Mirza A.S.
PhD student
National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the State University of Moldova
Sirbu T.G.
PhD, Head of Department, Ornamental Plants National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the State University of Moldova
Rosea I.A.
PhD, Director of the Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the State University of Moldova
Ghendov V. V.
PhD, Head of Department, Spontaneous Flora National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the State University of Moldova
Mitu V.I.
PhD student, Assistant Director of the Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden (Institute) of the State University of Moldova
DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2023.1.96.413 Abstract: The genus Nymphaea is represented by approximately 107 known species. Water lilies are native to both the tropics and temperate zones and grow in water from 10 cm to 2-2.5 m deep. At the surface of the water, they can stretch from 60 cm to about 6 m. Larger plants need larger pools of water. The smaller ones grow well in containers. Prefers still water without fountain or currents. Most prefer full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sun per day), but some will tolerate some shade. The flowers are showy and usually fragrant, with showy green leaves. In the spontaneous flora of the Republic of Moldova, we have two species from the Nymphiacae family, namely: Nymphaea alba L. and Nuphar lutea (L.)Sm. However, in our Botanical Garden, we have only Nymphaea alba L. This article presents an evaluation of the collection of water lilies at the Botanical Garden of Chisinau, established in 2020-2023. The composition of the collection, currently consisting of 26 cultivars of the genus Nymphaea, has been elucidated.
Keywords. Nymphaea, collection, introduction, rhizome, phenologicalphases, Republic of Moldova, cultivar.
In the world flora, the Nymphaeaceae family is represented by six genera containing 50 species [2] of which 35-40 are Nymphaea L. [4]. However, the number of genera and species described in this family may differ depending on the author: Bosch et al. (2008) list Nymphaeaceae with seven genera and 70 species [1], and Judd et al. (2008) consider eight genera and 70 species [5]. According to the updated data of World Flora, the aforementioned family consists of 8-9 genera, and the genus Nymphaea totals 107 intraspecific taxa [18]. The family has a wide species distribution in both tropical and temperate regions, and inhabits rivers, ponds, lakes and other freshwater wetlands [5]. Nymphaeaceae are aquatic plants fixed and rooted on the substrate with floating, sometimes submerged, long-petiolate leaves [7]. The genus Nymphaea was divided into five subgenera: Anecphya Casp., Brachyceras Casp., Hydrocallis Planch., Lotus (L.) Willd. and Nymphaea [3].
Nymphaea alba L., also known as white water lily, is an aquatic plant found in the Republic of Moldova, especially in stagnant or smoothly flowing waters, pools with a depth of up to 2 meters. This plant has a strong rhizome, which is attached to the bottom of the water by means of numerous roots. The stem is perennial, thick and short, and its leaves are large, cordate, leathery, long-petiolate, with an ovate and
deeply cordate limb. The leaves float on the surface due to the presence of numerous air channels in the limb and petiole. N. alba blooms in the months of JuneSeptember, and its flowers are large, bisexual, white or slightly pink, long-pediculated and supported by the external laciniums of the perianth in the form of boats. The flowers are frequented by insects (flies and beetles). The sepals of this plant are 4-5 in number, and the petals are numerous and arranged in a spiral. The stamens are also numerous, and the fruits have the form of a false capsule, with fleshy walls, which ripen under water. This plant produces seeds, which have a sticky substance that serves for dissemination.
Throughout history, the seeds and rhizomes of many genera of aquatic plants, rich in starch and protein, have been used as human food and continue to be used today. The natives are wont to eat the seeds of Euryale ferox Salisb., Victoria regia Lindl., roasted. Also, the rhizomes of Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. and Nymphaea stellata Willd. they are consumed as food, especially in times of famine [10].
Different civilizations, such as the Egyptian and Maya, used Nymphaea flowers as a narcotic (psychodisleptic), in order to induce ecstasy among the priestly castes [11]. Some species of plants in the Nymphaeaceae family are used as medicinal plants, such as the rhizomes of N. nouchali, which are used in
the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea, and N. stellata is used to relieve heart pain. The flowers of the yellow water lily (N. lutea) have sedative and astringent properties, while the rhizomes have antibiotic, antitrichomonas, emollient and astringent properties. The flowers of the white water lily (N. alba) are known for their sedative-nervous properties and are used with good results in the treatment of insomnia and anaphrodisiacs, and the rhizomes have sedative, anaphrodisiac, tonic-nutritive and astringent properties [6].
The decorativeness of the water lily is exceptional, which can be admired both in public or private gardens, and in paintings such as those of Claude Monet and other painters or photographers [21].
In addition to decorativeness, water lilies provide useful shading, which contributes to reducing the development of algae in the lake [8]. The water lily also has a symbolism in the Romanian culture, of Ancient Egypt and in other cultures [12].
Materials and methods
The object of the study was the water lily collection of the National Botanical Garden (I) "Al. Ciubotaru" which counts 26 varieties of the genus
Until the year 2000, species of Nymphaea alba L. and Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm were planted in lakes number I and III. And in 2020, the collection of Nymphaea was initiated with the varieties mentioned below. The completion with other taxa was carried out in the following years 2021, 2022. Most of the varieties were purchased from private collectors (Bardar, Bender) but also from the "Anastasie Fatu" Botanical Garden in Iasi. From the specimens in the collection of the National Botanical Garden (I), only the wild water lily species Nymphaea alba bears seeds, the rest of the varieties are sterile (thus the variety creation policy of the French hybridizer Latour-Marleac and his successors not to start commercializing new varieties created until a sterile hybrid is reached). Morphological descriptions and determination of phenological phases were performed according to accepted classical methods [14].
Results and discussion
In the context of our research, water lily varieties with leaves and rhizomes were received, which we underwent a preparation procedure for planting. We removed the yellow and necrotic leaves, and then grouped the plants into distinct groups, depending on the variety, so that each group contained between 5 and 6 plants.
Before planting, we prepared symmetrical wire hooks 5 mm thick and 25 cm long. Then followed the actual planting procedure, which involved deepening the rhizome approximately 10 cm into the muddy substrate and fixing it with the help of the hook.
We selected the planting site according to the water lily variety, so that plants that prefer more sun exposure are placed in the open area of the lake, while those that require partial shade are placed near the willows, which provide this protection.
At the time of planting, the water depth in the lake was 50 cm, at the beginning of the season, the water reaches depths of up to 150 cm. During the growing season, we regularly removed dead leaves and aquatic weeds, which continued to multiply because the water lily leaves had not yet covered the entire surface of the lake.
Some authors consider that the separation of rhizomes in spring or early summer, after starting vegetation, at intervals of 3-4 years, is the most widely used propagation method [9]. We created the collection during September (year 2020, 2021), August 2022 and contrary to some recommendations we had positive results.
In 2022, the collection expanded, thanks to favorable environmental conditions. Some varieties were manifested by an abundant development, these were the varieties: 'Fabiola', 'Attraction', 'Meteor'.
Currently in the GBNI collection there are the following varieties from the genus Nymphaea: 'Moorei', 'Chromatella', 'Gonnere (Snow Ball)', 'Virginia', 'Marleac albida', 'Fabiola', 'Marleac rosea', 'Fire Crest' ', 'Colorado', 'Peaches and Cream', 'Albida', 'Wanvisa', 'Comanche', 'Double yellow', 'Golden medal', 'Mangkala Ubol', 'Inner light', 'Attraction', 'Sunrise ', 'Pink Grapefruit', 'Escarboucle', 'Meteor', 'Indiana', 'Alba', 'Maila'. In the collection the taxa best present are: 'Moorei', 'Gonnere', 'Marleac albida', 'Fabiola', 'Marleac rosea', 'Colorado persic', 'Albida', 'Wanvisa', 'Golden medal', ' Mangkala Ubol', 'Attraction', 'Meteor'.
According to existing research, between 3 and 6 flowers can open simultaneously on a water lily plant in a day, depending on the variety. The lifespan of a flower is about 4-5 days [19]. To develop normally, water lily plants need sun exposure between 4 and 6 hours a day. In Nymphaea species, the phenomenon of nyctinasia is common - the opening and closing of the flower petals late in the morning and early in the evening.
In terms of planting, the optimum depth for water lily plants is between 40 and 60 centimeters, but they can also tolerate depths as shallow as 20-40 centimeters and as deep as 120 centimeters. Too much depth can prevent flowers from developing because the water at the bottom of the pond is cooler, while the surface warms up faster. In addition, the depth of 40-60 centimeters is enough to protect the roots from frost in winter, when the basin is frozen. Water lily plants can be propagated by dividing the mother plant every 3-4 years in the spring [20].
Nymphaea 'Moorei' is a cold hardy water lily with showy yellow flowers (Figure 1), fragrant pale yellow to light yellow flowers.
Leaves petiolate, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and 10-12 mm thick; orbicular leaf blade, up to 18-20 cm in diameter, coriaceous (leathery), with entire margin, abaxially light green, with burgundy spots of 1 -3 mm in diameter, of different shapes, dispersed, generally towards the edge of the blade, adaxially deep green, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 18-20 main radiating veins.
Floating or emergent flowers, light yellow, 12-14 cm in diameter, with diurnal opening (they open in the morning and close in the evening); sepals 4, elliptic-lanceolate, 6-7 cm long and about 3 cm wide, arranged in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green with a pink tint, not obviously veined, yellowish adaxially, towards the base pink; outer petals in 4 cycles, 4 in each cycle, broad-elliptic, 5 cm long and about 3 cm wide; inner petals smaller, elliptic, with obtuse apex, 8 in number, 3 cm long, situated in 2 cycles. Androecium composed of 20-22 petaloid external and multiple internal stamens, all yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 linear appendages on the margin of the stigma disc, bent, about 5 mm long.
The plant may be susceptible to crown rot. Used in small, medium or large water basins.
It is a perennial plant, it is recommended to be propagated by division. Bees use water lily leaves as a landing site, the leaves also serve as protection for aquatic fauna and their shading helps prevent the growth of algae and other higher aquatic plants [13,1517].
Blooms in June-September.
Nymphaea 'Gladstoniana' is a large, white, star-shaped water lily (Figure 2).
Figiire 1. Nymphaea 'Moorei'
Nymphaea 'Gonnere' is a medium-sized water lily with white flowers, (Figure 3).
Leaves petiolate, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and 8 mm thick; leaf blade orbicular, up to 17 cm in diameter, coriaceous, with entire margin, abaxially light green, glossy, with a burgundy shade more towards the edge of the blade, adaxially intense green, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 20-22 main radial veins.
Floating or emerged flowers, white, 8-12 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, elliptic-lanceolate, 5 cm long and about 2.5 cm wide, arranged in a cycle, intense green abaxially, inconspicuously veined,
Leaves petiolate, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and 10 mm thick; leaf blade orbicular, up to 18 cm in diameter, coriaceous, with the entire edge slightly wavy, abaxially light green, with a burgundy shade towards the edge of the blade, adaxially intense green, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 18-20 main radiating veins. Floating or emerged flowers, immaculate white, 10-12 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, ovate-lanceolate, 6 cm long and about 4 cm wide, placed in a cycle, abaxially green with a yellowish tint towards the base, inconspicuously veined, adaxially white; external petals in 3 cycles, 4 in each cycle, ovate-lanceolate, 56 cm long and about 3 cm wide; inner petals smaller, elliptic, with obtuse tip, 8 in number, 3-4 cm long, situated in 2 cycles. Androceium composed of 10-20 petaloid external and multiple internal stamens, all yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 elliptical appendages, straight, about 6 mm long on the edge of the stigma disc.
Suitable for large water pools. As a synonym, it also has the name N. 'Gladstone'. It develops at a depth of 45-100 cm. The Nymphaea 'Gladstoniana' plant can occupy an area up to 150 cm in diameter. This hybrid was created by Richardson, USA, 1897. It blooms in June-September.
Figure 2. Nymphaea 'Gladstoniana'
adaxially white-greenish; the first 2 cycles of the external petals, 4 each in the cycle, ovate-lanceolate, 4 cm long and about 2.5 cm wide, light green abaxially, white adaxially; inner petals smaller, ovate, with obtuse tip, 16 in number, 3-4 cm long, situated in 2 cycles. Androecium composed of 10-20 petaloid external stamens and multiple internal stamens, all pale yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 elliptical appendages on the edge of the stigma disc, straight, about 6 mm long.
This hybrid was created by Latour-Marliac, France, in 1914. Another synonym of the variety is: Nymphaea 'Snowball'. Blooms in June-October.
Figure 3. Nymphaea 'Gonnere'
Figure 4. Nymphaea 'Firecrest'
Nymphaea 'Firecrest' a water lily with petiolate, glabrous leaves, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and about 8-10 mm thick; leaf blade orbicular, up to 20 (-25) cm in diameter, rarely subrounded, 25 cm long and up to 22 cm wide, coriaceous, with entire margin, abaxially light green, adaxially deep green, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 18-20 main radiating veins. Floating or emerged flowers, white-pink (Figure 4), 12-15 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, lanceolate, 6 cm long and about 2.5 cm wide, placed in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green, inconspicuously veined, on the pink margin, adaxially whitish-pink; outer petals in 2 cycles, 4 in each cycle, narrow-lanceolate, 5-6 cm long and about 2 cm wide; smaller internal petals, lanceolate, with obtuse tip, 8 in number, 4-5 cm long, located in 2 cycles, and the inner cycle, consisting of 4 small petals 2.5 cm long. Androecium composed of 30-32 petaloid external and multiple internal stamens, all yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 linear appendages located on the edge of the stigma disc, bent, about 7 mm long. Blooms in June-September.
Nymphaea 'Colorado' has spectacular peach-salmon pink flowers with a shade that darkens toward the base of the petals and stamens (Figure 5).
Leaves petiolate, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and about 6 mm in diameter; leaf blade orbicular, up to 15 (-18) cm in diameter, coriaceous, subround, 15-17 x 17-19 cm, with entire margin, abaxially burgundy, adaxially intense green with irregular burgundy spots; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 17 main veins. Floating or emerged
flowers, 12-15 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, ovate-lanceolate, 7-8 cm long and about 3 cm wide, placed in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green with pink margins, inconspicuously veined, adaxially pale pink; outer petals in 2 cycles, 1st cycle 4 petals, 2nd cycle 8 petals, ovate-lanceolate, 7-8 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide, pale pink with light yellow tips; inner petals smaller, elliptic, 22-24 in number, 4-5 cm long, located in 3 cycles, of a light yellow color. Androecium composed of 16-20 petaloid external stamens and 5580 internal stamens, all yellow. 13-locular gynoecium, with 13 linear-lanceolate, bent appendages, located on the edge of the stigma disc, about 5 mm long.
Sun lover. Obtained by Kirk Strawn, USA, 1994. Plants covered an area of 80 cm in diameter. It blooms from June to October.
Nymphaea 'Marliacea Rosea' is a medium-sized water lily with pale pink flowers and green leaves (Figure 6).
Leaves petiolate, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and about 10 mm in diameter; leaf blade orbicular, up to 20 (-22) cm in diameter, coriaceous, subround, 15-20 x 17-22 cm, with entire margin, slightly wavy, abaxially green with a cherry to burgundy shade, adaxially intense green; radiate-reticulated venation, consisting of 17-20 main veins. Floating or emerged flowers, 12-15 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, ovate-lanceolate, 5-6 cm long and about 3 cm wide, arranged in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green, inconspicuously veined, adaxially pale-pink (dirty-pink); outer petals in 3-4 cycles, 4 in each cycle, ovate-lanceolate, 4-5 cm long
and 2-2.5 cm wide; inner petals smaller, elliptic, 14-16 in number, 3-3.5 cm long, located in 2 cycles. Androecium composed of 16-20 petaloid external stamens and 48-60 internal stamens, all yellow. 20-
locular gynoecium, with 20 linear-lanceolate appendages on the edge of the stigma disc, about 5 mm long.
Figure 5. Nymphaea 'Colorado '
Figure 6. Nymphaea 'Marliacea Rosea'
Hybrid created by Latour-Marliac, France, 1887. The plant occupies an area of 100 cm in diameter. It blooms from June to September.
Nymphaea 'Marliacea Albida' is a water lily with white flowers (Figure 7). Petiolate leaves, glabrous, with a petiole 50-150 (-200) cm long and about 8-10 mm thick; orbicular leaf blade, up to 15-18 cm in diameter, coriaceous, with entire margin, light green abaxially, intense green adaxially, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 18-20 main radiating veins. Floating or emerged flowers, white, 12-14 cm in diameter, diurnal opening; sepals 4, lanceolate, 7 cm long and about 2.5 cm wide, placed in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green with a pinkish tint,
inconspicuously veined, adaxially whitish-pink; external petals in 3 cycles, 8 in each cycle, narrow-elliptic, 6 cm long and about 2 cm wide; smaller internal petals, lanceolate, with obtuse tip, 8 in number, 4-5 cm long, located in 2 cycles, and the inner cycle, consisting of 4 small petals 2-3 cm long. Androecium composed of 30-32 petaloid external and multiple internal stamens, all yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 linear appendages on the edge of the stigma disc, bent, about 7 mm long.
It is recommended for medium to large pools. An old French hybrid obtained by Latour-Marliac, in 1880. It occupied an area of 100 cm in diameter. It blooms from June to September.
Figure 7. Nymphaea 'Marliacea Albida'
Figure 8. Nymphaea 'Fabiola'
Nymphaea 'Fabiola' is a water lily with petiolate, glabrous leaves, with a petiole
50-150 (-200) cm long and about 10-12 mm thick; leaf blade orbicular, up to 20 (-25) cm in diameter, coriaceous, with entire margin, abaxially light green, matte, adaxially intense green, glossy; radiate-reticulate venation, consisting of 18-20 main veins. Floating or emerged flowers, 15-18 cm in diameter (Figure 8), with diurnal opening; 4 elliptic-lanceolate sepals, 7-9 cm long and about 4 cm wide, placed in a cycle, abaxially green or dirty-green, inconspicuously veined, adaxially whitish-pink. External petals in 3-4 cycles, 8 in each cycle, elliptic-lanceolate, 5-7 cm long and about 3 cm wide; inner petals smaller, elliptic, 1416 in number, 3-3.5 cm long, located in 3 cycles. Androecium composed of 30-32 petaloid external and multiple internal stamens, all yellow. 20-locular gynoecium, with 20 linear appendages on the margin of
the stigma disc, bent, about 5 mm long. Blooms in JuneSeptember.
During 2020-2022, phenological observations were made on the collection of water lilies.
Fixing the phenological phases and analyzing the seasonal rhythm of development allowed the varieties to be divided into three groups after the onset of flowering (Table 1):
1. early flowering varieties - the flowering phase starts from the third decade of May (12 varieties);
2. varieties with medium flowering - the initiation of flowering takes place in the 1st-2nd decade of June (11 varieties);
3. varieties with late flowering - the beginning of flowering occurs at the end of June and in July-August (3 varieties). Some varieties showed a weak development of the vegetative sphere, but also of the generative one.
Table 1.
Phenological data of the flowering phase for Nymphaea cultivars.
1. 2. Cultivar The beginning of flowering Abundance of flowering End of flowering
1. Alba 25.05.2022 25.06.2022 28.09.2022
2. Sunrise 25.05.2022 25.06.2022 15.09.2022
3. Pink Grapefruit 25.05.2022 25.06.2022 14.09.2022
4. Meteor 25.05.2022 25.06.2022 01.10.2022
5. Chromatella 26.05.2022 26.06.2022 01.09.2022
6. Indiana 27.05.2022 27.06.2022 02.10.2022
7. Inner light 27.05.2022 27.06.2022 11.09.2022
8. Attraction 27.05.2022 27.06.2022 18.09.2022
9. Escarboucle 27.05.2022 27.06.2022 19.09.2022
10. Comanche 28.05.2022 28.06.2022 02.10.2022
11. Marliacea rosea 28.05.2022 28.06.2022 18.09.2022
12. Moorei 28.05.2022 28.06.2022 01.09.2022
13. Fire Crest 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 15.09.2022
14. Marleac albida 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 25.09.2022
15. Fabiola 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 19.09.2022
16. Gladstone 06.06.2022 06.07.2022 02.10.2022
17. Goner (Snow Ball) 08.06.2022 08.07.2022 02.10.2022
18. Albida 10.06.2022 10.07.2022 01.10.2022
19. Golden medal 15.06.2022 15.07.2022 13.09.2022
20. Mangkala Ubol 15.06.2022 15.07.2022 28.10.2022
21. Colorado persic 15.06.2022 15.07.2022 15.10.2022
22. Peaches and Cream 15.06.2022 15.07.2022 15.10.2022
23. Double yellow 18.06.2022 18.07.2022 12.10.2022
24. Virginia 30.06.2022 30.07.2022 01.10.2022
25. Wanvisa 30.06.2022 30.07.2022 06.10.2022
26. Maila 05.08.2022 05.08.2022 10.10.2022
135 130 125 120 115 110 105
116 118
115 n
Gladstone Colorado
Atrraction Mangkala Ubol
Figure 9. Duration of flowering of some varieties of Nymphaea (days).
Some varieties have a flowering period of about 23 months, others - vegetate and bloom until the first frosts. We mention the varieties 'Mangkala Ubol', 'Colorado', 'Gladstone'
(Figure 9), the flowering period of which is 118135 days. The duration of a flower, according to
We notice that in the months of July-September the varieties show an abundance of maximum flowering. The collection can be admired in all its breadth and beauty.
The thermal factor is decisive in the maintenance of these plants. Obviously the light and the water basin where they are planted also matter.
Water lilies are used to arrange natural and artificial water pools in both open and protected spaces. Currently, their popularity is increasing as cut flowers, for floristic decorations or simple bouquets. We aim in the near future to complete, maintain, multiply and capitalize on this collection, which can also contribute to the ecological education of pupils and students.
We would like to point out the most beautiful varieties that we recommend to collectors: Nymphaea 'Gonnere', with large white flowers, with a larger number of petals than other water lilies (full flowers) Nymphaea 'Fabiola' with spectacular large pink-purple flowers intensive; Nymphaea 'Indiana', a smaller plant with small flowers of a more exotic, mottled reddish color, which we recommend for smaller pools; Nymphaea 'Colorado' - variety that blooms very
specialized literature, is about 4-5 days [19]. Being very attractive, once cut and immediately placed in water, they are viable for about 5-6 days, at a temperature of about 22°C depending on the variety. Figure 10 shows the flowering abundance of some varieties for each month.
abundantly, with an extended flowering period, flowers of a very attractive tender peach color; Nymphaea 'Maila', with its beautiful large flowers of an electrifying red colour.
1. GBNI's water lily collection lists 26 taxa, was established in 2020 and is a valuable resource for studying the taxonomy and biology of water lilies.
2. Nine of the taxa present in the collection have already been described, the rest will be described in the future. Some varieties showed a weak development of the vegetative sphere, but also of the generative one. We will continue to monitor them over time, in order to concretize and highlight the true pace of development.
3. The study of the development rhythm of water lilies showed that they can be grouped into three distinct categories, depending on the time of their flowering. This information can be useful to improve the reproduction, cultivation and use of water lilies in landscaping.
Regarding the Nymphaea cultivars present in the GBNI collection, several early flowering cultivars are identified, including Nymphaea 'Gonnere', Nymphaea
150% 100% 50% 0%
Attraction Gonnere Colorado Wanvisa
September October
Figure 10. Flowering abundance (%) by month.
'Virginia', Nymphaea 'Marleac albida', Nymphaea 'Fabiola', Nymphaea 'Marleac rosea' and Nymphaea 'Attraction'. This information is valuable to anyone interested in growing or studying the biology of water lilies.
4. The growing popularity of water lilies suggests the need to expand and promote the GBNI collection, including by adding new taxa and increasing the number of specimens for existing taxa. This would contribute to a more complex study of water lilies and their exploitation for research, didactic-educational and social purposes.
The research presented was carried out within the project 20.80009.7007.14 "Research on the mobilization of plant diversity with ornamental potential for ex situ conservation".
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19.Nymphaeaceae Salisb.
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12 East European Scientific Journal #11(96), 2023 ——"
УДК 53.043. и 57.013
Корчагин С.А., Мажара А.П., Марченкова Л.А., Трошенков Ю.В.
Самарский Государственный Технический Университет Samara State Technical University Данные для связи: Степан Алексеевич Корчагин, к.ф.-м.н, тел. 8 919 804 7912
S.A. Korchagin, A.P. Mazhara, L.A. Marchenkova, Y. V. Troshenkov
DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2023.1.96.414
Реферат. Статья посвящена известному старому методу измерения артериального давления с помощью маятника и линейки. Выдвинута гипотеза о возникновении параметрического резонанса в колебаниях маятника при применении этого метода. Для обоснования гипотезы используется огрубленная модель колебаний математического маятника, с длиной нити подвеса изменяющейся по гармоническому закону. Согласно этой модели, при возникновении параметрического резонанса происходит: 1) "спонтанное" возрастание амплитуды колебаний, 2) наиболее ярко проявляющееся при частоте изменения длины нити, равной удвоенной частоте собственных колебаний маятника.
Наши и независимые (видеоролики в интернете) экспериментальные наблюдения соответствуют этим двум условиям.
Полученные результаты (с привлечением результатов теории кровообращения) могут быть использованы при разработке различных косвенных методов измерения характеристик системы кровообращения in vivo, связанные с возникновением параметрических колебаний.
Abstract: The article focuses on a well-known old method of measuring blood pressure using a pendulum and ruler. A hypothesis has been put forward about the occurrence of parametric resonance in pendulum vibrations when applying this method. To justify the hypothesis, a coarse model of vibrations of a mathematical pendulum is used, with the length of the suspension thread changing according to the harmonic law. According to this model, when parametric resonance occurs, there is: 1) a "spontaneous" increase in the amplitude of oscillations, 2) the most pronounced at the frequency of change in the length of the thread equal to twice the frequency of the natural oscillanions of the pendulum.
Our and independent (videos on the Internet) experimental observations meet these two conditions.
The results obtained (involving the results of circulatory theory) can be used in the development of various indirect methods for measuring the characteristics of the circulatory system in vivo associated with the occurrence of parametric oscillations.
Ключевые слова: [Математический маятник, параметрический резонанс, физика кровообращения, артериальное давление, пульсовые колебания]
Key words: [Mathematical pendulum, parametric resonance, blood circulation physics, blood pressure, pulse oscillations]
С начала двадцатого века известен метод измерения артериального давления человека с помощью маятника и линейки. Из-за сравнительно низкой точности, которая зависит еще и от испытуемого лица, время его использования было недолгим. В настоящее время, метод представлен роликами в интернете [1-4], где упоминается о том, что в в двадцатые- тридцатые годы его даже преподавали и школах. Там же приводятся невнятные, можно сказать полумистические объяснения наблюдаемого резонанса в колебаниях маятника, подсознательной моторикой, и отмечается, что более «научное» объяснение этого эффекта отсутствует.
Из-за «древности» и недостаточной точности метода, поиск ссылок на медицинскую литературу,
где описывается этот, ныне забытый метод измерения давления, для авторов (не медиков) оказался безуспешным.
Между тем, физика процесса, наблюдаемого при применении этого (косвенного) метода, несколько богаче, чем в более точном современном методе с эластичной манжетой и датчиком шумов пульса (фонендоскопом).
По мнению авторов, сущность обсуждаемого метода заключается в проявлении явления параметрического резонанса, с достаточной для дальнейшего полнотой описанном в учебнике [5]. В этой работе, для иллюстрации, используется модель колебаний математического маятника с периодическим малым изменением параметра длины маятника. Такая простая модель, с некоторыми оговорками, подходит и для описания