Научная статья на тему 'The characteristics of Switzerland's alpine skier's related to the frequency of accidents'

The characteristics of Switzerland's alpine skier's related to the frequency of accidents Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Giovanis Vassilis, Gompakis Theofanis

The aim of this research was to record the characteristics of Switzerland's alpine skier's in relation to the frequency of accidents. The formulation of the cases was based on the following questions: skiers with preparation of their physical fitness before the season and the warming-up before skiing have chances of skiing accidents or injuries? In this research 49 skiers participated (30 men and 19 women). The specimens came by recreational skiers (beginners advanced) and athletes in the following ski resorts in Switzerland: Adelboden, Lenk and San Bernardino. The research material came from analysis of completed questionnaires from 49 Swiss skiers. They have recorded four categories of factors: a) individual factors b) factors of preparation in the snow in relation to injuries c) factors of preparation in dry ground in relation to injuries d) factors of injuries. About 1 in 3 Swiss skier respondents had in the past, an accident in alpine skiing. In the Swiss population the number of advanced skiers is overriding, with a few years of training in skiing, however with several days training a year using a ski instructor teacher for warming up and individual form of learning. With regard to injured skiers, athletes are the ones that prevail. The skiers who had prepared themselves with a physical fitness preparation before the winter season had a greater percentage of accidents and injuries, while on the other hand had a reduced rate in relation to injuries or accidents during warm up. Swiss skiers usually had upper limb injuries (sprains and dislocations) due to the fall of the skier. It is recommended that research be done with all the factors for the selection of the best methodology, preparation and adjustment of physical ability in the difficult environment of skiing with respect to accidents and injuries.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The characteristics of Switzerland's alpine skier's related to the frequency of accidents»

І ПЕДАГОГІКА І та медико"біол°гічні

----- --------------- проблеми фізичного

виховання і спорту

The characteristics of switzerland’s alpine skier’s related to the frequency of accidents

Giovanis V., Gompakis Th.

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


The aim of this research was to record the characteristics of Switzerland's alpine skier's in relation to the frequency of accidents. The formulation of the cases was based on the following questions: skiers with preparation of their physical fitness before the season and the warming-up before skiing have chances of skiing accidents or injuries? In this research 49 skiers participated (30 men and 19 women). The specimens came by recreational skiers (beginners - advanced) and athletes in the following ski resorts in Switzerland: Adelboden, Lenk and San Bernardino. The research material came from analysis of completed questionnaires from 49 Swiss skiers. They have recorded four categories of factors: a)

individual factors b) factors of preparation in the snow in relation to injuries c) factors of preparation in dry ground in relation to injuries d) factors of injuries. About 1 in 3 Swiss skier respondents had in the past, an accident in alpine skiing. In the Swiss population the number of advanced skiers is overriding, with a few years of training in skiing, however with several days training a year using a ski instructor teacher for warming up and individual form of learning. With regard to injured skiers, athletes are the ones that prevail. The skiers who had prepared themselves with a physical fitness preparation before the winter season had a greater percentage of accidents and injuries, while on the other hand had a reduced rate in relation to injuries or accidents during warm up. Swiss skiers usually had upper limb injuries (sprains and dislocations) due to the fall of the skier. It is recommended that research be done with all the factors for the selection of the best methodology, preparation and adjustment of physical ability in the difficult environment of skiing with respect to accidents and injuries.

Key words:

Alpine skiing, skier, accident, wound, injury, prevention.

Гиованис В., Гомпакис Т. Характеристики горнолыжников Швейцарии, которые связанны с частотой несчастных случаев. Целью данного исследования было изучить характеристики горнолыжников по отношению к частоте несчастных случаев. Анализ несчастных случаев была основан на следующих вопросах: как влияет физическая подготовленность лыжника до начала сезона и разминка перед стартом на возможные несчастные случаи или травмы? В данном исследовании приняли участие 49 лыжников (30 мужчин и 19 женщин). В группу входили начинающие, незначительно подготовленные лыжники и квалифицированные спортсмены. Исследование проводилось в следующих горнолыжных курортах Швейцарии: Аделбоден, Ленк, Сан-Бернардино. Материалом для исследования являлся анализ заполненных анкет 49 швейцарских лыжников. В анкету были включены четыре категории факторов: а) индивидуальные факторы, б) факторы подготовки непосредственно на снегу относительно повреждения, в) факторы подготовки на сухой земле в связи с травмами, г) факторы травм. Около 1/3 лыжников респондентов имели в прошлом несчастные случаи. Население Швейцарии имеет большое число опытных лыжников, которые прошли несколько лет обучения в лыжном спорте. Однако имеются и лыжники, которые прошли несколько учебных дней в год или под руководством инструктора, или в индивидуальной форме обучения. Что касается травмированных лыжников, то среди них преобладают спортсмены. Среди лыжников, которые прошли физическую подготовку перед зимним сезоном, был больший процент несчастных случаев и травм. С другой стороны наблюдалось снижение количества несчастных случаев во время разминки. Швейцарская лыжники обычно имели травмы верхних конечностей (растяжения и вывихи) из-за падений. Рекомендуется, во избежание несчастных случаев, проводить подготовку с выбором наилучших методик, ориентировать свои физические способности на подготовку в сложных условиях катания на лыжах, что в конечном итоге приведет к снижению количества несчастных случаев и травм.

горные лыжи, лыжник, несчастный случай, ранение, травма, профилактика.

Гиованіс В, Гомпакіс Т. Характеристики гірськолижників Швейцарії, які пов’язані з частотою нещасних випадків. Метою даного дослідження було вивчити характеристики гірськолижників по відношенню до частоти нещасних випадків. Аналіз нещасних випадків був заснований на наступних питаннях: як впливає фізична підготовленість лижника до початку сезону і розминка перед стартом на можливі нещасні випадки або травми? У даному дослідженні взяли участь 49 лижників (30 чоловіків і 19 жінок). До групи входили початківці, трохи підготовлені лижники і кваліфіковані спортсмени. Дослідження проводилося в наступних гірськолижних курортах Швейцарії: Аделбоден, Ленк, Сан-бернардіно. Матеріалом для дослідження був аналіз заповнених анкет 49 швейцарських лижників. У анкету були включені чотири категорії чинників: а) індивідуальні чинники, б) чинники підготовки безпосередньо на снігу щодо пошкодження, в) чинники підготовки на сухій землі у зв'язку з травмами, г) чинники травм. Близько 1/3 лижників респондентів мали у минулому нещасні випадки. Населення Швейцарії має велике число досвідчених лижників, які у минулому мали декілька років навчання в лижному спорті. Проте є і лижники, які мали всього декілька учбових днів в рік або під керівництвом інструктора, або в індивідуальній формі навчання. Що стосується травмованих лижників, то серед них переважають спортсмени. Серед лижників, які мали фізичну підготовку перед зимовим сезоном, був більший відсоток нещасних випадків і травм. З іншого боку спостерігалося зниження кількості нещасних випадків під час розминки. Швейцарська лижники зазвичай мали травми верхніх кінцівок (розтягування і вивихи) із-за падінь. Рекомендується, щоб уникнути нещасних випадків, проводити підготовку з вибором якнайкращих методик, орієнтувати свої фізичні здібності на підготовку в складних умовах катання на лижах, що зрештою приведе до зниження кількості нещасних випадків і травм.

гірські лижі, лижник, нещасний випадок, поранення, травма, профілактика.


Alpine skiing is a sport done in open space and therefore accident prone character. An accident in skiing is any unexpected disruption in the execution of a deliberate motion [21]. The Lewandowski & Swierczynski [25] describe how the skiers come to have an accident, when losing their balance during the acceleration of speed. The risk of a skiing accident grows as a skier has lower level of skill, which is dependent on inhibitory factors such as soil conditions, snow, as well as his equipment. The busy and crowded ski slopes are some of the many causes of accidents and thus the injuries [10, 11]. To limit accidents and injuries a thorough analysis of the causes

© Giovanis V., Gompakis Th., 2011

and the factors should be made. Erdmann and Giovanis [15] classify the causes of accidents in alpine skiing and grouping the causes and factors causing the accident as follows: personal, coaching, equipment and clothing, weather, ground land and racing. In Switzerland, alpine skiing is the most popular sport. This is due to its natural terrain with mountains of medium and high altitude (with glaciers), low temperature, long tradition of skiing with approximately 258 ski resorts [www.Snowrental.net, www.Snowreports Switzerland], many clubs, with a strong national skiing team and the greatly expanded winter tourism. Ski season lasts 6 months or more depending on the region’s ski and snow (ex. annually there are about 130-180 days with rain and snow). This present study is

a 2011


based on registration of ski injuries in alpine skiing in some ski resorts in Switzerland. The above methodology was used as an epidemiological survey in the following countries: Poland, Netherlands, Austria, Greece etc. [21, 10, 8, 4, 11, 12, 13, 22, 26, 20, 29, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1]. The recording of the factors and characteristics that increase accidents in skiers, can determine a future preventive model of organization of the System Safety in Skiing - “SSS” [10, 8]. The purpose of this research was to record the characteristics of skiers of Switzerland alpine skiing in relation to the frequency of accidents. The formulation of the cases was based on the following questions: skiers’ physical preparation before the season and the warm-ups done before skiing have the chances of an accident or injuries? The result of this research is to create a future model of prevention which can protect skiers from this adverse phenomenon.

Methodolog Examinees In the research the participants were N = 49 skiers (30 men and 19 women) who were selected by random. The sample came from recreational skiers (beginners - advanced) and athletes in the following ski resorts in Switzerland: Adelboden, Lenk and San Bernardino.

Means of data collection

The research material came from analyzing the completed questionnaires of 49 Swiss skiers. They have recorded four categories of factors: a) individual factors (age and sex, height and body mass of skiers), b) factors of preparation in the snow in relation to injuries (the existence of accident and injury in skiing in the past, level of technical training, period of ski training in years and days, preferred learning styles of skiing: individual, group or matches, with or without instructor , participation in the warm up), c) factors regarding preparation in dry ground in relation to the injury (physical fitness preparation), d) factors of injury (presence of the type of injury, the site of injury, causes and the number of days to recover from injury).

Data collection process

The collection of the data was done in the winter season of 2008 - 2009, in the month of December during the scheduled winter vacation of the ski resorts in Switzerland. The questionnaire was given to each individual skier, after briefing on the purpose of research and how to complete the questionnaire. Sixty questionnaires were handed out and 49 were returned completed (81.7% return rate).

Statistical analysis

In every characteristic group of skiers corresponds three categories of statistical monitoring: the participants, the people with injuries, and the rate of injuries by using the Excel program 2007. The statistical analysis of the results of epidemiological research has helped to illustrate the causes and factors (such as the level of preparation of skiers) to reduce accidents of skiers.


A) Individual factors in the sample in relation to injuries

The 49 respondents were aged from 11 to 30 years (20.8 ± 3.60). The average height for men was 1.80 ± 0.08, while for women it was 1.71 ± 0.11. Also the weight of men was 75.6 ± 12.56, and women 59.7 ± 10.61. Finally, the values of Body Mass Index (BMI) of males was 23.3 ± 2.75, while that of women 20.3 ± 1.87, where the degree of obesity for both sexes were normal (Table 1).

From Figure 1 it is concluded that women had the same injury rate (37%) to men (37%).

B) Factors preparation in the snow in relation to injuries

From Figure 2 it is concluded that depending on the level of technical training the highest rates of injuries were the following skiers: athletes (55%), advanced (40%) and beginners (20%).

The largest percentage of injury rate depending on years of experience in skiing were people who had experience 6 <10 years (57%) and the lowest percentage of injury rate was that of people with experience of 1 <5 years (27%, Figure 3). The major injury rates according to experience skiing days were experienced skiers 22 <31 days (55%), while those with experience of 1 <7 days had no injuries (Figure 4).

From Figure 5 it is concluded that the skiers, who are taught to ski without an instructor had a higher injury rate (47%).

C) Factors in training in dry soil in relation to injuries

Table 2 shows the highest percentages of injuries compared with the type of training such as games (67%), personal training (37%) and group training (0%). A remarkable phenomenon is that people who did their physical training in dry soil had more injuries (56%) than non-participants in the physical training (33%), while on the other hand, as expected, skiers who did not warm-up had more injuries (38%).

D) Factors of injuries

Figure 6 shows the percentage of injuries in relation to the cause of the fall, showing the following phenomenon: almost every drop results in injury. Figure 7 shows that skiers of Switzerland had the following injuries: sprains (28%) and dislocation (28%), while 22% were fractures.

The most common area of injury is the arms (33%) and the rarest was the head (11% - Figure 8). The largest percentage 28% of Swiss skiers needed a recovery time of injuries over 85 days, while the least percentage 6% needed recovery time from 22 to 42 days (Figure 9).


By studying the epidemiology of accidents, injuries in skiing have been studied by scientists in such countries as: USA [23, 30], Norway [27], Austria [28], Germany [2], Canada [14], Australia [24], Poland [10, 5, 7, 8, 6, 9], Russia [3], Netherlands [4] and Greece [17, 19]. Chojnacki & Kusion [12] have done an epidemiological study of 100 athletes of Poland in period 1987-2000, where 67% of participants had lesions, while the common place of injury were the lower extremities (80%). The most common injuries were to “Slalom” (42%), where the cause was a technical error. Giovanis [18] in his analysis, investigates the relationship between accidents and thus the injuries at the rates and indices of industrial path of giant slalom as: track geometry, speed, acceleration, frequency (tempo), endurance and tactics of the athlete. Chojnacki [10, 8] dealt with the organizational model of ski traffic and the algorithms presented in connection with the Skiing Safety Skiing (SSS). He compares the underlying causes of accidents (ex. by training - resulting in injuries) in athletes of different countries as: Poland 71% Austria 38% and Greece 37% [15, 17].


та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту

Table 1

The anthropometric characteristics of the skiers in Switzerland

SKIERS (N) MEN (N=33) WOMEN (N=23) TOTAL (N=56)


AGE (years) 20,7 4,04 20,8 2,88 20,8 3,60 11 30

HEIGHT (m) 1,80 0,08 1,71 0,11 1,76 0,10 1,54 2,02

WEIGHT (kg) 75,6 12,56 59,7 10,61 69,5 14,10 46 110

BMI (kg/cm2) 23,3 2,75 20,3 1,87 22,1 2,83 17,5 31,8

N - number of questionees M - average SD - standard deviation

Figure 1. The comparison of injury rate by gender Figure 2. The injury rate depending

on the level of technical skills

Figure 3. The injury rate depending on years of Figure 4. The injury rate depending on the

experience in skiing experience of skiing days

Figure 5. The injury rate depending on how skiing is taught, with instructor or without instructor

32011 ||

Table 2

Involvement of skiers: the physical condition before the season, in warming up, personal or group skiing instructions

Participation of skiers in : Participants People with injuries Percentage of injuries

N % N % %

Method of Learning

Personal 43 88 16 89 37

Group 3 6 0 0 0

Games 3 6 2 11 67

Physical Condition

Yes 9 18 5 28 56

No 40 82 13 72 33

Warm Up

Yes 36 73 13 72 36

No 13 27 5 28 38

Total 49 100,0 18 100,0 37


90 T 80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -0




Figure 6. The percentage of injury depending on falling

35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0








Torso Head

Figure 8. The percentage of injuries depending on the location of the injury


30 -i 25 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0





Sprains Dislocation Fractures Other

Figure 7. The percentage of injury depending on the type of injury


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30 -, 25 20 15 -10 -5 -0


_ 22




7<21 22 < 42 43 < 84 85 <

Figure 9. Time required (days) of rehabilitation of injuries



For recreational skiers the percentages of injury in relation to their physical condition were as follows: Poland 19%, 71% in the Netherlands and Greece 26% [17]. The correspondingvalues for recreational skiers who participated in warm-ups before skiing, the percentage of injuries were: 16% for Poland, the Netherlands 44% and Greece 20% [17]. In this investigation the above percentages of injuries to athletes and recreational skiers of Switzerland in relation to fitness and warm-up, totaled 56% and 36% respectively. The high values of the factors for fitness training and warmups were the consequence of poor preparation of training before winter and poor warm ups before skiing. Giovanis [19] concludes that the Greeks skiers have lower percentage

of injuries compared to other countries that have a tradition in winter sports. In a total of 1165 Greek participants the percentage of injuries was 16%, for 2000 Polish skiers the percentage of injuries was 19%, 572 injured Dutch constituted 49% of participants skiers [4, 9], while in the present study of 49 Swiss skiers the percentage of injuries was 37%. In the study of Amoutzas & Giovanis [1], we observe that Greek student skiers (136 participants) of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Athens and the corresponding University of Komotini (Northern Greece) had high percentage of injuries (3% and 16% respectively) than those of recreational skiers (control group - 36%). Young [31] dealt with the likelihood of

та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного

виховання і спорту ____________________________

injury in relation to the practice of skiing. Summarizing this research, the greatest injury rate depending on years of experience in skiing were people with 6<10 years experience (57%), while relatively according to experience by counting skiing days, experienced skiers with 22 <31 days had a percentage of (55%). Men and women had the same percentage of injuries (37%), while skiers who learned without an instructor had a larger percentage of injuries (47%). The factor of training skill, the highest accident rate in Switzerland was observed in the group of athletes (55%) and in advanced skiers (40%). The lowest accident rate was the group of beginner skiers (20%). Greater frequency of accidents were those skiers who prefer the skiing competition (67%) and individual skiing (37%), while no casualties were among the people who prefer skiing as a team (0%). The percentage of injuries in relation to the cause of the fall show the following phenomenon, almost every fall turns out to be an injury. The typical injuries of skiers from Switzerland was 28% sprain and dislocation 28%, while the most frequent location of the injury are upper limbs (33%) and the least frequent the head (11%). The largest percentage of Swiss skiers 28%, need a recovery time from injuries of over 85 days, while 6% needed a recovery time from 22 to 42 days.


Based on the above results about 1 in 3 Swiss respondents’ skiers had earlier accidents in Alpine skiing. The Swiss population mostly consists of advanced skiers, with a few years training in skiing, with abundant days training by using a skiing instructor, warming up and personal form of training. With regard to injuries, it is the athletes that prevail. Skiers who had physical fitness preparation before the winter season had a greater percentage of accidents and injuries, and had a reduced rate compared to warm ups. Swiss skiers usually had upper limb injuries (sprains and dislocations) due to the fall of the skier. The duration of treatment and rehabilitation of injured skiers in Switzerland lasted from 7 to 120 days. The answer to the case and questions of this research is: skiers who are physically training to be prepared before the season and warm-up before skiing have the chances of accidents and injuries. It is recommended to make investigations not only by the factors of choosing the right equipment (height of the ski, scaling the bollard, hardness of the boot, etc.), but investigations with choice factors of the best methodology, preparation and adaptation of physical capability (ex. balance, flexibility, strength, endurance, etc.) in the difficult environment of skiing in relation to accidents and injuries.



1. Amoutzas K., Giovanis V. Factors that contribute in the reduction of accidents of skiers in the alpine skiing. 16th International Congress of Physical Education and Sport, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, 16-18 May, p. 14, (0204), 2008.

2. Ascherl R. et al. A 10 year survey of skiing ijuries. W: Hausser W., Karlsson J., Magi M. - red. „Ski trauma and skiing safety IV”. Proccedings of the fourth conference held in Italy 1981. International Society for Skiing Safety. Verlag Technischer Uberwachungs -Verein Bayern e.v. Munchen, 1982, pp. 45-48.

3. BaskirofW. F. (za Baliaropoulosem 1990). Sports medicine traumatology [Athlitiatriki traumatologia]. W: SALTO, Thessaloniki, 1987, 300 p.

4. Bouter L. Injury risk in downhill skiing. Results from an etiological case - control study conducted among Ducht skiers. Utgeverij De Vrieseborch - Haarlem, Nederland, 1988, 240 p.

5. Chojnacki K. Modeling of traffic’s organization in terms of prevention of skiing accidents, liability and stability of the ecosystem of the mountains [Modelowanie organizacji ruchu narciarskiego w aspekcie profilaktyki wypadków, odpowiedzialnosci prawnej i trwalosci ekosystemu gór]. Wydawnictwo monograficzne Nr 21, Suplement, AWF, Kraków, 1985, pp. 67-70.

6. Chojnacki K. The best risk more [Najlepsi ryzykuj^ najwi^cej]. W: Ulatowski -red. „Trening”, Kwartalnik metodyczno - szkoleniowy 1(9), Warszawa, 1991, pp. 90-95.

7. Chojnacki K. Practical ways, methods and systems for the prevention of injury rates in Alpine skiing [Praktyczne sposoby, metody i systemy zapobiegania urazowosci w narciarstwie zjazdowym]. Rocznik naukowy T. XXIII, AWF, Kraków, 1988, pp. 80-85.

8. Chojnacki K. System structures and algorithms to assist in the training process and the prevention of skiing accidents. [Struktury systemowe i algorytmy wspomagaj^ce proces szkoleniowy w narciarstwie a profilaktyka wypadków]. Wydawnictwo monograficzne Nr 36, AWF, Kraków, 1989, pp. 77-82.

9. Chojnacki K. Epidemiological study of injury rates and the risk of accidents in alpine skiing [Studium epidemiologiczne urazowosci a zagrozenie wypadkowe w narciarstwie zjazdowym]. Wydawnictwo monograficzne Nr 65. AWF, Kraków, 1994, pp.100-105.

10. Chojnacki K. Safe skiing System (SBN) in the light of the analysis of the structure traumas [System bezpiecznego narciarstwa (SBN) w swietle analizy struktury urazowosci]. Wydawnictwo monograficzne Nr 21, AWF, Kraków, 1984. pp.120-124.

11. Chojnacki K., Giovanis V. The comparative analysis of injuries in

downhill skiing of Poland, Holland and Greece. XXIII Congress of the Polish Society of Sports Medicine in Kraków 1996, International Symposium „Medicina Sportiva”. W: Medsportpress -red.

„Medycyna Sportowa”, Nr 60/61, p.45, 1996.

12. Chojnacki K., Kusion L. Analysis of damage in the leading Polish skier [Analiza obrazen narciarskich u czolowych polskich alpejczykow]. Sport Wyczynowy, Pac-Pomarnacki A. - ed., COS


1. Amoutzas K., Giovanis V. Factors that contribute in the reduction of

accidents of skiers in the alpine skiing. 16th International Congress of Physical Education and Sport, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, 16-18 May, (0204), 2008, p. 14.

2. Ascherl R.A. 10 year survey of skiing ijuries. Ski trauma and skiing

safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring - club Bayern, 1982, pp. 45-48.

3. Baskirof W. F. Athlitiatriki traumatologia. [Sports medicine traumatology], Thessaloniki, SALTO, 1987, 300 p.

4. Bouter L. Injury risk in downhill skiing. Results from an etiological

case — control study conducted among Ducht skiers. Nederland, Vrieseborch - Haarlem, 1988, 240 p.

5. Chojnacki K. Modelowanie organizacji ruchu narciarskiego w

aspekcie profilaktyki wypadkow, odpowiedzialnosci prawnej i trwatosci ekosystemu gor. [Modeling of traffic’s organization in terms of prevention of skiing accidents, liability and stability of the ecosystem of the mountains], Krakow, APE Publ., 1985, vol.21, pp. 67-70.

6. Chojnacki K. Trening [Training], Warszawa, 1991, vol.1(9), pp. 90-


7. Chojnacki K. Rocznik naukowy [Research Yearbook ], Krakow, APE

Publ., vol.23, 1988, pp. 80-85.

8. Chojnacki K. Struktury systemowe i algorytmy wspomagajqceproces

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9. Chojnacki K. Studium epidemiologiczne urazowosci a zagrozenie

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30. Shealy J.E. Two Year Statistcal Analysis of Skiing Injurie at 13 Selected Areas in the USA. W: Hausser W., Karlsson J., Magi M. - red. „Ski trauma and skiing safety IV”. Proccedings of the fourth conference held in Italy 1981. International Society for Skiing Safety. Verlag Technischer Uberwachungs - Verein Bayern e.v. Munchen, 1982, pp.124-128..

31. Young L.R. The etiology of ski injuries. Orth. Clin. North. Am., t.VII, nr1, 1978, pp.113-117.

Information about the authors: Giovanis Vassilis

[email protected] Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Athens University 41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Str., 172 37 Daphne - Athens, Greece

Gompakis Theofanis [email protected] Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Athens University 41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Str., 172 37 Daphne - Athens, Greece Came to edition 10.10.2011.

changing dimension, Ski trauma and skiing safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring - club Bayern, 1982, pp.121-123.

15. Erdmann W.S., Giovanis V. Systematyka przyczyn wypadkow w narciarstwie alpejskim. [Systematics of the causes of accidents in alpine skiing], Gdansk, APE Publ., 1995, 240 p.

16. Franz T., Hasler R. M., Benneker L., Zimmermann H., Siebenrock K. A., Exadaktylos A. K. Severe spinal injuries in alpine skiing and snowboarding: a 6-year review of a tertiary trauma centre for the Bernese Alps ski resorts, Switzerland. Journal of Sport Medicine,.

2008, vol.42, pp.55-58.

17. Giovanis V. Kinematics of slalom courses’ runs in alpine skiing and problems of injuries (in Polish). Dissertation, Krakow, 1998, pp. 145-151, 177-181.

18. Giovanis V. Sport Wyczynowy [High-performance sport], 1999, vol.3-4, pp. 19-30.

19. Giovanis V. The characteristics of Greek skiers related to the frequency of accidents. Medical Annals, 2009, vol.32, pp.178-184.

20. Gollihofer A., Gruber M. Importance of sensorimotor training for injury prevention and athletic performance. Austria, St. Christoph, 2007, p.25.

21. Horczynski K. Wypadki narciarskie w rejonie Beskidow w swietle wieloczynnikowej analizy epidemiologicznej. [Skiing accidents in the region of Beskydy in the light of multivariate analysis of epidemiological], Dokt. Diss., Katowice, 1978, 100 p.

22. Hunter R.E. Skiing injuries. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 1999, vol.27, pp. 381-389.

23. Jaffin B. An epidemiological study of ski injuries: the Mount Sinai. Journal of Medicine, 1981, vol.48, p.4.

24. Korbel P.J., Zelcer J. A controlled study of skiing injuries in Australia. Ski trauma and skiing safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring - club Bayern, 1982, pp. 98-103.

25. Lewandowski Z., Swierczynski Z. Zapobieganie urazom w sporcie. [Injury prevention in sport], Warszawa, Sports and Tourism Publ., 1970, 168 p.

26. Neumayr G, Hoertnagl H, Pfister R, Koller A, Eibl G, Raas E. Physical and physiological factors associated with success in professional alpine skiing. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2003, vol.24, pp.571-575.

27. Nilssen A. Skiing injuries, alpine sports. Ski trauma and skiing safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring - club Bayern, 1982, pp.56-60.

28. Raas E. Some aspects of injuries in competitive skiers. Ski trauma and skiing safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring -club Bayern, 1982, pp.59-65.

29. Senner V. Equipment Development and Research for more performance and safety. Austria, St. Christoph, 2007, p.31.

30. Shealy J.E. Two Year Statistcal Analysis of Skiing Injurie at 13 Selected Areas in the USA. Ski trauma and skiing safety IV. Munchen, Publishing technical monitoring - club Bayern, 1982, pp.124-128.

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31. Young L.R. The etiology of ski injuries. Orthopedic clinics of north america, 1978, T.7, vol.1, pp.113-117.

Информация об авторах: Гиованис Василис.

[email protected] Департамент физической культуры и спортивных наук Афинского университета ул. Этникис Антистасеос 41, г. Афины, 17237, Греция.

Гомпакис Теофанис [email protected] Департамент физической культуры и спортивных наук Афинского университета ул. Этникис Антистасеос 41, г. Афины, 17237, Греция.

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