Abstract: the article touches upon the topical issue of developing the skills of speaking a foreign language among students of 9 grade of a general education school in the context of distance learning. As a solution to the problem of developing oral speech skills in a foreign language, the author proposes to introduce authentic poetic materials into the process of teaching a foreign language in the classroom, gives the stages and methods of working with them using the example of one poem, and also proposes author's exercises developed on the basis of the use of authentic poetic texts.
Keywords: speaking skills, teaching a foreign language, English, authentic text, poetry materials, distance learning, techniques for working with poetic text.
According to the Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan from 13.11.15. No. 398-V), educational process is a purposeful process of organising the activities of students to master knowledge, skills and competencies, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and formation of motivation for acquiring knowledge throughout life [1].
In the context of distance learning of a foreign language, it is often precisely the improvement of oral communication skills among students in a foreign language that causes significant difficulties for both the teacher and the students themselves, especially when moving from primary to secondary school education.
The object of this research is the process of teaching a foreign language to 9th grade students in a high school. The subject of the research is the process of developing skills in speaking a foreign language.
We identified and investigated a problematic issue within the framework of this study -we assume that the use of authentic poetic materials in English lessons in grade 9 in the context of distance learning at school will contribute to the development of speaking skills in a foreign language. The purpose of this study was to develop a set of exercises based on the integration of authentic poetic materials, aimed at developing speaking skills in English language lesson in grade 9 in a distance learning environment.
The problems of teaching a foreign language in basic school were considered in the works of such scientists as I.L. Bim, N. D. Galskova, I. A. Zimnyaya, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya, V.P. Kuzovleva, A.A. Leontyeva, E.I. Passova, A.N. Shchukin; distance learning issues - in the works of M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, E.S. Polat, C. Varre; problems of the formation of speaking skills in a foreign language lesson in the works of I.A. Winter, I.L. Beam, A.A. Leontyev, N.I. Zhinkin.
A foreign language lesson at school is often based on texts, regardless of its goals -whether it be the development of receptive or productive speech skills. Authentic poetic text, in turn, is of particular methodological value, because it "contributes to an increase in the level of formation of reading skills and abilities, to improve the skills of oral communication, to develop aesthetic feelings and ideas of students, to deepen their
knowledge of literature and the country of the target language" [2, p. 20-21]. Artistic poetic text creates its own special language with its "an amazing wealth of figurative means, flexibility and accuracy in expressing the subtlest shades of thought", allows you to reveal the personal-value aspect [3]. Thus, artistic poetic material contributes to the development of basic communication skills (including speaking).
When analysing Excel 9 (English Language) by the authors Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee for the 9th grade of general education institutions, we came to the conclusion that the teaching materials do not contain enough authentic text materials and tasks for them aimed at developing oral speech skills (monologue and dialogical speech in a foreign language), on the practical use of the language in real communication situations. Thus, a work outside the educational-methodical complex was chosen for the lesson. The author is Tupac Shakur. Composition: The Rose That Grew From Concrete.
The authentic text:
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet. Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.
The system of tasks performed on the basis of an authentic poetic text should be focused on the intellectual and value level of students and should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of communicative activity and aimed at developing such communication skills as description, explanation, transfer of feelings, emotions from what was read, the ability to get used to into a communicative role and perform a communicative task in accordance with it, discussion and comment. Also, the features of teaching a foreign language in a distance form are taken into account - the absence of a teacher in the classroom (presence remotely, synchronously), the possibilities of ICT provided by distance learning. The proposed set of exercises assumes work at three stages - pre-text, text, and the stage of reflection.
1. Tasks at the motivational-incentive stage - the development of language guess, raising motivation to read/listen to the text and motivation to communicate in a foreign language. This can be an associative series of pictures/photographs/keywords, concepts or ideas found in the poem - in this case, the student at the pre-text stage is presented with a number of pictures depicting the key concepts and ideas of the poetic work:
- Students, could you look at the picture? What do you think? Why does the rose grow there? (An image of concrete slabs and a blooming rose is displayed on the screen using the screen sharing function). It is proposed to find a unifying idea for all these objects, as well as to compose a short story:
- Ok, now please make up a little story based on this metaphor! So, who is ready? Let's start...
2. Text stage. Acquaintance with the text. Listening to an audio recording of an authentic text, checking students' guesses (Was your story correct?). After the stage of removing language difficulties, the text is read according to roles - an author, children, and a teacher are appointed in the class. It is quite easy to implement these roles in the classroom and involve all students in the classroom, because the class is divided into two and rarely consists of more than 10-12 students. Thus, the principles of feasibility, accessibility, independence are realised, since none of the students will be deprived of a communicative load (the strongest student will be an author, a slightly less powerful teacher, the rest will be in a group of children and will speak in chorus). The instruction is given to read emotionally, to represent oneself in the situation of the heroes, if possible, to give freedom to express emotions with gestures and movement.
The next step is to parse the sentence "Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared." Thus, the structure of the sentence and the word order in the English sentence are worked out, the sentence is translated, the concept of strength and resilience is explained using the example of a fragment of a poetic text. Next, it is proposed
to work in pairs, and substitute in this sentence in place of the members of the sentence rose and concrete words that match the meaning of the partner (many attempts, resistance to difficulties, motivation, strength), and the second partner will need to give a grammatically correct answer. After that, you can invite students to complete the task of developing descriptive and narrative speech skills from the point of view of the characters. You can also do this work in pairs, pre-assigning roles.
3. Post-textual, or reflective stage. Students can be invited to discuss one of the questions:
a) Is this a sad or a funny poem? Why?
b) Do you think the rose is happy? What makes it happy? What doesn't make?
Thus, the use of authentic poetic texts in the development of speaking skills in an English lesson makes this process cognitive, creative and interesting. A poetic text as a teaching tool and a basis for improving speaking skills is of wide interest and serves as a prism through which the student comprehends the culture of the people of the target language and the foreign language itself, as well as with the help of assignments based on authentic poetic material, it becomes possible to achieve the planned results in speaking a foreign language language in the context of distance learning, to reveal the personality of the student most fully, to develop the skills of dialogical and monologue speech, to stimulate motivation for learning a foreign language.
1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III "On Education". [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://online.zakon.kz/document/?doc_id=30118747/ (date of access: 13.03.2021).
2. Kamayeva T.P. Poeziya na uroke inostrannogo yazyka: sovremennyye podkhody k obucheniyu chteniyu / T.P. Kamayeva, L.V. Karpova, I.M. Deyeva // Inostrannyye yazyki v shkole, 1996. № 3. S. 20—21.
3. Orlova N.F. Sovershenstvovaniye ustnoy rechi studentov starshikh kursov s ispol'zovaniyem muzykal'noy naglyadnosti: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. SPb., 1991. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://goo.su/2Mji (date of access: 20.10.2020) [In Russian].
4. Verbitskaya M.V., Makkinli S., Khastings B., Mindrul O.S. «Forward» Uchebnik angl. yaz. dlya 5 kl. obshcheobraz. uchrezhd. [Tekst] / M.V. Verbitskaya i dr. M.: Ventana Graf: Person Education Limited, 2015. 105 s. [In Russian].
ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ 1 2 Аббасова Л.И. , Сейтмамабетова С.Р.
1Аббасова Левиза Иловиевна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент; 2Сейтмамбетова Севиля Рушэновна - студент, кафедра дошкольного образования и педагогики, Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет им. Февзи Якубова, г. Симферополь, Республика Крым
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