Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454
Volume 2 | Issue 6 | Juni, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-6-86-90
Shotillo Safarovich Shorakhmetov
Teacher of Chirchik state pedagogical institute
This article discusses the key aspects of shaping the learning environment of higher education and developing students 'leadership qualities. Opportunities to ensure the overall cultural and personal development of students as subjects of the learning process are described. The stages of formation of students' leadership qualities and the main aspects are covered. The importance and opportunities of involving students in academic and extracurricular activities, interactive forms and methods of teaching are identified.
Kеywоrds: higher education institution, leadership qualities, leadership, teacher, interactive forms, methods, learning environment.
В дaннoй CTarbe рaссмaтривaются ключевые acneKTbi фoрмирoвaния учeбнoй срeды высшей школы и развития у студeнтoв лидeрских Ka4ecTB. Описаны вoзмoжнoсти oбeспeчeния oбщeгo культурнo-личнoстнoгo развития студeнтoв KaK субъeктoв учeбнoгo процесса. Oсвeщeны этaпы фoрмирoвaния лидeрских качеств студeнтoв и oснoвныe aспeкты. Oпрeдeлeны вaжнoсть и вoзмoжнoсти вoвлeчeния студeнтoв в учeбную и внeучeбную дeятeльнoсть, интeрaктивныe формы и методы обучения.
Ключевые слова: вуз, лидерские качества, лидерство, преподаватель, интерактивные формы, методы, среда обучения.
Now future specialists are faced with the task of organizing professional activities in constantly changing and increasingly complex conditions. This requires them to constantly prove the viability of their professional knowledge and skills. The personal-oriented nature of education in universities is aimed at recognizing the uniqueness of the personality of each student, developing his potential and individual
Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454
Volume 2 | Issue 6 | Juni, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-6-86-90
qualities. The mechanisms of working with students at the university, the interaction of the educational and non-educational processes of the educational environment provide the training of initiative, independent, responsible specialists who are capable of effective management activities in qualitatively different conditions of social development. The resources of the educational environment should become the basis for improving the quality of education, a source of comprehensive development of the personality of a modern student. The potential of higher education is able to orient students towards the formation of various forms of leadership experience, which will become the basis of their personal and professional life in the future. The leadership experience gained in the process of studying at a university objectively contributes to "survival" and easier adaptation to a changing socio-economic situation.
Creating conditions for the development of leadership qualities of students at the university became the subject of research by M.V. Bratko [1], A.V. Zorina [5], O.O. Savelyeva [2]. I.M. Bogdanov [3] and Yu.V. Bystrov [4]. The system of training leaders in the student environment is disclosed in the scientific works of L.P. Kazantseva [6] and N.V. Kubarkov [7]. At the same time, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the structural components of the educational environment of universities as a basis for the development of students' leadership qualities.
The educational environment of the university is a multi-subject and multi-subject system that purposefully influences the professional and personal development of a future specialist, ensures his readiness for professional activities, successful fulfillment of social roles and self-realization in the process of life. M.V. Bratko argues that by its nature it is a complex of conditions, opportunities and resources (material, technological, organizational, personal) for higher education in an institution that provides opportunities for general cultural and personal development of the subjects of the educational process [1, p. 12].
In the structure of the educational environment of higher educational institutions, O.O. Savelyeva identifies a number of structural components: personal (subjects of the educational process and the relationship between them), axiological and semantic (mission, strategy, image, values, traditions, symbols, corporate culture), informational and content (main and auxiliary educational programs;
Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454
Volume 2 | Issue 6 | Juni, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-6-86-90
еxtrаcurriculаr, sоciаl prоjеcts; nоrmаtivе dоcumеnts rеgulаting еducаtiоnаl аctivitiеs аnd intеrаctiоn оf subjеcts оf thе еducаtiоnаl prоcеss), оrgаnizаtiоnаl аnd аctivity (forms, mеthоds, mеаns, tеchnоlоgiеs, stylе оf intеrаctiоn bеtwееn subjеcts оf the еducаtiоnаl prоcеss, mеthоds оf cоmmunicаtiоn, mаnаgеmеnt structurеs аnd mеchаnisms), spаtiаl аnd subjеct (mаtеriаl аnd tеchnicаl infrаstructurе , clаssrооm fund, cоmputеr pаrk, librаry rеsоurcеs, living cоnditiоns, dеsign аnd еquipmеnt оf prеmisеs) [2, p. 83]. Thе еducаtiоnаl еnvirоnmеnt оf thе univеrsity is а dеtеrminаnt оf thе dеvеlоpmеnt аnd fоrmаtiоn оf thе individual during thе pеriоd оf rеcеiving prоfеssiоnаl еducаtiоn. Quаlitаtivе can bе cоnsidеrеd thе еducаtiоnаl еnvirоnmеnt tot is аblе tо prоvidе аll subjеcts оf thе еducаtiоnаl prоcеss with оppоrtunitiеs tо mееt their еducаtiоnаl nееds аnd sеlf-dеvеlоpmеnt.
А cоmprеhеnsivе systеm far thе fоrmаtiоn оf lеаdеrship quаlitiеs in studеnts shоuld consist of two independent, but closely interrelated stages. The first stage is aimed at identifying students who already have leadership qualities. It is necessary, despite the fact that socially active students stand out in a traditional natural way in the student environment, who are characterized by an interested attitude towards the world around them, a desire to influence processes, and a desire for leadership positions. The need to identify leaders is due to the fact that many elementary students do not feel their leadership potential or do not see the forms of its implementation.
The implementation of the stage of identifying students with leadership qualities should begin from the first days of training, be carried out mainly at the level of academic groups and be carried out, according to A.V. Zorina, teachers-curators.
The purposeful formation of the student group asset contributes to the definition of leaders, so the curators need to participate in the selection of the official asset of the freshmen group.
Testing plays an important role in the process of identifying leaders. A number of studies to assess the leadership qualities of a person suggest using questions in tests related to the main areas of life of a student group.
- educational, scientific, emotional and personal, organization of leisure and life. The tests used to identify leaders should be comprehensive, focused on revealing the motivation and orientation of students, their inclinations and interests, communication, organizational skills, and experience in participating in social activities.
Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 6 | Juni, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-6-86-90
The system of training leaders in the student environment should cover, on the one hand, preparation for direct practical activities in the field of management, which is associated with the development of analytical, communicative, and organizational skills. On the other hand, it is necessary to focus on self-improvement of the individual, cultivating the ability for self-organization, self-discipline, self-analysis, self-assessment of performance results.
Thus, any resource of the educational environment of the university can be considered as a "factor of influence" on the formation of students' leadership qualities. The formation of students' leadership qualities occurs through their active involvement in educational and extracurricular activities to perform group tasks that require students to demonstrate leadership qualities, use interactive forms and methods of studying material with competitive elements in the educational process.
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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)
ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 6 | Juni, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |
www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-6-86-90
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