УДК 330.1
M.N. Grigoriev
PhD of technical sciences, Professor Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation S.A. Uvarov
Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics St. Petersburg, Russian Federation N.N. Digusov Graduate student Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Given the modern vision of the meaning of the term "logistics". Analyzes the domestic and foreign approaches.
Logistics, logistical system, quality of deliveries, logistical approach, criterion of an optimality, reception control, traditional approach, enterprise cycle.
It is necessary to notice, that the term "logistics" till now has not received canonical definition. Not casually D. Bauersoks and D. Kloss in their classical work[1] avoid strict definitions, in essence identifying logistics, commercial logistics and logistical management [2, 3, 4], but to tell the truth, only on definitional level. In many respects it can be explained by the fact that logistics includes a set of directions and accentuation of attention on one of them essentially changes sense and the maintenance of the definition. The maintenance of a definition of logistics appreciably is consequence of functional purpose of logistics.
So, the American society of engineers-logistics has offered following definition: the logistics is an art and management science, technics and technical activity which provide planning, supply and application of means of moving for realization of the planned operations in order to achieve the object in view. The French experts treat logistics as a set of various kinds of activity with a view of reception of necessary quantity of production with the least expenses, during established time and in the established place in which there is a concrete need for given production.
In German science by the logistics is meant the process of planning, realization and the control of effective and economical from the point of view of expenses of moving and storage of materials, semifinished items and finished goods, and also the information connected with them on delivery of the goods from the place of manufacture up to the place of consumption according to requirements of clients.
It's interesting enough how D.Waters treats concept of logistics, defining it as a function. He writes: " The logistics is the function which is responsible for a material stream, going from suppliers in the organization, passing through operations inside of the organization and then leaving to consumers " [5]. In the same book it is shown the definition, that is given by the experts of Institute of logistics and transport (Institute of Logistics and Transport) -the leading professional organization of the Great Britain in this sphere. Their definition says: "The logistics is a time-dependent location of resources, or strategic management of all supply chain" [5]. Thus, in spite of the fact that logistics is defined as in "narrow", so in "wide" sense of this concept, in foreign publications the accent is done nevertheless on the practical aspect.
Unlike foreign publications in the domestic economic literature when giving the definition of the concept of logistics the accent is made on scientific aspects. One of the most laconic, in our opinion, definitions of the given scientific direction says: the logistics is a scientific discipline about management of streams in systems. Despite of the brevity, defined nevertheless is too wide and comprehensive since in it is not specified, which streams, in what systems and with what purpose carry out managerial process.
We offer following definition. Logistics - the theory and practical activities on planning, organization, functional management and the control of processes of a set of material, financial, labor, legal and information streams movement over system of market economy [6,7,8]. References:
1. Bowersox Donald J., Closs David J. Logistical management: the integrated supply chain process. - The McGraw - Hill Companies, Inc., 1996. - 730 p.
2. Григорьев М.Н., Уваров С.А. Логистика. Базовый курс. Учебник для вузов, 1-е изд., Сер. 58 Бакалавр. Академический курс - М., 2011 - 782с.
3. Григорьев М.Н., Долгов А.П., Уваров С.А. Логистика. Продвинутый курс. Учебник, 3-е изд, перераб и доп., Сер. 61 Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс - М., 2014 - 784с.
4. Григорьев М.Н. Маркетинг. Учебник для прикладного бакалавриата, 5-е изд., перераб. и доп., Сер. 60 Бакалавр. Прикладной курс - М., 2015 - 559с.
5. Waters D. Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management. - Pal grave McMillan, 2003. - 730 p.
6. Григорьев М.Н., Долгов А.П., Уваров С.А. Логистика. Продвинутый курс. Учебник в 2-х томах. Том 1, 4-е издание, переработанное и дополненное, Сер. Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс - М., 2016 - 472 с.
7. Григорьев М.Н., Уваров С.А. Логистика Учебник для бакалавров, 4-е изд., пер. и доп., Сер. 58 Бакалавр. Академический курс - М., 2014 - 836с.
8. Григорьев М.Н., Долгов А.П., Уваров С.А. Логистика. Продвинутый курс. Учебник, 3-е издание, переработанное и дополненное, Сер. 61 Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс - М., 2015 - 734с.
© Grigoriev M.N., Uvarov S.A., Digusov N.N., 2017
УДК 330.1
M.N. Grigoriev
PhD of technical sciences, Professor Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation S.A. Uvarov
Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics St. Petersburg, Russian Federation N.N. Digusov Graduate student Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Article from the modern point of view examines the difference of traditional and logistical approaches in an enterprise cycle. Special attention is paid to its general and particular problems.