Научная статья на тему 'The effect of human resources ability, Leadership and work discipline on performance: study in Pringgasela district, Indonesia'

The effect of human resources ability, Leadership and work discipline on performance: study in Pringgasela district, Indonesia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
Leadership / work discipline / performance / Pringgasela District

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Jaya Heri Kusuma, Husnan Lalu Hamdani, Sulaimiah

Research on HRM practice in this study aims to analyze the effect partially and simultaneously between Human Resource ability, Leadership and Work Discipline on the Performance of Village Apparatus in Pringgasela district. Respondents in this study consisted of 194 employees consisting of 10 villages in the Pringgasela district. The research data was obtained from the results of questionnaires which were then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis of SPSS 20.0. The results showed that the HR ability, leadership and work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance after being tested partially and simultaneously. Of the three independent variables tested, there is a dominant variable, namely the work discipline that has the strongest influence on the performance of the village apparatus.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of human resources ability, Leadership and work discipline on performance: study in Pringgasela district, Indonesia»

DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-09.23



Jaya Heri Kusuma*

Master's Program in Management, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Husnan Lalu Hamdani*, Sulaimiah, Lecturers Faculty of Economics, University of Mataram, Indonesia

*E-mail: [email protected]


Research on HRM practice in this study aims to analyze the effect partially and simultaneously between Human Resource ability, Leadership and Work Discipline on the Performance of Village Apparatus in Pringgasela district. Respondents in this study consisted of 194 employees consisting of 10 villages in the Pringgasela district. The research data was obtained from the results of questionnaires which were then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis of SPSS 20.0. The results showed that the HR ability, leadership and work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance after being tested partially and simultaneously. Of the three independent variables tested, there is a dominant variable, namely the work discipline that has the strongest influence on the performance of the village apparatus.


Leadership, work discipline, performance, Pringgasela District.

Numerous study had been conducted to determine the correlation between human resource management ability and employee performance in both develop and developing country as well as in Indonesia. Human Resources is a critical and strategic component of an organization in order to achieve organizational goals. Thus, a well managed human resources is needed (Sulistiyani & Rosidah, 2003). Several studies (eg Chuang & Liao, 2010; Syafii et al., 2015; Beltrán-Martín & Bou-Llusar, 2018) adopt employee performance as a dependent variable because performance is a key that reflects the behavior of employees and helps achieve organizational goals.

In the field, human resource capability are designed and implemented in such a way that human capital plays an important role in achieving organizational goals (Delery and Doty, 1996). Humans always play an active and dominant role in every organizational activity because of its functions as planners, actors, and determinants of the realization of organizational goals. Individual performance of its employees might indicate whether or not an organization is a success. In addition, proper implementation positively influences the level of commitment of leaders and employees (Purcell, 2003). The organization will strive to improve the performance of its employees so the company's objectives could be achieved. Performance is basically what employees do or don't do. Employee performance is what affects how much they contribute to the organization such as output quantity, output quality, output period, workplace presence and cooperative attitude (Mathis and Jackson, 2002). Performance is the work of a person as a whole (quality and quantity) during a certain period in carrying out their duties, according to standards, targets or criteria that are determined and mutually agreed upon (Rivai, 2005). Thus, performance is important for the organization or company as well as the employees themselves. Therefore, employee performance will run effectively if supported by motivation and work discipline.

Employee performance can be measured by evaluating performance appraisals. A series of evaluation processes are carried out systematically by the leader in accordance

with the tasks that have been given. Employees are important and needed to achieve goals and improve organizational performance. A research on the performance of the village apparatus, the main task of the apparatus as public servants has been explained in the opening of the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution, which covers 4 aspects of basic services, which are protecting the entire nation of Indonesia, advancing public welfare, educating and carry out world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice. In realizing the above objectives, of course, Human Resources must have intellectual and physical abilities (Robbins, 2006). In work related to administrative activities in an organization, intellectual ability is certainly more dominant. A person's intellectual ability in completing a particular job might be influenced by his educational background and experience.

In a government, success or failure in the implementation of tasks and governance is influenced by leadership and supported by the capacity of government organization, thus the implementation of good governance could be optimized. In contrast, if the leadership is failed to do the function properly it will alter the performance of the bureaucracy in Indonesia (Istianto, 2009). Leadership is a way of a leader in directing, encouraging and managing all elements in a group or organization to achieve a desired organizational goals as well as improving employee's working performance.

From the initial observations made, there were problems that occurred at the Village Office in Pringgasela district which was also a problem in almost all institutions or public agencies, namely the high number of complaints and dissatisfaction of public services, such as the poor performance of Civil Servants (PNS). Undiscipline working hours also commonly found among the civil servants and the implementation of tasks that are not in accordance with standards. This was alleged because the Village Head's office was the lowest government organization, so service to the community could be done outside working hours. This shows that there is a lack of good discipline. According to Guntur (1996), there are several disciplinary attitude indicators that need to be managed at work time, rules, and responsibility. Assessment of work discipline for employees in government agencies still refers to the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 53 of 2010 concerning the Discipline of Civil Servants, which are regulating obligations, prohibitions, and sanctions if obligations are not adhered to or prohibitions are violated by civil servants, whether done within or outside working hours. To overcome this problem, a great leader figure is needed that could influence the behavior of subordinates to cooperate and work effectively and efficiently.

In addition to the problems that occur, in terms of the research gap from previous study, there are still contradicting research results such as those conducted by Marpaung & Agustin (2013), explained that work discipline does not significantly influence on performance. With high work discipline, it will be able to achieve maximum performance, those apply for time discipline, rules or regulations that are that are set by the organization. This contrasts with research conducted by Rinoldy (2013) and Tindow et al., (2014) found that there is a relation between work discipline on performance. The research conducted by Dokko et al., (2009) states that previous work experience has a negative influence on performance through tasks, knowledge, and skills. However, according to Kotur & Anbazhagan (2014), states that there is no significant difference between work experience in terms of performance, because employee performance depends on their work experience, on the other hand, Sa'diyah & Endratno (2013), stated that work experience partial effect on employee performance.

However, research on employee performance is important to do because people as customers have not felt satisfied with the services that have been given. For this reason, the research was conducted to determine the effect of human resource ability, leadership and work discipline on employee performance simultaneously and partially at the village office in the Pringgasela district, East Lombok Regency, as well as the most dominant factors affecting Employee Performance.


The Relation of Human Resource Ability on Employee Performance. The concept of "ability" was developed from the psychology of Olander & Thogersen (1995) in the form of AMO framework (Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity). Skills and capabilities in the form of capabilities are needed to explain the relationship between HR practices and performance. According to Bello-Pintado (2015), the ability in human resource management practice is referred to as a practice that enhances the ability of workers to achieve organizational goals through new employees and investment in training. Furthermore, the ability is a practice that influences workers' competences through recruitment and selection, training and development (Guerci et al., 2013; Gardner, Wright & Moynihan, 2011; Jiang et al., 2012). In other words, human resource management practices that enhance capability are practices that enhance the ability and competence of employees to achieve organizational goals. The ability of individuals is formed by traits, intelligence, manual skills that become a potential strength of someone to do and are stable (As'ad, 2000). The ability in individuals is determined by three aspects of basic conditions, namely: sensory and cognitive conditions, knowledge of the correct response method, and the ability to carry out the response. In organizations, HR competencies are the main factor in the performance that determines organizational success. Characteristics of effective behavior and behavior that will determine superior performance at work. Competence will encourage someone to have the best performance so that they can succeed in the organization (Sudarmanto, 2009).

One important aspect of the growth and maintenance of a positive image of the bureaucracy is systematic, programmatic, and continuous efforts to improve the workability of the bureaucracy including the ability of human resources. Therefore, as a bureaucracy, there is a demand for capable personnel, namely human resources who work efficiently, effectively and productively (Siagian, 2003). Based on previous study, there is a positive influence between HR ability on performance, as shown by the meta-analysis by Jiang et al., (2012) and also the results of research by Beltran-Martin & Bou-Llusar (2018) which show that there is a relationship between components AMO, especially HR ability towards performance in the company. Following this research hypothesis:

H1: Human resource ability affect the performance of the village apparatus.

The Relation of Leadership on Employee Performance. In a government, success or failure in the implementation of tasks and governance is influenced by leadership and supported by the capacity of government organization, thus the implementation of good governance could be optimized. In contrast, if the leadership is failed to do the function properly it will alter the performance of the bureaucracy in Indonesia (Istianto, 2009). Leadership plays an important role because the leader is someone who will carry and direct the organization in achieving its goals and a leader must have the ability to motivate employees on improving their performance (Sutrisno, 2011). Leadership effectiveness depends on the leader's relationship with subordinates, and various leadership styles are used in certain situations and conditions (Timpe, 2000). Leadership is an effort to influence many people through communication and direction (instruction) to achieve goals (Dubrin et al., 2006).

The leadership behavior in this study is the leadership of a village head who is shown through the ways he leads in a group. This behavior, in the form of compiling data on employment relationships, giving praise, or criticism of group members and seeking the welfare and satisfaction of the group they lead. The assessment of the village apparatus on the leadership behavior of the village head can be based on several indicators: making decisions, creating jobs, directing, evaluating the results of work, giving encouragement, providing welfare. Following this research hypothesis:

H2: Leadership affects the performance of the Village Apparatus.

The Relation of Work Discipline on Employee Performance. Work discipline is a form of management action to uphold organizational standards (Davis & Newstrom, 1985). Work discipline regulates an employee to obey all norms, rules, and regulations that apply to the organization. The purpose of this work discipline is in order to expedite an employee in

carrying out his work so that the achievement of organizational goals is timely, on target and effective and efficient. Work discipline is a person's awareness and willingness to obey all company rules and prevailing social norms (Hasibuan, 2003).

Discipline is a mental attitude that is reflected in personal or group behavior in the form of obedience, adherence to applicable laws and norms and carried out consciously and sincerely inwardly. Bureaucrats at the village level as technical employees must have high discipline because it will determine the success of an activity. Rules of discipline must be known, understood, remembered and obeyed by each member of the organization, to succeed in the activities that must be carried out by each organization (Widjaja, 1990). Variable work discipline is a major problem in organizational operations because it is related to achieving goals. Furthermore, the level of employee discipline through compliance with norms in organizations can affect organizational effectiveness and productivity (Siwantara, 2009). Commitment to disciplining behavior and individual awareness of the organization can affect organizational outcomes as indicated by employee performance in the completion of tasks. Following this research hypothesis:

H3: Work Discipline affects the performance of the Village Apparatus.


This study adopts a quantitative research methodology that allows a large number of data collections obtained as a representative to the entire population. The type of research is associative research which aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables (Siregar, 2013).

This study involve aproximately 194 village apparatus as the sample, which consists of 10 villages in the Pringgasela District, East Lombok. The questionnaire is used as a research instrument to collect data because it allows researchers to collect data from a large number of targeted respondents. According to Sekaran and Bougie (2013), questionnaires have been widely used in social science research to collect data from a large number of respondents. Meanwhile, for data analysis using SPSS 20.0. The following is the framework of the research hypothesis:


Employee Performance (Y) v_x_)

Information: ->. partial

-► simultaneously

Figure 1 - Hypothesis framework


Criteria for respondents in this study are more dominant men as many as 186 people and women only 8 people. When viewed from education, as many as 134 respondents were high school graduates and the rest were junior high school, diploma and bachelor graduates. For the work period, the most dominant working period <10 years is 188 respondents. Based

on Multiple Linear Analysis used to measure the effect of Human Resource Ability, Leadership and Work Discipline on the performance of the Village Apparatus in Pringgasela District, after processing the data using the SPSS 20.0 program the following results are obtained:

Table 1 - Partially Sig. Test Result (t-test) Coefficients

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 6.351 5.576 1.139 .256

HR Ability (X1) .158 .076 .131 2.088 .038

Leadership (X2) .224 .096 .149 2.336 .021

Work Discipline (X3) .426 .063 .448 6.715 .000

Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y) Source: SPSS 20.0.

The purpose of partial significance testing using a t-test is to identify the partial effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The significance level is 5% or 0.05. Table 1 above discusses the results of partial significance testing. From the above equation, it is known that the direction and influence of each independent variable on the dependent variable mean that it has a positive direction of influence (giving effect).

Furthermore, the simultaneous significance test using the F-test is to identify the simultaneous signing of the independent variables on the dependent variable.The significance level is 5% or 0.05. Table 2 describe the results of simultaneous significance testing (F-test) from the study.

Table 2 - Simultaneous Sig. Test Result (F-test) ANOVA

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1198.485 3 399.495 30.483 .000b

Residual 2490.057 190 13.106

Total 3688.541 193

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

b. Predictors: (Constant), Work Discipline (X3), Leadership (X2), HR Ability (X1) Source: SPSS 20.0.

Based on table 2, F-test with ANOVA showed that F value was 30.483, with significance (probability) was 0.000 or lower than alpha 0,05 (5%). In conclusion that all variable independent (HR ability, leadership and work discipline) simultaneously affect to employee performance.

Furthermore, the determinant coefficient which aims to find out how much the independent variable contributes in explaining the dependent variable (employee performance) can be seen in table 3:

Table 3 - Coefficient of determination results (R-Square)

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .570a .325 .314 3.620

a. Predictors: (Constant), Work Discipline (X3), Leadership (X2), HR Ability (X1)

b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y) Source: SPSS 20.0

From table 3 is known, R square (0.325) or equal to 32,5% it means that HR ability, leadership and work discipline can explain the employee performance of State Civil

Apparatus at Pringgasela District and the remaining 67,5% are explained by other variables not included in the research model.

Table 4 - Results of Hypothesis

Hypothesis Standardized Coefficients (B) t-value F-test Sig. Conclusion

HR ability (X1) ^ Employee Performance (Y) 0.131 2.088 - 0.038 Significant

Leadership (X2) ^ Employee Performance (Y) 0.149 2.336 - 0.021 Significant

Work Discipline (X3) ^ Employee Performance (Y) 0.448 6.715 - 0.000 Significant

HR ability (X1), Leadership (X2), Work Discipline (X3) * Brand Loyalty (Y3) - - 30.483 0.000 Significant

Source: SPSS 20.0.

From the results of data processing with SPSS 20, the research hypothesis was obtained as follows: The human resources ability has a significant influence on employee performance, supporting the hypothesis 1. They reveal that their work is not a heavy job and they should work even though they are faced with various kinds of work and service to the community with different character and will, but not a matter that can cause a decline in performance. The above is in accordance with Sofo statement (2000) which says that a skill, knowledge and attitude that can be referred to as the ability to be able to respond to change so that it affects performance. Furthermore, it reinforces opinion from Sedarmayanti (2009) that HR competency is an effective attitude and behavior characteristic that will determine superior performance in work. Competence will encourage someone to have the best performance so that they can succeed in the organization. This is also reinforced by the results of research conducted by Beltran-Martin & Bou-Llusar (2018) which states that the ability of employees (including practical HRM) has a positive relationship to performance.

Leadership has a significant effect on performance, then hypothesis 2 is accepted. The success of achieving the goals of an organization is always associated with the ability of leaders in carrying out tasks. Leadership is a very important factor in influencing organizational performance, even leadership is the main activity in order to achieve organizational goals. The results of this study support the previous research conducted by Aisiyah & Susanto (2010), Pawirosumarto et al., (2017) which states that leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Next, hypothesis 3 is accepted. Work discipline has an influence on the performance of employees in Pringgasela District, as evidenced by the amount of employee responsibility for the assignment given. This encourages work passion, work spirit, and the realization of organizational goals. The results of this study are in line with the theory of Rivai & Sagala (2013) stating that the better the discipline done by employees, the greater the work performance that can be achieved. Conversely, without good discipline, it is difficult for companies to achieve optimal results. Thus, better employee discipline, employee performance will increase. This study supports the results of previous studies conducted by Setyaningdyah et al., (2013) and Jeffrey & Rulianto (2017).

Based on the results of simultaneous analysis shows that Work Discipline has the most dominant influence on the performance of employees in Pringgasela district. Through apparatus / employees who are qualified and have high discipline, and capabilities relevant to the organization can be realized through continuous improvements in terms of service to the community, providing a quick response to the complaints of the community.


This study gives results that the human resource ability, leadership and work discipline has a positive and significant effect partially and simultaneously on employee performance. This research provides theoretical implications that support existing theories and support previous research. For organizations or institutions, it is expected to always try to improve employee performance by creating a good and conducive work atmosphere so that the tasks can be completed properly. An organization needs humans as the main supporting resources

to achieve the stated goals. Quality human resources will contribute to advancing the organization as a place to improve performance. Strategic position to increase organizational productivity is employees who are able to work in an organization.

The research suggestion is that employees are expected to carry out work evaluations as a control of performance. Participate in training related to excellent service to the community and create a good work environment and good working relationships between leaders and subordinates.


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