HayKQBHH BicHHK ll.TIV yKpai'HH. - 2014. - Bun. 24.9
CDU 504.75 Eng. M.M. Paslavskyi - Ukrainian National Forestry University;
assoc. prof. S. V. Rykhlyuk - Ivan Franko National University of L 'viv
The distribution of essential (Cu, Zn) and toxicant (Pb, Cd) chemical elements in terrestrial woody plant phytomass of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill., A. alba), which is the main species in native stands on the territory of the Dniester's Precarpathia, is described. The variation and statistical indicators of trace elements-biophiles (Cu, Zn), accumulation coefficients, concentration and scattering Clarks of trace elements in terrestrial phytomass for assessing biosphere and environment stabilizing functions are calculated. The performance of absorption genotypic programs of chemical elements by plants of A. alba has been proven.
Key words: trace element, white fir, Abies alba Mill., scattering clarks, concentration clarks, variation-statistics.
The main source of increasing chemical elements in the landscape complexes and their involvement in migration flows are supposed to be natural processes -weathering of rocks, soil [1, 2]. Climatic and biotic processes also have a significant influence. Anthropogenic activities have an important role that may cause intake of pollutants into landscapes in amounts that are toxic to living organisms. Studying of native stands pollution is very important under these conditions. Toxicants have a high ability for bioaccumulation, toxicity and sufficient mobility in the objects of nature reserve fund [3]. Increasing concentrations of trace elements as a result of human activity causes imbalances in the chemical composition of forest biocenoses, which are the basic conditions for the functioning of the ecosystem. Conservation, restoration and enhancement of biodiversity, where chemical elements are necessary for plant organisms and are negative externalities of their life, are very important. Proceeding in a variety of reactions, they act as antagonists (general physiological action of two or more metal ions less than the sum of each individual action) and synergetists (combined action of two or more metal ions is greater than added actions) [4]. The level of accumulation in plants of different taxonomic groups should be noted not to be same. The accumulative ability of plants depends on many factors: humidity, altitude, type of soil covers, etc.
Each component of phytocenotic system under the influence of other components is somewhat phytocenotic material for such processes as energy transformation, migration of trace elements, acts as an exchange unit or a total of expressing these processes inside phytocenosis in meso-ecosystem. Monitoring, conservation and restoration of plant communities on the principles of sustainable development in sites of natural areas are particularly relevant.
The aim of the study is to determine the distribution of trace essential (Zn, Cu) and toxic (Pb, Cd) elements in Dniester's Precarpathia meso-ecosystem. The object of study is landscape complexes of meso-scale ecosystem in Dniester's Precarpathia.
The determination of essential elements migration in Dniester's Precarpathia meso-ecosystem and adjacent plant communities has been performed using representative key sites located at the points of sampling plants and landscape in landscape-geochemical patterns territory. For the study were selected woody plants of
2. EKO^oria Ta aoBKi^H
HamoHa^bHHH McoTexHrêHHH ymBepcHTeT yKpaïHH
Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill., A. alba), which is one of the main forest species in this meso-ecosystem. A. alba common at altitudes from 270 to 1200 m above the sea level in the oak-beech-fir, fir-beech and spruce-fir and beech forests are autochthonous to all pre-mountains highland [5]. So total area of A. alba in state forestry's and hunting areas in Dniester's Precarpathia is 46261.6 ha. In particular, the largest area of young Class I and nearly-growth trees stand in State Company "Sambir Forestry" - 9995.2 ha and 14555.6 ha respectively; young Class II, middle-aged and mature trees stands in State Company "Staryi Sambir Hunting and Forestry" - 2959.2 ha, 4841.8 ha and 1311.1 ha respectively; and overgrowth in State Company "Drohobych Forestry" - 22.9 hectares.
Samples of ground phytomass of plants (bark, branches, needles, wood and core) are selected at the end of the vegetative period (August-September) on the same areas. Samples were taken from quintuple repeatability model on 142 trees on an area of 2 hectares, representing middle age, fine condition and quality stand. Laboratory and analytical study of heavy metals in plant samples were carried by polarographic method with universal polarograph PU-1. Statistical analysis of the obtained results was performed by variation-statistical method using Excel and Origin software.
Soils of the investigated area are sod-podzolic gley loam surface, which is the parent rock talus loam. The profile of these soils produce loose humus-eluvial (0-20 cm) poorly compacted podzolic (20-80 cm) and compacted and deep illuvial (30-100 cm) horizons. These soils contain more humus, due to their heavier texture, the deeper the faster decrease of humus content. A physics-chemical and agro-chemical feature of soils varies from low base saturation and high acidity [6].
The concentration and distribution of essential trace elements (Zn, Cu) and toxicants (Pb, Cd) are found in terrestrial phytomass A. alba, which is appropriate and sufficient for the general characteristics of features in their translocation plant.
For ease of comparison, the content of trace elements in plant organs of A. alba variation-statistical indicators of biophile-"trace elements" clarkes (Cu, Zn) are determined, which have been described in the papers of a number of domestic and foreign authors (Clarks and Washington [7]; Fersman [8]; Goldschmidt [9]; Vinogradov [10, 11]; Taylor [12]).
Table 1. Variational and statistical indicators of trace elements-biophiles (Cu, Zn) in terrestrial phytomass of A. alba
Plant organs Value, mg/kg (ppm)
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Standard Deviation
Cu Zn Cu Zn Cu Zn Cu Zn Cu Zn
Wood and core 1.2 0.5 2.1 4.5 1.46 1.51 1.45 1.50 0.26 0.98
Bark 1.1 0.5 1.75 1.5 1.39 1.08 1.35 1.05 0.20 0.24
Branches 0.5 0.5 1.8 5 1.11 2.09 1.15 1.50 0.51 1.59
Needles 0.4 0.4 1.2 2.9 0.91 1.13 1.04 1.00 0.30 0.82
The content of trace elements in soils of foothills of the Carpathians [2] 20 70 40 80 - - 30.00 71.00 24.50 4.40
Clarks elements in the earths crust [7-12] 47 40 100 200 78.67 87.17 85 75 24.51 57.79
36ipHHK HayKOBO-TexHÏHHHX npa^
HayKOBHH BicHHK H..1TV yKpaiHH. - 2014. - Ban. 24.9
Table 1 presents summary data on the content of trace elements-biophile (Cu, Zn) in terrestrial phytomass A. alba. Content toxicants (Pb, Cd) in terrestrial bodies is below normal sensitivity of the device. Such fact evidenced by prior research of National Scientific Center "Sokolovsky Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry" [2].
To evaluate the intensity of accumulation of metals in plants the accumulation coefficient (Ka) was calculated (Fig. 1). Accumulation coefficient is the ratio of the average content of the element in the plant organs to the contents of its mobile forms in soil [13].
and core Bar^ Branches Needles Fig. 1. Accumulation coefficients of copper and zinc in terrestrial parts of A. alba
Fig. 2. Scattering clarkes of trace elements in terrestrial parts of A. alba
Quantitative characteristic of the degree of difference of a particular natural system or part of Clark's lithosphere, and assessing the accumulation of trace elements is proposed by V. I. Vernadskyi [14] notion concentration clarke (CC) of trace elements (Fig. 1, 2), which is defined as the ratio of actual content of trace elements in the soil or plant (Ci) to the relative clarke in the lithosphere (K) (Table. 1) [14, 15]:
CC = C. K
Concentration clarke determines the degree of concentration (CC > 1) or scattering (CC < 1) of the trace element in the studying component of natural systems relatively to lithosphere.
In the event that the content of chemical elements far short of clarke for integers and greater multiplicity index value is calculated inverse concentration clarke - scattering clarke trace (CS) using the formula (1) in the reciprocal form:
CS = -, Ci
2. EKoaoria Ta flOBKiaaa
Нащональний лкотехшчний унiверситет Украши
where CS - scattering clarke of trace element.
This ratio shows how many times clarke element is greater than the content in the study of natural systems.
Comparison of our data content of essential minerals from clarke lithosphere relevant items submitted by various domestic and foreign authors indicates that the concentration of chemical elements in organs of A. alba, which is the predominant species in Dniester's Precarpathian, within background values and do not exceed acceptable levels.
Our studies have shown the following: the performance of genotypic programs of chemical elements absorption by plants A. alba, compliance with the qualitative and quantitative regulations of tissue saturation by ions of essential trace elements. Thus, elemental chemical composition of woody plants in Dniester's Precarpathian might reflect the biogeochemical situation with intact natural biogeochemical cycles in it.
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Паславський М.М., Рихлюк C.B. Розподш есенщальних xiMi4H^ еле-мен™ у Me30eK0№CTeMi Днктровського Передкарпаття
Збiрник науково-техшчних праць
Науковий вкник НЛТУ Украши. - 2014. - Вип. 24.9
Описано розподш есенщальних (Cu, Zn) х1м1чних елеменпв i токсиканпв (Pb, Cd) у наземнш фiтомасi деревних рослин ялищ бiлоï (Abies alba Mill., A. alba), яка е головною породою коршних деревостанiв на теренах Дшстровського Передкарпаття. Розра-ховано варiацiйно-статистичнi показники вмiсту мiкроелементiв-бiофiлiв (Cu, Zn), ко-ефiцiенти накопичення, кларки концентраций i розсiювання мiкроелементiв у наземнш фтомас для оцшювания бiосферних i стабшзуючих середовище функцiй. Доведено виконання генотипiчноï програми поглинання хiмiчних елеменпв рослинамиA. alba.
Ключовi слова: мшроелемент, ялиця бiла, Abies alba Mill., кларк розсiювання, кларк концентраций варiацiйно-статистичнi показники.
Паславский М.М., Рыхлюк С.В. Распределение эссенциальных химических элементов в мезоэкосистеме Днестровского Прикарпатья
Описано распределение эссенциальных (Cu, Zn) химических элементов и токсикантов (Pb, Cd) в наземной фитомассе древесных растений пихты белой европейской (Abies alba Mill., A. alba), которая является главной породой коренных древостоев на территории Днестровского Прикарпатья. Рассчитаны вариационно-статистические показатели содержания микроэлементов-биофилов (Cu, Zn), коэффициенты накопления, кларки концентраций и рассеивания микроэлементов в наземной фитомассе для оценки биосферных и стабилизирующих среду функций. Доказано выполнение генотипичес-кой программы поглощения химических элементов растениями A. alba.
Ключевые слова: микроэлемент, пихта белая европейская, Abies alba Mill., кларк рассеивания, кларк концентрации, вариационно-статистические показатели.
УДК 69.691.624.01 Асист. О. С. Малишевська, канд. техн. наук -
1вано-Франкыський нацюнальний медичний утверситет; доц. О.Д. Мельник, канд. г.-м. наук - 1вано-Франтвський НТУ нафти i газу
Дослщжено технологй перероблення ПЕТФ вщходш. Обгрунтовано, розроблено i реалiзовано на практищ безвщходну технолопю мехашчного рециклiнгу ПЕТФ-вщхо-дiв Í3 зменшеною кiлькiстю стадiй перероблення та одержанням готового продукту, придатного до використання. Встановлено, що використання заиропоновшо! технологи мехаиiчиого рециклiнгу ПЕТФ- вщходш дае змогу одержати новий високояюсний гото-вий продукт, що мае висок звуко-, теплоiзоляцiйнi, адгезивнi, адсорбцшш властивостi, велику питому поверхню, пластичшсть, стiйкiсть до хiмiчного та атмосферного впливу, екологiчнiсть.
Ключовi слова: рециклшг полiмерiв, утилiзацiя полiмерiв, переробка полiмерiв, екологiя полiмерiв.
Актуальнiсть теми. Пол1мерна упаковка з пол1етилентерефталату (ПЕТФ) використовуеться практично у bcíx галузях промисловосп, тому щор1ч-но накопичуеться дедал1 бшьше ввдход1в вжито! пол1мерно1 тари. Зпдно 3Í звь том анал1зу св1тового ринку споживання ПЕТФ-упаковки, проведеного компа-шею Smithers Pira, св1тове виробництво ПЕТФ за 2013 р. становило 11,84 млн т, кр1м цього, щорiчний npupicm споживання - 5,2 %, вна^док прогнозуеться збЫьшення споживчого ринку до 19,1 млн т, а залучення ПЕТФ у виготовлення пляшок - до 55 %, до 2017 р. Таке зростання забезпечать регюни, що розвива-ються завдяки таким сегментам, як: молочш продукти, соки, пиво, вино [1].
Отож, проблеми щодо накопичення, збер1гання, утил1зацц та рециклшгу ПЕТФ-в1дходав е актуальними не тшьки для Украши, а й для усього св1тового
2. Eкoлoгiя та довкшля