UDC 339.13
UDC 339.13
Mazorenko O. V. The Crowdmarketing as a Tool to Promote an Exporting Enterprise in Foreign Markets
The main purpose of the article is substantiating the expediency of use of crowdmarketing and developing a mechanism for its use to enhance the export activity of enterprise. The marketing aspects of enterprise promotion in the global market are studied. The essence and main tasks of crowdmarketing are defined, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and generalized. The application of crowdmarketing has a number of limitations related to its specificity, which led to the development of a mechanism for the implementation of crowdmarketing for its efficient use by exporting enterprises. For realization of tasks of crowdmarketing, the article systematizes various systems and services, allowing to form network communities, where enterprises have possibility of communication with the target audience. The main services of crowdmarketing include: thematic forums, feedback sites, question-answer sites, social networks, trading platforms, blogs and articles in the media. The conclusions on expediency of use of crowdmarketing by enterprises-exporters at entering foreign markets are generalized. Keywords: crowd-technologies, crowdmarketing, exports, enterprise, marketing strategy, foreign markets. Fig.: 2. Tbl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.
Mazorenko Oksana V. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 339.13
Мазоренко О. В. Краудмаркетинг як нструмент просування тдприемства-експортера на закордонних ринках
Основною метою cmammi е обфунтування доцЛьнот використання краудмаркетингу та розробка механ'вму його використання для ак-тишзацИ експортноi дiяльноcтi тдприемства. Досл'джено маркетин-говi аспекти просування тдприемства на глобальному ринку. Визна-чено сутнсть та основн завдання краудмаркетингу, проанал'вовано й узагальнено його переваги та недол'жи. Застосування краудмаркетингу мае низку обмежень, пов'язаних з його cпецифiкою, що зумовило розробку механ'вму реал'ваци краудмаркетингу для його ефективного використання тдприемствами-експортерами. Для реал'ваци завдань краудмаркетингу систематизовано р'вноматтт системи та серв'ки, як дозволяють формувати мережевi стльноти i де тдприемства ма-ють можливкть комункацИз цльовою аудитор'кю. До основних сер-вiciв краудмаркетингу належать: тематичт форуми, сайти вiдгукiв, сайти питання-тдпотдь, cоцiальнi мереж'>, торговельн майданчики та блоги i статт'> у ЗМ1. Узагальнено висновки щодо доцмьнот використання краудмаркетингу тдприемствами-експортерами при ви-ходi на закордонн ринки.
Ключов'! слова: крауд-технологн, краудмаркетинг, експорт, тдприем-ство, маркетингова стратег'т, закордонн ринки. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Ббл.: 10.
Мазоренко Оксана Володимирiвна - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент кафедри менеджменту та бiзнеcу, Хармвський нацональний економ'ннийушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (просп. Науки, 9а,Харщ 61166, Украна)
E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 339.13
Мазоренко О. В. Краудмаркетинг как инструмент продвижения предприятия-экспортера на зарубежных рынках
Основной целью статьи является обоснование целесообразности использования краудмаркетинга и разработка механизма его использования для активизации экспортной деятельности предприятия. Изучены маркетинговые аспекты продвижения предприятия на глобальном рынке. Определена сущность и основные задачи кра-удмаркетинга, проанализированы и обобщены его преимущества и недостатки. Применение краудмаркетинга имеет ряд ограничений, связанных с его спецификой, что обусловило разработку механизма реализации краудмаркетинга для его эффективного использования предприятиями-экспортерами. Для реализации задач краудмарке-тинга систематизированы различные системы и сервисы, которые позволяют формировать сетевые сообщества и где предприятия имеют возможность коммуникации с целевой аудиторией. К основным сервисам краудмаркетинга относятся: тематические форумы, сайты отзывов, сайты вопрос-ответ, социальные сети, торговые площадки, блоги и статьи в СМИ. Обобщены выводы о целесообразности использования краудмаркетинга предприятиями-экспортерами при выходе на зарубежные рынки.
Ключевые слова: крауд-технологии, краудмаркетинг, экспорт, предприятие, маркетинговая стратегия, зарубежные рынки. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 10.
Мазоренко Оксана Владимировна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра менеджмента и бизнеса, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (просп. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина)
E-mail: [email protected]
The processes of European integration taking place in Ukraine contribute to undertaking export activities by domestic enterprises. New business opportunities are opening up due to export. Foreign markets represent new sales possibilities. Modern conditions of the international business development ease the entry of not only large but also small and medium-sized enterprises into the world market. However, when entering foreign market, enterprises face a number of problems: legislative, financial, organizational, logistical, quality, marketing, cultural, etc.
The undoubted benefits of an enterprise's entry into foreign markets bring to the fore the task of solving the problem of developing an international marketing policy and organizing the promotion of the enterprise and its products.
Today, marketing systems are focused on understanding the process of forming consumer decisions. At the same time, the rapid development and use of digital technologies, in particular the Internet, makes it possible to increase effectiveness of strategies aimed at promotion of an enterprise as well as of all its marketing efforts. And
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this is especially relevant for exporting enterprises that are planning to enter or are already operating in foreign markets.
The active use of the Internet for searching and exchanging information has led to the emergence of the technique of crowd marketing, which is identified as a guerrilla marketing technique [5]. The use of crowd techniques in modern business is highlighted in the work of V. Kim, S. Pikunets, K. Poltorak, Zh. Tarakanova, V. Fedorychak, and others [1; 5; 6; 9; 10]. The study of the aforementioned authors mainly deals with the essence and typology of crowd techniques, advantages and disadvantages of using crowd marketing. But the variability of the use of crowd techniques for enhancing export activities of an enterprise has not been sufficiently studied yet.
The aim of the article is to substantiate the expediency of applying crowd marketing and develop a mechanism for using it to enhance the export activities of an enterprise.
In work [3], the crowd technique is defined as interaction of an enterprise with a wide range of people by means of Internet technologies in order to use resources of the general public to solve specific problems of the enterprise. At the same time, there are various types of crowd techniques, which include crowdsourcing, crowd-funding, crowdinvesting, crowdworking, crowdrecruit-ing, crowd marketing, etc.
As part of this study, we consider the technique of crowd marketing and the expediency of its use by exporting enterprises.
According to K. Poltorak [6], crowd marketing is a process of marketing management based on the laws of crowd functioning, aimed at using the effect of crowd interaction to achieve a company's marketing goals using the principle of optimal control. In turn, Zh. Tarakanova [8] defines crowd marketing as interaction with the tar-
Increasing brand recognition
Increasing brand recognition
Building dynamic links
Promoting the site to the first position in the search engine
Diluting the link profile
Increasing sales volume
get audience on third-party resources by posting recommendatory comments on forums, review sites, social networks, and other places where people communicate. And S. Pikunets [5] argues that crowd marketing is a method of stimulating sales of goods to the target Internet audience based on recommendations.
In work [9], an expert survey was conducted considering the objectives of using crowd marketing in business. The results of the survey are presented in Fig. 1. The answers demonstrate that the most important objectives are the positioning of an enterprise in the Internet environment, i.e., the promotion of the enterprise website (diluting the link profile, link building, promoting the site to the first positions in search engines). The objectives of increasing sales, managing reputation, and increasing awareness, which together affects the expansion of the target audience of an enterprise, are no less significant.
Summarizing the above, one can identify the main objectives of crowd marketing, namely:
+ increasing brand recognition and shaping the desired image of an enterprise, managing its reputation; + expanding the target audience; + drawing attention of the audience to a particular
product / service; + motivating potential customers to make a purchase;
+ improving the position of the website in search
engines (Google, Yandex, etc.); + increasing sales of an enterprise.
Thus, it is possible to expand the target audience with the help of the crowd marketing technique, i. e., to find new partners and customers, build loyal relationships with them by managing feedback and recommen-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % Fig. 1. Objectives of crowd marketing
Source: composed by [9].
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dations. The main feature is that if the company wants to enter foreign markets, crowd marketing techniques can help in finding customers, as well as spreading positive information about the company and its products.
In work [6], the authors distinguish two sides of using crowd techniques in marketing activities: first, crowd marketing is used to control the crowd, i.e., consumers, for commercial purposes; and second, crowdsourcing is used to attract any resources of the crowd to solve problems of an enterprise (participating in the development of products / services, gathering marketing information, designing the logo, etc.).
The analysis of works [2; 4; 7; 10] made it possible to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of crowd marketing (Tbl. 1).
K. Poltorak [1; 5; 7], there developed a mechanism for using the technique of crowd marketing (Fig. 2), to which exporting enterprises should adhere when entering the foreign market.
The mechanism for using the crowd marketing technique in the implementation of export activities in a foreign market consists of four blocks that generally form the process of managing marketing activities of an enterprise by means of crowd marketing. The proposed mechanism describes the sequence of management actions aimed at the implementation of the concept of international marketing.
Before implementing the proposed mechanism, an enterprise needs to select target international markets, analyze and rank them, which will allow choosing a par-
Table 1
Advantages Disadvantages
The technique contributes to image improvement and brand promotion The technique cannot be used if the enterprise is not represented in the Internet environment
The work is carried out with the target audience that is interested in the enterprise's products The possibility to interact only with the part of the target audience that is presented on the Internet
It is geographically unbounded It is time consuming
The possibility to independently select high-quality thematic resources to place information, thus avoiding untargeted traffic Regular financial investments are needed, since the result does not appear immediately; work on improving the reputation must be carried out continuously
The possibility to improve the external link profile and search engine ranking The opposite effect on reputation is possible (can damage it)
The interested customers go to the website page using the link, which results in sales growth The need for continuous use of tools for managing reputation
The possibility to improve indicators of user behavior on the website The need for staffing and technical support
The possibility reduce promotion costs
Using community-generated information as marketing support The effect of crowd marketing is not immediately noticeable
Long lasting effect
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Thus, among the main advantages of using crowd marketing by an exporting enterprise, it is necessary to note geographic unboundedness, work with the target audience, reputation management. And the key shortcomings include the mandatory creation and support of the website of the enterprise; financial, personnel, and technical constraints.
Integration of an enterprise into the Internet environment is the main condition for using crowd marketing. If the enterprise is already actively using the Internet, it speeds up and facilitates the use of the crowd marketing technique [7].
As we see, the use of crowd marketing has a number of constraints associated with its specificity, therefore, it is necessary to clearly describe the process of applying crowd marketing for its effective use by exporting enterprises. Based on the work of V. Kym, S. Pikunets,
ticular export market. Further, the implementation of the crowd marketing mechanism can be started.
When deciding on entering foreign markets, the first step is to analyze the internal and external environment of the exporting enterprise.
It is very important to assess a potential market, the level of competition in it, as well as to determine the competitive advantages of the enterprise and its products, which will allow assessing the possibilities of exporting the company's products to the market selected.
Choosing an international marketing strategy is carried out with consideration for: specifics of the product offer of the enterprise, level of costs, level of customer service, innovation activity, level of ambitions of the enterprise in the international market. Development of a crowd marketing strategy includes defining goals and objectives of the enterprise in a foreign market; identi-
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Competitor analysis
Market analysis
Identification of competitive advantages
Budget estimation
2. Development of a marketing strategy
3. Organization
4. Control and evaluation
Control over the implementation Collection and analysis of indicators
of measures of crowd marketing of crowd marketing
Recommendations for the correction Evaluation of the efficiency
of further work <— of crowd marketing
Fig. 2. Mechanism for using crowd marketing by an exporting enterprise
fying and studying the target audience, since the key to success in implementing the concept of crowd marketing is an understanding of consumers and their environment on the Internet; substantiating the hierarchy of the enterprise's marketing strategies, starting from the general export strategy of the enterprise and the brand positioning strategy, which are the basis for the crowd marketing strategy; selecting techniques for the implementation of crowd marketing strategy, which includes choosing tools
for working with network communities as well as tools for interacting with consumers [7].
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[ he implementation of a crowd marketing strategy begins with the localization of the enterprise's marketing materials, namely, translation of the site content, registration of individual accounts in social networks, creation of e-mail. Further, it is necessary to decide on the thematic sites on which content is planned
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to be promoted, to register on these sites, and start implementing the marketing program.
An integral part of the mechanism is control and evaluation of using crowd marketing techniques to develop a further strategy.
The main object of influence in implementing a crowd marketing strategy is online communities, which are formed not only in social networks but also on other Internet services, where users interact [7]. Today, to implement objectives of crowd marketing, there used a variety of systems and services, where online communities are formed, and where enterprises have the opportunity to communicate with the target audience. As a result of the analysis of works [2, 5, 7], the services for the implementation of the crowd marketing technique are systematized (Tbl. 2).
Thus, we can present the most popular systems and services of crowd marketing with their basic functions, namely [5]:
1. Google — searching for questions and product reviews on websites and forums.
2. Google Alerts and Talkwalker - sending notifications on new reviews and questions.
3. Disqus - tracking product comments on blogs.
4. Kpi6pyM (Kribrum) - monitoring social networks and forums.
5. Tagboard, LiveTweet, Tweetdeck - monitoring the social network Twitter.
6. Facebook, Google Plus, VK (BKOHTaKTe), Twitter - providing the possibility for communication with potential consumers.
7. Google Analytics - analyzing transitions to the site with goods as well as consumer behavior on an enterprise's website.
All of the above systems and services are platforms for communication in the process of implementing the strategy of crowd marketing, since netizens express their thoughts, answer questions about products and advise them to other consumers. Working with these platforms creates an appropriate perception of goods by other consumers who are looking for information online.
Summing up the above, it should be noted that crowd marketing is quite a budget way of promotion, thus, it can be used by small and medium-sized enterprises when entering foreign markets. At the same time, crowd marketing is most suitable for the western countries, since they have a more developed culture of exchanging links on forums and subject areas.
Table 2
Services for the implementation of crowd marketing
Platform Description Services (examples)
Thematic forums Forums provide an opportunity to offer the target niche audience the right products For example, https://www.ioclothes.com/forums -the loSlothes forum contains answers to questions related to textiles, clothing, and footwear
Feedback sites Such sites are not only a good way to increase brand recognition, but also a great opportunity to improve the reputation www.tripadvisor.com www.yellowpages.com Google Places
Q&A sites Q&A sites (or question and answer sites) are very popular in the western market. People ask questions and develop heated discussions. This makes it possible for enterprises to join the discussion, drawing attention of the target audience to their business reddit.com quora.com Yelp.com Askmefast.com Girlsaskguys.com
Blogs and articles in the media Expert comments under the articles of opinion leaders, publishers and bloggers help draw attention to an enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to build a relationship with the author and then put a link to the enterprise's website. The process of working with comments is no different from working with forums disqus.com fb.com wordpress.com
Social networks The promotion of a product, service, company or brand through the use of social media fb.com vk.com twitter.com
Trading platforms Electronic trading platforms are sites in the B2B category, in which agreements between sellers and buyers are concluded and financial and trading transactions are carried out. http://www.poland-export.com http://www.export.by http://www.chemnet.com/ http://www.asiannet.com/
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Therefore, crowd marketing, a modern competitive technique to promote an enterprise and its products/services, is less expensive than traditional marketing tools, which makes it expedient for enterprises to use it when entering foreign markets in order to find partners and customers and reputation management. ■
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