THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION: GLOBAL TRENDS AND ANTI-TRENDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
higher education / Massive Open Online Courses / MOOCs / blockchain technology / digitalization / education customization / educational data engineering / “digital footprint” / individual educational trajectory / высшее образование / массовые открытые онлайн-курсы / технология блокчейн / цифровизация / кастомизация образования / образовательный дата-инжиниринг / «цифровой след» / индивидуальная образовательная траектория

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Guz N.A.

The article analyzes the impact of globalization and technological development of society on research, education, organization and technology of the educational process. Pedagogical priorities of digitalization of education, such as combining the efforts of scientists and practitioners for a comprehensive analysis and interdisciplinary solution of modern problems of digital educational space and pedagogical principles of digitalization of education are defined. The objective of the study is not only to outline the existing trends in higher education in terms of digitalization, but also to foresee the possibility of forming anti- or counter-trends. The main methods of research are analysis, systematization and modeling. The author uses them to identify six promising trends, which are interdependent. The article reveals the actual potential of such educational element as digital footprint and the possibility of building individual educational trajectories on its basis. This study provides important information to relevant stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and universities, on how to treat the trends that have emerged in higher education under the influence of digitalization, to follow them or to focus on the strengths of basic science.

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В статье анализируется влияние глобализации и технологического развития общества на исследования, образование, организацию и технологию образовательного процесса. Определены педагогические приоритеты цифровизации образования, такие как объединение усилий ученых и практиков для комплексного анализа и междисциплинарного решения современных проблем цифрового образовательного пространства и педагогические принципы цифровизации образования. Цель исследования состоит не только в том, чтобы обозначить существующие тренды в высшем образовании с точки зрения цифровизации, но и предвидеть вероятность формирования анти- или контр-трендов. Основными методами исследования являются: анализ, систематизация и моделирование. На их основе автор выделяет шесть перспективных трендов, которые являются взаимозависимыми. Научная новизна: в статье также раскрывается фактический потенциал такого образовательного элемента, как цифровой след, и возможности построения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий на его основе. Практическая значимость: настоящее исследование предоставляет важную информацию соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам, таким как Министерство науки и высшего образования, университетам, относительно того, как относиться к трендам, сформировавшимся в высшем образовании под влиянием цифровизации, следовать им или сосредоточиться на сильных сторонах фундаментальной науки.


Использование ИКТ позволяет преодолевать временные и пространственные барьеры, разрабатывать новые методы и инструменты обучения, сохраняя при этом персонализированный подход. Однако использование новых технологий должно быть изучено и освоено в первую очередь не только преподавателями, но и студентами, прежде чем их можно будет применять правильно и с пользой для всех. Поэтому им необходимы технические и педагогические консультации, которые должны быть организованы самой образовательной организацией.

Смена традиционных ролей - процесс непростой, потому что он требует изменения мышления, осознания студентами своей ответственности в получении необходимых знаний, которые больше не предоставляются им в удобной и компактной форме преподавателем, они должны построить собственный процесс обучения. Преподаватели также должны признать свою новую роль, осознать, что происходит их переход от информационных фасилитаторов к наставникам. Эти изменения не всегда даются легко и требуют для адаптации времени и терпения. С другой стороны, виртуальная обучающая среда диктует необходимость инвестиций в персонал и оборудование, а также в техническое обслуживание

Библиографический список

и обучение, что не всегда рассматривается или решается удовлетворительным образом на институциональном уровне.

К вышеупомянутым трудностям следует добавить то, что многие студенты не хотят или не готовы работать в команде. Это связано с различными предпочтениями стратегий обучения, с отсутствием компетенций межличностных отношений, а также с отказом делиться своими успехами с другими членами группы или страдать от последствий неудач других.

Растущая важность электронных коммуникаций и инструментов для переводчиков, а также командной работы и социальных способностей должна привести к переосмыслению наших моделей обучения, интеграции электронных инструментов и совместного обучения не только как средства, но и как цели в обучении переводчиков.

Значительный сдвиг к визуальной культуре обучения должен привести к тому, что переводческая педагогика будет включать больше визуальных ресурсов, таких как видеоконференции и потоковое видео. Перспективной является разработка адекватных обучающих игр и хороших симуляций, которые могли бы приблизить профессиональную среду и ситуации к студентам.

1. Корнеева Л.И. Теоретико-методологические основы подготовки лингвистов-переводчиков в вузе: монография. Екатеринбург: Издательство УрФУ, 2016.

2. Никищихина Т.Я. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии как средство повышения профессиональной мотивации специалистов сферы перевода и переводо-ведения. Знание. Понимание. Умение. 2012; № 1: 171 - 175.

3. Гребенщикова А.В. Теоретико-педагогические предпосылки развития проблемы формирования информационной компетентности переводчиков в системе непрерывного профессионального образования. Вестник Челябинского государственного педагогического университета. Челябинск, 2012; № 6: 15 - 23.

4. Калинин А.Ю. Информационно-коммуникационный технологии в обучении устному переводу: компьютерные средства и мультимедиа-контент. Вестник ПНИПУ. Проблемы языкознания и педагогики. 2017; № 2: 131 - 139.

5. Praet S., Verhelst B. Teaching Translation Theory and Practice. Journal of Classics Teaching. 2020; № 21 (42): 31 - 35.

6. Гордеева Н.Г. Формирование технологической компетентности у будущих лингвистов-переводчиков в процессе профессиональной подготовки. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. Чебоксары, 2011.


1. Korneeva L.I. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy podgotovkilingvistov-perevodchikov v vuze: monografiya. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel'stvo UrFU, 2016.

2. Nikischihina T.Ya. Informacionno-kommunikacionnye tehnologii kak sredstvo povysheniya professional'noj motivacii specialistov sfery perevoda i perevodovedeniya. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012; № 1: 171 - 175.

3. Grebenschikova A.V. Teoretiko-pedagogicheskie predposylki razvitiya problemy formirovaniya informacionnoj kompetentnosti perevodchikov v sisteme nepreryvnogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Chelyabinsk, 2012; № 6: 15 - 23.

4. Kalinin A.Yu. Informacionno-kommunikacionnyj tehnologii v obuchenii ustnomu perevodu: komp'yuternye sredstva i mul'timedia-kontent. VestnikPNIPU. Problemyyazykoznaniya i pedagogiki. 2017; № 2: 131 - 139.

5. Praet S., Verhelst B. Teaching Translation Theory and Practice. Journal of Classics Teaching. 2020; № 21 (42): 31 - 35.

6. Gordeeva N.G. Formirovanie tehnologicheskoj kompetentnosti u buduschih lingvistov-perevodchikov v processe professional'noj podgotovki. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. Cheboksary, 2011.

Статья поступила в редакцию 25.04.22

УДК 378.147

Guz N.A., Cand. of Sciences (Economics), senior lecturer, Docent, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION: GLOBAL TRENDS AND ANTI-TRENDS. The article analyzes the impact of globalization and technological development of society on research, education, organization and technology of the educational process. Pedagogical priorities of digitalization of education, such as combining the efforts of scientists and practitioners for a comprehensive analysis and interdisciplinary solution of modern problems of digital educational space and pedagogical principles of digitalization of education are defined. The objective of the study is not only to outline the existing trends in higher education in terms of digitalization, but also to foresee the possibility of forming anti- or counter-trends. The main methods of research are analysis, systematization and modeling. The author uses them to identify six promising trends, which are interdependent. The article reveals the actual potential of such educational element as digital footprint and the possibility of building individual educational trajectories on its basis. This study provides important information to relevant stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and universities, on how to treat the trends that have emerged in higher education under the influence of digitalization, to follow them or to focus on the strengths of basic science.

Key words: higher education, Massive Open Online Courses / MOOCs, blockchain technology, digitalization, education customization, educational data engineering, "digital footprint", individual educational trajectory.

Н.А. Гузь, канд. экон. наук, доц., ФГОБУ ВО «Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации», г. Москва,

E-mail: [email protected]


В статье анализируется влияние глобализации и технологического развития общества на исследования, образование, организацию и технологию образовательного процесса. Определены педагогические приоритеты цифровизации образования, такие как объединение усилий ученых и практиков для комплексного анализа и междисциплинарного решения современных проблем цифрового образовательного пространства и педагогические принципы цифровизации образования. Цель исследования состоит не только в том, чтобы обозначить существующие тренды в высшем образовании с точки зрения цифровизации, но и предвидеть вероятность формирования анти- или контртрендов. Основными методами исследования являются: анализ, систематизация и моделирование. На их основе автор выделяет шесть перспективных трендов, которые являются взаимозависимыми. Научная новизна: в статье также раскрывается фактический потенциал такого образовательного элемента, как цифровой след, и возможности построения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий на его основе. Практическая значимость: настоящее исследование предоставляет важную инфор-

мацию соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам, таким как Министерство науки и высшего образования, университетам, относительно того, как относиться к трендам, сформировавшимся в высшем образовании под влиянием цифровизации, следовать им или сосредоточиться на сильных сторонах фундаментальной науки.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, массовые открытые онлайн-курсы, технология блокчейн, цифровизация, кастомизация образования, образовательный дата-инжиниринг, «цифровой след», индивидуальная образовательная траектория.


The priority directions of the world market of online education are: mobile learning; corporate training (B2B and B2C education); soft skills training.

These skills will determine the main trends in the development of the labor market, human, society and culture.

According to J'son & Partners analytical research [1; 2], the most relevant segment of online education in Russia is skills development, due to the fact that [3] the requirements for professions are constantly increasing. For example, the Internet of Things is becoming a highly sought-after area of potential employment today. Public educational organizations need to adapt to the digital demands of the labor market.

Before discussing digital trends in higher education [4], we should mention general trends in education. Currently, higher education is a process of teaching and academic leadership, but soon there will be a shift from direct instruction to mentoring and then to research coordination. Common trends in education can also be considered: increasing its inclusiveness; individualization of education; "shortening" of educational trajectories (offering educational solutions in a compact form); possibility for a student to master several modules (macro-courses) at once; application of interdisciplinary approaches to learning, development of interdisciplinary cooperation in the design and implementation of relevant educational programs.

Digital trends in higher education [5] include: application of virtual reality technology in addition to the existing distance technologies; transition from hard skills to soft skills, which involve the development of creativity, the desire to develop, and the ability to organize themselves (especially for students of technical specialties); elimination of the barriers in the related fields of knowledge (economics and law, etc.) on the basis of digitalization; application of online technologies in the educational process, allowing "individualization" of students' learning trajectories, especially for people with disabilities; penetration of online education elements into the traditional system (offline) of education [6].

For example, the use of Skyeng educational environment for English language teaching by universities.

Digitalization of education today is built on the principles of creative thinking, imagination, and the desire to develop. The task of higher education is to promote the development of creative skills, which today is more important than formal knowledge. The task of the teacher (tutor/mentor) is to give the student an impetus for development.

The digitalization of the education process affects, among other things, the organizational aspects of the university: improving the efficiency of research management; automation of management processes in the university; application of distributed registry technology (blockchain) for secure storage and rapid transfer of information.

In many ways, virtual and augmented reality technologies, online management of the educational organization, big data technologies, allow collecting information about the needs of students based on demand/supply, adapting educational programs.

Literature Review

1. Learning experience design in higher education

According to Harrison, Anderson and Archer, learning experience design should be based on three components: cognitive, social and pedagogical [7]. We believe that the connecting component, which is essential to collecting data, is the digital component. The designer and the teacher come together through modern digital and pedagogical technologies. By creating a new product, organizing the learning process in a new way, it is possible to integrate with teachers from all over the world.

The historical overview "History of Educational Technology (20th & 21st Centuries)" edited by Adnan Abd Rashid [8] is devoted to a systematic discussion of the aspects, importance, scope, and potential of educational technology. Consisting of seven discursive chapters, the book covers such issues as a historical overview of educational technology before the 21st century, the role of media and technology in education [9].

Through a systematic elaboration of the history of educational technology, the book shows how 20th- and 21st-century teaching and learning have successfully replaced archaic systems of educational dissemination. At the same time, the authors Dickson Adom and Debra Sharon Ferdinand-James [10] emphasize the dynamism of today's students, equipped with the multidimensional and practical education made possible by educational technologies such as Internet-based learning, e-learning, audiovisual inclusion, and others.

2. Digitalization of Education

1. Author Sysoieva Svitlana defines pedagogical priorities of digitalization of education such as combining the efforts of scientists and practitioners for a comprehensive analysis and interdisciplinary solutions to current problems of the digital educational space and pedagogical principles of digitalization of education [12].

2. The features and directions of education of children and youth in the digital space have been identified; new forms and methods of organizing the educational impact on children and youth in the digital environment have been revealed; the risks of digitalization of education and ways to overcome them have been outlined. The article

shows that the mission of modern education is to provide society and every citizen with a proper transition to the digital age, focusing on other tools and different living environment and to prepare not only young but also middle-aged and older people for new types and kinds of work.

3. Digital Footprint Functions in Higher Education

Educational data-engineering, based on the integration of pedagogical staff into a modern technological environment, makes it possible to move away from a routine approach to working practices. Modern technology ensures co-operation between pedagogical design and pedagogical skills. Educational data-engineering contributes to the digital transformation of education, in particular by enabling management decisions based on digital footprint data.

According to Valentina Mantulenko, in more depth, the digital trail can be applied to analyse students' interpretation of the lecturer's speech. Through a specific set of terms or meanings, the digital footprint of the material given by the lecturer is compared with the material assimilated by the students. For this purpose, the lecture text is transcribed, and by semantic analysis key terms are identified [13]. Based on questions posed by students, free-form essay writing, or in a mini-interview format, semantic frequency analysis identifies moments of false understanding where students perceive the lecturer's speech as blind spots. Digital footprint analysis also helps to solve the problem of highlighting the individual contribution of a student participating in a group educational project. Thus, competent digital footprint fixation allows solving the task of educational process modelling [14].

As explained by Pozdeeva, Shipunova, Popova, Evseev, Evseeva, Romanen-ko & Mureyko, the mentioned technology allows to "measure" not only the level of student activity, but also student engagement (cognitive passivity), diagnose hidden student preferences (unconscious educational need), determine whether the educational programme is suitable for students (feedback, reflection). According to them, the study of students' digital footprints on university platforms, supplemented [15] with the study of their activity in social networks, allows developing educational [15] modelling aimed at forming a more adequate set of competences and soft skills of a graduate.

4. Blockchain technology in Higher Education

Blockchain technology is being considered quite seriously for educational applications. The European Commission's Joint Research Centre report "Blockchain in Education" confirms this. The researcher Alexander C. Kafka points out the usefulness of blockchain technology in science and publishing. In particular, with the help of "smart contracts" it is possible to encode the text of the article, details of reviewing, methodology and research data, which will reduce the risk of fraud on scientific publications, copying, plagiarism and other manipulations [16].

The author Stephen Pelletier agrees that researchers will be more willing to share their scientific accomplishments while maintaining control over them through blockchain. Ultimately, this will lead to greater trust and interdisciplinary collaboration [17].

The researcher Melissa Layne emphasizes that blockchain technology will simplify the work of the university admissions office. The list of services provided by admissions committees and dean's offices is wide, including both initial work with applicants and organizational support for students, including academic trips. Depending on the size and structure of the university, the list may include both traditional tasks and specific responsibilities (credit accounting in connection with the transfer of students from another institution, language and cultural support, time management training, financial assistance, etc.). Thanks to blockchain, even at the stage of admission, the university will be able to stop fraud related to falsification of grades, legitimacy of sports and other achievements, grounds for benefits, distortion of personal data, etc. [18].


Several methods were used to fulfill the set tasks. A comparative analysis of sources on the theoretical and practical aspects of the global digitalization of education.

The method of theoretical analysis was applied to study the Russian and foreign experience in the field of digitalization of education and new realities in the educational process.

The method of deduction [19] was used to identify the main aspects of the global digitalization of education and classify them into positive and negative according to their impact on participants in the educational process.


The transition to online education and its hybrid forms in the context of the pandemic has been forced. To summarize the intermediate results, there are some positive effects of the implementation of this educational model, which allows:

receive information in a shorter and more convenient time;

save time, money and energy for students and universities;

reduce the number of teachers;

improve the quality of education by separating teachers into "content creators" and "'transmitters".

Higher education is becoming less academic, more distributed. The educational organization acts as an ecosystem, within which campuses are transformed into virtual co-working spaces.

The aim of the study is not so much to outline current trends in higher education in terms of digitalization, but also to anticipate the likelihood of anti- or counter-trends forming.

The question this study is trying to answer is whether to run after emerging trends or focus on the strengths of basic science?

So, let us outline the emerging trends in higher education related to its digital transformation.

1. The first persistent trend, which will obviously not disappear even after the pandemic is over, is the move of learning into an online environment. In its pure form, this tool does not work to improve the quality of education as such.

The main complaints about online education relate to the problems set forth below:

the value of a university degree is diminishing because of mass education courses, educational platforms and business courses, which are also provide education;

the students' personal self-organization, the ability to identify free time for their studies;

the value for money of online education;

a high percentage of non-completers (over 28% of learners on educational platforms such as Coursera and MEPs) [20];

the high cost of producing quality online content;

the reduction in the residual knowledge of students;

the failure of universities to fulfil their social role, which involves not only the transmission of knowledge, but also the building of interpersonal capital [21].

Finding a balance between online and offline formats is a difficult practical task for which there can be no one-size-fits-all approach [22]. At the early educational introductory stages, the online format is justified. It is likely that the higher the level of training required (post-graduate studies), the greater the demand for offline format, as the online format fails to achieve the necessary level of communication with experts.

The correlation in favour of offline education characteristics the training of specialists in the creative professions, as it involves tactile communication, live human interaction. Possible organization of creative projects on digital platforms will diversify the professional training of students [23]. In any case, the emerging counter-trend towards the creation of a purely analogue educational model should not depend on someone's opportunistic preferences.

2. The second trend is the "massification" of higher education.

Digitalization in education provides many opportunities, but at the same time [24]

it requires changes in methodology, approaches to teaching students. In particular, we are talking about open access to electronic educational resources of universities, performed at a high level. For example, the use of educational platforms: Coursera, the National Platform for Open Education, the University without Borders (Lomonosov Moscow State University), the Open Online Academy of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Mentioning mass educational online courses (Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs [25]), it can be noted that they are built into professional and educational programs in different ways. Three scenarios can be noted:

1. MOOCs as a web support for traditional implementation of OEP. To intensify the latter, up to 30% of resources are allowed with the use of MOOCs.

2. Blended learning involves partial replacement of classroom sessions (mostly lectures) with MOOC resources (up to 80% online).

3. Online learning, assumes academic freedom, replacement of traditioeal learning with MOOC [3] resources accompanied by a mentor/tutor (up to 90-100% online).

If we talk about MOOCs, universities are reluctant to use other people's onllae educational platforms and are not ready to completely switch to the online format.

In addition to university platforms, the corporate sector is also ready to offer its own educational platforms (Skillbox, MAXIMUM, Udemy, etc.). For corporations, online education remains less and less of a "thing in itself," being successfully integrated into the business value chain, generates revenue, and helps build customer trust.

The "B2B and B2C education" segment often lacks personnel, in particular methodologists for the development and implementation of educational projects [26]. Corporate educational services are characterized by the following specific features: practice-oriented, consumer-oriented; application of "experts teach experts" model; the evolution from online education to consulting, business coaching; online education is built into the business process, contributes to the long-term perspective of the business; active implementation of recommendation, adaptive, supportive servicea; partnership with other organizations implementing the concept of "B2B and B2C education". According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, in 1970 there were 32.6 mid-lion students in higher education, compared to 99.9 million in 2000 (and a lower fertility rate); it is estimated that by 2030 there will be 377.4 million students, by 2035 - 4710 million, and by 2040 - 594.1 million [27]. The Priority 2030 programme aims, in particular, at creating educational "consortia of universities" (temporary voluntary associati ous of universities with other organizations to coordinate activities and consolidate reso urfr es), which seeks to provide a qualitative transition to mass, but customized, education.

In contrast to this trend, some universities in Russia and abroad are responding, on the contrary, by "elitism" in certain programmes and areas, and by a selective ap-

proach in selecting applicants. As a result, while the overall level of higher education is falling, the prestige of such universities is increasing, including due to the aforementioned selectivity.

3. The third (internal) trend is related to the transition from pedagogical design to learning experience design. Universities are addressing the urgent practical problem of how to improve the quality and enhance the educational content, moving from "pedagogical design" to "learning experience design".

4. The fourth (thematic) trend is a response to the increased demand for training in so-called "fashionable areas" (robotics, technological entrepreneurship, etc.). The question is whether the demand for the priority specialties is sustainable and long-term? Although e-leadership skills are required by various stakeholder groups related to the innovation process [28].

With hard skills employers are focusing on soft skills in the digital age: critical thinking (reflection); developing solutions to problems; decision-making; emotional intelligence; creativity, unconventionality.

Hybrid (mixed) skills such as prevention of "triple burnout" (professional, personal and human) are also extremely demanded.

The disadvantages of mainly online education include the fact that: it ensures rhaS onlf herS stll Is are formyd,whlch qe I cklybecume obeoiate; itdoesnot eontribute to dhefyllsocial-sytiohofstodents; trisleadatoashnCage ot fereonnal InhSe labour market with a developed ability to build horizontal communications and fit into the cor-nsraSe rulesand eultere,¡nclud¡sa tfejabSie rarchy [29].

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5. etisfiSh (atmhtsr^ir trendisrelatel toinsreasins iykMduslisatod of 0igher cmOfcai/on rf+Sa2 formula; btmalhea the ueoat psttetr^ evht is meant t)y "forming Individual educational trajectories"? Is it only the possibility of mechanically selecting comtrnatinns ofdffietkrrt sourseu^Uhe heae eftteadvaete^sef indwidna! ertoca-tlonal paths ¡osteaent snbjecriiStg, theaossibility of obtaining a unique (like a finger-peasi^^^^t^ b y independently assembling a combination of courses.

Tfio formation n1 eri indMclh^educotiosnl frafectoty isdudee fhe foHowing Mocks (Figuce 1).


O^ingnouiu d

lsдsetrehee, srsfeeeisnar ssmseУonciee in refferen0 urissu / csmpsnente ant

ihenУirishУisn sfweaetfeefee ^nnh strengths

p,gi (i The sroceks rdfrramg as |na|vldna| educstisnal trajec^tsrs

T°a tsnnsitiou to sech tt remoteta! changs is aenompsnied Isy a nsmbet of sig-ni t ieks 1 e roplmmo d On a ahtlrem eitha" net a1 I ntsd onta sr a hit c|ea|us clioires. poefetring eoses coetser, ant s in gnmrt¡mesd¡ffirnltfor fogs education iedlvlencIionSioe's to j)tovIsloa wide ctioice fot varions tcaaees (teachers' worMoad. tet examplc)¡ TIe srob-lem aloo mae|feets ¡tseO iu toe snter^l. ts whicli a sorO|ce|er nou-oe Io aign¡ficaet w the oeernlltraiectors o1 1005,6X1 Is ltenena0 tochaasa hneeloet¡vr koersaromaoter the ts I smaIt t sot. I a?

As suels trettggsu|on ¡tt indMdua1 eduusr¡ona|trajectories involving several nra°ea (Hgu-e 2s in a sompiax and rxtremaly teoacore(eoosum¡og processy wXIch is almoot nnofferdaaIe at^ln^l^r^eit^l^ ea^lsd^,^ ursaetmty


CnsaУiog ringnsfpin matrices

Fig. 2. Stages in the redesmsodtUe educational p(osesg leased on the development os lykIvlndol legrn¡nh fatUways

Still,itiyelegi timate process if the university wants to remain competitive in the new e nvI rertme ntl tn rsale Its l ntlu anno op ners¡gn a uXienaes ¡n expneta ne Ita ed uca-tional outreach and relying on individual student needs.

nhe seuoterttrenX iu tS¡s giredtiau is rslateatothehlrd educatfon lndividu-al¡gat¡oola (111015(1x100 fot qnaIdg 6x10(311011 Uy offering struuteraXedu-

co^oa1 p-ocjrammr^es, uigh education individualization is confronted with a mfficup crho^e i-hawta oowtriea rigid(fat susatrorofesy|ona|s) cud flatdMe pro-efgwmarl

It is the individual choice of the high education individualization how to interact with the established trend - to follow it, lead it, stay ahead of the trend or develop its own "anti-trend".

Selection and assignment of recommended courses and programs

Final diagnosis and analysis of the effectiveness of training


Layout of the educational program into Leadyuocuattiofntahle edmuocdatuiloensal

Creating a

testing system

for each of the Celremateingtsa

r n














l al






Federal Project "Digital Educational Environment"



Federal Project "Every Child's Success"


Federal Project "Personnel for the Digital Economy"

Federal Project "Digital Technologies"

Fig. 3.Tools for managingthedigitalization ofeducationintheRussianFederation

6. The sixth trend is related to the an I ¡cation of Ь/oeteVae iecftno/ogy in education. Blockchain is a distributed data storage system in which storage devices are not connectefto a commonserver.ThisUotabasestareaannvar-gtdwlcg NO oU ordered records, called blocks, each block containing a timestamp and a link to the previous block. Thanks to encryption, the user can onlnrsodifythe aartor tfe database that he owns, from whinil he has "private keyn", v^i^v- t tiomiti itr rnpoaabteto write to the file. Encraatlocolsaenacrasthaf allsoplnoof the do-abaseare a—cdro-nized across all ascfa,oa-eo-.fa Ыос kcta.nls odrtenla11 ceao°as arelmmodi1--visible to other users.

Security in bloctata.o onahnology is ensured through a decentralized server, timestamping, and peer-to-peer network connections. The result is a database that is managed autonomously, with out a single center [30]. T hi s rnolsno Ы ockchaits very convenient for logging events and data transactions, identity management and source authentication.

In addition, blockchain will help popularize and legitimize online learning, which will significantly reddtoaomployment around the world: give a chance to get an online education to those people who have no opportunity to get offline, and later help with employment, as all diplomas and certificates contained in the blockchain are official and reliable. Because blockchain allows the standardization of certificates and diplomas obtained throug h online learning , It fo ¡lows that the techn ology will allow the future legitimization of online learning In all countries of the world.

Discussio n

This study Isinline with the key c^i^e^cti ons outlined byPresldential Decnee No. 474 of July 20, k020 internsofacf^i^'^iogVioac^lmot^i^keio eeysaceorsofthe economy, including oduoatlon" (Ukao ProziOenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21.07.2020 g. № 474 «O nacional'nyh celjah razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda». Available at: https:// http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/45726 (accessed: 23.03.2022). (In Russ.)) and defined in the policy documents: "Priority 2030", the National Plan "Education" (implementation period 2019-2024), the project "Science and Universities" within the National Program "Digital Economy" (implementation period 2019-2024) in the aspect of ensuring digital transformation of universities (Strategija cifrovoj transformacii otrasli nauki i vysshego obrazovanija. Ministerstvo nauki i vysshego obrazovanija Rossijskoj Federacii 14.07.2021. Available at: https:// www.minobrnauki.gov.ru/upload/iblock/e16/dv6edzmr0og5dm57dtm0wyllr6uwtujw. pdf (accessed: 23.03.2022). (In Russ.)) and ensuring digital maturity of all sectors of the economy (Figure 3).

Evaluation of the achieved results of federal projects related to the digitalization of education in the Russian Federation allows us to draw some intermediate conclusions.

1. Within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Project "Personnel for the Digital Economy", an online service "готовкцифре.рф" for digital literacy was created.

Библиографический список

2. T hedigltal platforrrTEducation inthe Russian Federation for fo reigners" site "education-in-russia.com" was created as part of the Federal Project "Digital govern-meu2.

3. The Digital Educational Environment platform containing a library of educa-to nalttoftent waslahnnpedwitninrho frametordot t2e Teferaigroject "Digital Ed-ocatiohaf Bvironreenf.TheStete |ofo rmatldn°dstem"Mf Sehoogand other related resources ftnctiononthebasls ofthe platCrm

4. f°3 "ontornhfdlbtel epuhepon "ITfCu^wereereated aneare functioning.

Thus, it is possible to note positive aspects in the implementation of state projects aimed at ensuring the digitalization of education. It includes coverage of all levels of education, a systematic approach (development of the regulatory framework and digital edhcetional renoumtsr, meetlna tlee nhallon^ o2 eeemnning ^¡tal literacy of both teachers and students.

"tou^ttereara iteo colhaiodholh2om f n^ igpnrtcular.the.tojects do not cover the so-called "virtual academic mobility".

Secondly, the passport of the National Program "Digital Economy" prescribes individual tasks in the field of education, which will not affect the achievement of its target indicators.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, academic mobility of students has decreased. The development of digital technologies and distance learning technologies can help to develop "virtual academic mobility",contributing to №edgltalEatlor^ t^f№e export of education.

The implementation of this task will require formation of the necessary regulatory fRimewori<,a<tdeionalEending, Ftrengthcning of infereaflrnnal sulentific and educational interaction. However it will contribute to the implementation of the Federal Project "Export of education".

To solve the second problem, it is proposed to transfer certain tasks related to the digitalization of education from the National Program "Digital Economy" to the National Project "Education".


To summarize, let us briefly outline the main trends in higher education in Russia and in the world.

1. Individualization. Assumes individual approach to the student's goal-setting, choice of trajectory, support.

2. Mobilization, acceleration. Includes the development of modular education, the formation of related skills, the use of mobile educational applications.

3. Collaboration of offline education with online platforms.

4. Soft skills (universal skills) - a key tool.

In any case, digitalization of education should not be a burden but a relief for teachers. Technologies (online courses, gamification, blockchain, neuro-technologies, etc.) used in the educational process are not as important as the motivation of the student.

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3. Cohen A., Holstein S. Analysing successful massive open online courses using the community of inquiry model as perceived by students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2018; № 34 (5): 544 - 556. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12259

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7. Garrison D.R., Anderson T., Archer W. Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education. 2000; № 2 (2-3): 1 - 19. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1096751600000166

8. History of educational technology. Ed. by Rashid A. Malaysia: AlNil Enterprise. 2019. Available at: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/76420

9. Adom D., Sharon D. F-J. Application of Educational Technology to Teaching and Learning in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Ed. by Rashid A. In: History of Educational Technology (20th & 21st Centuries); Malaysia: AlNil Enterprise, 2019. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338124166

10. Luka I. Design thinking in pedagogy: Frameworks and uses. European Journal of Education. 2019; № 54 (4): 499 - 512. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ ejed.12367

11. Sysoieva S. Pedagogical Aspects of Digitalization of Education. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice. 2019; № 4: 24 - 32. Available at: https://doi. org/10.28925/2312-5829.2021.4.3

12. Mantulenko V.V. Prospects of digital footprints use in the higher education. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham. 2021; № 133: 581 - 589. Available at: https:// doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47458-4_67

13. Мантуленко В.В. Перспективы использования цифрового следа в высшем образовании. Преподаватель XXI век. 2020; № 3-1: 32 - 42. Available at: https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_44598023_20876138.pdf

14. Pozdeeva E., Shipunova O., Popova N., Evseev V., Evseeva L., Romanenko I., Mureyko L. Assessment of Online Environment and Digital Footprint Functions in Higher Education Analytics. Education Science. 2021; № 11: 256. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060256

15. Kafka A.C. Will Blockchain Revolutionize Scholarly Journal Publishing? The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2018; № 13. Available at: https://www.chronicle.com/article/Will-Blockchain-Revolutionize/245073

16. Pelletier S. Blockchain in Higher Education. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2018. Available at: https://www.oracle.com/a/ocom/docs/blockchain-in-higher-education.pdf

17. Layne M. Higher Education and the Blockchain Ecosystem: Using Blockchain in Admissions. The Evolllution. 2019. Available at: https://evolllution.com/technology/tech-tools-and-resources/higher-education-and-the-blockchain-ecosystem-using-blockchain-in-admissions/

18. Rezer T.M. Social Values of Students in Conditions of Digitalization of Education and COVID-19. Integration of Education. 2021; Vol. 25, № 2 (103): 226 - 243. Available at: http:// edumag.mrsu.ru/content/pdf/21-2.pdf

19. Гузь Н.А. Тренды цифровизации высшего образования. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2020; № 2 (81): 235 - 237. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/ elibrary_42837043_66999490.pdf

20. Продиблох Н.Е. Социальная роль университета в современном трансформирующемся обществе. Вестник Майкопского государственного технологического университета. 2018; № 1; 87 - 92. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35331458_43417336.pdf

21. Pena-Ayala A. Learning analytics: A glance of evolution, status, and trends according to a proposed taxonomy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2018; № 8. Available at: https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/widm.1243

22. Проценко Е.Г Реализация творческих проектов в условиях цифровизации образовательного пространства. Вестник Самарского Государственного Технического Университета. Серия: Психолого-педагогические науки. 2021; Т. 18, № 3: 5 - 18. Available at: https://vestnik-pp.samgtu.ru/1991-8569/article/view/65236/pdf

23. McKinnon R. Social security and the digital economy. Managing transformation. International Social Security Review. Wiley. 2019; № 72 (3): 5 - 16. Available at: https:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/issr.12211

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

24. Calderon A.J. Massification of Higher Education Revisited. RMIT University, Australia, 2018. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/331521091_Massification_of_ higher_education_ revisited

25. Goshtasbpour F., Swinnerton B., Morris N.P. Look who's talking: Exploring instructors' contributions to Massive Open Online Courses. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2020; № 51 (1): 228 - 244. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12787

26. Darling C.A., Cassidy D., Rehm M. The foundations of family life education model: Understanding the field. Family Relations. 2019. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12372

27. Morabito V. Digital Entrepreneurship Education and Skills. Digital Entrepreneurship: Management, Systems and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2022: 74 - 96. Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/digital-entrepreneurship/4E2B1275C76D6F88A84366A54001AD55

28. Тулыинский ГЛ. Цифровизация: возможности и социально-гуманитарные издержки. Ведомости прикладной этики. 2021; № 57: 34 - 47. Available at: http://www.vestnik-sviazy.ru/upload/iblock/3ce/3ce21ce4b8c2578db9b79eba72030d16.pdf

29. Гольдштейн Б.С., Елагин В.С., Онуфриенко А.В., Белозерцев И.А. Сетевые аспекты применения технологии Blockchain. Вестник связи. 2019; № 4: 12 - 17. Available at: http://www.vestnik-sviazy.ru/upload/iblock/3ce/3ce21ce4b8c2578db9b79eba72030d16.pdf


1. J'son & Partners Consulting: Rynok obrazovaniya v Rossii i mire: segment massovyh onlajn-kursov, 2014. Available at: http://json.tv/ict_ telecom_analytics_view/rynok-onlayn-obrazovaniya-v-rossii-i-miresegment-massovyh-onlayn-kursov-20141209065340

2. J'son & Partners Consulting: Rynok obrazovaniya v Rossii i mire, 2016. Available at: http://json.tv/ict_telecom_analytics_view/rynok-onlayn-obrazovaniya-vrossii-i-mire-20161206051155

3. Cohen A., Holstein S. Analysing successful massive open online courses using the community of inquiry model as perceived by students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2018; № 34 (5): 544 - 556. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12259

4. Abdugafurova D.G., Afanas'eva A.V., Bol'shakov S.N. Prioritetnye napravleniya razvitiya nauki i obrazovaniya: monografiya. Penza: Nauka i Prosveschenie, 2020. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35037017_74772317.pdf

5. Guz' N.A., Dubrova M.V. Cifrovye trendy v vysshem obrazovanii. Prioritetnye napravleniya razvitiya nauki i obrazovaniya: monografiya. Penza: Nauka i Prosveschenie, 2020: 6 - 16. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_42623537_58770730.pdf

6. Docebo: Elearning market trends and forecast 2017-2021. Docebo: eLearning Market Trends and Forecast. 2019. Available at: https://www.docebo.com/resource/elearning-market-trends-and-forecast-2017-2021/

7. Garrison D.R., Anderson T., Archer W. Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education. 2000; № 2 (2-3): 1 - 19. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1096751600000166

8. History of educational technology. Ed. by Rashid A. Malaysia: AlNil Enterprise. 2019. Available at: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/76420

9. Adom D., Sharon D. F-J. Application of Educational Technology to Teaching and Learning in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Ed. by Rashid A. In: History of Educational Technology (20th & 21st Centuries); Malaysia: AlNil Enterprise, 2019. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338124166

10. Luka I. Design thinking in pedagogy: Frameworks and uses. European Journal of Education. 2019; № 54 (4): 499 - 512. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ ejed.12367

11. Sysoieva S. Pedagogical Aspects of Digitalization of Education. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice. 2019; № 4: 24 - 32. Available at: https://doi. org/10.28925/2312-5829.2021.4.3

12. Mantulenko V.V. Prospects of digital footprints use in the higher education. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham. 2021; № 133: 581 - 589. Available at: https:// doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47458-4_67

13. Mantulenko V.V. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya cifrovogo sleda v vysshem obrazovanii. Prepodavatel' XXI vek. 2020; № 3-1: 32 - 42. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/ elibrary_44598023_20876138.pdf

14. Pozdeeva E., Shipunova O., Popova N., Evseev V., Evseeva L., Romanenko I., Mureyko L. Assessment of Online Environment and Digital Footprint Functions in Higher Education Analytics. Education Science. 2021; № 11: 256. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060256

15. Kafka A.C. Will Blockchain Revolutionize Scholarly Journal Publishing? The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2018; № 13. Available at: https://www.chronicle.com/article/Will-Blockchain-Revolutionize/245073

16. Pelletier S. Blockchain in Higher Education. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2018. Available at: https://www.oracle.com/a/ocom/docs/blockchain-in-higher-education.pdf

17. Layne M. Higher Education and the Blockchain Ecosystem: Using Blockchain in Admissions. The Evolllution. 2019. Available at: https://evolllution.com/technology/tech-tools-and-resources/higher-education-and-the-blockchain-ecosystem-using-blockchain-in-admissions/

18. Rezer T.M. Social Values of Students in Conditions of Digitalization of Education and COVID-19. Integration of Education. 2021; Vol. 25, № 2 (103): 226 - 243. Available at: http:// edumag.mrsu.ru/content/pdf/21-2.pdf

19. Guz' N.A. Trendy cifrovizacii vysshego obrazovaniya. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya. 2020; № 2 (81): 235 - 237. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/ elibrary_42837043_66999490.pdf

20. Prodibloh N.E. Social'naya rol' universiteta v sovremennom transformiruyuschemsya obschestve. Vestnik Majkopskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta. 2018; № 1; 87 - 92. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35331458_43417336.pdf

21. Pena-Ayala A. Learning analytics: A glance of evolution, status, and trends according to a proposed taxonomy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2018; № 8. Available at: https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/widm.1243

22. Procenko E.G. Realizaciya tvorcheskih proektov v usloviyah cifrovizacii obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva. Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya: Psihologo-pedagogicheskie nauki. 2021; T. 18, № 3: 5 - 18. Available at: https://vestnik-pp.samgtu.ru/1991-8569/article/view/65236/pdf

23. McKinnon R. Social security and the digital economy. Managing transformation. International Social Security Review. Wiley. 2019; № 72 (3): 5 - 16. Available at: https:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/issr.12211

24. Calderon A.J. Massification of Higher Education Revisited. RMIT University, Australia, 2018. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/331521091_Massification_of_ higher_education_ revisited

25. Goshtasbpour F., Swinnerton B., Morris N.P. Look who's talking: Exploring instructors' contributions to Massive Open Online Courses. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2020; № 51 (1): 228 - 244. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12787

26. Darling C.A., Cassidy D., Rehm M. The foundations of family life education model: Understanding the field. Family Relations. 2019. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12372

27. Morabito V. Digital Entrepreneurship Education and Skills. Digital Entrepreneurship: Management, Systems and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2022: 74 - 96. Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/digital-entrepreneurship/4E2B1275C76D6F88A84366A54001AD55

28. Tul'chinskij G.L. Cifrovizaciya: vozmozhnosti i social'no-gumanitarnye izderzhki. Vedomostiprikladnoj'etiki. 2021; № 57: 34 - 47. Available at: http://www.vestnik-sviazy.ru/upload/ iblock/3ce/3ce21ce4b8c2578db9b79eba72030d16.pdf

29. Gol'dshtejn B.S., Elagin V.S., Onufrienko A.V., Belozercev I.A. Setevye aspekty primeneniya tehnologii Blockchain. Vestniksvyazi. 2019; № 4: 12 - 17. Available at: http://www. vestnik-sviazy.ru/upload/iblock/3ce/3ce21ce4b8c2578db9b79eba72030d16.pdf

Статья поступила в редакцию 19.05.22

УДК 351

Drobyshev V.I., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), Head of Military Training Center, North Ossetian State University n.a. K.L. Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz, Russia),

E-mail: vi/[email protected]

METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MILITARY PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF A CADET STUDYING AT A MILITARY TRAINING CENTER AT A CIVILIAN UNIVERSITY. The relevance of the article lies in solving the problem - the development of military-professional responsibility of cadets studying at the military training center at a civilian university. In the modern conditions of the political situation in the world, the activities of military training centers for the training of military-trained personnel have a significant role in improving the country's defense capability. One of the main system-forming personality traits of a cadet studying at a military training center at a civilian university is responsibility. Carrying out a theoretical analysis of the research of Russian scientists on the concept of military-professional responsibility allowed to determine that this personality trait manifests itself in the ability to make informed decisions in the defense of the Fatherland on the basis of professional knowledge and skills. Solving this problem, a model of cadet responsibility development was developed. The method of determining the level of military-professional responsibility of a cadet and the results of this study are presented. Based on the results of the study of the process of development of military professional responsibility of cadets studying at the military training center at a civilian university, the methodology for assessing the development of military professional responsibility of a cadet is substantiated, which allows determining the level of his responsibility. The main ways of developing the military-professional responsibility of cadets are shown, the stages of changing the motives of cadets in the process of training in the military training center at a civilian university are clearly presented. The author has developed and presented an instrument for determining military professional responsibility. The presented material of the article allows a deeper understanding of the whole problem of assessing the level of military professional responsibility of modern citizens studying in military training centers at civilian universities, the need to increase it.

Key words: cadet, methodology, model, motive, responsibility, process, development, level, formation.

В.И. Дробышев, канд. пед. наук, Северо-Осетинский государственный университет имени К.Л. Хетагурова, г. Владикавказ,

E-mail: [email protected]


Актуальность статьи заключается в решении задачи - развитие военно-профессиональной ответственности курсантов, обучающихся в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе. В современных условиях политической обстановки в мире деятельность военных учебных центров по подготовке воен-но-обученных кадров имеет значительную роль в деле повышения обороноспособности страны. И здесь вопросы развития системообразующих профессиональных качеств личности выходят на первый план. Одним из основных системообразующих качеств личности курсанта, обучающегося в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе, является ответственность. Проведение теоретического анализа исследований российских ученых понятия «вoeнно-пpoфес-сиональная ответственность» позволило определить, что данное свойство личности проявляется в способности на основе профессиональных знаний, умений, навыков принимать обоснованные решения в деле защиты Отечества. Решая данную проблему, была разработана модель развития ответственности курсанта. Представлена методика определения уровня военно-профессиональной ответственности курсанта и результаты данного исследования. На основе результатов исследования процесса развития военно-профессиональной ответственности курсантов, обучающихся в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе, обосновывается методика оценки развития военно-профессиональной ответственности курсанта, которая позволяет определить уровень его ответственности. Показаны основные способы развития военно-профессиональной ответственности курсантов, наглядно представлены этапы изменения мотивов курсантов в процессе обучения в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе. Автором разработан и представлен инструментарий определения военно-профессиональной ответственности. Изложенный материал статьи позволяет глубже понять всю проблематику оценки уровня военно-профессиональной ответственности современных граждан, обучающихся в военных учебных центрах при гражданских вузах, необходимости его повышения.

Ключевые слова: курсант, методика, модель, мотив, ответственность, процесс, развитие, уровень, сформированность.

На современном этапе развития нашего общества мы можем наблюдать определенную пассивную жизненную позицию граждан, обучающихся в различных образовательных учреждениях, особенно в организациях среднего и высшего обучения. Они имеют низкий уровень ответственности за качество получаемых знаний, выполненную работу состояние общества. Значительная часть студентов предпочитают различные виды своей деятельности, а не посещение занятий и повышение качества обучения. Сегодня развитие военно-профессиональной ответственности курсантов, обучающихся в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе, имеет особое значение в деле обороноспособности страны.

Цель исследования заключается в определении уровня ответственности курсантов военного учебного центра в процессе обучения, разработке модели и программы развития военно-профессиональной ответственности у курсантов, обучающихся в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе.

Для достижения данной цели необходимо решить следующие задачи: - проведение теоретического анализа понятия военно-профессиональная ответственность курсанта, обучающегося в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе;

- оценка уровня развития военно-профессиональных мотивов на различных этапах проведения эксперимента;

- определение инструментария формирования военно-профессиональной ответственности.

Военно-профессиональная ответственность курсанта, обучающегося в военном учебном центре при гражданском вузе, является одним из системных качеств личности, влияющих на успешное освоение им программы военной подготовки.

По мнению А.Ю. Куксова, военно-профессиональная ответственность студента гражданского вуза - это базовое интегративное профессиональное качество субъекта, формируемое в условиях военного учебного центра и характеризующее морально-нравственное и социально-правовое отношение к военной профессии, способность к принятию обоснованных решений в интересах военной службы, проявлению инициативы и добросовестности в их выполнении, готовность нести ответственность за результаты своей военно-профессиональной деятельности [1, с. 10].

Ряд ученых определяют ответственность как системное качество личности [2-6].

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