UDC 338.24
© 2014 KRYLENKO V. I.
UDC 338.24
Krylenko V. I. The Assessment of Risks and Threats Faced by the Agricultural Component of Agrarian Sector of Ukrainian Economy
The article is dedicated to the assessment of risks and threats faced by the agricultural component of agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy. The study is carried out using the methods of economic and statistical assessment, abstracting and comparative analysis of scientific literature. It summarizes the modern structure of risks and threats faced by the agricultural component of agrarian sector: the decrease of gross agricultural product; the lack of new quality incentives for the growth of agricultural production; high dependence on natural and climatic factors; the decrease of the lands under cultivation; the increasing disparity within the structure of plant cultivation; low effectiveness of agricultural production by agricultural businesses; low economic effectiveness of using the farmlands. Key words: economic security, risks and threats, agrarian sector, plant cultivation sphere, agricultural production. Pic.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 13.
Krylenko Volodymyr I. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (pr. Geroyiv Stalingrada, 9, Nikolaev, 54025, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 338.24
Криленко В. I. AHani3 ризиюв i загроз смьськогосподарсько)' складово)' аграрного сектора економки Украни
Стаття присвячена дослдженню ризишв i загроз альськогосподарсьш складовоI аграрного сектора економки. Методи дослдження -економко-статистичний анал'в, абстрагування i пор'тяльний анал'в науковоI лтератури. Узагальнено сучасну структуру ризишв i загроз альськогосподарсьш складовоI аграрного сектора, зокрема: знижен-ня виробництва валовоI продукцП сшьського господарства; в'дсут-нсть нових яюсних стимулв для зростання сльськогосподарського виробництва, висока залежшсть в'д природно-кл'матичних чиннишв; зменшення поавних площ с'льськогосподарських культур, посилення диспропорцiйностi структури виробництва продукцП рослинництва; низька ефективнсть виробництва альськогосподарсьш продукцП в альськогосподарських шдприемствах i низька економ'мна ефектив-нсть використання сiльгоспугiдь.
Ключов'! слова: економiчна безпека, ризики та загрози, аграрний сектор, сфера рослинництва, продук^я сшьського господарства. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 4. Ббл.: 13.
Криленко Володимир 1горович - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фшанав, Нацональний утверситет кораблебудування iM. Адмiрала Макарова (пр. Герою Сталнграда, 9, Миколав, 54025, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 338.24
Крыленко В. И. Анализ рисков и угроз сельскохозяйственной составляющей аграрного сектора экономики Украины
Статья посвящена исследованию рисков и угроз сельскохозяйственной составляющей аграрного сектора экономики. Методы исследования -экономико-статистический анализ, абстрагирование и сравнительный анализ научной литературы. Обобщена современная структура рисков и угроз сельскохозяйственной составляющей аграрного сектора, в частности: снижение производства валовой продукции сельского хозяйства; отсутствие новых качественных стимулов для роста сельскохозяйственного производства, высокая зависимость от природно-климатических факторов; уменьшение посевных площадей сельскохозяйственных культур, усиление диспропорции структуры производства продукции растениеводства; низкая эффективность производства сельскохозяйственной продукции в сельскохозяйственных предприятиях и низкая экономическая эффективность использования сельхозугодий. Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, риски и угрозы, аграрный сектор, сфера растениеводства, продукция сельского хозяйства. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 4. Библ.: 13.
Крыленко Владимир Игоревич - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры финансов, Национальный университет кораблестроения им. Адмирала Макарова (пр. Героев Сталинграда, 9, Николаев, 54025, Украина)
E-mail: [email protected]
The agrarian sector of Ukraine - is the important sector of national economy, which combines different kinds of economic activity as to the production of agricultural outputs, food, and their final users' delivery. The significant part of GDP is formed in the agrarian sector and it is one of the main budget-formed and export-oriented sectors of national economy.
It is natural that the production of agricultural outputs plays the leading role in Ukrainian agrarian sector. The postcrisis economic renewal of Ukraine demands the intensive development of agrarian production and it allows to secure food safety of the state.
Any restructuring, especially of important agrarian sphere from the social and economic side, leads to risks and dangers growth for different aspects of social and economic development of the state. So, they need the profound research, analysis, and classification. The availability of risks and dangers catalogue allows not only to structurize them but to define ways of reducing their bad influence, neutralizing the results
and preventing their appearance in future. Only such classification is the necessary condition of relative painlessness of transformational processes.
Some approaches to the estimation of role, components of economic safety are presented in scientific works of L. I. Abalkina [1], M. M. Yermoshenko [2], Y. A. Zhalilo [3], G. A. Pasternak-Taranushenko [4], V. K. Senchagova [5] and others. But, most of problems connecting with the investigation of risks and dangers of the agricultural component of agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy are examined indirectly in modern science: national safety, food safety and others. This fact has caused the topicality and objective necessity of further investigation and analysis of risks and dangers of the agricultural component of agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy.
The object of the research is risks and dangers of the agricultural component of agrarian sector of economy.
This part of the investigation points to determine peculiarities of the analysis of risks and dangers of the agricultural component of agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy.
Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 7 '2014
The methods of the research are economic and statistical analysis, abstraction and comparative analysis of scientific literature.
A fair amount of native and foreign works deals with the problem of determining risks and dangers for economic safety of the state. Therefore we decide to generalize results of previous researches without any detailed analysis. In the most general form the modern structure of risks and dangers of agricultural component of agrarian sector is given on Fig. 1. The characteristics of these risks and dangers are as follows.
The limitation of enterprising initiative of peasants in farm enterprises, disorganization of agrarian enterprises activity, and the absence of alternative modes of farming structures, which are different from collective agricultural enterprises, causes the reduction in the production of agricultural gross output [6].
Agricultural gross output has been reduced since 1990. In 1999 only 48.6 % of agricultural gross output was produced from the level of production in 1990 (Table 1). Generally towards the end of 2013 the production of agricultural gross output was reduced by 10.3%, including livestock raising - by 53.5%. For last three years the gross output of plant growing has increased by 21.1% in 2013 in comparison with 1990 [7].
Evolutional growth of the production of gross output of this sector has happened since 2000. In 2013 its increase was 84.5% in comparison with 1999, including plant growing - 65.8%, livestock raising - 17.7%, but the level of 1990 was not achieved (89.7%) [7]. Positive processes are results of evolutional formation of new organizational-lawful structures of market type in countries as a result of realization of agrarian reformation base.
The absence of new qualitative incentives for the increase of agricultural production, high dependence on nature and climatic factors form risks of agricultural component of agrarian sector. Generally tendencies of agricultural production for 1995 - 2012 showed that this type of economic activity didn't get new qualitative incentives for the increase. Its dynamics under conditions of the absence of significant steps of modernization, structural reformation and solution of financial needs of producers was quite unstable and almost depends on nature and climatic factors that form high risks for farm producers.
According to the preliminary information in 2013 the index of agricultural output was 113.7% in comparison with 2012, including agricultural enterprises - 120.7%, farms of population - 106.4% (Fig. 2). In 2013 the index of plant growing output was 118.1% in comparison with 2012, including in agricultural enterprises - 152.2%, in farms of population - 109.3%. In 2013 the index of livestock raising output was 104.8% in comparison with 2012, including in agricultural enterprises - 108.8%, in farms of population - 101.8% [7].
Diminution of areas under grain of cultures and disproportion strengthening of the structure of plant growing output raise risks and dangers of agricultural component of agrarian sector. It is necessary to mention that developed countries have the policy of farm land preservation. The world area of tilled soil has increase by 2% since 1980, but in Ukraine it has reduced. Ukraine had lost 4,605 hectares of area under grain for 1990 - 2012 (Table 2). It is 14.2% of all the area under grain. As it is generally known the specific peculiarity of the land is that it is dimensionally limited for the goal production and it means that the quantity of the most generous areas is limited. Thereby withdrawal of the most generous areas from agricultural circulation has reduced natural resources substantially.
Absence of new qualitative incentives for the increase of farm production
Low effectiveness of farm production in agricultural enterprises, low economic effectiveness of the
disposal of agricultural lands
Reduction of production of agricultural gross output
High dependence on nature and climatic factors
Crisis phenomena in livestock raising: reduction of cattle and bird head, reduction of livestock raising output
Diminution of areas under grain of cultures
Disproportion strengthening of the
structure of the production of plant growing output
Low effectiveness of farm outputs in agricultural enterprises
Risks and Dangers of Agricultural Component of Agrarian Sector
Fig. 1. Structure of risks and dangers of agricultural component of agrarian sector (author's development)
BI3HECIHQOPM № 7 '2014
Table 1
Dynamics of production of agricultural gross output in Ukraine*
Gross output in alt Of
Year Plant growing Livestock raising
mill. hrn % till % till mill. hrn % till % till mill. hrn. % till % till
(UAH) 1990 1999 (UAH) 1990 1999 (UAH) 1990 1999
1990 282774,2 100,0 145502,0 100,0 137272,2 100,0
1991 245447,9 86,8 121184,9 83,3 124263 90,5
1992 225075,7 79,6 121352,8 83,4 103722,9 75,6
1993 228452 80,8 133978,1 92,1 94473,9 68,8
1994 190757,6 67,5 103596,6 71,2 87161 63,5
1995 183890,3 65,0 106329,6 73,1 77560,7 56,5
1996 166420,8 58,9 96810,1 66,5 69610,7 50,7
1997 163425,4 57,8 102454,3 70,4 60971,1 44,4
1998 147736,8 52,2 85068,7 58,5 62668,1 45,7
1999 137543 48,6 100,0 76513,6 52,6 100,0 61029,4 44,5 100,0
2000 151022,2 53,4 109,8 92838,9 63,8 121,3 58183,3 42,4 95,3
2001 166426,5 58,9 121,0 104281,7 71,7 136,3 62144,8 45,3 101,8
2002 168423,7 59,6 122,5 102766,5 70,6 134,3 65657,2 47,8 107,6
2003 149896,9 53,0 109,0 88251,3 60,7 115,3 61645,6 44,9 101,0
2004 179426,5 63,5 130,5 117471 80,7 153,5 61955,5 45,1 101,5
2005 179605,8 63,5 130,6 114479,9 78,7 149,6 65125,9 47,4 106,7
2006 184095,8 65,1 133,8 116597,7 80,1 152,4 67498,1 49,2 110,6
2007 172129,7 60,9 125,1 105979,5 72,8 138,5 66150,2 48,2 108,4
2008 201564 71,3 146,5 136277,1 93,7 178,1 65286,9 47,6 107,0
2009 197935,9 70,0 143,9 129908,3 89,3 169,8 68027,6 49,6 111,5
2010 194886,5 68,9 141,7 124554,1 85,6 162,8 70332,4 51,2 115,2
2011 233696,3 82,6 169,9 162436,4 111,6 212,3 71259,9 51,9 116,8
2012 223254,8 79,0 162,3 149233,4 102,6 195,0 74021,4 53,9 121,3
2013 253732,7 89,7 184,5 176181 121,1 230,3 77551,7 56,5 127,1
1 It was calculated according to data of Public Service of Statistics of Ukraine [7].
If we take into consideration the fact that the most generous areas need harder work and lots of means then it is clear that their withdrawal from agricultural circulation brings losses for national economy.
Areas under grain of cultures had been decreased by 14.2% for 1990 - 2012 (see Table 2): areas under grain of feed crops had been decreased 4.8 times and it had the negative influence on the development of forage reserve of stock-raising sector. Sown area of high profitable crops has increased for this period: sunflower crops - 3.2 times as much, rape crops -16 times as much. It breaks the system of crop rotation and causes the exhaustion of soil covering. Sown areas of potatoes and vegetable-melon crops have decreased by 2.4%. Now they are mainly concentrated in farms of population. Sown areas of sugar beets have decreased 3.5 times [7].
Agricultural enterprises prefer to grow grain and industrial crops. In addition to that they cut down the production of potatoes, and fruit and vegetable crops. But farms of population have become the main producers of fruit and vegetables output when the production of grain crops has become wider. The production of 90% of potatoes and vegetables is concentrated in these farms. Thus, farms of population being less powerful
from the financial side in comparison with agricultural enterprises have to provide the population with foodstuff.
The focus of agricultural enterprises on growing profitable grain crops and oil-plants doesn't help to organize balanced supplies of various foodstuffs on the market. As a result, underproduction of some not sufficiently profitable or disadvantageous agricultural crops, especially grainy crops, has been observed lately. It causes the reduction of their offer on the market, appearance of speculative demand and goods sheer rising in price.
Thus, the increase of industrial crops production (sunflower, rape) has been going on, but the production of grain crops and leguminous plants, of sugar beets, of fruits and berries has reduced. Grain crops and leguminous plants are the main ones which provide the population with foodstuffs and the decrease of their outputs is an unfavourable factor for the stability of food market of Ukraine and for the protection of economic safety of the state.
Ukraine has yielded in some indices of economic effectiveness of the disposal of agricultural lands to leading countries (Table 3).
First of all it concerns to the productivity of agricultural crops and main kinds of livestock raising output per a day (ex-
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Agricultural output Plant growing output
Livestock raising output
Fig. 2. Dynamics of the index of agricultural output (% according to the previous year)*
1 It was calculated according to data of Public Service of Statistics of Ukraine [7].
Sown areas of agricultural crops, thousands ha*
Table 2
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 % go 1990
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
All sown areas 32406 30963 27173 26044 25928 26060 27133 26990 26952 27670 27801 85,8
Grain crops and leguminous plants 14583 14152 13646 15005 14515 15115 15636 15837 15090 15724 15449 105,9
winter grain crops, including 8614 6310 6324 7289 5884 6725 8127 8308 7904 7987 6537 75,9
wheat 7568 5324 5316 6185 5089 5817 6802 6518 6137 6499 5534 73,1
rye 518 609 668 622 373 349 466 468 286 283 302 58,3
barley 528 377 340 482 422 559 859 1322 1481 1205 701 132,8
Springgrain crops and leguminous plants, including 5969 7842 7322 7716 8631 8390 7509 7529 7186, 7737 8912 149,3
wheat 9 185 303 480 494 471 314 334 314 282 238 2644,4
barley 2201 4130 3645 4018 4883 4417 3360 3800 3024 2582 2724 123,8
oats 492 570 521 468 474 404 456 433 326 288 310 63,0
maize for seed 1234 1174 1364 1711 1777 2087 2516 2149 2709 3620 4625 374,8
millet 205 167 437 141 136 122 153 119 95 169 191 93,2
buckwheat 350 459 574 426 398 352 302 273 225 311 300 85,7
rice 28 22 26 21 22 21 20 25 29 30 26 92,9
grain legumes 1424 1103 408 422 406 438 263 371 429 374 318 22,3
Industrial crops, including 3751 3748 4187 5260 6105 5920 6778 6545 7296 7441 7854 209,4
sugar beets (factory) 1607 1475 856 652 815 610 380 322 501 532 458 28,5
sunflower 1636 2020 2943 3743 3964 3604 4306 4232 4573 4739 5194 317,5
soya 93 25 65 438 751 671 558 644 1076 870 566 608,6
rape 90 49 214 207 414 891 1412 1060 907 1134 1476 1640,0
1= <C
o 1= o o
_Q O _Q
o <
End of the Table 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
long-fibred flax 172 98 23 25 14 13 7 2 1 2 2 1,2
Potatoes and vegetable-melon crops, including 2073 2165 2277 2041 2031 1997 1967 1950 1967 2028 2023 97,6
potatoes 1429 1532 1629 1514 1464 1453 1413 1409 1408 1439 1440 100,8
open-ground vegetables (without seed growers) 456 503 538 465 469 451 458 451 462 498 494 108,3
Feed crops, including 11999 10898 7063 3738 3277 3028 2752 2658 2599 2477 2475 20,6
feed roots 624 480 285 294 277 275 259 247 244 236 230 36,9
maize for silage and soiling food 4637 3475 1920 774 675 629 518 485 473 445 497 10,7
1 It was calculated according to data of Public Service of Statistics of Ukraine [7].
Table 3
Productivity of main agricultural crops and production of main kinds of plant growing and livestock raising output in some
countries in 2012*
Canada USA Germany France Poland Ukraine
Production of main kinds of plant growing output per a day, kg
grain crops and leguminous plants 1473 1291 544 1066 716 1014
sugar beet 15 92 290 506 256 404
potatoes 129 58 124 104 229 510
Vegetables and melon plants 62 113 41 80 136 220
Production of main kinds of livestock raising output per a day, kg
meat (in slaughter weight) 130 135 100 92 93 49
milk 240 279 361 383 321 250
eggs 12 17 8 15 16 21
1 It was calculated according to data of Public Service of Statistics of Ukraine [10].
cept eggs). At the same time Ukraine takes the leading position in several kinds of plant growing output per a day and this fact affirms the preferential disposal of lands for plant growing needs [8].
So, the area of agricultural lands was 42,030 thousand hectares in 1990 and produced agricultural gross output valued at 282,774.2 mln. hrn (UAH). The production of gross output was reduced by 29,041.5 mln. hrn. (by 10.3%) when agricultural lands were reduced by 493.7 thousand hectares (by 1.2%) in 2013 [9].
The productivity of all main agricultural crops has increased but it is much inferior to other countries producing agricultural output. The productivity of grain crops and leguminous plants was 19.4 cwt/ha in 2000, then it was 31.2 cwt/ ha in 2012. But in any case it is still less than 35.1 cwt/ha as it was in 1990.
But the productivity of other crops has increased in comparison with 1990 and 2000.
In 2012 according to the rate of productivity of all main agricultural crops Ukraine yielded to leading producers of similar output (Table 4).
Generally, in European countries, where the quality of soil is not better than Ukrainian one, the productivity of main agricultural crops is 2 - 4 times higher than in Ukraine and it is stable. All these prove the proper culture of agriculture, observance of its technological and ecological requirements [8]. That is why the high land content (the land content index shows the level of disposal of the soil in different branches of plant growing and characterized the amount of soil area, which is necessary for the unit of every kind of output) of native agriculture is revealed and it exceeds the same index in EU countries 8 times as much [11]. Besides, according to data of Education and Research Institute of Economy of Natural Resources and Ecology of Land Use, Ukrainian agrarians get 79% of their profits on account of natural soil fertile, and only 21% -as the result of the use of technology [12].
The change happening for last years in the structure of today's agricultural enterprises in Ukraine doesn't promote effective disposal of the soil. Useable for the agricultural disposal world soil of today is limited and free soil for developing almost has not been left. The soil area for producing the bulk of provisions is only 9% from the world soil area. The total tilled soil
Table 4
Productivity of main agricultural crops in some countries in 2012, cwt/ha*
Ukraine Canada USA Germany France Poland
wheat 28,0 27,8 29,9 78,1 74,5 41,7
barley 21,4 32,6 39,3 65,4 68,4 34,4
maize 47,9 83,7 103,4 97,5 91,1 62,3
soya 17,1 25,4 29,6 10,0 25,1 16,6
sunflower 16,5 16,0 17,4 24,1 23,5 18,1
sugar beets 411,0 603,4 576,1 675,7 937,0 542,6
potatoes 161,0 313,1 462,7 440,6 437,9 198,5
1 It was calculated according to data of Public Service of Statistics of Ukraine [10].
area of the world is between 2.5-3.2 milliards ha (18-24% of the total land). Now 0.25 ha of tilled soil is the share of each one of people. In Asia this index is the lowest one (0.15 ha), in Europe - 0.25 ha, in North America - 0.67 ha [13].
To crown all, it is necessary to remark that Ukrainian modern system of agricultural production turned out to be the result of the adaption of agricultural sector to real conditions of economy functioning in the period of its market transformation. It causes the rise of risks and dangers for economic safety of agrarian sector of economy.
The modern structure of risks and dangers of agricultural component of agrarian sector was generalized: reduction of the production of agricultural gross output; absent new qualitative motives for the increase of agricultural production, high dependence on natural-climatic factors; diminution of sown areas of agricultural crops, strengthening of disproportionality of the production structure of plant growing output; low effectiveness of the production of agricultural output in agricultural enterprises and low economic effectiveness of disposal of agricultural lands. ■
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УДК 634.8
Попова М. М. Сучасний стан виноградарства i виноробства Украши та роль и окремих perioHiB у розвитку ^y3i
Розглянуто та системно проанал/зовано сучасний стан виноградарсько-виноробноi галуз1 Украши та :i окремих виноградарських регттв у ди-намц за ряд рож. На тдставi анал'ву основних показнишв виробництва винограду та виноматер1ал1в у Херсонськй областi в пор1внянн1 ¡з середнми показниками по УкраЫ досл'джено потенцйну потужнсть Херсонщини в досягнент високого рiвня конкурентоспроможностi вино-градноi продукцп на внутршньому i зовюшньому ринках; визначено роль виноградарськоi галуз1 Херсонсько: областi з огляду на полтичну та економiчну ситуа^ю, що склалася в УкраЫ на тепершнш час. Виявлено та аналтично розглянуто основн проблеми виноградарсько-виноробно: галуз Укра:ни та окремих регюшв, зокрема Херсонщини, так як кл'шатично-сировинна, сортова, велика питома вага застар'ших площ виноград-них плантацй, в'дсутн'кть сучасно: матер'шльно-техн'тоiбази тощо. Як висновокзапропонована 'дея створення загальноiконцепцирозвитку виноградарсько-виноробно: галуз': Украши з урахуванням потенцйних природних можливостей окремих виноградарських регютв. Ключов'! слова: виноградарство, виноробство, показники виробництва винограду та виноматерiалiв, виноградарсько-виноробний регон. Рис.: 6. Табл.: 3. Ббл.: 15.
Попова Маргарита Миколавна - аспiрантка, Хармвський нацональний техмчний умверситет сльського господарства iменi П. Василенка (вул. Артема, 44, Харщ 61002, Укра:на) E-mail: [email protected]
УДК 634.8
Попова М. Н. Современное состояние виноградарства и виноделия Украины и роль ее отдельных регионов в развитии отрасли
Рассмотрено и системно проанализировано современное состояние виноградарско-винодельческой отрасли Украины и ее отдельных виноградарских регионов в динамике за ряд лет. На основании анализа основных показателей производства винограда и виноматериалов в Херсонской области по сравнению со средними показателями по Украине исследована потенциальная мощность Херсонщины в достижении высокого уровня конкурентоспособности виноградной продукции на внутреннем и внешнем рынках; определена роль виноградарской отрасли Херсонской области, учитывая политическую и экономическую ситуацию, сложившуюся в Украине в настоящее время. Выявлены и аналитически рассмотрены основные проблемы виноградарско-винодельческой отрасли Украины и отдельных регионов, в частности Херсонщины, такие как сырьевая, сортовая, значительный удельный вес устаревших площадей виноградных плантаций, отсутствие современной материально-технической базы и т. д.. Как вывод предложена идея создания общей концепции развития виноградарско-винодельческой отрасли Украины с учетом потенциальных природных возможностей отдельных виноградарских регионов. Ключевые слова: виноградарство, виноделие, показатели производства винограда и виноматериалов, виноградарско-винодельческий регион. Рис.: 6. Табл.: 3. Библ.: 15.
Попова Маргарита Николаевна - аспирантка, Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства имени П. Василенко (ул. Артема, 44, Харьков, 61002, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]
UDC 634.8
Popova M. M. The Current State of Viticulture in Ukraine and the Role of its Individual Regions in the Development of the Industry
The current state of grape and wine industry of Ukraine and its individual viticulture regions in time series were reviewed and systematically analyzed. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the production of grapes and wine in Kherson oblast, compared with the average for Ukraine Kherson oblast was investigated to define the potential power to achieve a high level of competitiveness of grape products in the domestic and foreign markets; the role of viticulture industry in Kherson oblast was defined, given the political and economic situation in Ukraine at the moment. The basic problems of grape and wine industry of Ukraine and some of its regions were identified and analytically examined, particularly in the Kherson oblast, such as raw materials, varietal, a significant proportion of outdated areas of vineyards, the lack of modern material and technical base, and so on. As a conclusion the idea of creating the general concept of grape and wine industry of Ukraine was proposed, taking into account potential natural ability of the individual vineyard regions.
Key words: viticulture, winemaking, production figures and wine grapes, grape and wine region. Pic.: 6. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 15.
Popova Margaryta M. - Postgraduate Student, Kharkiv P. Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (vul. Artema, 44, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]
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