Научная статья на тему 'The conflict within the concepts of needs Abraham Maslow and John Burton : archetypal analysis'

The conflict within the concepts of needs Abraham Maslow and John Burton : archetypal analysis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
conflict / conflict situation / need / hierarchy / unconscious / concept / archetype / archetypal analysis / конфликт / конфликтная ситуация / потребность / иерар- хия / бессознательное / концепция / архетип / архетипический анализ

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zozulia Victoria Olexandrivna

The article contains the current information for the modern world on the topic of conflict needs and its impact on all aspects of human activity. The conflict of needs is seen not only as intrapersonal aspect, but also as a way of interpersonal interaction at the individual and a society. It reveals a causal relationship conflict and needs, their essence, the beginning of the analyzed those concepts by analyzing Abraham Maslow and John Burton. Also, given the archetypal analysis of conflict of needs considered in our investigation, which acts as an archetype ancient form filled with hereditary requirement value and type of interaction with the environment.

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Статья содержит в себе актуальную для современного мира информацию относительно конфликта потребностей и его влияния на все стороны человеческой жизнедеятельности. Конфликт потребностей рассматривается не только как внутриличностный аспект, но и как способ межличностного взаимодействия на уровне конкретного индивида и общества в целом. Также приводится архетипический анализ конфликта потребностей, рассматриваемый в проведенном нами исследовании, где архетип выступает древней формой, наполненной наследственным значением и потребностным видом взаимодействия с окружающим миром.

Текст научной работы на тему «The conflict within the concepts of needs Abraham Maslow and John Burton : archetypal analysis»

UDC: 159.9 + 316.6

Zozulia Victoria Olexandrivna,

student of the faculty of humanities and social technologies, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Kirpicheva, 2, tel.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: vikki1936@ mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564

Зозуля Вiкторiя Олександ^вна,

студентка факультету сощально-гумаштарних технологш, Нащональний техшчний утверситет "Хартвський по-лтехтчний тститут", Украта, 61002, Хартв, вул. Кирпичова, 2, тел.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564

Зозуля Виктория Александровна,

студентка факультета социально-гуманитарных технологий, Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Украина, 61002, Харьков, ул. Кирпичева, 2, тел.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564

the conflict within the concepts

of needs abraham maslow and

john burton: archetypal analysis

Abstract. The article contains the current information for the modern world on the topic of conflict needs and its impact on all aspects of human activity. The conflict of needs is seen not only as intrapersonal aspect, but also as a way of interpersonal interaction at the individual and a society. It reveals a causal relationship conflict and needs, their essence, the beginning of the analyzed those concepts by analyzing Abraham Maslow and John Burton. Also, given the archetypal analysis of conflict of needs considered in our investigation, which acts as an archetype ancient form filled with hereditary requirement value and type of interaction with the environment.

Keywords: conflict, conflict situation, need, hierarchy, unconscious, concept, archetype, archetypal analysis.


Анотащя. Стаття мiстить актуальну для сучасного св^у iнформацiю щодо конфлiкту потреб i його впливу на вс аспекти людсько'1 життeдiяль-ностi. Конфлiкт потреб розглядаеться не тшьки як внутрiшньоособистiсний аспект, а й як споаб мiжособистiсноl взаемоди на рiвнi конкретного шди-ввда i суспiльства в цiлому. Розкриваеться причинно-наслщковий зв'язок конфлiкту i потреби, 1х сутнiсть, початок розвитку аналiзованих тем за до-помогою аналiзу концепцiй Абрахама Маслоу i Джона Бертона. Також наведено архетипний аналiз конфлшту потреб, розглянутий у проведеному нами дослвдженш, де архетип виступае давньою формою, наповненою спадковим значенням i потребнiсним видом взаемоди з навколишшм свiтом.

Ключовi слова: конфлкт, конфлiктна ситуацiя, потреба, ieрархiя, несв^ доме, концепцiя, архетип, архетипний аналiз.


Аннотация. Статья содержит в себе актуальную для современного мира информацию относительно конфликта потребностей и его влияния на все стороны человеческой жизнедеятельности. Конфликт потребностей рассматривается не только как внутриличностный аспект, но и как способ межличностного взаимодействия на уровне конкретного индивида и общества в целом. Также приводится архетипический анализ конфликта потребностей, рассматриваемый в проведенном нами исследовании, где архетип выступает древней формой, наполненной наследственным значением и потребност-ным видом взаимодействия с окружающим миром.

Ключевые слова: конфликт, конфликтная ситуация, потребность, иерархия, бессознательное, концепция, архетип, архетипический анализ.

Target setting. The non-realized-need quite often is the main cause of conflict situations, as at a level inside personal and levels of interoperability of the person with the environment, and in group communication. Permanent stay in public places and interaction with other subjects of communication induces the person to be connected to disputed situations, finding separate ways to solve destructive moments.

Complexity consists that the individual has subjective painting at dialogue, decision-making, therefore to predict accuracy of the actions accomplished by it in the future to predict difficultly and it is possible even to tell, impossible. The given factor becomes complicated also that value, that disputed process frequently is present at interrelation with a problem of demands, at their inevitable impact inside of the person

or outside of it, at verbal interoperability with other individuals. To come to understanding in such conditions extremely difficultly, each member of dialogue looks at a situation from the point of view and is deforming, acting of outside of, the information and reproducing already obviously deformed version of the required answer.It is a lot of conflicts, a world scale arose between groups of people with different ideas, desires, ideals and demands. The need is a constant of the human being, with it, we should be considered and we are obliged to consider it at various actions.

The urgency of the given question gives impetus on more constructive studying and understanding of all aspects of the conflict of needs. Ques-tionsof the primary and deep are raised, therefore the conflict of needs will be considered specifically in doctrines of Abraham Maslow and John Burton during the archetypal analysis.

Analysis of researches and publications. The current situation in the world raises the problem of resources or necessities of life to one of first places. One of the most important and urgent problems affecting the whole of humanity and personality is the problem of lack of resources or dissatisfaction with the necessities of life. Constant tension, that caused dissatisfaction of need sphere, can lead to muscle stiffness, and ultimately, splash accumulated emotion interactions in subjects, or to intrapersonal conflicts that threaten human existence.

Conflict needs primarily affects not only the intrapersonal aspect, but also provides a permanent impact on interpersonal and intergroup relations, both at the state level and at the level of the

whole person.Unmet need is often the cause of poor efficiency of people in managerial activities.

Often, the unresolved issue of addressing simultaneously two requirements may affect to result of a work of man, lead to depressive states of any man, as politicians, academics and leaders of big companies and the people who work in the factories, teachers, ma-chinists.The issue of conflict of needs has no ethnic, racial restrictions including all social strata of the population all over the world [1]. Dissatisfaction with the two needs at the same time points to mutually factor this concept; if dissatisfied with one need, then other will be impossible to meet. It is important to point out the change in human behavior because of dissatisfaction: irritability and anxiety, the appearance of physical ailments (headache, stomach pain), the so-called psychosomatic. Psychosomatic is a branch of medicine and psychology, contains the idea of the initial occurrence of diseases because of psychological problems and unmet needs, ignoring the existence of any conflict [5].

Beginning of the conflict of needs is difficult to solve in the working environment and to come to the necessary consensus as such, as it violates the personal values and one of the parties will have to give way to another to bring back to normal indicator of conflict, but the consequences can be very undesirable for both the company and for the most employee at refusal of basic needs, when they are recognized as groundless, a person observed dissociation occurs and translating unmet need in another, often in the security sphere, in this case, triggered the so-called mechanisms of

attack or retreat. The criteria for conflict as a factor contributing to its start, is the most common attack, which is a self-instinct [3].

Studying scientific propositions Maslow, we have identified an example, when a person does not have a fully reliable information, see its contradictions and doubts in its primary sources, he develops characteristic features of the cynical type of character. Lost faith in the dogma, disappear confidence in people, nothing is permanent (relationships, position). (Abraham Maslow 'Motivation and Personality').

According to the teachings of Maslow needs have a hierarchical model of construction, due to genetic origin. The entire hierarchy is a pyramid and has a progressive character:

1. Physiological needs — thirst, sleep, hunger, shelter.

2. The need for safety — longevity and stability.

3. The need for affiliation — respect and acceptance on the part of the world and people.

4. The need for self-esteem — importance and competence.

5. The need for self-actualization -the realization of their potential, talents and skills fully.

In each time interval, a person will respond to the needs of more important than everyone else to her. Promotion of the pyramid of needs can be uneven and intermittent, but so far not implemented all the requirements of this structure, personal potential is hidden from man Before the next rank will need the most significant factor in governing the behavior of man, to be satisfied the need of a lower level. A. Maslow compares

human with an animal, they are always unsatisfied, led their desires.

The primary physiological need stands on the first place, a necessary part of the survival of the human species. People are hungry does not see the need for higher than a hearty meal. When hunger takes a secondary character to replace him comes the need for security as stability. When this need is unrealized, the human mind takes a neurotic character type, the existence of an imaginary enemy and the threat of constant negative context by others takes global. Presence and stability itself prompts the individual to engage in social contact with people. Social level implies an affiliation with a group of people, their love and acceptance. The influence of a sense of lack of integrity of the search is on for associates, friends with whom it will be possible to implement this requirement. The thirst for more informed and closer relationship enhances the overall circle of acquaintances of the person, his mental and psychological development in a social and personal level. The existence of the concept of morality and taboos can significantly reduce the rate dynamics meet the need for social contact, but well-formed positions of the individual are able to overcome such a barrier is built by mankind for centuries.

On the penultimate place, there is the need for respect for others and self-esteem. A normal individual with no pathology, will always seek recognition of others to maintain their own self-esteem and of their position. The need to be always at the height causes a person to cultivate to reach prohibitive heights and discover previously unknown.

Need to realize their potential is the highest point of a healthy person. The individual must constantly move towards self-actualization to reach their maximum capacity. Abraham Maslow singled out that the binder is intrapersonal conflict between the desire for self and real index [4].

The famous conflict analyst John Burton, that won World popularity due to their research in the field of prevention and prevention of long-term conflict situations between groups and countries, saw problem of needs directly depends on theconflict. The basis and foundation of the teachings of Burton was the study and modification of the pyramid of needs Abraham Maslow. After investigatingthe pyramid Burton concluded that human needs are the root cause of conflict interaction between people. Burton also describes the interaction of human conflicts and how they affect the result of conflict, including conflicts and the individual or group of individuals. So, Burton transferred research and data to a new level, highlighted the conflict needs as a separate topic worthy of consideration by the public and the scientific world.

J. Burton considers suppressed, unmet needs as the main agents of the conflict beginning, as in the original, and in modern society throughout history. In his researcheshe distinguished addition to the existing Maslow's concept of how the individual parts, which require more detailed consideration, and added: the desire for free choice, cultural route, the correct allocation of resources, a full social life.Unlike Maslow, J. Burton thought that needs are not hierarchical sequence, self-actualization and the vertex of the funda-

mental physiology, in the sense in which they are used to take before. Everybody needs exist in equal positions and influence motivations, behaviors and human targets, you cannot carve out the necessity, which is not part of an individual at any given time. These needs are not suppressed and do not disappear from the human mind cannot be the subject of the appeal, serving a subsidiary undertaking in the decision long and hard conflicts occurring. The final decision will be taken in accordance with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of needs and if one of the bottom will not be realized, then the accuracy of the decision cannot be taken for truth, since it may not be accurate and final.

J. Burton criticizes ideological views of Freud's followers, who unquestion-ingly accepted as the truth, the dogma about the causes of social conflict. One such reason could serve as human aggression, which, according to Burton is unchanged, there will always be present in people and this fact overshadows the theme of conflict resolution. The same is no less compelling cause of inferiority and imperfection sociological institutions that do not change over the centuries, and have been around for many years. Here there is a way out of this situation, as the institutions can adjust and introduce appropriate changes, but what they will be and what needs to change is unknown. First, the individual cannot properly adjust their actions and only adjusting to the conventional human standards, he can normally interact with society and his actions, only then considered correct when the behavior is correct. It was not initially all that the human sphere of communication and can be considered only when

direct interaction between human beings of origin in which the actions are considered criminal and wrong, if there is a discrepancy between the common standards, they do not have reinforcements and are not supported in human behavior. These dogmas were allocated followers of Freud's teachings and have been criticized by Burton, which in addition to two rhizomes singled and third, more significant and more importantly, is able to, according to Burton, to resolve the conflict — a view of the changes taking place at the social level with the basic needs of human. The problem, whatever it may be, cannot be solved until all the basic needs, which are the foundation and the resistance of the human and social health, both physical and mental, will not be met and implemented. This concept was presented by J. Burton in his theoryof warning and the end of conflict action, where the main condition for the commission of the act is urgent and indispensable basic needs [2].

Much, also have the ability not to discuss the topic of complex conflict situations when the probability of purposeful action, and when the lack of involvement of other is a triumph for one of the team members. Probable and reasonable to end the conflict confrontation win all participants, without exception, with a positive result. Proper negotiation strategy, partnerships, logically constructed complete discussion, which replaces the presence of any violent methods of the interaction leads to a satisfactory result, which is characterized by, and is an essential feature of satisfaction and fullness in all spheres of life, in particular, the need sphere.

Some uncertainty is a question relating to the concept of basic needs, and the adjacent sides. Burton does not describe or dependent needs of each other, how to determine what constitutes a basic need, it can be realized only one requirement for the realization of all the others.

To summarize, according to the theories and concepts of John Burton, can identify a significant contribution to the description and understanding of the causes of conflict in the social environment, and it is clear, we should hope for a more detailed and structured to test his teachings.

Under the theme of conflict needs for more advanced understanding of the causes and nature of the human factor was isolated archetypal aspect of the investigation, presented the theory of Carl Gustav Jung's archetypes and their values. Analyzing the works of Jung, we have identified the archetype that represents the action of the unconscious to the conscious. The archetype is the primal nature of the human element and contains the primitive instincts, impulses that seek the conscious part. Being born, people already contains all the elements of all the archetypes, we can say that everyone is a living complexity archetypes, the collective unconscious of his part, and wisdom of the people.

Jung described three parts, which represent an idea of the human soul:

• the unconscious — a memory;

• ego — the conscious part of the personality;

• collective unconscious — a unique structure in nature, including the experience and skills that exist in each of the biological substance. It is a kind of

inheritance, passed down from generation to generation.

As mentioned earlier, the archetypes unconscious part of the psyche, manifesting itself in the outside world, in human behavior, emotions, feelings, motives, having at the beginning of a projection [9].

Archetype, although an element of the unconscious, yet can be realized in real life and when this happens, there is unconsciousness and the impact on human archetype wanes. When the archetype is not aware of its impact on human remains unchanged until the 'solidification' in Person. Archetypes are transmitted directly as the form, fill that individual still belongs.

It was Carl Jung who introduced the concept of the archetype, describing his characteristic features.Jung distinguished two areas of the unconscious personality, which contains experiences of one person, as well as collective, represented by a hereditary factor, unique representatives of the species. Two main layers in the unconscious: the personal unconscious, draws its content from the experience of the life of a particular person and the collective unconscious, the content of which is inherited and is universal among representatives of certain species [10].

Archetypes exist since ancient times, sometimes consciously, but do not have an accurate description of the relationship and the peoples of the world. It is found in legends and images of different ethnic groups, differing history and content, but having at a certain meaning [7].

Ego — the archetype that represents the central part of the conscious world.

Person — this is the archetype of the image mask, in the likeness of that which we put on the interaction with society. Human is always striving to be better than what it is, in fact, trying to match the idea that there was about it from others. Jung describes a mask like the one that is not part of man, his real 'I', but it is the beginning of a social, external aspect of interaction with the outside world. At the same time, there is the archetype of this reticence 'I', ignoring the individual qualities of the person, to feed themselves in the best light, to be like all the others, and not to stand out from the crowd.

Shadow — the center of the human unconscious, it is a negative one, a deep part of his personality.

Last and Animus — archetypes, that are representing the male and female side of everyone.

The self — the integrity of human nature, combines conscious and unconscious, goals and aspirations of the individual.

Jung pointed out in his writings that the archetypes are the expression of the human need for information culture. Besides the above Carl Jung allocated such archetypes: Governor, Hero, Sage, Lover, Seeker, Child, Curator, Glorious small. More detail will be considered archetypes in our study, which will be written below [11].

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this scientific article is a study of the scope of human needs and of possible conflicts due to the mismatch of needs in interpersonal and intrapersonal aspect, as well as to investigate the relationship of the archetype and needs with the help of archetypal analysis.

The statement of basic materials. For a more fundamental study of the topic of the conflict needs of our study was conducted in which was revealed the level of implementation of the requirements and their relevance for students of humanitarian and technical specialties, it was also held archetypal analysis of the required needs. The sample included representatives of technical focus — programmers and representatives of humanitarian professions — linguists. This sample was assembled not by chance, because to conduct a detailed study requires a reliable and versatile data showing the comparative analysis of two diverse areas of human activity and mental focus. The research was conducted in Kharkivin 2017 which was attended by 60 subjects (n = 60) ranging in age from 29 to 35 years. For information base was used technique of 'Hierarchy of Need' (modification Akindinova I. A.) is often used in worksthat relating to theme of needs. This test has been constructed based on the work of Maslow and philosophical teachings of his followers to identify material relevant to the individual needs of self-actualized nature, including also the need for security. Motivational sphere of human activity is also included in the method of 'Hierarchy of Needs', as part of the research area.

Managers of large companies often use this test to identify the basic needs of their employees. The information obtained is a conversion mechanism to detect and prevent conflicts in the working environment [6]. Firms that take as their basis the principle of long-term and high-quality cooperation, considering the availability of relevant needs of their employees and business partners. Therefore, the value and the relevance of this technique, as in the professional life, and personally, is significant importance [8].

Method consists of 15 claims to be compared with each other pairwise manner, the first to the second, the first to the third, the first to the fourth, and so on. D., gradually transition from one column to another. As a result, processing the received information in accordance with the scales — indicators that are basic needs Maslow (Table 1).

We have found that demand, which is typical for the two groups of subjects aged 29 to 35 have a need for self-actualization, the uppermost degree of realization of human potential, reaching which the individual develops at a personal and spirit levels. Having passed all the previous degrees and reaching the top man acquires life wisdom, analyzing sums up, trying to create something useful for the good of the whole

Table 1

Need of the scale methodology "Hierarchy of Needs"

№ Needs

1 Financial position

2 The need for security

3 The need for interpersonal relations

4 the need for respect by the social environment

5 the need for self-fulfillment

society, is looking for the meaning of his own existence.

But as can be seen from the table below (Table 2), representing a percentage of the results of all the participants in the experiment, a sales group of subjects, based on the work of Abraham Maslow is linguists that materialize the need of a higher rank than the programmers have not implemented the second place in the hierarchy associated, primarily, with the initial instinct.

You can observe in the group includes programmers, intrapersonal conflict between the needs of an unmet need for certainty, security and the desire to realize.This conflict can manifest itself in the interpersonal level in the first place, it is more manifest in the external behavior of the person and can create interpersonal conflict.

For a more detailed study of the results of our research table was compiled, showing the results of the feasibility of the required scale in rank order (Table 3).

For a comprehensive analysis of human needs and the causes of conflict between them, we have carried out a comparison of the basic needs of the basic archetypes that are classified and described in the works K. G. Yung. Each archetype Jung attributed to the need, accordingly, we could draw a parallel between the archetypes and the needs and identify what the need of the archetype which responds by making the archetypal analysis.

Need for 'financial position' corresponds to the Lover, who is a representative of the physiological characteristics, embodies the sexual side of life. The archetype of the Guardian, contain

Table 2

The percentage of survey results

Scale needs Programmers Linguists

1. Financial position 27 % 46 %

2. The need for security 74 % 33 %

3. the need for interpersonal relations 42 % 62 %

4. the need for respect by the social environment 58 % 69 %

5. the need for self-fulfillment 82 % 76 %

Rank Programmers Linguists

1 the need for self-fulfillment the need for self-fulfillment

2 the need for security requirements in respect of the social environment

3 Requirements in respect of the social environment need for interpersonal relations

4 Need for interpersonal relations financial position

5 financial position the need for security

Table 3

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Feasibility requirement scales in the sense of rank

the necessary comfort and tranquility of life, the possibility to relax and stay in a safe place there is a need for security, stability and confidence. The need for interpersonal dialogue is reflected in the archetype of a good fellow, for which an important social link, the ability to verbally speak with other individuals, persistence, relationships built on friendship, loyalty, morality, spirituality and kindness. The man with the archetype of the Hero will be sought in the first place of respect among their own kind, seeks always and in everything to win, to show their skills and superiority. By necessity, aimed at building respect for self and neighbor, we can carry the archetype of the Sage. Using logical conclusions, ability to take a sober look at things and spontaneity of mind, it is gaining recognition around them. The implementation of these objectives inevitably leads to self-actualization, which can serve as a representative of the Seeker and Child. The first deals with the constant and continuous development of its capabilities, finding its way and life purpose, makes discoveries, thus exhibiting its uniqueness. Child interacts intuitively constantly finding novelty in the old, enjoying every day, creating a friendly atmosphere around him.

Conclusions and prospects for future research. The study observed the implementation phase, in which there were individuals who were identified as urgent needs, based on which it is possible to speculate on the status and processes in the personal and professional spheres. The need for self-actualization is an important part of the people involved in this study. The group of linguists seen a clear distinction: if you

look at the needs of a higher level, is primarily responsible for the non-material and spiritual, they are the first places where the more primitive and instinctual shown in the past.

In technical focus group represented by programmers notice some inconsistencies observed topics actualization associated with the implementation of their potential and self-actualization, but because of the data revealed that the need, which is responsible for the safety, ranks second in the results (yield 8 % of self-actualization). It is located on the lower level, is not satisfied at a sufficient level and therefore, to talk about the full realization of self-actualization is not necessary. Dissatisfaction with low demand is not allowed to implement a higher level of need and will 'slow down' its development, persecuted feelings of inadequacy and incompleteness of action.

Because of analysis of the activities of Abraham Maslow and John Burton unmet basic needs has been considered, which can involve a conflict situation affects the privacy of individuals and society. The research of archetypes in the key needs given a clear and structured understanding of the causes of the conflict, to predict the duration and flow of the conflict. It became clearer picture of pathogens and intrapersonal setting individual, its historical significance and natural principle, which also contains the archetype. Of course, this observation is science-based, but it also requires further development to understand the nature of the conflict in the archetypal keys.

I would like to also emphasize onesided study, I was able to provide us a method of 'hierarchy of needs'. Scale

scientific problem is the lack of empirical data, since it is impossible to accurately determine the extent implemented one or the other need and figure out how these needs interact on intrapersonal and interpersonal levels, although the latter can apply the method of observation, as a key source of information. O, and subsequent requests can serve to study topics of the conflict needs, individual needs and related, in this paper, archetypes, that is subject to investigation and detailed analysis from all angles and directions.

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