess self-efficacy employ self-regulation strategies, they understand and allocate different learning strategies as well as they are planned to show best academic achievements. The study further added that, learners with greater degree of self-efficacy apply various spectrums of self-regulation strategies either cognitive or metacognitive. The study also noted that, resource management (study environment, time, and peer learning effort regulation) strategies of self-regulation are significantly associated with positive academic outcomes. Similarly, Brown et al. (2016) carried out a study on 278 university students and asserted that self-regulation for learning had a statistically significant relationship to self-efficacy.
Alotaibi et al (2017) explored 356 English and Mathematics college students at King Saud University in order to figure out the link between self-regulated learning and educational achievements. The study found significant association between self-regulated learning and
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
academic achievement of students. The study further asserted that, goal setting and planning are considerably linked with students' achievement meaning hereby that self-regulated learning facilitates academic attainments in English Language and mathematics.
Zheng et al (2018) studied the correlation between English language learners online self-regulation and their self-efficacy in terms of learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Data were gathered from 424 university English language students by applying online self-regulated English learning (OSEL) and the English Language self-efficacy (ELSE) scales. The study found that, self-evaluation was the most influential predictor for explaining students' variance of self-efficacy in English language listening, speaking, and reading skills.
Yabukoshi (2018) undertook the study on four university students of Japan with various levels of self-efficacy to examine self-regulated learning process with respect to look for improvement in listening proficiency of English Language outside the classroom. Data were collected through interviews, learning dairies and self-report. The study found that learners with high level of self-efficacy were different, specific and frequent in their self-regulated learning process when compared to their peers who showed low level of self-efficacy. The study also concluded that, self-efficacious learners who demonstrated better listening progress indicated advanced metacognitive strategy use in self-regulated learning process. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
1. To Study various dimensions of self-regulated learning namely; self-awareness, Planning and goal setting, self-motivation, self-control, self-evaluation and self-modification among university students of Afghanistan.
2. To find out difference in dimensions of self-regulated learning between male and female university students of Afghanistan.
3. To assess the impact of various dimensions of self-regulated on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
1. There exists no significance difference in dimensions of self-regulated learning between male and female university students of Afghanistan
2. There exists no significance impact of dimensions of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. uz
Multidisciplinary Scientific Journa
December, 2022
One hundred and eighty English as foreign language university students (105 males and 75 females) have taken part in the current study. The participants of the study were selected from four public universities of Afghanistan namely; Kabul University, Professor Shaheed Rabani Education University, Nangharhar University and Laghman University.
For data collection, 48 items standardized Self-Regulated Learning Scale developed by Gupta Madhu and Mehtani Dimple (2017) on the basis of self-regulated learning strategies and ten items General Self-Efficacy Scale designed by Ralf Schwarzer and Matthias Jerusalem (1995) that evaluate general sense of perceived self-efficacy considering the aim in mind to anticipate difficult conditions and adaptation of them after experiencing all kinds of stress, barriers and setbacks in life.
Data Analysis
To attain the objectives of the study, data were properly arranged and tabulated. IBM SPSS (24 version) statistical techniques namely, T-test and stepwise regression were applied.
Table 1 Showing Difference in Various Dimensions of Self-Regulated Learning among Male and Female University
Students of Afghanistan
Dimensions of Self-Regulated Learning Gender Mean Score SD Df t Value P Value Remarks
Self-Awareness Male 05 30.08 4.393 78 -1.736 .084 Insignificant
Female 5 31.16 3.727
Planning and Goal Setting Male 05 22.40 3.418 78 -1.952 .053 Insignificant
Female 5 23.47 3.874
Self-Motivation Male 05 25.42 4.090 78 1.047 .297 Insignificant
Female 5 24.80 3.647
Self-Control Male 05 31.27 4.438 78 -.192 .848 Insignificant
Female 5 31.39 3.687
Self-Evaluation Male 05 34.82 4.837 78 -.9)80 .328 Insignificant
Female 5 35.55 5.009
Self-Modification Male 05 31.21 5.091 78 -1.897 .059 Insignificant
Female 5 32.59 4.362
Table 1 exhibits that p-value for male and female university students on self-awareness dimension of self-regulated learning is (p=.084), P value for Planning and Goal Setting dimension of self-regulated learning is (p=.053) result regarding self-motivation came out to be (p=.297) P value for male and female university students in self-control is (p=.848) P value for self-evaluation came out to be (p=.328) and results pertaining to self-modification found to be (p=.059) which are greater than .05 level of significance indicating that null hypothesis as there exist is no significant difference in various dimensions of self-regulated learning between male and female university students of Afghanistan is accepted indicating that male and female university students of Afghanistan do not differ significantly from each other in terms of various dimensions of self-regulated learning.
Results Pertaining to the Impact of Various Dimensions of Self-Regulated Learning on Outcome Variable Self-efficacy among University Students of Afghanistan.
Table 2 Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error
1 .283 .080 .075 5.467
Predictors: (Constant), Dimension of Self-Regulated Learning: Self-Awareness (SA)
Table 3 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 461.453 178 461.453 15.439 .000b
Residual 5320.347 79 29.890
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension: Self-Awareness (SA)
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From the above model summary table 2, it is clear that self-awareness dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression (R) .283 which indicates weak positive correlation and R Square for same is found to be .080. This regression model is significantly predicting the contribution of self-awareness dimension of independent variable on outcome variable self-efficacy. Further looking at the summary table 2 that, only 8% contribution is made of self-awareness dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. The contribution 8% is significant and the same is found true where the ANOVA table 3 also indicates that the analysis of contribution of the regression data produced an "F" value (15.439) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.000) that is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating that there is significant impact of self-awareness dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 4 Showing COEFFICIENT
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 17.497 3.031 5.772 .000
Self-Awareness .387 .098 .283 3.929 .000
Dependentvariable: SE
It can be also observed from table 4 that self-awareness dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning contributes to the prediction of self-efficacy. The result showed that the following beta weights which represents the relative impact of self-awareness the dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning to the prediction which observed as: self-awareness p=.283, t=5.772). Similarly, the p-value in the same table 4 came out to be (p=.000) which is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating the significance of beta contribution of self-awareness dimension of self-regulated learning to influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan meaning thereby that self-awareness dimension of independent variable significantly predicts the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan.
Self-efficacy=17.497+ (.387*self-awareness dimension of self-regulated learning)
Table 5 Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error
1 .240a .058 .052 5.533
Predictors: (Constant), Self-Regulated Learning Dimension: Planning and Goal Setting (PGS)
Table 6 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 332.976 332.976 10.878 .001b
Residual 5448.824 78 30.611
Total 5781.800 79
Dependent Variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant) SRL Dimension: Planning and Goal Setting
From the above summary table 5, it is clear that planning and goal setting dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression (R) .240 which show weak positive correlation and R Square for the same is found to be .058. This regression model is significantly predicting the impact of planning and goal setting dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning on outcome variable self-efficacy. Further looking at the summary table 5 that, only 5.8% contribution is made of planning and goal setting dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. The contribution 5.8% is significant and the same is found true where the ANOVA table 6 also exhibits that the analysis of contribution of the regression data produced an "F" value (10.878) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.001) which is less than at .05 level of significance, (p<.05) indicating that there is significant impact of planning and goal setting" dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 7 Showing COEFFICIENT
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 20.747 2.626 7.902 .000
Planning and Goal Setting (PGA) .374 .114 .240 3.298 .001
Depen dent
variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension Planning and Goal Setting
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
It can be also observed from table 7 that planning and goal setting dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning contributes to the prediction of self-efficacy. The result indicated that the following beta weights which represented the relative contribution of planning and goal setting the dimension of independent variable to the prediction were observed as: self-awareness p=.240, t=3.298). Similarly, the p-value in the same table 7 came out to be (p=.001) which is less than .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating the significance of beta contribution of planning and goal setting dimension of self-regulated learning to influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan meaning thereby that planning and goal setting dimension of self-regulated significantly influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan.
Self-efficacy=20.747+ (.374*planning and goal setting dimension of self-regulated learning).
Table 8 Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .115a .013 .008 5.661
Predictors: (Constant), Self-Regulated Learning Dimension: Self-Motivation (SM)
Table 9 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 76.982 78 76.982 2.402 .123b
Residual 5704.818 79 32.050
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension: Self-Motivation (SM)
From the above summary table 8, it is clear that self-motivation dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression (R) .115 that indicates weak positive correlation and the R Square for same is found to be .013. This regression model is insignificant to predict the contribution of self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. Further, looking at summary table 8 that only 1.3% contribution is made of self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. The contribution is insignificant and the same is found to be true where ANOVA table 9 also exhibits the contribution of the regression data produced an F value (2.402) which is insignificant as P value came out to be (P=.123) that is greater than at .05 level of significance, (p>.05) indicating that there exists no significant
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impact of self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 10 Showing Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 25.083 2.754 9.109 .000
Self-Motivation (SM) .168 .108 .115 1.550 .123
Dependent variable: SE
It can be also depicted from table 10, that self-motivation dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning does not significantly contribute to the prediction of self-efficacy. The result indicates that the following beta weights that represent the relative contribution of self-motivation dimension of predicting variable self-efficacy to the prediction were observed as: self-awareness P=.115, t=1.550). Similarly, table 10 also exhibits the p value which is came out to be (p=.123) which is greater than (.05) level of significance (p>.05) showing the insignificance of beta contribution of self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning to influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan meaning thereby that self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning does not significantly predicts the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Self-efficacy=25.083+ (.168* self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning)
Table 11 showing Model summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .291a .085 .080 5.452
Predictors: (Constant), Self-Regulated Learning Dimension: Self-Control (SC)
Table 12 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 491.131 78 49.131 16.524 .000b
Residual 5290.669 79 29.723
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension: Self-Control (SC)
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
From the above regression table 11, it is evident that self-control dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression (R) .291 which indicates weak positive correlation and R Square for same is found to be .080. This regression model is significantly predicting the contribution of self-control dimension of independent variable of self-regulated on self-efficacy. Further, looking at summary table 11 only 8% contribution is made of self-control dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. The contribution is significant and the same is found to be true where ANOVA table 12 also reveals the analysis of contribution of the regression data produced an "F" value (16.524) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.000) that is less than at .05 level of significance, (p<.05) indicating that, there is significant impact of "self-control" dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 13 Showing Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 16.743 3.116 5.347 .000
Self-Control(SC) .401 .099 .291 4.065 .000
Dependent variable: SE
It can be also seen from table 13, that self-control dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning contributes to the prediction of self-efficacy indicating the following beta weights which represented the relative contribution of self-control the dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning to the prediction were observed as: self-control p=.291, t=4.065). Similarly, the p-value in the same table 13 came out to be (p=.000) which is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating the significance of beta contribution of self-control to predict the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan meaning thereby that self-control dimension of self-regulated learning significantly influence the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Self-efficacy=16.743+ (.401*self-control dimension of self-regulated learning)
Table 14 Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .254a .065 .059 5.512
Predictors: (Constant), Self-Regulated Learning Dimension: Self-Evaluation (SE)
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
Table 15 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
IRegression 373.582 78 373.582 12.296 .001b
Residual 5408.218 79 30.383
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension: Self-Evaluation (SE)
From the above summary table 14, it is clear that self-evaluation dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning showed a coefficient of regression (R) .254 which indicates weak positive correlation and R Square for same is found to be .059. This regression model is significantly predicting the contribution of self-evaluation dimension of independent variable self-regulated on self-efficacy. Further looking at summary table 14, it can be seen that only 5.9% contribution is made of self-evaluation dimension of self-regulated learning to self-efficacy. The contribution is significant and the same is found to be true where the ANOVA table 15 also indicates the analysis of contribution regression data produced an "F" value (12.296) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.001) which is less than at .05, level of significance (p<.05) meaning thereby, that self-evaluation" dimension of self-regulated learning significantly influenced the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 16 Showing Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 18.964 2.976 6.372 .000
Self-Evaluation (SE) .294 .084 .254 3.507 .001
Dependent variable: SE
It can be also depicted from table 16 that self-evaluation dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning contributes to the prediction of self-efficacy. The result indicates that the following beta weights which represents the relative contribution of self-evaluation dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning to the prediction were observed as: self-evaluation P=.254, t=3.507). Similarly, the p-value in the same table 16 came out to be (p=.001) which is less than .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating the significance of beta contribution of self-evaluation dimension of self-regulated learning to the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan
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meaning thereby, that self-evaluation dimension of self-regulated learning significantly influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan. Self-efficacy=18.964+ (.294*self-evaluation dimension of self-regulated learning)
Table 17 Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .257a .066 .061 5.508
Predictors: (Constant), Self-Regulated Learning Dimension: Self-Modification (SM)
Table 18 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 382.049 78 382.049 12.594 .000b
Residual 5399.751 79 30.336
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE
Predictors: (Constant), SRL Dimension: Self-Modification (SM)
From the above regression table 17, it is clear that self-modification dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded coefficient of regression (R) .257 which indicates weak positive correlation and R Square for same is found to be .066. This regression model is significantly predicting the contribution of self-modification dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning on self-efficacy. Further looking at summary table 17, it can be also observed that only 6.1% contribution is made of self-modification dimension of self-regulated learning to self-efficacy. The contribution is significant and the same is found to be true where the ANOVA table 18 also indicates that the analysis of contribution regression data produced an "F" value (12.594) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.000) which is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating thereby that self-modification dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning is significantly influenced the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 19 Showing Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 19.699 2.736 7.199 .000
Self-Modification (SM) .302 .085 .257 3.549 .000
Dependent variable: SE
Table 19 also exhibits that self-modification dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning contributes to the
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prediction of self-efficacy. The result indicates that the following beta weights that represents relative contribution of self-modification dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning to the prediction were observed as: self-modification P=.257, t=3.549). Similarly, the p-value in the same table 3.32 came out to be (p=.000) which is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) indicating the significance of beta contribution of self-modification dimension of self-regulated learning to influence the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan meaning thereby that self-modification dimension of self-regulated learning significantly influence the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. Self-efficacy=19.699+ (.302*self-modification dimension of self-regulated learning)
Summary of Stepwise Regression Analysis, Pertaining to the Various Dimensions of Self-Regulated Learning
Table Showing Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .291a .085 .080 5.452
2 .332b .110 .100 5.391
Predictors: (Constant), SC Predictors: (Constant), SC, SA
Table 21 Showing Model Fit of ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig
1Regression 491.131 78 491.131 16.524 .000b
Residual 5290.669 79 29.723
Total 5781.800
3Regression 637.367 77 318.684 10.965 .000c
Residual 5144.433 79 29.065
Total 5781.800
Dependent Variable: SE Predictors: (Constant), SC Predictors: (Constant), SC, SA
From the above summary table 20, it is evident that after applying stepwise regression to the all six dimensions of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression (R) for two dimensions of self-regulated learning; self-control and self-awareness. The (r) value for self-control dimension of self-regulated learning is (r=291) and R Square for the same is found to be .85. This regression model is significantly predicting the contribution of self-control dimension of independent variable of self-regulated learning to self-efficacy. Further, looking at the summary table 20, it indicates that only 8.5% contribution is made of self-control dimension of self-
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regulated learning on self-efficacy in the model 1. The variance is significant and the same is found to be true where the ANOVA table 21 of the regression data produced an "F" value (16.524) which is significant as P value came out to be (P=.000) is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) meaning thereby that self-control dimension of self-regulated learning significantly predicts the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Further looking at table 2o, it can be also observed that self-awareness dimension of independent variable self-regulated learning yielded a coefficient of regression R (r=332) and R square for the same is found to be .110 indicating that 11% variance in self-efficacy is explained by "self-awareness" dimension of predictor variable self-regulated learning in the model 2. The variance is significant and the same is found to be true where the ANOVA table 3.34 of the regression data produced an "F" value (10.965) which is significant as p value came out to be (p=.000) is less than at .05 level of significance (p<.05) meaning thereby that there is a significant impact of "self-awareness" dimension of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan.
Table 22 Showing Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t-value Sig
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 16.743 3.116 5.374 .000
Self-Control (SC) .401 .099 .291 4.065 .000
2 (Constant) 13.001 3.504 3.711 .000
SC .276 .112 .201 2.460 .015
Self-Awareness (SA) .251 .112 .183 2.243 .026
Dependent Variable: SE
Table 22 further exhibits the remaining dimensions of independent variable self-regulated learning significantly contribute to the prediction of dependent variable (self-efficacy) with t=2.460, p=.015 for self-control, t=2.243, p=.026 for self-awareness respectively. The P-value in the table 3.15 indicates the relative contribution of dimensions of independent variables self-regulated learning indicating that both self-control and self-awareness dimensions of independent variables significantly predict the self-efficacy of university students of Afghanistan. Further looking at the P-values
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of both dimensions in the table 22, it can be inferring that dimension with highest P-value is reasonably considered as the most predicting dimension. The P-values for dimensions of self-control came out to be (.201) whereas it came out as (.183) for self-awareness dimension which facilitates to infer that self-control is the most predicting dimension to self-efficacy as compared to self-awareness dimensions of self-regulated learning. The stepwise regression equation formulated for the variable is given below.
Self-efficacy= 13.001+ (.276*self-control+.251*self-awareness)
Table 23 Showing Excluded Variables
Excluded Variables
Co linearity Statistics
Dimensions of SRL Beta In t-value Sig. Partial Correlation Tolerance
PGS .100c 1.221 .224 .092 .747
SM .013c .172 .864 .013 .889
SE .091c 1.039 .300 .078 .657
SMD .101c 1.154 .250 .087 .657
a. Dependent Variable: SE
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), SC
c. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), SC, SA
After applying stepwise regression technique, table 23 also supports the data whereas four dimensions of self-regulated learning were excluded and only two dimensions as mentioned in table 22 were retained as significant predictors to the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. It can be seen from the table 23 that in case of planning and goal setting dimension of self-regulated learning the (t=1.221, p=.224) as the p-value is greater than .05 level of significance hence, it stands insignificant. Similarly, Self-motivation dimension of self-regulated learning the (t=.172, p=.864) as the p-value is greater than .05 level of significance hence, it stands insignificant. In case of self-evaluation dimension of self-regulated learning the (t=1.039, p=.300) as the p-value is greater than .05 level of significance hence, it stands insignificant. Likewise, self-modification dimension of self-regulated learning the (t=1.154, p=.250) as the p-value is greater than .05 level of significance hence, it also stands insignificant.
Stepwise regression model revealed that, out of all six various dimensions of self-regulated learning only two
December, 20221 uz Multidisciplinarv Scientific Journal
dimensions namely; self-control and self-awareness are exerting more impact on self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. As per the findings of the present study, it can be asserted that self-awareness and self-control dimensions of self-regulated learning significantly predicts the general self-efficacy of EFL university students of Afghanistan. This indicates that self-awareness and self-control are the main variables that work closely in order to simplify as well as scaffold the English language learning process of the respective students. Self-awareness refers to the understanding one's emotion and one's potentiality or strengths limitations as well as one's values and motives (Goleman et al, 2002). It also refers as being aware of oneself such as one's feelings, traits and behaviors. Students with high level of self-awareness are committed and honest with their selves meaning thereby that, such students are realistic neither self-critical nor extremely self-confident. These types of students have two common attributions like self-reflection and thoughtfulness. Previous explanation also demonstrates that students' knowledge about self-awareness may better assist them to differentiate the similarities and differences between present condition and the required or standard one.
The present finding of the study is also in line with Gharetepeh et al (2015). Gharetepeh et al (2015) examined 128 students of public health school to explore the role of emotional intelligence in identifying self-efficacy. Data were collected through emotional intelligence and self-efficacy questionnaires. The study revealed that self-awareness, self-motivation and social consciousness significantly influenced the self-efficacy of the respective students.
On the other hand, self-control dimension of self-regulated learning also significantly predicts the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. The human ability to use self-control is arguably one of the effective and useful adaptations of the human psyche. Self-control refers to as the ability to change and adjust self in order to create better and best fit between self and environment (Rothbaum et al, 1982). It is the ability of an individual to change their internal responses and suppressed undesired behavioral tendencies to avoid acting on them. It indicates that self-control students are all round developed and careful regarding their academic tasks. They are committed to avoid undesired actions and further motivate them to keep eyes on their academic life to achieve desired goals. When there is a best fit between self and academic environment, it indicates that students are well-planned, managed and curious about their academic activities that leads to self-satisfaction resultantly chances are likely there for the improvement and enhancement of self-efficacy which is
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ISSN: 2181-1385
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considered as the core pillar in the academic success of the students. Implications
It has been found that self-awareness and self-control dimensions of independent variable self-regulated learning significantly predict the self-efficacy among university students of Afghanistan. Based on the present result, the researcher suggests that educators should make aware their students regarding the concept of both self-awareness and self-control and its significance in the language learning. Teachers should support their learners' emotions and feelings in order to develop their cognitive ability and that by itself lead to motivational environment which is crucial in language learning classrooms. This awareness can be done through providing training to students to improve their self-regulation skills particularly self-control and self-awareness and the approaches of adjustment of their selves with academic environment. Once they are able to adjust their selves with the respective environment there appears a best fit between self and environment where Students begin suppressing undesired behaviors and pay attention to the required academic tasks that may ultimately influence and enhance their self-efficacy resultantly desired language outcomes can be achieved.
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