Научная статья на тему 'The author`s course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" for future managers in tourism'

The author`s course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" for future managers in tourism Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Okopna Yana

This paper presents some problematic aspects in scientific methods of experimental research study. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the development of such experimental education at present it is possible to determine the priority directions of its further modernization, which provide for the needs of the labour market, the formation of an optimal network of tourism management schools, a system of quality assurance of vocational education, diversification of funding by delegating more powers to regional education authorities. The experimental research study results with the author`s courseGerman after English 4” for future managers in tourism, that are described in the article, are to enhance the role and responsibility of social partners, businesses, trends and quality requirements of the skilled workers. The education market and the labour market should be developed through the implementation of a common methodology for their monitoring on the state basis in order to train future skilled tourist managers in higher educational establishments and creating together with employers on the state basis the vocational schools, that are specialized in training centres for skilled workers using the dual training system.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The author`s course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" for future managers in tourism»



10. VanderVeen A. Developing and Validating Instructionally Relevant Reading Competency Profiles Measured by

the Critical Reading Section of the SAT Reasoning Test / A. VanderVeen, K. Huff, M. Gierl, D. S. McNamara,

M. Louwerse, A. Graesser // Reading Comprehension Starategies. Theories, Interventions and Technologies;

McNamara D. S. (ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New York, London, 2007, P. 137-172.

Стаття надтшла в редакцт 16.09.2017 р.

UDC 378.141:811.112.2:379.85(045) DOI 10:25128/2415-3605.17.4.21


[email protected] Doctoral student Kyiv National Linguistic University 73 Velyka Vasylkivska Str., Kiev



This paper presents some problematic aspects in scientific methods of experimental research study. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the development of such experimental education at present it is possible to determine the priority directions of its further modernization, which provide for the needs of the labour market, the formation of an optimal network of tourism management schools, a system of quality assurance of vocational education, diversification of funding by delegating more powers to regional education authorities. The experimental research study results with the author's course "German after English 4" for future managers in tourism, that are described in the article, are to enhance the role and responsibility of social partners, businesses, trends and quality requirements of the skilled workers. The education market and the labour market should be developed through the implementation of a common methodology for their monitoring on the state basis in order to train future skilled tourist managers in higher educational establishments and creating together with employers on the state basis the vocational schools, that are specialized in training centres for skilled workers using the dual training system.

Keywords: author's course, German after English, experimental research study, future managers in tourism, high educational establishments.



Кшвський нащональний лшгвштичний ушверситет вул. Велика Васильшвська, 73, м. Кшв



Описано результати експериментальног перев1рки алгоритму формування тмецькомовно1 профестно орieнтованоi компетентностi майбутшх працiвникiв сфери мiжнародного туризму як специфiчноi реалiзацii навчального процесу з виробничими цтями в межах розвитку iншомовноi комуткативно1 дiяльностi; виявлення взаемозв 'язтв психологiчних механiзмiв у багатоступтчастих процесах оволодiння мовною дiяльнiстю в умовах ттерференцтних явищ та позитивного перенесення.Проаналiзовано nсихологiчнi до^дження та методологiчнi проблеми ттерференци та позитивного перенесення при вивченнi друго'1' iноземноi мови тсля першо'1' зарубiжних та вiтчизняних науковцiв з метою систематизацп iснуючих алгоритмiв, вилучення наукових концепцт та стратегт вивчення друго'1' iноземноi мови з точки зору мережево'1' пiдтримки. Виявлено, що отриманi результати тсля здтснення експериментального до^дження остаточно пiдтвердили ймовiрнiсть гiпотези про те, що розгляд психологiчних характеристик, механiзмiв ттерференцшних явищ та позитивного перенесення у процесi формування нiмецькомовноi профестно орieнтованоi компетентностi майбуттх працiвникiв сфери мiжнародного туризму (тмецька мова тсля англЫ^^) ефективно вiдображаються на якостi профестно орieнтованоi освти. Рекомендовано при вивченнi другоi iноземноi мови тсля пе^ршоi враховувати наступн чинники: зв'язок профестно орieнтованого навчання другоi iноземноi мови


та навколишньо1 diücHocmi; ргвень сформованостг комуткативних навичок майбутнх пращвникгв сфери мгжнародного туризму рiдною мовою та першою тоземною; наявнiсть попереднього навчального фiлологiчного досвiду майбуттх ф^вщв сфери мiжнародного туризму в оволодтн професшно орieнтованою iншомовною компетенттстю в продуктивних видах мовленневог дiяльностi; наявнiсть мовних унiверсалiй в структуруванн стратеги (твердження, предмет, об'ект, сингулярний/множинний i т. д.), що сприятиме створенню особливого специфiчного професшно орiентованого виду мовних знань й полегшить асимiляцiю друго'1 iноземноï мови. Мова ^rniверсалш уможливлюе реалгзацт порiвняльно-типологiчного аналiзу фенометв рiдноï та сумiжних iноземних мов, як вивчаються паралельно. Вiдзначено, що розумтня концепцИ' вивчення друго'1' iноземноï мови тсля першо'1' за пiдтримки дистанцшного комбтованого мережевого навчання мае розглядатися в структурi алгоритмiчноï моделi взаемодИ' сумiжних тоземних мов iз врахуванням психiчних процеав, яю задiянi в пiдсвiдомостi майбутнх працiвникiв сфери мiжнародного туризму пiд час оволодтня тмецькою мовою тсля англтськой

Ключовi слова: авторський курс, тмецька мова тсля англшськой експериментальне до^дження, майбутнi менеджери в сферi туризму, вищий навчальний заклад.



Киевский национальный лингвистический университет ул. Большая Васильковская, 73, г. Киев



Представлены некоторые проблемные аспекты результатов экспериментального исследования. Подводятся итоги о том, что приоритетные направления дальнейшего исследования заключаются в модернизации путей изучения немецкого языка после английского, подтвержденные статистическими данными. В результате всестороннего анализа развития такого экспериментального обучения в настоящее время можно определить приоритетные направления его дальнейшей модернизации, которые обеспечивают потребности рынка труда, формирование оптимальной сети школ управления туризмом, систему обеспечения качества профессионального образования, диверсификацию финансирования путем делегирования большего объема полномочий региональным органам образования. Отмечено, что важность результатов экспериментального исследования с авторским курсом «Немецкий после английского 4» для будущих менеджеров в сфере туризма заключается в повышении роли и ответственности социальных партнеров, предприятий и местных органов власти в отношении объемов, тенденций и качества соблюдения требований к квалификации рабочих сферы туризма. Обозначены предпосылки для развития туристического образования, туристического рынка труда путем разработки и реализации общей методологии мониторинга обучения нескольким иностранным языкам одновременно, формирования основ государственного заказа для вузов на подготовку квалифицированных туристических менеджеров и создание совместно с работодателями на базе государственных профессиональных школ специализированных учебных центров иностранных языков для повышения уровня владения иностранными языками с использованием двойной параллельной системы обучения родственным иностранным языкам.

Ключевые слова: авторский курс, немецкий после английского, экспериментальное исследование, будущие менеджеры в сфере туризма, вуз.

The problem of teaching professionally oriented oral and written communication in German after English as second foreign language is investigated in numerous works by Ukrainian and foreign scientists [1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7]. The conceptual system in theory of speaking and writing, in developing methods of teaching these types of speech activity, in defining objects of control has been described (O. Bihych, I. Bim, V. Buhbinder, L. Gaydukova O. Kalimulina, O. Kvasova, A. Knurova, L. Morska, T. Oleynik, Ye. Passov, I. Popov, I. Simkova, V. Skalkin etc.) The features of the culture of interpersonal communication training have been analyzed (T. Astafurova, E. Vereshchagin, L. Zyenya, O. Kraskovska, Yu. Kuzmenkova, S. Sokolov, O. Tarnopolsky, M. Fayenova etc.). Scientists (M. Baryshnikov, N. Castle, I. Kolomiets, S. Kolomiets, S. Lymova, R. Martynova, O. Soroka I. Chirva) considered professionally oriented learning of speaking and writing, taking into account differences in the areas of communication, professional roles, types of professional dialogue,


language and speech material. The features and benefits of learning second foreign language after first and overcoming the effects of interference has been mentioned in the works of A. Anisimova, L. Kalashnikova, N. Marchenko, I. Miller, A. Molokovych, A. Pinska, T. Pustovalova, O. Savchuk A. Scheptylova and others.

In recent years, considerable attention in the training of future specialists second foreign language, of students from non-linguistic higher education institutions foreign language communicative competence formation has been given to the use of Internet resources (O. Bihych, M. Bovtenko, A. Buran, P. Serdyukov, L. Skaliy, N. Ugrinovich, S. Fomin, N. Forkun, E. Yakushina, A. Dillon, C. Kramsch etc.).

The technology of forming German professionally oriented competence using authors combinated distance courses by the students - future touristic managers has not been the subject of a special study. Thus, the relevance of the study is caused by the needs of training specialists in tourism, able to communicate in both foreign languages. German Studies at National University for Food Technologies has been developed with the help of experimental author's course called "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" on the Learning Platform Moodle, which we now use in teaching German as Second Foreign Language. This new pathway is a response to the changes in the Ukrainian job market and internationally and includes industrial touristic placement experience with leading companies in Germany.

Working with author's course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" for future managers in tourism in small groups or pairs, students have possibility to practice communication strategies in both foreign languages (German and English). These types of interactions, help students to develop the ability to work in a group (listening, giving opinions, reaching agreements, etc.) and independently (time management and problem solving). It helped future workers in touristic sphere learn independently, self-evaluate the knowledge acquired, handle communication techniques on all levels and work in teams.

The level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe is the level, which has been achieved by students working with the author's course in German "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" in accordance to the results in experimental research. "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" content is oriented on the tourism profession. The course has 60 classroom hours and 30 have been organised as the distance Moodle hours.

The starting level is B1 Students with some knowledge of the language will be given a level test at the start of the course. Students with a level much higher than that of the course may go directly to the final exam [6, p. 139 - 147].

The purpose of this research is to give a basic description of the author's course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" and some background information about why we felt it was necessary to develop this alternative. We then want to give more detail about what is special about this modern language course, and what the benefits are for students. Finally, as evidence of the success of this approach to date, we would like to quote some of our students' feedback about the pathway and in particular about their industrial touristic placement experience.

The research task is to analyze the effectiveness of the suggested method by means of the natural, vertical and horizontal, open methodological experiment and confirm the validity of the achieved results.

In accordance to the results of our experiment, which was conducted on the base of the National University for Food Technologies with the future managers in tourism (49 students), future touristic workers acquire the German language content as second foreign language after English. "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" helps them also to develop communicative competences in oral and written interaction, enabling them to do the following at the end of the course:

1) to recognise the letters of German and relate them to the phonemes;

2) to recognise the sounds that are pronounced and those that are not;

3) to distinguish between the phonemes of German;

4) to understand brief oral messages on the telephone, or in public places;

5) to communicate in simple everyday situations;

6) to understand brief announcements and news items and extract information from a written text aimed at the general public (signs, posters, leaflets, notes, etc.);

7) to write brief, simple texts in German (postcards, notes, personal texts, etc.);

8) to fill in forms with personal details [7, p. 330 - 383].


It gave us possibility to get the following results in forming outcomes competencies and learning: increased proficiency in reading, writing, oral and aural skills in German for professional use; insights into commercial, marketing and PR-Touristic management practice in German-speaking countries; career awareness and insights into "the world of work"; skills-based language learning and insight into Contemporary German/Austrian Studies.

Our students can use the communication techniques in tourism organizations and companies with professionally oriented activities: internal, external and corporate. Learning outcomes are connected with communicative activities of our future touristic managers in: 1) identifying vocabulary typically used in business communication in two foreign languages; 2) identifying grammatical forms typically used in business communication in two foreign languages; 3) developing theoretical and practical knowledge of two foreign languages and topics related to the tourism sector.

Learning outcomes are connected with using by our students the specialized language of the tourism sector in both foreign languages and at the same time with using German and English in specific contexts and real situations.

Author's course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" contains groups of exercises in practicing general language functions and in the same time for functions specific to the tourism field. The first is known as socializing function, which is realized through the establishing contacts with a person (for example, greeting and responding to the greeting, offering the welcome etc.); saying goodbye; making introductions; apologizing; offering thanks. The second is divided to four subgroups:

a) identifying function exercises - identifying oneself and another person; asking for and giving personal information (name, age, job, address, birthplace, nationality, civil status, family, customs, tastes, holidays); asking for and giving information about places (location, characteristics, etc.); asking for and giving information about times: time of day, timetables, dates, duration of an activity; asking for and giving information about a current situation;

b) expressing function exercises - expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction; expressing preference; expressing a wish;

c) inductive function exercises - asking questions and expressing willingness or a wish to do something; stating that something is possible or impossible to do; suggesting an activity;

d) metalinguistic function exercises - asking and saying how to say something or how a word is pronounced in German; asking and saying how to spell a word (accent, apostrophe, comma, point, hyphen, etc.); asking the meaning of a word or expression.

Grammar groups of exercises in the author's course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" contains activities, where students learn to be able to recognize and appropriately use the grammatical structures. The vocabulary content falls mainly into the following areas: shopping (shops and transactions), food and drink, weather, leisure and sport, everyday activities at home, and describing people and places.

In phonetics and prosody future touristic managers learn to be able to recognize and appropriately use the prosodic features (intonation, rhythm, etc.) of the language. They must also recognize and appropriately use the basic sounds and sound symbols of German, as specified below. Long and short vowels:

1) discrimination between o/o, u/u, a/a, a/e;

2) diphthongs: ei, ai, ay, eu, au, au;

3) unstressed vowels;

4) the vowel e (discrimination);

5) nasals ng, nk;

6) the consonant r.

We have completed some recommendations for reading activities in accordance to the results of our experiments. Reading is a crucial part of the course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4". At the start of the academic year the teaching staff has to inform students about the books to be used. Also, the course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" has been provided with simple texts adapted to students' level, to help them improve their reading comprehension and language acquisition. The texts used in the course have to assist students' learning until they are able to cope with short graded readers.

All students have studied the same modules in "German as Second Foreign Language" during the first experimental phase. In the second experimental phase, this model includes "Introduction to



German touristic management" and "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising". The students were then required to choose one pathway, which they will follow during the second and third experimental phase at National University for Food Technologies. In the second experimental phase, skills-based oral and written language classes were still shared by all students. During the first six lessons of each term, they have studied "Introduction to German Touristic Management" or "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising" for two hours per week, according to their chosen pathway.

The Business Pathway curriculum "Introduction to German Touristic Management" comprised analysis of advertisements; discourse strategies; job application strategies; concepts, facts and terminology of the German economy; marketing in Germany and intercultural aspects of marketing; and, very importantly, towards the end of the second experimental phase, culture shock. The lecture on culture shock has proved of such interest to students going abroad that it was then adopted as a part of the preparation in both languages practiced abroad for all students - future touristic managers - during the second half of each experimental phase, in both pathways of study "Introduction to German Touristic Management" or "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising".

The third experimental phase was generally spent in a virtual German-speaking country or, for those studying two languages, it was spent in a virtual country speaking their other target language. Students have had possibilities to participate in a virtual business game as Manager Assistants in Foreign touristic companies to investigate and provide different tours of Ukrainians historical places and sightseeing. Students of the "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising" pathway were encouraged to apply for industrial placements in Germany in their virtual business game as Manager Assistants in foreign touristic companies to investigate and provide different tours of Ukrainians historical places and sightseeing. Some of the advantages of their work placement were:

• interaction between employers and students at an early stage;

• an early career awareness which can enhance students' motivation to study;

• students value careers guidance more when it is part of their academic study;

• students have had possibilities to acquire additional marketable skills.

In the third experimental phase, for both pathways, "Introduction to German Touristic Management" and "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising" curriculum includes "de-briefing" for two hours per week over the whole phase. While the experimental group I concentrated on business communication to be looked at from outside, the experimental group II, following the third phase in virtual abroad game, has had possibilities to look into business communication from within, incorporating students' experience and research during their virtual time abroad, and building on them. The experimental group III during the second experimental phase was organized in accordance to the mixing program, which was designed from both pathways, "Introduction to German Touristic Management" and "Introduction to the Hospitality Language and Advertising".

The curriculum included "de-briefing" after the third phase virtual abroad practice, and brought in as much of the students' experience and learning as possible, as well as deepening the subject areas studied during the second phase.

At the end of the course students have achieved the following, they: 1) have progressed in grammar, pronunciation, use of vocabulary, register, etc. and fluency (speed of production, ability to express ideas and construct discourse), in both speaking and writing, corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; 2) have learnt strategies and skills to understand simple authentic written and spoken texts; 3) have learnt strategies to continue learning independently outside the classroom; 4) have developed the ability to use the language efficiently in everyday situations and have learnt how to use language learning resources - dictionaries, grammars, text books, practice exercises, etc.

The assessment process [1, p. 127 - 137; 2, p. 160 - 168; 3, p. 423 - 427] has been realized on the MOODLE platform too. Future managers in touristic sphere have attended at least 80% of their classes in order to be included in the continuous assessment process. The assessment has been included in following activities. 1) Writing tasks / activities were provided three to five writing tasks were performed, when students have been asked to rewrite their texts to improve on the first version. 2) Portfolios, that contained six to eight tasks, covering the four language skills. These has been done at home or in class. The following are examples of these tasks: reading worksheets; transformation



exercises; mini-tests; self-assessment sheets; information search; production of documents. The days allocated to midcourse exams can be used to work on portfolio activities, such as the listening and reading mini-tests. 3) Speaking activities - over the year, one to two speaking activities will be conducted. These may be individual or group activities, and may take place in the classroom or be recorded and sent in. Depending on the level and the number of students in the class, they could be monologues, dialogues, presentations, etc. 4) Mid-course tests - one or more mid-course tests are held on the days set aside for this purpose, consisting of a writing test (one or two tasks) and/or a speaking test. These tests are in the same format as the final exam.

The students put all their knowledge of the language into practice in order to accomplish a set of oral and written tasks, both of a general nature and specifically related to tourism. In other words, during the experiment we organised such conditions, when emphasis is placed on the learning process rather than on theoretical input from the teachers, lectors and tutors [6, p. 139 - 147; 7, p. 330 - 383]. Through the whole experiment we encouraged students to use the language actively in class and when practising outside the classroom on the MOODLE platform, to carry out communication tasks similar to those we engage them in real life, in a wide range of situations. To this end, class activities are designed to maximise students' participation and help them take responsibility for their own learning.

The perspectives in our further experimental research are following from our students' comments in their reports. They have covered a wide range of aspects of their experience, starting with basic insights like: "Ihave gained insight into what it is like to work under a lot of pressure... "; "Now I'm not afraid to answer the phone in both foreign languages..."; "I have learned a lot from working in a team..."; "The "Schwaben" really know how to celebrate/have a good time...". These and similar comments have encouraged us greatly to show how to work with the author's course "Deutsch nach Englisch 4" for future managers in tourism more effectively. We hope to organize our next research to benefit more students from the opportunities offered by these pathways in the future. The perspectives of our future research we see as organizing methodological recommendations on how to work with "Deutsch nach Englisch 4".


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6. Сучасний студент у контекст особиспсно^яльшсного подходу: за результатами науково-методичних дослщжень: колективна монография за заг. i наук. ред. О. Б. Б^ич / О. Б. Бц-ич, М. М. Волошинова, М. С. Гладунов, Я. В. Окопна. - К.: Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2014. - 148 с.

7. Теоргя i практика формування шшомовно! професшно орiентовано! компетентносп в говоршш у студенпв нелшгвютичних спещальностей: колективна монография за заг. i наук. ред. О. Б. Б^ич / О. Б. Бнич, Л. В. Бондар, М. М. Волошинова, Л. О. Максименко, О. М. Огуй, I. О. Омкова, Я. В. Окопна. - К.: Вид. центр КНЛУ, 2013. - 383 с.


1. Bihych O. B., Voloshynova M. M., Matsnieva O. A., Rusnak D. A., Met'olkina O. M., Kyrychenko T. H., Korobejnikova T. I., Okopna Ya. V. Elektronni zasoby navchannia inozemnykh mov studentiv: dosvid rozrobky j aprobatsii [Electronic teaching aids for students studying foreign languages: experience in development and testing], Kyiv, Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2012, 160 p.


2. Bihych O. B., Borysko N. F., Borets'ka H. E. ta in. Metodyka navchannia inozemnykh mov i kul'tur: teoriia i praktyka: pidruchnyk dlia stud. klasychnykh, pedahohichnykh i linhvistychnykh universytetiv [Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures: theory and practice], Kyiv, Lenvit, 2013, 590 p.

3. Mojseiuk N. Ye. Pedahohika: navchal'nyj posibnyk dlia stud. vysch. navch. zakladiv [Pedagogy: a textbook for students of higher education], Kyiv, 2007, 655 p.

4. Babyn I. I., Boliubash Ya. Ya., Harmash A. A. i in. Natsionalnyj osvitnij hlosarij: vyscha osvita [National Educational Glossary: Higher Education], Kyiv, TOV „Vydavnychyj dim Pleiady", 2011, 100 p.

5. Okopna Ya. V. Robocha prohrama normatyvnoi navchal'noi dystsypliny inozemna mova (za profesijnym spriamuvanniam) napriam pidhotovky 6.140103 «Turyzm» [Working programme of normative discipline Foreign language (by professional direction) Direction of preparation 6.140103 "Tourism"], Kyiv, NUKhT, 2013, 37 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6. Bihych O. B., Voloshynova M. M., Hladunov M. S., Okopna Ya. V. Suchasnyj student u konteksti osobystisno-diial'nisnoho pidkhodu: za rezul'tatamy naukovo-metodychnykh doslidzhen [Modern student in the context of a personality-activity approach: on the results of scientific and methodological research], Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2014, 148 p.

7. Bihych O. B., Bondar L. V., Voloshynova M. M., Maksymenko L. O., Ohuj O. M., Simkova I. O., Okopna Ya. V. Teorija i praktyka formuvannia inshomovnoi profesijno oriientovanoi kompetentnosti v govorinni u studentiv nelinhvistychnyh spetsial'nostej [Theory and practice of formation of foreign-language professional-oriented competence in speaking among students of non-linguistic specialties], Kyiv, Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2013, 383 p.

Стаття надтшла в редакцт 11.10.2017 р.

УДК: 378.147+629.5.072.8+811.111 DOI 10:25128/2415-3605.17.4.22


primina_natalie@ramb ler.ru кандидат педагопчних наук, викладач Нащональний унiверситет «Одеська морська академiя»

вул. Дiдрiхсона, 8, м. Одеса


Розглянуто результати експер1ментально-досл1дно1 апробацИ методики навчання курсантгв морських вишгв читання англомовног професшног документаци. Описано дидактичт i методичт принципи навчання читання англомовног' морськог документаци, алгоритм методичних diu i систему вправ щодо досягнення висунутих цыей навчання. Представлено етапи експериментальног' апробацИ методики навчання, критерiальний апарат оцтювання мовних знань i мовленневих умiнь курсантiв з урахуванням необхiдностi термтовог та безпечног' проводки судна (мовний критерш з показниками: рецептивного розумтня iзольованог лексики i ii репродуктивного вiдтворення англтською мовою; передмовленневий з показниками: розумiння змкту прочитаного, вiдтворення змiсту прочитаного, застосування змiсту прочитаного в навчально-професштй дiяльностi; мовленневий з показниками: швидкостi читання мовчки повног' за обсягом навчальног' лоци, обсягом вiд 900 до 1000 aniв; точностi сприйняття прочитаного, адекватностi застосування прочитаного в навчально-професштй дiяльностi; виробничий з показниками: читання реальног' нав^ацтног' тформаци в обсязi 900 - 1000 ^iв, готовностi виробничог' реакци на сприйняту в автентичних лоцiях тформацт, адекватностi виробничих процеав реальним нав^ацшним умовам). Наведено результати констатувального, формувального та приктцевого етатв експерименту. Здтснено порiвняння досягнутих результатiв навчання читання автентичног морськог документаци курсантiв експериментальних i контрольних груп.

Ключовi слова: експериментальна апробащя, читання, англомовна документащя, курсанти морських вузiв, результати до^дження.

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