Hayxoeuu eicnuK flHYBMET iMeni C.3. f^uцbкого
Tom 10 № 3(38) Hacmuna 1, 2008
Janusz Biezuriski, Jakub Nicpori ®
Agricultural University In Wroclaw, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dept and Clinic
of Veterinary Surgery pl. Grunwaldzki 51,50-366 Wroclaw, e-mail:janusz.biezynski@,up.~wroc.pl
Veterinary medicine is nowadays trying to adept to current main tendencies seen In human medicine. Progress already made allow us to use many sophisticated techniques In long bones fractures treatment. We are still searching for ideal solution because fractures are still considerable percentage of casa in veterinary practice. These aspirations supported with study created the desired effect- osteosynthesis method with use of bolted pin, performed successfully in medicine.
Department an Clinic of Vet Surgery, Agricultural University in Wroclaw with help of BHH Mikromed company conduct research of bolted intramedullar pin inserting into bone as an alternative method of osteosynthesis.
Task, the aim of the article
The aim of the study is showing usefulness of this method in long bones fractures in animals treatment.
Material and methods
Osteosynthesis with use of intramedullar bolted pin was made in 5 dogs: Newfounland, Polish greyhound, German Shepard dog and two mixed-breed dogs. The criterion of qualification was medium and big body weight because of equipment - pins size. In each case it was about femur fracture. Two cases concern spiral bone fractures in one half of shaft, in two cases transverse fractures and comminuted fracture in last case. Surgery was performed with use of typical surgical instruments and standard medical intramedullar pin after necessary modification. The open method of operation with full access to the bone was used. The method was evaluated after observation of bone fracture healing process, on a base of clinical and radiological examination.
Results of research
Many model researches was done before introducing bolted pin osteosynthesis. 2-3 months lasting patient after surgery monitoring showed full stabilization of fragmentated bones and gradual recovery of operated extremity (hind leg). Radiological examination showed significant progression in bone structure healing process. Generally the method is based on traditional intramedullar
® Janusz Biezuriski, Jakub Nicpori, 2008
Hayxoeuu eicnux flHYBMET iMeni C.3. f^uцbкого
Tom 10 № 3(38) Hacmuna 1, 2008
osteosynthesis but through several modifications it exclude disadvantages of pin usually used.
A great benefit of the method is elimination of very unfavourable influence for healing process- rotational and axial motions. It may be achieved thanks to blocking screw, so called bolt in proximal, as well as in distal fragment inserting. During surgeries problems with placing blocking screws appeared in one case, what proves necessity of proper equipment usage and surgeon great skills.
Among many advantages of bolted pin usage there are: surgery time shortening, decrease infection risk, decrease blood loss, hospitalization and recovery time shortening.
Preliminary researches and observations conducted in our clinic showed that the method with use of bolted pin might be the alternative one in long bones fractures treatment.
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Cmammx nadiumna do peda^ii 30.09.2008