Научная статья на тему 'The development of tourist services in the Russian on'

The development of tourist services in the Russian on Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Agaeva E.M., Beregovaya I.S.

The Russian tourist business is developing rapidly. So, in this article there is a task to consider the role of tourist services in the Russian Federation. Features the work of travel companies to involve citizens in the sphere of these services. The purpose of the article analysis of significant trends in the development of international tourism in the world for the requirements of the planning and forecasting of development of the tourist market.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The development of tourist services in the Russian on»




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Э. М. Агаева, И. С. Береговая Научный руководитель - С. М. Самохвалова Руководитель по иностранному языку - О. И. Суслова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Российский туристический бизнес стремительно развивается. Так, в данной статье существует задача рассмотреть роль туристических услуг в РФ. Особенности работы туристических фирм для привлечения граждан в сфере данных услуг.

Цель статьи - анализ значимых тенденций развития международного туризма в мире для потребностей планирования и прогнозирования развития туристического рынка.

Ключевые слова: туризм, горизонтальная и вертикальная интеграция.


E. M. Agaeva, I. S. Beregovaya Scientific Supervisor - S. M. Samokhvalova Foreign Language Supervisor - O. I. Suslova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

The Russian tourist business is developing rapidly. So, in this article there is a task to consider the role of tourist services in the Russian Federation. Features the work of travel companies to involve citizens in the sphere of these services. The purpose of the article - analysis of significant trends in the development of international tourism in the world for the requirements of the planning and forecasting of development of the tourist market.

Keywords: Tourism, horizontal and vertical integration.

Russian travel industry is developing rapidly. So, the article considers the role of tourist services in the Russian Federation and also the work features of tour operators for bringing in citizens in the field of these services.

The aim of the article is to analyze important progress of international tourism trends in the world for planning and forecasting the tourism market development.

Tourism is examined as one of the most profitable and rapidly developing industries of the world economy. This is evident from the fact that the amount of international tourists reached 1,138 million people in 2014, which is 51 million more than in 2013. This year is characterized by growth of 4.7 % - the fifth consecutive year from the time of the economic crisis in 2009, when the growth is above-average [2, p. 159].

General economic situation releases people's time, and thus some countries of the world depend on tourism services, as they are the only source of foreign currency flow to the country, thus there are two major tendencies - splitting vacation period and the growth of short trips.

It is necessary to conduct a brief analysis of the most significant works of different authors that produce a variety of trends in the development of international tourism, before these questions will be considered.

Áktyamhble npoememhábháuhhh kocmohábthkh - 2016. ToM 2

Tourism is a departure outside an ordinary environment and it is also a major sector of the economy. All developed countries of the world have been interested in its development for a long time. Competing with oil industry, tourism is on the leading position in the global economy.

Nowadays intensive development of electronics and computer technologies all over the world and the introduction of automatisation in the tourism sphere make it also the sphere of international information technologies and processes.

The purposeful protection of the internal market from goods of foreign production plays a very important role almost in all tourist organizations and it contributes to the global development of tourism within countries and regions. China (+ 31 %) and Russia (22 %) were leaders among the growth of the sum of tourists expenses in 2013 [1, p. 464].

Tourism also affects the regions and it is particularly important for remote ones from industrial and cultural centers: hundreds of thousands of workplaces appear, cultural literacy of the local population increases due to tourism, etc.

The so-called integration (horizontal and vertical) has been the characteristic feature of recent years. It means an enlargement and active penetration of separate companies capital to the foreign tourism markets by mergers or acquisitions of similar or related business (partner) companies. The team of scientists under the supervision of A. S. Kuskov distinguishes the basic types of integration in one of the works. Here are some basic principles with some changes and additions [4, p. 170].

Horizontal integration is the consolidation and active penetration of private companies capital in foreign tourism markets through the merger or acquisition of similar companies. This is most clearly by the example of the hotel industry. For example, everyone knows such hotel chains as 'Sheraton', 'Mariotte', 'Novotel', 'Sofitel', 'Hilton' and others, which are widespread in different countries of the world. Major hotel corporations actively penetrate into foreign markets through acquisition of property, franchise agreements, management contracts.

In microeconomics vertical integration means degree of ownership of one holding, infrastructure, business processes, technologies, competences and so on in the chain of processes required for the production of goods or services. This type of integration in tourism can be considered the example of the current three European models: German, English and French.

In comparison, it becomes clear that both horizontal and vertical integration are beneficial for companies, but a significant difference is that in the horizontal integration the management company does not depend on the acquired companies, but in the vertical integration the management company is entirely dependent on the acquired enterprises. The benefit of using this or that integration differs, therefore it is possible to say that the choice of the integration type for each company depends on the situation in the company and what kind of results it expects. Consequently, each company chooses a certain integration, which pursues its own goals and reasons.

In Russia, almost all the subjects of the Russian Federation have tourist potential for different types of tourism, but most of them do not have a tourist infrastructure. In addition, the general lack of accommodation opportunities leads to a lack of competition and a substantial annual increase in prices for hotel services. Thus, the problems of qualitative and quantitative growth of the hotel industry in the capital and in Russia in general, require effective solutions.

Thus, nowadays tourism becomes more and more global. Many companies of the hotel industry combine in large commercial complexes, overcome beyond individual states and entail the breaking down national barriers. Within a short time they have become a noticeable phenomenon in international life and entangled the world space. These new economic institutions with a higher level of concentration and centralization of production and capital promote the adoption and dissemination of international tourist service standards [3, c. 56-68].

Despite the positive trends in the development of tourism in Russia, a huge tourist potential of our country has not been claimed yet, because there are still many problems in the Russian tourism. Most of them are complex and their solution depends on all the participants of the tourist market: government agencies, tourist industry, non-governmental organizations, and scientific community. Domestic tourism service is worse in the level of service and the development of infrastructure than the foreign one. Russian citizens insufficiently travel across their country. Russia still loses in the international competition for the attraction of tourists. However, the international practice suggests that when the interests of majority converge, tourism problems find their solution anyway, even if not immediately.

It is important to say that in Russia there are restrictions on the travelling of our tourists in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco because of the situation that has developed in recent years: 2014-2016 tension

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

in relations of the Kremlin with the West because of the threat of invasion by NATO armies. This situation can turn to the Russian tourist industries and as new priorities and refocusing on the domestic market of the tourists.

It is important to carry out strategy of tourism development in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and trends in the world tourism industry; to provide long-term investments in this area and ensure an appropriate congenial investment climate; to create new directions in development of tourism; to train highly qualified personnel at all levels in a sufficient amount for the industry; to promote Russian tourism in domestic and international markets.

At the current stage the tourism development is characterized by the widespread introduction of innovative technologies. They are manifested in the improvement of all components of the international tourism infrastructure, deepen and expand diversification of tourist activities that meet the increasingly complex needs of modern man in a variety of recreation and leisure activities, the development of new directions and international tourism markets.


1. Aleksandrova A. Y. Mezhdunarodnyj turizm (International tourism). M. : KnoRus, 2014. 464 p.

2. Ershova I. G. Na rynke obrazovatelnyx yslyg: perspektivy razvitiya v ekonomike znanij: monografiya (The educational services market: prospects for development in the knowledge economy: monograph) / St. Petersburg. State University of cinema and television; the South-West. State University vol. Publishing house of the "Copy-P Groups", 2013. 170 p.

3. Jangurazov E. A. Marketing v industrii gostepriimstva (Marketing in the hospitality industry). M. : Academy, 2014. 224 p.

4. Voskresenskii V. Y. Mezhdunarodnyj turizm. Innovatsionnye strategii razvitiya (International tourism. Innovative development strategy). M. : Unity, 2013. 159 p.

© Агаева Э. М., Береговая И. С., 2016

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