Научная статья на тему 'The application of the electronic educational resources in the future teachers of physical culture's preparation in the higher education establishment'

The application of the electronic educational resources in the future teachers of physical culture's preparation in the higher education establishment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bezkopylny O., Dutchak Y., Sushchenko L.

The peculiarities of the electronic educational resources' application and technologies of the mixed teaching in the system of the future teachers of physical culture's preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school are presented in the article. Based on the results of the scientific and pedagogical workers' questionarie enquiry the modern state of the electronic educational resources' implementation in the educational process of the leading higher education of the Ukraine establishments preparing future teachers of physical culture has been investigated. The conclusion is the fact the electronic educational resources' application ensures wide possibilities for the increase of the future teachers of physical culture's professional preparation educational process quality.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The application of the electronic educational resources in the future teachers of physical culture's preparation in the higher education establishment»

тша чути культура» [5, с. 17]. I цей голос чутно сьо-годш в школах, ушверситетах, музеях, театрах, консерваторiях, музичних i художнiх центрах, на полггачних майданчиках i державних iнституцiях. Шевченко з його нацюнальним i загальнолюдським доробком увiйшов у сфери лгтературознавства, фь лософи, педагогiки, мистецтва, полггаки, систем виховання, iнших людино-центричних галузей i на-прямiв. Його енерпя, сила протестного духу, худо-жня мiць етична переконливiсть, усеохоплююча на-роднiсть не лише надихали, оживляли, «олюдню-вали» Людину, але й цш народи насамперед укра!нський. Масштабна постать Шевченка не могла вмютитися в нiшу окремо! науки. Вш потребу-вав системного осмислення, синтезованого образу буття, а отже, мiждисциплiнарностi, полiфонiчно-стi в зшсп i технологiях. Дуже показовою формою тако! енергп е напрями дiяльностi у секторi музей-но! педагопки.

Оск1льки, Т. Шевченко запропонував для свого народу досконалшу методологш бачення «себе» i свiту, торкаючись найпотаемшших святощiв, ран; трагедiй, здобутк1в i злетiв у глибинах часу, то вш i цiла плеяда видатних постатей з !хшм свiтоглядом щодо будучини Укра!ни, високими педагогiчними вдеалами украíнськостi i гуманiзму мають стати в основi передачi музейно! культури передусiм мо-лодi. Бо «там, де не культивуеться сила духу i вiри, сяйво Гори, мужнють боротьби i сто!цизм морального опору, - стверджував вiдомий украшський

просвiтник i дисидент £.Сверстюк, - там вегетуе слабк1сть, боягузтво, самозневага» [4, с. 60]. Сього-дш Шевченкове Слово, приклади дiянь нацюналь-них будителiв Духу потрiбнi не просто школам, унь верситетам чи музеям. Вони затребуваш часом, в якому нуртуе спрага Свободи Великого Народу.

Список л^ератури

1. Дзюба, I. (2014). Загальмоване повернення. В Шевченко Т. Щоденник (с. 7). Львiв: Свiт.

2. Закон Укра!ни «Про освiту». (2017). Закони Украши, 10(34), 3, 9-10.

3. Рекомендащя 2006/962/6С £вропейського Парламенту та Ради (£С) «Про основнi компетенци для навчання протягом усього життя» ввд 18 грудня 2006 року. Взято з: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/994_975

4. Сверстюк, £. (2008). Не мир, а меч. Есе!. Луцьк: ВМА «Терен».

5. Скуратiвський, В. (1996). Iсторiя i культура. Ки!в: Укр.-амер. бюро захисту прав людини.

6. Указ Президента Украши №580/2015. Про стратегш нацюнально-патрютичного виховання дiтей та молодi на 2016-2020 роки. Взято з: https://zakon.rada. gov.ua/laws/show/580/2015

7. Шевченко, Т. (2011). Кобзар. Ки!в: Вид. центр «Просвиа».



Bezkopylny O.,

Candidate of Science in physical training and sports, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Dutchak Y.,

Candidate of Science in physical training and sports, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports

The Khmelnytsky National University Sushchenko L.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, The Drahomanov National Pedagogical University


The peculiarities of the electronic educational resources' application and technologies of the mixed teaching in the system of the future teachers of physical culture's preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school are presented in the article. Based on the results of the scientific and pedagogical workers' questionarie enquiry the modern state of the electronic educational resources' implementation in the educational process of the leading higher education of the Ukraine establishments preparing future teachers of physical culture has been investigated. The conclusion is the fact the electronic educational resources' application ensures wide possibilities for the increase of the future teachers of physical culture's professional preparation educational process quality.

Keywords: electronic educational resources, mixed teaching, preparation, future teachers of physical culture, health reservation activity.

Problem setting. A large flood of information, the reduction of the quantity of the auditorium hours and the educational time deficiency, the increase of the self-

dependent students' work role, the necessity of the active interaction between all the participants of the educational process in the conditions of the fast information and communication technologies development

require a change of the teacher's role, the design of the appropriate teaching forms and systems actualizing the meaning of the electronic educational resources and the virtual educational space in the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture to the health reservation activity in the primary school.

Research and publications analysis. Scientists О. Y. Аzhippо, P. B. Dzhurynsky, Y. А. Zakharina, L. P. Sushchenko, О. V. Tymoshenko and others unanimously stress the necessity of the professional preparation of the future teachers of physical culture system's improvement in the higher education of the Ukraine establishments.

It is stated in the works of T. М. Varzar (2013), V. Y. Kozlov, О. М. Salnykov (2013), О. Y. Konevshchynska (2014), that at a definite time information and communication technologies are an important component of education, considerably widen the possibilities of receiving and processing the information necessary for the increase of the teaching quality, the effectiveness of the programme material learning, the development of the cognitive capabilities, the ability for the mobile teaching and formation of the professional competences of the future specialists.

The definition of the notion of the electronic educational resources, their main kinds, requirements to them, the order of the design and the implementation are given in the position about the electronic educational resources of the ministry of education and science, youth and sport of the Ukraine (2012) and in the works [1, 3, 7]. A number of scientists [2, 5, 8, 9] substantiate principally new ideas in the education sphere, connected with the formation of the virtual educational space and the realization of the distant and mixed teaching.

The critical analysis of the works mentioned above allows to state that nowadays the effective organization of the educational process is not possible without the optimal combination of the classical and the information and technological devices and teaching methods, designed with the consideration of the individual psychological peculiarities of the students' contingency and specificity of the future professional activity. However, the application of the electronic educational resources in the professional preparation of the future

teachers of physical culture is not sufficiently highlighted in the works of the domestic scientists.

The aim of the work - characteristics of the application of the electronic educational resources and the mixed teaching technology in the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture to the health reservation activity in the primary school

In the investigation the following methods of research were used. Based on the critical analysis of the scientific and methodological literature the actuality has been substantiated and the essence of the electronic educational resources and mixed teaching technologies were defined in the system of preparation of the future teachers of physical culture to the health reservation activity in the primary school.

Based on the results of the questionarie enquiry of the scientific and pedagogical workers the modern state of the implementation of the electronic educational resources to the educational process of the leading higher education of the Ukraine establishments preparing future teachers of physical culture has been investigated. The graphic representation of the questionarie results has been done with the help of the programme "Excel".

The main investigation material layout. Based on the results of the questionarie of the scientific and pedagogical workers we can witness that nowadays a considerable quotient of teachers do not straighten their efforts to the design and implementation of the electronic educational resources to the process of the professional preparation of the future teachers of physical culture: 30,6% and 24,5% of the persons enquired respectively, straighten and partially straighten their efforts to the design and the implementation of the electronic educational resources to the process of the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture; 44,9% of the persons enquired do not straighten their efforts to the design and the implementation of the electronic educational resources to the process of the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture.

In connection with the awareness of the meaning of the electronic teaching in the system of higher education, to clear out the modern state of the implementation of the Internet-technologies and the mixed teaching to the process of preparation of the future teachers of physical culture was important for our investigation

(pic. 1).

Pic. 1. The distribution of answers of the scientific and pedagogical workers about the fact whether they apply the Internet technologies and the mixed teaching in their professional preparation of the future teachers ofphysical culture (%)

To our mind the results of the questionarie enquiry witness about the non-satisfactory state of the implementation of the Internet technologies and the mixed teaching to the process of the professional preparation of the future teachers of physical culture. It has been stated that only 38,8% and 19,4% of the enquired scientific and pedagogical workers regularly apply the Internet technologies and the mixed teaching; respectively 13,3% and 31,6% of the enquired scientific and pedagogical workers sometimes apply them; almost a half of the teaching staff - 48,0% and 49,0% respectively, do not apply the Internet technologies and the mixed teaching in their work.

In the system of the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school we have applied the electronic textbook "The Theory and Methodology of Physical education", multimedia lectures, electronic libraries, electronic testing, electronic teaching and methodological complexes in such professionally-oriented teaching disciplines, as "The School Course of Physical Culture and Methodology of Teaching" and "The Theory and Methodology of Physical Education", the official Internetsite of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnysky National University and the education and science institute of the physical culture, sport and health, the information resources of such Internet sites, as "The education portal", V. I. Vernadsky National Library of the Ukraine and others, and also cloud system G Suite for Education.

We have done the implementation of the mixed teaching to the system of the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school. Modern systems of managing edu-

the main technological base allowing to widely use the technology of the mixed teaching in the educational practice. Nowadays, an open cloud service for the education establishments - G Suite for Education being given to the state establishments free of charge enjoys a special popularity.

Nowadays G Suite for Education is one of the most unified instruments of the electronic teaching being distinguished among others by its functionality, simplicity and availability. G Suite for Education combines a series of useful services for the management of the educational process (Google Classroom), electronic messaging (Gmail), storing files and data (Drive), planning (Calendar), working with the office files (Docs), work with tables (Sheets), designing testing tasks, testing and evaluating the quality of learning the educational material (Forms), creating presentations (Slides), sites (Sites), interactive communication and video conferences (Hangouts).

Judging by the results of the questionarie investigation, we can state about a low percentage of the scientific and pedagogical workers of the higher education of the Ukraine establishments of the physical culture profile, applying in their work the cloud system G Suite for Education (pic. 2). It has been found that only 13,3% to 23,1% of the scientific and pedagogical workers who participated in the questionarie apply G Suite for Education in the educational process of the future teachers of physical culture; sometimes apply 7,7% to 20% of the persons enquired; it was found in all the establishments that the greater part of the teachers, and namely, 60,0% to 76,9% do not apply the possibility of the cloud service G Suite for Education for the management of the educational process.

cation Learning Management Systems (LMSs) occur

Pic. 2. The distribution of the answers of the scientific and pedagogical workers about the fact whether they apply in their professional future teachers ofphysical culture preparation G Suite for Education for the educational process management (%)

Consider an example of the Google for Education service application for the organization of the mixed teaching having been straightened to the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school in the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. We used the service in our work with the students of the third and the fourth years of study in the process of studying such professionally-oriented educational disciplines, as "The

school course in the physical culture and the methodology of teaching" and "The theory and methodology of physical education".

To begin the work in the electronic information and educational medium of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University based on the service Google for Education it is necessary to create a corporative account. The system administrator (the University's domain) adds the users (on the stage of creating an electronic course - the teacher). Further the users

can be of two types: teachers and listeners of the courses. Their rights of the access to the course will differ. The listeners have an opportunity only to join the created course while the teacher can join other courses, be co-author of other courses, create his own courses. The service offers an automatic division of rights according to categories. After the registration of a user a full case of instruments and services for work appears in his account, in particular Google Classroom. The access to the tools is possible with the help of the browser while working on a personal computer (https://class-room.google.com) or from a mobile device with the help of the applied programme.

The next step is the teacher's creation of his own electronic educational and methodological course in the Google Classroom. In our work we will understand the electronic educational and methodological course as a structured entity of the educational resources being presented in the electronic and digital form and secure the conditions necessary for the realization of different kinds of the educational activity in the students' mastering the contents of a definite educational programme.

The design of an electronic educational and methodological complex in the Classroom supposed the definition of the educational course logical structure, the choice of the necessary instruments and filling the course with the necessary educational and methodological materials. The content of the electronic educational and methodological complex was realized by us in three blocks: planning, studying, and control. While creating a course in the directory Google Class on the Google disk a system of enclosed folders, which we filled with appropriate materials for teaching (by adding an enclosed file from PC, from the Google disk, YouTube video, a link, etc) is created automatically. The material inside the course is presented as a news ribbon which we divided into blocks.

The first block of the course - the planning documents, includes an explanatory note, the working and the educational discipline programmes, the schedule of studying the discipline and the description of the evaluation system. The elements of the educational and programme documentation acquaint the student with the aim and tasks of the discipline studying, the competences being formed as a result of learning the course, the requirements to the knowledge, capabilities, skills, distribution of the educational time according to the contents modules and kinds of classes, evaluation criteria. While forming the block we were ruled by the principles of the methodological specificity, general scientific specificity, systematicity, fundamentaliza-tion, interdisciplinary relations and minimization [4, p. 311].

The second course block - the documents for studying. We found it appropriate, to combine the theoretical and the practical chapters of the educational and the methodological complex having split them into modules according to the discipline studying chart while forming the course structure. The discipline "The school course of the physical culture and methodology of teaching" is studied during 2 semesters. According to the logics of the material's layout we split it into two

modules. By the educational plan each module included lectures and laboratory classes which we have structured into the contents modules according to the topics supposed by the educational discipline program. As the instrument of positioning of the lecture material we chose the interactive lectures, each lecture was added by the illustrative material designed as a computer presentation in the PowerPoint and a list of test questions for the self-testing of the quality of learning the educational material. Such a layout of the lecture material allows to employ the visual comprehension type. Laboratory classes are positioned in the course as usual text files available to look through in the electronic form with the possibility to download to the computer and print them if necessary. In this block we positioned links to the video material from the YouTube resource and other sites including the site of the Educational and scientific institute of the physical culture, sport and health of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Such a choice of the instrument for positioning materials for the educational discipline study is conditioned by the requirements to the volume and the level of learning practical capabilities and skills as to the realization of the health reservation function of the physical education in the classes of the physical culture and other forms of knowledge in the conditions of a general educational establishment. The principles of the systematicity and dozed succession, the rational use of the educational time, and the availability were laid to the base of the designing and the formation of the second block of the electronic educational and methodological complex [4, p. 312].

The third block of the course - documents for testing. The main principle, while the formation of the testing block, was the one of the unified and identification diagnosing [4, p. 313], having supposed the enclosure to the total content of a testing tasks system of such evaluation media with the help of which one can define the level of learning one or another element of the educational course, the level of mastering the course as a whole or its separate parts.

The knowledge testing block is presented: by the programme of the final examination, a general test as well as tests and test questions on each contents module. Due to the technical possibilities of the Google Classroom, we had a possibility to add "Tasks", "Tasks with the test", "Questions" for the intermediate knowledge control, and also to set the time of their presentation and passing. According to the evaluation system designed we gave marks for the tasks done, they were noticed in the electronic register being automatically generated by the service in the format available for watching. Each student had an opportunity to look through only his results. The form of the marks presentation in the register allows us to do the further processing and interpretation of the teaching results, in particular to realize points and rating system.

Conclusions. We have substantiated the application of the electronic educational resources, as a pedagogical condition of preparation of the future teachers of physical culture in a higher educational establishment. The intensive development of the information

and communication technologies will lead to the raising of the actuality of the electronic educational resources use, and also such a form of the electronic learning, as mixed teaching in the preparation of the specialists in different branches of knowledge.

The use of the electronic educational resources secures wide possibilities for the realization of the educational process in the higher education establishment and a substantial raising of the quality of the teaching and educational process of the future teachers of physical culture professional preparation. However, we believe it necessary to mention that the use of the digital technologies cannot completely replace the traditional form of teaching and exclude the real communication with the teacher. Pedagogical technologies, experience, skill as well as the teacher's knowledge always remain prior in the general problem of the education quality.


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Акишева А.К.

Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилёва,

PhD, доцент кафедры русской филологии Кенжегулова А.С.

Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилёва,

старший преподаватель, м.п.н. кафедры русской филологии



Akisheva A.,

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

PhD, docent Department of Russian Philology Kenzhegulova A. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Senior lecturer, master of education Department of Russian Philology


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