tion. Club activities help students to satisfy their personal development needs, communication needs, and volunteer work etc. contributing to the achievement of the educational goals of experiential activities and career-oriented experiential activities in a better and more complete way. This is an optional and voluntary activity. The content of club activities is open and flexible, derived from the needs and based on the conditions and facilities of the school. Participants are expanded, not only teachers and students in the school but also other people who have the same interests and passions even from all over the community can get involved. Usually, the name of the club determines the content of the club activities. For example, football club, art club, drama club, math club, literature and poetry club etc. With the above-mentioned characteristics of the purpose and content, the club activity is a type of experiencing and career - orienting, which is open and advantageous in promoting students' creativity. Depending on the type of experiential career-oriented activities, teachers give orientation to students on how to choose topics as well as guide them how to design and organize the activities, and students are really the subject of the activities: self-design and deploy the activities as planned. Hence, each task in each experiential career-oriented activity is a problematic situation, solving the tasks in the problematic situation helps students develop the competency to solve problems and become creative in the situation.
2.2.2. Increasing the use of problem solving method in organizing experiential career-oriented activities for students
Problem solving is an educational method to develop students' ability to think, create, and solve problems all by themselves. They are placed in problematic situations, through problem solving, it helps students acquire knowledge, skills and methods of how to deal with that in life all by themselves.
In the organization of experiential career-oriented activities, problem solving methods are often used when students analyze, consider and propose solutions to a phenomenon or an event that arises during the operation of the activities.
Problem-solving method are importantly meaningful, which promote students' positivity and creativity, and also help them have a more comprehensive view of phenomena and events that arise during activity performance and in daily life. In order for this method to be successful, the problem posed must be close to the objectives of activities, and at the same time, enables to stimulate students to actively discover solutions.
3. Conclusion
Competency of problem solving and creativity is one of the core competencies in humans, which is closely related to other component competencies and ensures humans' success in their life and activities. Experimental career-oriented activities play an important role in developing this competency in students once educators know how to exploit its advantages during the process of education.
1. Bo GD-BT (2018), Chuang trinh giao duc pho thong - Chuang trinh tong the.
2. Bo GD-BT (2018), Chuang trinh hoat dong trai nghiem, huong nghiep.
3. Nguyen Loc - Nguyen Thi Lan Phuang (dong chu bien, 2016), Phuang phap, ki thuat xay dung chuan danh gia nang luc doc hieu va nang luc giai quyet van de, NXB Giao duc Viet Nam.
4. Tran Viet Dung (2013), Mot so suy nghi ve nang luc sang tao va phuang huong phat huy nang luc sang tao cua nguoi Viet Nam hien nay, Tap chi Khoa hoc, Truong Bai hoc Su pham Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, so 49, tr 160-169.
Vü Thanh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Gam
Department of Pedagogy Ha Long University, Quang Ninh Province
In this article, the authors have analyzed the real situation of awareness of educational administrators and teachers at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province of the experiential activities and career - oriented activities as a basis for assessing factors affecting the activities during education process.
Keywords: Career - oriented activities, secondary schools, awareness, educational administrators, teacher.
1. Introduction
Meeting the requirements for improving the quality of human resources, equipping future generations with a solid cultural foundation and high adaptive capacity to all changes of nature and society, like other countries all over the world, Vietnam has carried out a big innovation in education recently. One of the main achievements in this innovation is the introduction of the general education program 2018. This program is
built in the direction of developing the qualities and competencies for students to help them have good and necessary qualities and competencies to become responsible citizens, and to become cultural, industrious and creative employees who meet individual development requirements for building and defending the country in the age of globalization and the new industrial revolution.
In the general education program 2018, experiential activities (at primary schools) and experiential activities (secondary and high schools) are compulsory educational activities which are carried out from grades 1 to 12. Experimental and career-oriented activities are educational activities, directed, designed and instructed by educators, creating opportunities for students to have practical access, experiential positive emotions, exploit existing experiences, and mobilize to synthesize knowledge and skills of subjects to perform appropriate-age assigned tasks or solve practical problems of school life, family and society. Through this transforming experiences into new understanding, knowledge and skills contributing to promoting creative potential and adaptability to life, environment and career aspirations. In order to successfully carry out experiential and career-oriented activities, the top essential condition is that to have a comprehensive, correct and in-depth understanding of the activities by all educational forces internally and externally the school, and firstly by direct administrators and teachers.
Table 1.
Administrators and teachers' actual awareness of the nature of experiential and career-oriented activities at sec_ondary schools in Quang Ninh province_
No. Statements Quantity %
1 It is another name for an extracurricular educational activity that may not be required to implement, but depends on the facilities of each school. 06 1.6
2 Having an independent position in the general education program 2018, must be implemented 374 98.4
3 More suitable for natural science subjects 167 43.9
4 More suitable for social science subjects 182 47.9
5 It is possible to perform experiential and career-oriented activities through teaching subjects 188 49.5
6 Teaching experiencing the subjects which are not experiential and career-oriented activities as educational activities 192 50.5
In this article, we have analyzed the real situation of awareness of educational administrators and teachers at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province of the experiential activities and career oriented activities as a basis for assessing factors affecting the activities during education process.
2. Contents
Our research was deployed in January 2021 on 380 educational administrators and teachers from secondary schools in Quang Ninh province. They used research methods that were mainly: written surveys and interviews.
Learning about the administrators and teachers' awareness of the nature of experiential and career-oriented activities at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province, we suggested the research objects to select the correct statements for the experiential and career-oriented activities according to the general education program 2018, the results were as follows:
Among the above opinions, two of them are true to experiential and career-oriented activities, namely "having an independent position in the general education program 2018, which must be implemented„ and " Teaching experiencing the subjects which are not experiential and career-oriented activities as educational activities". As showned in the results of the table above, the majority of administrators and teachers at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province were correclty aware of experiential career-oriented activities when selecting two statements which were correct to the activities (the rates of selecting the correct answers were 98.4% and 50.5% respectively).
According to the general education program 2018, experiential and career-oriented activities are compulsory educational activities, have an independent position in the program, the total number of periods/year is 105 periods, performed under 4 basic forms as follows: during flag-ceremony, class activities, thematic educational activities (regularly and periodically) and clubs. In addition, the survey results showed the shortcomings in the awareness of some objects when homogenizing experiential and career-oriented activities with extracurricular activities according to the old school curriculum and with teaching experiencing subjects, which is manifested in selecting incorrect statements, such as: It
is another name for an extracurricular educational activity that may not be required to implement, but depends on the facilities of each school (1.6%); More suitable for natural science subjects (43.9%); More suitable for social science subjects (47.9%); It is possible to perform experiential and career-oriented activities through teaching subjects (49.5%).
In fact, extracurricular educational activities under the old program are the activities that the inside-classroom subjects are organized outside the classroom, and are not compulsory activities [1]. But, teaching experiencing subjects associated with each specific subject is a form of teaching to orient the development of learners' competencies, which can be done in or out of the classroom. The limitations and inconsistencies in the awareness of some educational administrators and teachers of experiential and career-oriented activities at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province will negatively affect the organization and implementation of the activities at schools. In order to learn more deeply about the awareness of educational administrators and teachers of experiential and career-oriented activities at Quang Ninh secondary schools under the general education program 2018, we asked the participants to give their opinions on the objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities. The results as shown below:
Table 2.
Educational administrators and teachers' actual awareness on the objectives of experiential and career-oriented _activities at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province under the general education program 2018_
No. Objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities Opinions (%)
Correct Partly correct Incorrect
1 Forming in students the career- oriented capacity 86.8 13.2 0
2 Vocational traning for students helps them have labor skills for a number of specific occupations; can find a job right after graduation 93.9 6.1 0
3 Helping students to be well-aware of their own interests and abilities 97.9 2.1 0
4 Helping students to realize the importance of learning and continue high school 95.0 5.0 0
5 Being able to understand the role of economic activities in social life 67.1 32.9 0
6 Being able to get some key information on the local industries and the industries in the main manufacturing sectors; And to have a direction for their future after secondary school graduation 85.0 15.0 0
7 Forming and developing in students the ability to adapt to life 88.9 11.1 0
8 Forming and developing design capacity and operational organization 90.0 10.0 0
9 Contributing to forming students' competencies of problem solving and creativity, of communication and cooperation, autonomy and self-study. 92.1 7.9 0
10 Contributing to forming in students the main qualities: patriotism, compassion, honesty, industriousness, and responsibility 92.1 7.9 0
The survey results in Table 2 showed that the overall objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities under the general education program 2018 "forming in students career-oriented capacity ", "forming and developing in students the ability to adapt to life" and "forming and developing design capacity and operational organization" were chosen by the majority of administrators and teachers with the rates of 86.8.0%, 88.9% and 90 % respectively. However, other expressions on the overall objectives of the experiential career-oriented activities such as, "contribute to forming in students the competency of problem solving and creativity, communication and cooperation capacity, autonomy and self-study' and "contributing to forming in students the main qualities: patriotism, compassion, honesty, industriousness, and responsibility" received a higher number of comments, up to 92.1% of the participants chose the correct statement, and just 7.9% for partially correct. Specially, the specific objective "helping students to be well-aware of their own interests and abilities" reached the highest number of correct statement, accounting for 97.9%. The rest of the objectives for particularly career-oriented activities, such as "being able to understand the role of economic activities in social life", "being able to get some key information on the local industries and the industries in the main manufacturing sector", and "helping students have a direction for their future after secondary school graduation" were also widely selected by the survery objects (the rates of selecting "correct" option for these objectives accounted for 67.1% and 85.0% respectively).
In the survey, we used two items that were not the objectives of the experiential and career-oriented activities under the general education program 2018 to aim at assessing the awareness of administrators and teachers on this matter more accurately. Research results showed that many teachers and administrators selected
the "correct" option in these two items. In which, "being able to get some key information on the local industries and the industries in the main manufacturing sector, helping students have a direction for their future after secondary school graduation" accounted for 93.9 % of the participants who selected the "correct" option, and "helping students to realize the importance of learning and continue high school" had a corresponding rate of 95.0%.
Thus, the survey results reflected an inadequate understanding as well as some inconsistencies in the awareness of administrators and teachers on the objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities at Quang Ninh secondary schools under the general education program 2018 when statements of similar content accounted for a different number of opinions. Besides, there were some misconceptions that the purpose of career guidance was vocational training for students so that they could get a job after graduation or to help them continue their learning at high school.
The awareness of experiential and career-oriented activities will affect the construction of contents and methods to organize the activities. Therefore, implementing the impacts to raise awareness for administrators and teachers on the nature and objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province under thegeneral education program 2018 is the first prerequisite to ensure the efficient implementation of the activities.
3. Conclusion
According to the general education program 2018 in Vietnam, experiential and career-oriented activities are compulsory educational activities. The survey results showed that a number of educational administrators and teachers at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province mis-understood the nature and objectives of experiential and career-oriented activities under the
general education program 2018, when having synchronized the activities with extracurricular educational activities according to the old curriculum and the form of teaching experiencing subjects.
The limitations in educators' awareness of the experiential and career-oriented activities will negatively affect the implementation of the activities. Therefore, raising awareness for administrators and teachers at secondary schools in Quang Ninh province is a prerequisite measure to ensure effective implementation of
experiential and career-oriented activities under the general education program 2018 at secondary schools.
1. Bo Giao duc va Bao tao (2002), Chuang trinh trung hoc ca sd, Nxb Giao duc, tr.99.
2. Bo Giao duc va Bao tao (2018), Chuang trinh hoat dong trai nghiem va Hoat dong trai nghiem, huong nghiep, ban hanh ngay 26 thang 12 nam 2018.
Казибекова Н.А.
д.э.н., проф.
ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный педагогический университет», г. Махачкала, Россия
Kazibekova N.
Doctor of Economics, prof. Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russia
В статье автор рассматривает роль, место науки и образования в формировании человеческого капитала, при этом анализируется их взаимодействие и влияние на социально-экономическое развитие страны.
The author examines the role and place of science and education in the formation of human capital, while analyzing their interaction and impact on the socio-economic development of the country.
Ключевые слова: система образования, наука, экономика страны, человеческий капитал, модернизация образования.
Keywords: education system, science, national economy, human capital, modernization of education.
В условиях стремления регионов и страны в целом к устойчивому развитию на первый план выходит закон опережающего развития качества человеческого капитала, качества образовательной системы, преобладающей в обществе и изменения в положительную сторону качества общественного интеллекта.
Существующая система образования расставляет новые акценты, перемещая интересы общества с простого повышения темпов экономического развития в сторону устойчивого развития экономики, общества и человека, а это возможно лишь при условии модернизации высшего образования, повышения престижа работников педагогического труда, изменения отношения в обществе к категории граждан, относящихся к «человеческому капиталу».
Основой целью высшего образования является подготовка компетентного, высококвалифицированного работника, который может быть конкурентоспособным на рынке труда, коммуникабельного, ориентирующегося в смежных областях профессиональной деятельности и готового к карьерному росту.
Высшее образование является звеном в образовательной цепочке развития и интеграции образования и науки.
Именно поэтому так актуальны функции науки и образования как воспроизводство рабочей силы, создание «человеческого капитала», применение накопленных знаний, умений в различных областях для развития самой науки и непрерывного образования, как средства социального прогресса общества и личности, а также как средства управления всевозможными социально-экономическими и научно-техническими явлениями и процессами. Объективная необходимость требует поступательного развития науки и образования, их тесного взаимодействия, переплетения функций и общего воздействия на общественное производство.
В процессе взаимодействия «образование - наука» происходит переход накопленных человечеством знаний, умений, навыков, общественного опыта творческой деятельности от педагогов к обучающимся. Таким образом, и возникает внутренняя эффективность процесса образования, под влиянием особенностей личных интересов, способностей, планов жизнеустройства членов общества, с другой стороны, это взаимодействие формирует внешнюю эффективность образования, которая проявляется единством общественно значимых образовательных, научных и производственных целей, развития экономики страны и направлений ее модернизации.
О тесном взаимодействии образования и науки свидетельствует тот факт, что многие высшие учеб-