IRSTI 16.01.11
A.M. Kurkimbayeva PhD student on specialty: «Foreign philology», Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: aizhan—k@mail .ru
The article provides information regarding communication strategies, as well as the usage of tactics and techniques used in the posts of travel blogs. Some definitions of strategies are given and analyzed from communicative point of view. The relation between the strategy type and the information reference to different participants of communication is determined. Article also mentions the importance of investigating the language usage in tourist discourse in Kazakhstan. The article represents the basic components of communicative strategy regarded as cognitive process planned by the sender to achieve the communicative purpose.
Key words: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, tourist discourse, travel blogs, linguistics
The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by a surge of research interest in the texts of tourist discourse: at present one can observe a multi-vector study of the phenomenon of tourism in the works of linguists, sociologists, psychologists, cultural studies, economists. The genre system of domestic and foreign tourist discourse system is actively studied.
In other words, tourism in the 21st century has become a significant social, cultural and political phenomenon. Modern tourist activity is not only a developed industry, but also a mass culture phenomenon, since the number of people traveling around the world is growing from year to year.
Being a phenomenon of the 20th century, tourism continues to expand rapidly and strengthen its position as a sociocultural practice and model of recreation, leisure and business, a system of international tourist relations and communications, the tourist market and large-scale industry, transnational and multicultural in nature. According to experts, the 21st century will be the century of tourism. The volume of international tourism grew from 25.3 million people in 1950 to 940 million in 2007 (i.e., more than 35 times), and continuing to grow, according to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), by 2020 international tourist arrivals will reach 1.6 billion (UNWTO, 2012).
Currently linguistics is researching different speech genres within certain institutional discourses. Tourism discourse is fluid and dynamically developing types of institutional discourse, since the industry of tourism operates with constantly updated technological developments.
According to British scientist John Urry, tourism is a complex phenomenon with psychological, sociological and cultural dimensions [1]. Thanks to this industry communicators around the world sharing culture and establishing new contacts and gaining new knowledge.
Modern tourism, acting in the form of organizing leisure or doing business, is also a system for acquiring new international communications and tourist connections. The terminological system of tourism, fixing new realities in the language, is in a constant dynamic update.
Tourism can be defined as an art, science and business activity aimed at attracting and moving travelers and tourists. For many developing countries, tourism is one of the most profitable and dynamic sectors of the global economy and an easy way to achieve sustainable trade relations with other countries. Tourism contributes to the development of the economic situation and facilitates international understanding in the country.
All vital conditions have been created in our country to boost cultural, historical, geographical conditions for further development of tourism. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has declared tourism as one of the most important sectors of the economy in its long-term development program.
Kazakhstan joined one of the prestigious organizations the World Tourism Organization in 1993. Tourism Development Program was developed that year. The state program "Development of historical centers of the Great Silk Road and preservation of cultural heritage of the Turkic-speaking states and the creation of tourist infrastructure" in 1997-2003 was adopted in 1997. The strategic development program, "Kazakhstan-2030" highlighted the special significance of this industry.
It has been 27 years since the country gained its sovereignty. Due to the constructive policy of our President, the whole world knows our country today. Presenting Kazakhstan to the world in a good
sense means that there is a country like Kazakhstan. However, the language usage of tourist blogs has not been the target of linguistic research in our country.
In the modern globalized space, there is an intensive exchange and the use of popular and professionally relevant information in the field of tourism on state and international levels. Tourism industry become diversified and interactive forms of representation of recreational activities in the mass media. The present stage of development of linguistic science is characterized by deep interest to the description of various types of discourse in intercultural communication, including tourist discourse (TD). In modern linguistic studies, TD is also considered in many aspects. A pragmatic one is being actively developed (study methods of argumentation, advertising strategies - G.S. Atakyan, P.N. Donets, O.P. Karebin, S.A. Pogodaeva, N.A. Tyuleneva, and M.Y. Ilyushkina).
Linguists in the world of philology have not studied communicative strategies and tactics in linguistics enough. As it is known nowadays, linguistics shows much interest to the problems of real communication, to be precise language behavior of strategies and tactics is actually new object of investigation. There are works that are devoted to the "repertoire of tactics" in the field of management, business communication, and polemics; however, there is no integrated view of linguistic description of strategies and tactics of speech. Many of them are left behind the scene, particularly new types of discourse and new communicative situations stimulate the appearance of more not studied forms and solutions. Recently some scientific works published devoted to the study and description of the strategies and tactics. For example, O.S. Parshina studied communicative strategies and tactics of political discourse in 2005. P.V. Tokarev investigated communicative strategies and tactics of educational discourse, while A.V. Lansky's work dedicated to communicative strategies of reality shows used by participants, informal interpersonal discussion (U. Boyan 2008), Christian preaching (G.A. Savin 2009), the conflict situation of communication (I.I. Gulakova 2004, V.O. Mulkeeva 2005; D.V. Ivanova 2010) and others. One of the main theoretical studies can be considered O.S. Issers' monograph "Communicative strategies and tactics of the Russian language " [2]. Therefore, and this side of linguistics must be researched.
The term strategy is initially taken from the military field. However, the usage of this term is now enlarged. If we look to the initial meaning of the term strategy, Oxford dictionary defines this term as following:
1. A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. 'Time to develop a coherent economic strategy'.
2. The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
'He was a genius when it came to military strategy' [3].
Cambridge dictionary defines this term as following:
1. An elaborate and systematic plan of action.
2. The branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of war [4].
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term "strategy" as following:
1. The science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war.
2. A careful plan or method: a clever stratagem [5].
The concept of strategy, over the last three decades, has gained a much broader treatment by different scholars. It has extended its meaning and application to the context of language.
Chinese military General, strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu said that strategy without tactics is the slower route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. We completely agree with the philosopher. Each act of communication in order to achieve some goals is concentrated to the correctly chosen strategies.
How the term "communicative strategy" defined by linguists? The definition of communication strategy has been a point of debate for scholars for a wider range of time.
J. Gumperz connects the concept of strategy with speaker's interpretation in the concrete communicative situation: the character of such interpretation determines the intuitive choice of lexical, grammar, discourse and other verbal and nonverbal means of represented messages [6; 35-36].
D. Tannen shares this point of view and states that the communicative strategy has the property of automaticity and is not realized by communicators, but foresees an opportunity of further decoding by producers [7; 47].
D. Levi has another point of view and confirms that strategy may be defined as cognitive process of speaker's correlation of the communicative purpose with definite language means of expression [8; 197].
E.Tarone (1980:20) for example, define the term as, "communication strategies are mutual attempts of two inter-locuters to agree on a meaning in situation where the required meaning structures do not seem to be sheared" [9; 272].
T. van Dijk characterizes communicative strategy as «the property of cognitive plans». The cognitive plans represent «the general organization of some sequence of actions and include the purpose or purposes of interaction» [10; 274].
Ellis (1994:182) defines communication strategies as; Communication strategies are psycholinguistic plans, which exist as part of the language user's communicative competence. They are potentially conscious and serve as substitutes for production plans, which the learner is unable to implement.
O. Issers definition is «strategy represents the cognitive plan of communication which determines the optimum solution of speaker's communicative tasks under conditions of lack of information connected with partner's actions» [2; 100].
T. Yanko represents the language approach to the definition of communicative strategy. It is founded on the theory of actual division and communicative structure of the sentence: «The communicative strategy of the speaker consists of the choice of communicative intentions, distribution of increments of information on communicative components and the choice of the succession of communicative components in the sentence» [11; 38].
Therefore, it can be concluded that communication strategies are individuals' knowledge and abilities of coping with communication problems while maintaining communications.
For each communicator, the stage of strategic planning of the speech is natural. This stage is especially important in the situation of institutional communication, when it is necessary to build a chain of justified, interrelated and complementary communicative steps that will lead to the achievement of the main goal of the interaction - changing the initial settings and adjusting the picture of the addressee's world.
Communicative strategy is the line of communication behavior of a communicator, chosen by him for the realization of his global intentions in relation to the forthcoming communication as a whole or due to the desire to achieve certain results at a particular stage of speech interaction.
Language strategies (specific language approach) are defined by the semantic, stylistic and pragmatic choice of the speaker. It has identified types of general and individual strategies. For example, the general strategy for discrediting based on individual strategies, such as prosecution and bullying.
Communicative tactics are a way of implementing a communicative strategy, optimal for achieving the speaker's goal, meeting generally accepted norms of communication and taking into account the particularities of the genre in which this tactic is used. To implement a communicative strategy, one, two or several communicative tactics can be used, the choice of which depends on the scale of the intended goal, the situation of communication and the addressee's reaction. The difference between strategies and tactics is in this way: A strategy is an approach, and a tactic is a task. Tactics are the tools that communicators use to build a successful campaign.
If we look through communicative strategies and tactics applied in travel blogs, one can see that top travel bloggers have a bigger following than the traditional mass media. The bloggers are also more likely to be trusted. According to the report of 2013 81 percent of US residents trust advice and information they read on blogs and 65 percent say that they have made a purchase based on blog posts. It means that blogging is more than pastime. The rapid development of new media has been driven by three factors: open publishing, collaborative editing, and distributed content.
One of the most obvious positioning strategies for advertising luxury services is an appeal strategy for status. This strategy allows us to emphasize, on the one hand, the correspondence of the acquired services to the value orientations of the consumer, and on the other, the addressee's belonging to the reference group with high social status and income level.
As an implementation of the strategy of appeal to status, the following tactical methods can be distinguished: 1) appeal to authority; 2) appeal to luxury; 3) appeal to style and fashion.
An appeal to authority is expressed primarily in the use of precedent names. The correlation of advertised objects with well-known personalities that are important for the target audience in intellectual and emotional aspects, acts on the consumer as evidence of the elite status of these objects:
For example, having analyzed some posts in Kuat Bolatov's travel blog, who has about thirty thousand followers it can be seen the usage of the tactics of appealing to authority. Sometimes, certain categories of persons traditionally associated with high social status act as authority.
"I continue to share with you travel notes from a trip to China. Let me remind you that behind you are already 4 big cities (Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Suzhou) and the Great Wall of China. Exactly the middle of the route.
Next, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou City. The birthplace of the richest Chinese in the world, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba. But the inhabitants of this province are especially proud of one sort of tea, the variety of which is called Longjing.
For its production, only two top leaves from all tea tree are used. 100 grams of such tea can be up to 10 thousand, and since the manual collection and processing is very time consuming and require high qualifications, high-grade longjing is very expensive and is sold in small batches. It is also called the "Dragon Well" and "The Emperor's Tea" because it was presented as a gift to the new emperor who entered the government" [12].
Appeal to luxury, as a rule, includes impeccable quality, superior comfort and high cost of the advertised object. I would like to illustrate some examples of using this strategy in Kristin Luna's blog "Camels and chocolate"
• "VIA is the only train that operates cross-Canada, and the luxury seekers among us should consider upgrading to Prestige Class. Not only are the Sleeper Plus cars su per luxe an d spacious, b ut you also get a private concierge and first-row seating held in the viewing car. I only spent a little under 24 hours on the train, so next up, that 11-day trip is going on my bucket list!"
• Our first musical stop was at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio—Or 3614 Jackson Highway as many in-the-know call it—which is so small we almost drove right past it. Lovingly restored to its raw, 70s glory, the studio features instruments, original recordings and some of the essential sorcery of the "Swampers," the rhythm section behind the scenes that created hits for Cher, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, The Staple Singers, Rod Stewart and many more musical icons. Hearing the tracks while standing in the actual space they were created is something truly special [13].
The most important intention of tourist discourse is to increase the attractiveness of tourism as a form of leisure, in turn, the promotion of tourist services are realized through communicative strategies and tactics that are implemented by sender.
1. Urry, J. (2002). The Tourist Gaze (2nd ed.). London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage.
2. Иссерс О С. Коммуникативные стратегии и тактики русской речи. - М.: Изд-во ЛКИ, 2012. - 304 с.
4. https: //
6. Gumperz J.J. Discourse Strategies. - Cambridge: CUP, 1982. - 402 p.
7. Tannen D. Gender and Discourse. - N.Y., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. - 203 p.
8. Levy D. Communicative Goals and Strategies: Between Discourse and Syntax// Syntax and Semantics. - V. 12. - 1979. - P. 183-210.
9. Tarrone, E. (1981). Some thoughts on the notion of communication strategy. TESOL Quartery, 15(3), 285-295.
10. Дейк ван Т.А. Язык. Познание. Коммуникация. - М.: Прогресс, 1989. - 310 с.
11.Янко Т.Е. Коммуникативные стратегии русской речи. - М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2001. - С. 38-45.
12. https: //www .instagram .com/p/Bj 12y1AH0Pp/
13. https: //www
А. Куркимбаева «Шетел филологиясы» мамандыгы бойынша PhD докторанты Абылай хан атындагы казак хальщаральщ катынастар жэне элем тiлдерi университетi, К^азакстан, Алматы к., email: aizhan—[email protected]
Макалада коммуникативтж стратегиялар, сондай-ак оларды жузеге асыратын тактика мен техникалар, саяхат блогы хабарларынын мысалдары негiзiнде карастырылган. Коммуникативтж стратегияга аныктамалар берiлiп жэне ол аныктамалар коммуникативтiк т^ргыдан талданады. Коммуникативп жагдаятка байланысты колданылатын тiлдiк стратегияларды тандау мэселесi макалада талкыланады. Эр тYрлi катысушыларга коммуникативтiк окигага акпарат багытына стратегиянын тYрiн тандау аныкталды. Сондай-ак, макалада Кдзакстандагы туристiк дискурста тiлдiн колданылуын зерттеудiн маныздылыгы туралы айтылады. Макалада коммуникативтiк стратегиянын непзп компоненттерi коммуникативтiк максатка жету Yшiн адресат жоспарлаган когнитивтiк процесс ретшде карастырылады.
Т}йт свздер: коммуникативтгк стратегия, коммуникативтгк тактика, туристгк дискурс, туристгк блогтар, лингвистика
А. Куркимбаева докторант специальности «Иностранная филология», Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана, Казахстан, г.Алматы,email: aizhan—[email protected]
В статье рассматриваются коммуникативные стратегии, а также реализующие их тактики и приемы на примере постов трэвел блогов. Анализированны определения стратегий с коммуникативной точки зрения. Определяется зависимость выбора типа стратегии от направленности информации к различным участникам коммуникативного события. В статье также упоминается важность изучения использования языка в туристическом дискурсе в Казахстане. В статье рассматриваются основные составляющие коммуникативной стратегии как когнитивного процесса, спланированного адресантом для достижения коммуникативной цели.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативная стратегия, коммуникативная тактика, туристический дискурс, туристические блоги, лингвистика