Научная статья на тему 'The effect of games and training programs offered at ball school (balschule), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students'

The effect of games and training programs offered at ball school (balschule), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Behrooz Ebrahimi

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of games and training programs offered at the Ball school (Ballschule Heidelberg), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students. For this purpose, 38 students from 13 schools covered by the Ball school (Heidelberg Balschule), were chosen as the experimental group (non-random) ; in the meantime the consent of the students’ parents were also received. Forty students as well as a control group (non-random) of eight normal schools were selected with parental consents. Then through using ball-coordination tests [BKT (BallKoordinationstests). Ball Coordination’s Tests], the level of the ball skills among both groups were measured in the pre-test and Post-test. Tests included kicking ball against the wall (under five conditions). The research methods were semi-experimental with experimental and control groups. Independent variables were also applied to the experimental group and the means and standard deviations were calculated through descriptive statistics. And then, a T-test for statistical analysis of data in related groups were applied. The results showed a significant effect of games and training programs offered at the school ball in the ball-coordination of subjects.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of games and training programs offered at ball school (balschule), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students»




The effect of games and training programs offered at ball school (balschule), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students

Behrooz Ebrahimi

Faculty member of Kermanshah University


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of games and training programs offered at the Ball school (Ballschule Heidelberg), on ball-coordination among first and second grade students. For this purpose, 38 students from 13 schools covered by the Ball school (Heidelberg Balschule), were chosen as the experimental group (non-random) ; in the meantime the consent of the students' parents were also received. Forty students as well as a control group (non-random) of eight normal schools were selected with parental consents. Then through using ball-coordination tests [BKT (BallKoordinationstests). Ball Coordination's Tests], the level of the ball skills among both groups were measured in the pre-test and Post-test. Tests included kicking ball against the wall (under five conditions). The research methods were semi-experimental with experimental and control groups. Independent variables were also applied to the experimental group and the means and standard deviations were calculated through descriptive statistics. And then, a T-test for statistical analysis of data in related groups were applied. The results showed a significant effect of games and training programs offered at the school ball in the ball-coordination of subjects.


ball school, coordination, ball-coordination tests, coordination capabilities.

Беруз Эбрахими. Влияние игр и учебных программ в школе спортивных игр на координацию движений у первокурсников и второкурсников.

Целью данного исследования является изучение влияния игр и учебных программ, используемых в школе спортивных игр на координацию движений студентов первого и второго курсов. С этой целью были выбраны 38 студентов из 13 школ в качестве экспериментальной группы. Также было получено согласие родителей учащихся. Также были отобраны 40 студентов контрольной группы с согласия их родителей. Затем перед тестированием и после теста были измерен уровень координации при владении мячом у обеих группах (использован Ball Coordination's Tests). Тесты включали упражнения из 5 серий ударов ногами мячом в стену. Тесты проверены на надежность и валидность. С помощью описательной статистики были получены средние стандартные отклонения. И затем использовался T-тест для статистического анализа данных в связанных группах. Результаты показали значительное влияние предлагаемых игр и учебных программ на координационные упражнения с мячом.

мяч, школа, координация, координационный тест с мячом, координационные способности.

Беруз Ебрахімі. Вплив ігор та навчальних програм у школі спортивних ігор на координацію рухів у першокурсніков і другокурсників. Метою даного дослідження є вивчення впливу ігор і навчальних програм, що використовуються в школі спортивних ігор на координацію рухів студентів першого і другого курсів. З цією метою були обрані 38 студентів з 13 шкіл в якості експериментальної групи. Також було отримано згоду батьків учнів. Також були відібрані 40 студентів контрольної групи за згодою їх батьків. Потім перед тестуванням і після тесту були виміряно рівень координації при володінні м'ячем у обох групах (використаний Ball Coordination's Tests). Тести включали вправи з 5 серій ударів ногами м'ячем у стіну. Тести перевірені на надійність і валідність. За допомогою описової статистики були отримані середні стандартні відхилення. І потім використовувався T-тест для статистичного аналізу даних у пов'язаних групах. Результати показали значний вплив пропонованих ігор і навчальних програм на координаційні вправи з м'ячем.

м’яч, школа, координація, координаційний тест з м'ячем, координаційні здібності.


Unfavorable lifestyle habits and lack of motor experiments, induced by sedentary lifestyle tends to threaten the health of more and more children. Sedentary children often implement clumsy and awkward movements and skills. The continuation of such a process may reduce their confidence and eventually lead to the resignation of their friends. To avoid such a problem, we must take control of the it. And then /solutions should be offered to change their lifestyles and unhealthy habits.

Many sports experts believe that by providing more opportunities for children to have motor experiences during their childhood we can provide a variety of basic skills for them. Successful athletes have had this experience many times in their childhood (Kröger and Roth 1999). One way to encourage children to exercise at an early age is by offering a variety of simple games. By doing these games, especially ball games, children can learn the necessary skills and thus their quality of life changes in a positive way. The power of magic of the ball can be a long time, one or more of the Childs engaged. Maybe something like a ball can prove to be desirable for mobility in children. Hence, the idea of creating a center for ball and ball games began to take shape. This center eventually

© Behrooz Ebrahimi, 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.737965

came to be called Ballschule (Ball School). Ball Schools in Heidelberg started in 1998 under the supervision of Prof. Doctor Klaus Roth; their aim was to restore the spirit of streets games among children. Games and exercises in this school were based on the latest scientific discoveries in physical education; moreover, the ideas of different science experts and specialists in psychology were also taken into consideration. Children between the ages of 4 to 12 practiced the games and exercises for 45 minutes once or twice a week. They did these exercises and games under the supervision of special trainers. Heidelberg Ball School is comprised of three separate but closely related-together. Each of these sections is designed with a specific purpose. In other words, each section completes the previous section. Ball School is move alphabet for children. Similar to learning to read and write at school, children are first taught the alphabet of the games and exercises in The Ball School (Kröger and Roth 1999). The aims and benefits of Heidelberg Ball School Project include; providing recreation for children in a happy and friendly atmosphere, fun games (especially for young children), identification and development of individual talent in children, developing multiple capabilities in children (physical, motor skills and coordination), survival skills , the ability to transfer the experience gained to the ball sports, increasing the level of confidence and self-esteem among

та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного

виховання і спорту __________________________

children, preparing children to participate in team games and championship and eventually a gradual introduction of ball games (Kröger and Roth 1999). An athlete is not born with coordination capabilities. Children with learning and repeating moves and skills, their motor coordination gained (Weineck 2000). The motor coordination is the rhythmic movements of the body. These motions are done through different senses such as vision, audition and tactile. Development of coordination requires physical growth, gaining direct information from the environment and development of the body motor system (strength, endurance, balance, flexibility, etc). Motor coordination may be related to a body part or several parts of the body. The main part of coordination is controlled by brain and spinal cord. In general, the neuromuscular system is controlled by the brain and the spinal cord (Domkin et al. 2002 and Garrett 2003).

Motor skills are applicable in both areas; one of these areas is the gross motor skills and the other one is fine motor skills. In gross motor skills, the emphasis is on coordination control of the major muscle groups of the body and in the fine skills, the emphasis is on the control of small muscle groups (Guyton 1986). Accordingly, children who for any reason cannot learn the proper use of their large and small muscle probably will not get a lot of success in sports and personal affairs. Regular exercise and proper frequency skills can increase the quality of coordination in performance. McCall (2004) showed that children can make good coordination of their motor behavior and mobility opportunities during their first two years of life. He believes that it will continue to have positive effects in their later life.

Many exercises, especially those used for learning motion patterns, need to establish coordination between body limbs (Summerbell et al. 2005). There are many skills in everyday life and in sport activities that require appropriate and timely use of the arms and legs. Research studies done in this area show that in order to have a good performance in different skills in sports there should be a high degree of coordination between the limbs (Schumacher et al. 2003 and Skinner and Pike 2001). According to this research, it became clear that the ball sports had a positive effect on eye coordination-hand (Gillberg1992). In addition learning the techniques and movement patterns such as paw in volleyball, coordination between limbs proved to be quite important (Hirani and Moradi 2012).

One of the major benefits for the child’s coordination a capability, quality of life is lived in other years. Hollmann and Hettinger1996 saving in energy costs, prevent injuries and delay fatigue from the advantages of a good coordination considered.

For skillful performance, the nervous system and muscle efficiency are required. Three components are involved in the system as a collection of closely related work. The first component consists of the sensory nerves. They receive information from the outside environment or from the outside of the central nervous system and transmit this information to the central nervous system (CNS). Information is transmitted through internal re-

ceptors (proprioceptors4 located in muscles, tendons and joints), or through external sensors such as the ears, eyes and touch are received. The second component is the central nervous system whose job is to process the information received from sensory nerves. The third part consists of the peripheral motor nerves transfer commands to the muscles and organs of the central nervous system (Guy-ton1986). Defects in each of these components can cause a lack of coordination and movement disorders. Maurer et al. (2000) in their research demonstrated and confirmed the importance of cooperation between the eyes, the ears and the central nervous system. When the ball comes to a child, it comes from a variety of stimuli through sensory nerves to the central nervous system but the skilled Child just their desired goal respond and to other stimuli not responses. Chaos in a movement or skill occurs when the child is not required stimuli to respond.

4. Proprioceptors

One of the main reasons related to skillful or non-skill-ful performance in children’s skills is the use of their hands and feet. Of course, other factors such as the nervous system can be affected in creating a good coordination. Some other important factors are the individual differences the genetic structure, some motor disorders, normal or low IQ, different training methods, access to sports facilities, children’s motor history contains reflections, fundamental movements and motor skills or sports and participation of different senses such as hearing, vision, touch and senso-motor. In short, the movement for children’s progress and success can found: Child + movement and manipulate the environment around= acquisition ability and skill + coordination between gained skills= performance skillful.

Motor coordination is debatable in two categories: one general coordination and the other specific skills coordination. General coordination is related to the infrastructure coordination and applies to various sports. It can also provided specific coordination patterns in motor skills (Hirtz 1997).

Specific coordination can be found in various sports. Specific coordination can provide the necessary ability for the athletes to perform with little flaw and high quality. In achieving a specific coordination (ball coordination), three major factors of eye, balance and precision are usually involved. Other factors such as intelligence, motivation levels, and adequate physical fitness and training efforts are effective in the success.

Coordination capabilities are a collection of different components. Athletes who do not integrate these components will not be able to perform skillfully (Weineck 2000). These components include coupling, reactions, differentiation, balance, organization, movement and rhythm (Meinel and Schnabel1998). Weineck (2000) confirmed that a successful implementation of a skilled motor depends on the integration of components of coordination. To achieve higher levels of coordination and to improve coordination capabilities, exercises should be new, unfamiliar and harder than previous levels and better with a combination of simple movements be. Degree of difficulty in exercises from simple to difficult are slow





but easy, quick but easy, slow but hard and finally fast but hard (Kphart 1977).

Research Methodology

The research method used in this study is semi-empirical. The research design of this study uses preliminary design and final test with the control and without the use of random selection. The sample consisted of two groups of students who were divided into experimental and control groups.

Sample Group: Samples of students were selected from first and second primary grades who participated in Heidelberg project Ball school. The students took part at school’s sports classes in addition to bi-weekly participation in Balls school classes. Seventy nine consent forms were sent to parents of the students; 38 of the families completed the consent forms and agreed to let their children participate in the study.

Control group samples: First and second primary grade samples of students were selected. These students participated only in their school sports classes. Of the eight schools (165 students), 40 children participated in this study. Tests in the pre-test and post-test performed twice in the beginning and end of the school year. Ball skills to assess students in this study were ball coordination tests. Skills used in this study assessed the skills of kicking (shooting) balls against a wall (2.2 m.) from a distance of 1.5 meters. Each student practiced with the ball twice and then rested for a minute. The skills performed under five pressure conditions. Therefore, every child in total played 10 times. Tests lasted for 45; and there were two sessions every week. The total duration of the test took about 6 weeks (12 weeks for the pre-test and the post-test). Mean and standard deviations of the data were obtained through the descriptive statistics estimated. The analysis of data was performed by using inferential statistics. To examine the differences in means, the t-test was used for related groups and a significant level of 0.05 was used to test the research hypotheses.

Research findings

Table 1 shows the number, the mean and the standard deviation of height, weight and age of the subjects in the experimental group. As you can see in this table, the average age of the subjects is 6/5 years old and the oldest is 7. Average weight is 27 kg and their mean height is 127 cm.

Table 2, shows the number, the mean and the standard deviation of height, weight and age of the subjects in the control group.

Table 3, shows the items marked with a dark color, kicking (shooting) skills under time pressure and composition. Average pre-test to post-test in the experimental group did not decrease but increased. However, this increase was very small. In other cases, the averages in post-test to pre-test was reduced.

Before testing hypotheses, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to ensure normality of the data.

Tables 4 shows the level of significance marked with darker color, more than 5%. So the normal distribution of all variables and t tests and other parametric tests can be used.


Research results show that exercises and games presented in Ball school have positive effects on many of the ball kicking skills among children who are in experimental group than the control group. The results of these findings are compatible with the results of the investigation that Prior, Sanson, smart, Oberklaid 1999, Rain et al. 2004, Scholz and Schöner 1999, Jeanne rod 1998 did. They believe that providing training, particularly through games allows children to experience other motor skills. Therefore, they can develop their motor coordination. In addition, ball exercises have a positive impact on children’s ability to write. The findings also confirm Kröger and Roth’s comments 1999. They believe that ball games can help to develop the ability to coordinate as well as helping to enhance confidence. As a result, the quality of children’s lives is improves. The findings indicate the positive impact of involving children in ball games for development in ball coordination among children. In this context, the results achieved by Pique et al. 2010 are compatible. There can be seen significant improvement in motor coordination skills of children who underwent ball exercise. Accordingly, they predict that these children will have a more favorable performance in terms of performing ball skills in future. And thus, these children may enjoy higher intellectual and spiritual conditions. Since the experimental group participated both normal exercise classes and Ball school classes, they had than control group a higher level of fitness.

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the experimental group profile

Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Age 38 6.00 7.00 6.6316 .48885

Weight 38 20.00 34.00 26.9474 3.55609

Height 38 118.00 134.00 127.2368 3.59755

Valid N (list wise) 38

Table 2. Mean and standard deviation of the control group Profile

Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Age 40 6 7 6.65 .47675

Weight 40 17 48 29.175 3.44636

Height 40 115 151 130.775 3.66744

Valid N (list wise) 40



та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту _

Table 3. Comparison ofpre-test and post-test averages offive pressure conditions

Pressure conditions N Mini- mum Maxi- mum Mean Std. Deviation Variance Skewness Kurtosis

Statis- tic Statis-tic Statis- tic Statis- tic Statistic Statistic Statis- tic Std. Error Statis- tic Std. Error

Time pressure. Pre-test 36 16.76 111.90 37.6150 17.75947 315.399 2.379 .393 8.004 .768

Time pressure. Post-test 36 15.95 112.00 38.8633 19.22194 369.483 2.006 .393 5.130 .768

Precision pressure. Pre... 38 18.82 110.14 47.4384 25.97347 674.621 1.252 .383 .310 .750

Precision pressure. Post.. 38 16.03 101.19 42.0932 21.98664 483.413 1.634 .383 1.839 .750

Composition pressure. Pre.. 38 27.80 92.79 42.2253 14.65252 214.696 1.806 .383 3.441 .750

Composition pressure.Post. 38 27.10 93.60 42.3505 14.09804 198.755 2.017 .383 4.616 .750

Organisation pressure. Pre. 38 13.85 110.00 42.0088 18.33680 336.238 1.816 .383 4.886 .750

Organisation pressure.Post. 38 14.82 94.00 39.3811 16.09662 259.101 1.238 .383 2.402 .750

Variable pressure. Pre-test 38 18.80 83.50 42.2345 15.86979 251.850 .912 .383 .353 .750

Variable pressure. Post-test 38 17.60 83.50 40.4795 17.37904 302.031 .938 .383 .093 .750

Valid N (list wise) 29

Table 4 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Shoot-pre-test Shoot-post-test

N 37 37

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 45.3389 43.2392

Std. Deviation 9.75105 9.27485

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .138 .124

Positive .138 .124

Negative -.091 -.071

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .839 .757

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .482 .615

a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data.

Therefore, the performance of motor skills is better than their counterparts in the control group. Accordingly, our findings matched with the findings of Haga 2008 about the relationship between fitness and motor skills in children’s. His aim was to determine whether the level of physical fitness and motor skills in children 9 to 12 years indicated if there was a relationship, or not. The study population consisted of a sample of 67 children with a mean age of 9.7 and variance 0.3. Statistical analysis results indicated a strong and significant relationship between level of

physical fitness and motor skills of their children. So we can predict which children are undergoing fitness training program in terms of the level of motor skills better are.

Generally, the results of this study and similar studies show that although other factors may improve motor coordination and particularly ball coordination for children there are, however, appropriate ball exercise models that can be used to develop ball skills.

З 2013



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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Information about the author:

Behrooz Ebrahimi: [email protected]; Kermanshah

University of Technology P.O.Box: 63766-67178, Kermanshah, Iran

Cite this article as: Behrooz Ebrahimi The effect of games and training programs offeredatball school (balschule), on ball-coordinationamong first and second grade students. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013, vol.7, pp. 89-93. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.737965

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en).

Received: 06.05.2013 Published: 30.07.2013

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Информация об авторе:

Бехрооз Эбрахими: [email protected]; Керманшах университет технологий; п/я 63766-67178б Керманшах, Иран

Цитируйте эту статью как: Беруз Эбрахими. Влияние игр и учебных программ в школе спортивных игр координацию движений у первокурсников и второкурсников // Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. -2013. - № 7 - С. 89-93. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.737965

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 06.05.2013 г Опубликовано: 30.07.2013 г.

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