Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of the main directions of the foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China'

The analysis of the main directions of the foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Belyakova G. Ya, Vladyko A. K.

The tendencies of the foreign trade cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and China in the system of market economy are considered. The offers for the foreign trade cooperation with purpose to increase the efficiency of two side advantageous relations are resulted.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of the main directions of the foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China»

Behavior change helps to determine what motivates workers and executives. The first question which rises is “What are you doing at present to cope with work?” In motivation terms the following question: whether “Do you like what you do, and does it give to you pleasure?” If it not so, obviously you have no motives for it. The third question “What should you do to be more effective on work?” raises the mainproblem, whether your present work is motivating for you. If what you should do, still does not bring to you

pleasure and does not give you compensation, then find such work which will give it to you.

At the modern stage of personnel department development diagnostics and management of the organization staff behavior. The more thorough and full is the diagnostics of behavior and exact measures taken together with the organization management aimed at staff labor productivity support and increase the quicker will the organization reach the success in achieving the purposes in view.

© StoyanovI. A., 2009

G. Ya. Belyakova, A. K. Vladyko Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Russia, Krasnoyarsk


The tendencies of the foreign trade cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and China in the system of market economy are considered. The offers for the foreign trade cooperation with purpose to increase the efficiency of two side advantageous relations are resulted.

Keywords: foreign trade, cooperation.

The urgency of the given work is defined by variety of forms of the foreign trade cooperation and foreign trade activities between Russia and China, an imperative need of their deep analysis and working out of a new approaches to trade expansion in the system of market relations. The object of the work is a foreign trade of Krasnoyarsk region and China. The practical importance of the work is defined by the analysis of the already existing directions of the foreign trade cooperation ofKrasnoyarsk region with China and the offer of new potential ways of foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China with purpose to increase the efficiency ofbilateral advantageous cooperation.

According to the indicators of goods turnover throughout a number of years China is included into the five of the basic trading partners ofKrasnoyarsk region.

The favorable geographical position, the developed transporting network, an availability of the customs coordination caused by close frontier position of the given territories, is the reason for active business cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and the Chinese provinces.

It is possible to express schematically the basic directions of the foreign trade relations ofKrasnoyarsk region and the PeoplesRepublicofChina(fig. 1):

Fig. 1. The main directions of the foreign trade cooperation ofKrasnoyarsk region with China

Analyzing already existing tendencies of cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China it is possible to note the most successful and perspective directions of bilateral relations based on advantageous cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China in the sphere of the foreign trade (fig. 2).

Cooperation in innovative sphere. For lastyears there were an objective economic preconditions for successful development of science in Siberia which could become one of the most perspective spheres of cooperation with China. “The Siberian scientists carried out many research works which at corresponding investments could become an investmentproduct” [1]. “Ourtechnologies are cheaperthen American and European, and, of course, Chinese are very interestedintheirpurchase” (URL: http://www.recipe.ru).

So,in particular, in Krasnoyarsk, on the basis of SIFTI and scientific - technological centre “Magnitogidrodinamika”, on the base of recently created Siberian Federal University and other research centers, such as FSUO CBC “Geophysics”, nowadays exist many unique innovative research works. Experts of scientific - technological centre “Magnitogidrodinamika”, for example, have developed the innovative project on manufacturing of high-quality alloys from nonferrous metal, SIFTI has developed such innovative technology, as foam glass, being absolutely inert material is suffers no influence by time. Besides it, foam glass is remarkable by its manufacture recycling ofbeaten glass. And such unique projects are a lot.

“However our weak point is marketing. We do not know what and in what volume it is necessary for China” - said the president ofTehnoconsult group company Sergey Simaranov (URL: http://www.recipe.ru). While there is no legal and contractual base, it is too early to speak about any research cooperation with foreign countries. Besides, absence of coordinationbetweenthe customerandthe executordoes not allow starting realization of this cooperation.

For realization of cooperation in the innovative sphere the administration ofKrasnoyarsk region should decide what is possible to produce and what is not. Besides, it is necessary to separate innovative sphere from scientific cooperation. And create a network of partners in China which would help in realization of this project. Cooperation between partners from Krasnoyarsk region and China in the field of science, “.. .joint commercialization of innovative production and its advancement on the markets of China, creation of joint ventures for realization of concrete innovative projects would allow the domestic enterprises to realize the scientific and technical potential and to receive a real return from means, enclosed in creation ofhigh technology production; to make use of experience of China in the sphere of commercialization of the high technological production and its resources for industrial introduction of the researches and master the specific marketof China” (URL: http://www.sbras.nsc.ru/np/ vyp2004/pr02. htm).

Export of natural resources. The second important aspect of cooperation touches upon the export of natural

Proposals on foreign trade cooperation of Krasnoyarsk region with China

Cooperation in the sphere ofbilateral investments

Cooperation in the sphere of service

Carrying out export to southern regions of China

Fig. 2. Proposals on the foreign trade cooperation ofKrasnoyarsk region with China

resources. Vicinities of the Yenisey River are rich in natural resources. Among them - gold and platinum, coal, iron ore, nickel and bauxite are much presented here. A lot of new oil fields and gas are also opened. “A deposit of Krasnoyarsk region is five times more than deposits in Khanty-Mansiysk and Tyumen regions” (URL: http://www.inopressa.ru/faz/ 2007/03/12/ 15:12:14/aluminium).

Analyzing the abovementioned, it is possible to draw conclusions that, firstly, export of natural resources to China will bring considerable income to treasury, secondly, will allow to solve important for a national economy a problem of a diversification of export of natural resources. For maintenance of export delivery of natural resources a hi-tech infrastructure of oil- and gas pipelines, corresponding electric mains which could be in the long term built and constructed by means of the investments involved from China are necessary.

Cooperation in the sphere of bilateral investment. Investment appeal of domestic enterprises depends on the strategy chosenby each company. Today foreign investors are ready to divide risk with existing proprietors of the enterprises and to get shares of those companies which possess high potential of the growth, clear strategy of development and the management, capable to realize this strategy. A real obstacle in away of investments into the domestic industry is not so much deficiency of the capital, but a lack of the investment attractive offers corresponding to requirements of professional investors. The objective and complex information on investment appeal of the enterprises is necessary for potential investors and other participants of investment process.

Activization of investments into the industrial activity, occurs by means of creation ofjoint ventures. So, in 2006 the delegation from Shanghai came to Krasnoyarsk to carry out negotiations with the Joint Stock Company “Krasnoyarsklesomaterialy” on a theme of creation ofjoint venture and both side investments forbuilding of capacities for manufacturing of saw bar plates. Till now - the cooperation is at a project stage.

To sum up it necessary to repeat that the Chinese investments canbe involved inbuilding hi-tech infrastructure of oil and gas pipelines, electric mains, for maintenance of deliveries of export of natural resources on the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, and also used for creation of joint ventures in the field of deep processing of resources.

Considering the sphere of investment cooperation from outside China, it is also necessary to note deep interest in realization of the givenkind of activity. Lastyears the financial market of China has had new active development. On March, 19th, 2007 the National bank of China has published «the report onthe international financial market of2007” in which “.the features characterizing financial development of the financial market of China during this period was marked:

- activization of the furtherbuilding of an infrastructure of the financial market (in the country the interbank monetary market, a bond market, bill fair, share the market and the insurance market operations);

- increase the efficiency and safety of the Chinese financial market;

- reform deepening in financial branch of China, increase in quantity of financial products, diversifications of forms of transactions;

- continuous increase oflevel of openness of the financial market to an external world, strengthening of communications between the domestic and world financial market by expansion of a share of participation of foreign investors in the Chinese financial market, and is mutual-active participation of the Chinese investors inthe world financial market;

- expansion of scales of the financial market (during the period January - September, 2007 inthe interbank monetary market of China the volume of transactions has made 6 368,45 billion yuan, with a gain for 364,4 percent)” (URL: http:// www.chinadata.khv.ru/scit_ma.htm).

As far as China is quickly integrated into economic and a financial system, stability inits ownfinancial sectorbecomes extremely important for economic.

The management of China rigidly supervises outflow of the capital fromthe country, however now inthe conditions of an abundance of the capital in the country and credit crisis in the markets which are the basic consumers of the Chinese export, the decision on plentiful foreign investments from outside China sees the most reasonable.

Cooperation in the sphere of services. Cooperation in the sphere of services could become another direction of bilateral cooperation.

A. The recreational potential of Krasnoyarsk region is great. Natural recreational resources (the seas, the lake and rivers, mineral waters, picturesque landscapes) are various. Many territories practically are not damaged by a civilization -demand for such territories all over the world constantly grows. Appeal ofKrasnoyarsk region as an object of tourism is defined, first of all, by following factors: the historical and cultural development of regionwhich inseparably linked with history and culture of all Russia; a geographical position, allowing making our territory a starting point of tourist routes across Siberia and the Far East. Besides, in our region many international events and competitions on various kinds of sports are regularly held.

The mostperspective cities are: Krasnoyarsk, Divnogorsk, Minusinsk, Yeniseisk, Shushensky and Ermakovsky areas. The tourist program should include such projects, as: “Krasnoyarsk -the centre of tourism of Siberia”, “the Sayan ring”, “Yeniseysk

- the spiritual capital of Siberia”. Creation of the mountain-skiing centre in “Bobrovij log”, development of ecological tourism on the basis of reserve “Stolby” are planned. In the conditions of a frequent technogenic accidents in China, the given sort of cooperation sees logical, the offered tourist programs - unique. The given sort of cooperationwill promote formation of the tourist industry and development of all infrastructure ofKrasnoyarsk region.

B. Transport services. The favorable geographical position of Krasnoyarsk region and presence of three transport corridors give possibility of rationalization of world transport interrelations. In meridian direction the territory of Siberia is crossedby the navigable riverYenisey, in width -the Trans-Siberian railway. The big prospects are connected with use of the HUB and development of cross-polar aviation routes which can give high economic benefit.

C. Attraction of experts and manufacturers from the Peoples Republic of China, instead of dealers.

In connection with the high rates of increase of volumes of building projects, realization of grandiose projects, such


as completion ofBoguchansky Hydro-electric power station, building of aluminum factory, pulp-and-paper industrial complex, and development of the Vankorsky deposit a problem of a labor shortage has appeared. Insufficiency of labor defines by conditions and seasonal prevalence of carried outworks. “Amongthe declaredvacancies, 23 %are necessary on building branch. And from among the people registered in the Center of employment - 75% the woman. A lack of labor of Krasnoyarsk region is possible to solve by attraction of citizens of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizia, Armenia, Korea, Turkey and China” (URL: http:// www.newslab.ru/news/187107).

Cooperation in the given sphere is favorable to both parties, because the territory of Krasnoyarsk region has a high requirement for attraction of foreign manpower, and for the China, overpopulated and possessing a problem of workplaces and low wages the given kind of cooperation also has attractive character.

However, involving Chinese citizens for realization of projects, it is considered of much importance not to admit compact settlements of the Chinese migrants, giving priorities to their disperse moving. In that case they are could integrate fast into our society, learn the language, norms ofbehavior and culture.

Export of mineralfertilizers. Insufficiency of China -our benefit. One of the basic consumers of nitric fertilizers is China, having a climate favorable for agriculture. All know that nitrogen - one of the pivotal components of all vegetation on globe. Therefore without application of nitric fertilizers the further progress and agriculture development -one of components of economy of the Peoples Republic of China is impossible. Manufacture of fertilizers in China is a well developed business though the quality of the Chinese fertilizers obviously concedes to the Russian.

“The requirement of China for nitric fertilizers (in recalculation on a carbamide) makes about 48 milliontons a year - only for manufacture of a foodstuff of internal consumption,withoutexport” [2].

“Having taken the advantage of insufficiency of China in the field of qualitative mineral fertilizers the Russian enterprise Akron, having two industrial bases in Great Novgorod and the Smolensk region constructed a retail network for sale of fertilizers in the Peoples Republic of China” (URL: http://www.knfmp.ru/press/ss52005.html/).

But demand of the market of mineral fertilizers in China is so great that allows to use this niche as strategic for an exit on the Chinese market.

There is a number of the advantages connected with opening of manufacture of mineral fertilizers inKrasnoyarsk territory. Priority advantage is deposits of raw materials for manufacture of fertilizers, in China there is a lack ofkalian and sulfurs - which they have to import from Russia and other countries. The second positive aspect which is standing up for an establishment of the external economic relations between Krasnoyarsk region and China in the field of mineral fertilizers is that in the Krasnoyarsk region, on the basis of Krasnoyarsk factory of nonferrous metals named after V. N. Gulidova catalysts grids are produced, which are necessary for manufacturing mineral fertilizers. There is no similar manufacture in Krasnoyarsk territory.

“Krasnoyarsk’s catalysts grids purchase such powerful enterprises, as Nizhniy Novgorod’s “Akron” making 25 percent of all nitric fertilizers” (URL: http://www.knfmp.ru/ press/ss52005.html/). Close position of two interconnected manufactures will also add a number of competitive advantages.

For this purpose one factory can be located in a suburb of the regional centre (for example, in capacities of “Krastjazhmasha” industrial zone), and another - in Nazarovo, on the basis of the Nazarovsky power station.

Realization of the given project can put forward Krasnoyarsk region to the world’s leader on export of nitric fertilizers.

Carrying out export to southern regions of China. In

China there are special free economic zones operate. Their activity is directed on liberalization and activization of the foreign trade activities. Their economy has high degree of openness to an external world, and customs, tax and investment modes are favorable for realization of internal and external investments.

Many enterprises in search for concessionary terms consider these zones as a potential source of possibility to receive an extra profit.

In China “.the following administrative economic formations withpreferential modes operate:

- 5 special economic zones: Shenren, Chzhuhaj, Shantou, Sjamen, Hainan, and also new area Pudun (Shanghai);

- 32 zones of economic and technological development inBeijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Dalian, Harbin, Urumchi, Wuhan, Chungking, Hangchow, Shenjan, Changchun, Yingkow and otherbig cities;

- 15 zones of free trade in Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Chzhantszjagan, Haikou, Sjamen, Fuzhou, Tsingtao, Shantou, Chzhuhaj and Shenchzhen;

- 14 zones of frontier economic cooperation in Dandun, Hejhe, Sujfenhe (Heilongjiang province), Manchzhouli, Erljan, Huejchun (Jilinprovince), Inin, Bole, Tachen, Pinsjan, Dunsin, Zhujli, Vantin, Hekou (Yunnanprovince) (URL: http:/ /www.nalogi.net/1997/199708_2.htm).

As it was mentioned above, prospects of cooperation of China and Krasnoyarsk region are mutual, such as: innovations, investments, export of goods of deep processing, import of the qualitative goods and many other things. Speaking about one of components ofbilateral cooperation -export - it is important to underline the possibility for export of goods of deep processing and, secondly, for export of goods fromKrasnoyarsk regionto the south of China, instead of the north, as it is now. It will allow Krasnoyarsk exporters to trade on equal terms and for competitive prices, receiving privileges from realization the trading activity on special economic territories, instead of dumping the goods on border for the low price established by Chinese.

For this purpose, Chamber of commerce of the Russian Federation has the representative for rendering assistance in search of business partners, in particular, in Shanghai where the representation of the Chamber of commerce of the Russian Federation is located.

In the conclusion it is important to notice once again that the important problem ofKrasnoyarsk region is optimization of the foreign trade and economic relations with China with

the advantage for economic development of Krasnoyarsk region, expansion of trade and economic relations not only in the sphere of raw materials, but also in the field of industry, tourism, formation, investment and innovative sphere.

Researches and conclusions of the given work are lead to the concrete recommendations about the increase of efficiency of the foreign trade activity, the analysis of new potential ways of the foreign trade cooperation between Krasnoyarsk region and China, and give possibility of

application of its positions in activity of the Chinese and Russian foreign trade enterprises.


1. Evdokimov M. Export of region / M. Evdokimov // Continent Siberia. 2007. № 45 (324). P. 4-5. (inRussian)

2. How to conquer China. Strategy. Science and industry //Expert. 2008. № 13.P. 82-83. (inRussian)

© BelyakovaG. Ya., VladykoA. K., 2009

V. V. Kukartsev

Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Russia, Krasnoyarsk PROCESS PROGRAMM REALIZATION OF THE CAPITAL REPRODUCTION FUNDS

Program realization of simulated model of capital stock reproduction in PowerSim Studio is described in this article. Keywords: reproduction, simulated model, capital reproduction funds.

Wide development of automation of management depends on constantly increasing complexity and multiple-factor problems of reproduction management of a fixed assets at different levels of an economic management, necessity of processing thereupon huge weight of the information at high accuracy, labor-output ratio, tight timetables of carried out calculations and recurrence of their carrying out.

Now at the machine-building industry enterprises ERP-class automatic control system, andavariety of the dedicated systems created specially for management by separate processes (MES, SCP, EAM etc.) are used. The ERP-system carries out the central role, consolidating data on all activity of the company, the system is responsible for the finance, logistics, relations with suppliers and clients, human resource management, granting of the consolidated statements on key parametres of activity of the company to leading managers. The ERP-system integrates specialized decisions

- MES carries out an operational administration manufacture, SCP is engaged in planning and optimization of a chain of deliveries and manufactures, EAM operates a fixed assets.

However there is a number of processes which cannot be automated by means of traditional decision-making systems (ERP-class). ERP systems don’t allow to consider multi-variant approach of decisions of problems, risks and uncertainty, to carry out scenario planning, to do conclusions about stability of systems, to reveal unevident dependences and time logs between investigated characteristics.

The systems of decision-making support created on the basis of the theory of system dynamics will be successfully applied in this case.

While using the theory of system dynamics company activity is described in the form of mathematical model in which all business problems and process are represented as the system of the interconnected estimated indicators. Possible directions of development different processes in the company allow to reveal and analyze creation of the similar visualised model.

It is possible to estimate profitability of investment projects, to choose priority directions of business development, to analyze influence of external macroeconomic factors on profitability of projects, to estimate influence of risks-effects on results of activity by means of dynamic modeling. Also the theory of system dynamics allows to create imitating models of industrial systems foran estimation of possible consequences of accepted decisions. So it is possible to optimize material, financial and informationflows of the company (both on strategic, and on operational levels) to carry out their consolidation on the enterprises and business segments.

Model development begins with the analysis of the enterprise activity. The descriptive model of the enterprise is built under expert opinions, on historical data, under shown requirements of a management and the future users of model. So-called cognitive model reflecting relationships of cause and effect and a set of mathematical dependences between various sizes is created. Simultaneously a lot of already existed atthe enterprise formulas, tables etc are actively used.

The consolidated mathematical model which is realized by means of visual programming is built. The estimated model is created at this stage. Model verification is made by means of testing examples, checking of historical data, using of expert tests.

Program realization of process of capital stock reproduction on the basis of a method of system dynamics is considered in the article.

At the first stage the description of the basic reflective contours of relationships of cause and effect arising in the course of capital stock reproduction is given.

Basis of imitating model of the equipment reproduction of the enterprise in the natural form the reflective contour of a feedback “the Equilibration under the influence of a log of decisions realization”, allocated with a framework (makes fig. 1). It is interpreted as follows. The size of necessary equipment capacity of the enterprise must

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