Relevance of the studied problem is caused by need of further improvement of the office legislation of the Russian Federation regarding material and non-material stimulation of public servants. The purpose of article consists in research of provisions of the foreign legislation on stimulation of public servants regarding possibility of their use in the office legislation of Russia. The leading approach to research of this problem is the analysis of the office legislation of the foreign states. Results of the present article allow to improve further the office legislation of Russia regarding material and non-material stimulation of public servants. Materials of article can be useful to public servants, and also the scientists who are engaged in a perspective of public service.
public service, material stimulation, non-material stimulation, encouragement of public servants
Vladimir Kulikov
PhD in Jurisprudence, Associate Professor Head of the Kirov branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the Russian President Kirov, Russia [email protected]
Mikhail Guryanov
PhD in Jurisprudence, Associate Professor Department of State and Legal Disciplines the Kirov branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the Russian President Kirov, Russia [email protected]
llya Surmanidze
PhD in Jurisprudence, Associate Professor head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines the Kirov branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the Russian President Kirov, Russia [email protected]; nau-_otdel@krv. ranepa.ru_
Each society develops own understanding of functions of the state depending on social characteristics, national philosophy, mentality, ideology, traditions. At the same time also the common features caused by culture, political proximity and other factors are traced. In organizational and legal structure of public service and its administrative and legal regulation allocate some models. Respectively there are also some main models of stimulation of public servants:
a) Anglo-Saxon model (sometimes it still call "position");
b) Romano-German model ("career");
c) east Asian ("elite").
The Anglo-Saxon model is characteristic for the USA, Great Britain, Canada and some other English-speaking countries and assumes:
- emphasis on system of an assessment of quality and productivity in work;
- revenues to public service happen on the basis of written competitive examination. All system of reception, training and promotion is organized so that to create type of the professional manager of a wide profile;
- compensation depends on an accurate scale of charges and differentiation of work by results of work. At the same time there is also a system of various awards and bonuses based on evaluation of the work of government body and public servants;
- advance on a career ladder for most of public servants happens on the basis of so-called "'systems of merits", that is to selection of the most prepared candidates for increase for positions on the basis of competitive examinations, and also a constant assessment of their office activity.
The Romano-German model is characteristic for the countries of continental Europe and is characterized by the following:
- success of creation of system of material stimulation is substantially connected with the budgetary opportunities of the state;
- the current material stimulation is based on an assessment of various factors available to the analysis and having objective justification;
- provision of pensions in the maximum volume is connected with the long standing of work comparable to the experience established for most of citizens.
- orientation to "closeness" of career and non-material privileges and guarantees in public service (social protection of public servants, pension guarantees, stability of the status);
- the salary (the monetary contents) is defined by the fixed grid of compensation and legislatively approved salaries.
- level of payment depends on a position, an experience and a rank of the public servant.
France, as well as other countries of continental Europe, the problems connected with degree of system effectiveness of public administration concerned. Very often at the heart of these problems there are questions of expedient stimulation of work of public servants. Even in case of structural reorganization of system of government bodies or change of bureaucratic, documentary procedures the human factor remains defining. Any reform of the state system which formally does not concern people, inevitably attracts correction of working conditions, changes the volume of competences of the personnel, its functional mission. Therefore reorganization will be always interfaced to new rules and norms of material and non-material stimulation.
It is unconditional that in most cases as the world practice testifies, organizational structures and rules of an administrative and legal regulation do not undergo basic changes. If to neglect some specific models of public service (China, Cuba, some Muslim countries, New Zealand), the developing last hundred years of model can be defined as position and career. In the majority of the countries of continental Europe the prevailing model is career. It is characteristic for such leading countries of the region as Germany and France. The Russian system of public service in many internal aspects reproduces this model. But not in all. For its effective realization there is no both finance, and system of internal self-government and representation of interests. Without concerning separately the last question, we will notice that in France territorial councils of public service and parity committees in government bodies are of great importance when determining conditions of service, career advance and application of the stimulating methods. The
"trade-union" component in the Russian public service is very conditional and is under complete control of administration of government bodies.
First of all it should be noted the important fact: in France all employees of the state organizations treat so-called «fonction publique», that is in the general plan of division between, for example, teachers and employees of the city hall does not exist. The above concerns to all public servants, including the state managers. Therefore it is necessary to give an assessment to the reached level of material stimulation in France taking into account this circumstance. It is obvious that at the Russian option of reference of persons to the public or municipal service of problems at the French state and society would be much less.
The Russian system of public service in separate aspects has similarity to the French. In France, as well as in Russia, essential value for revenues to public service, just as further advance on a career ladder has education. A position and the official's rank as finally and possibility of long stay on service (experience) in many respects depend on educational level. In some countries (France, Portugal) it is almost impossible to become the civil servant without target preliminary training. It is possible to tell that education is the most important component of such complex stimulation as the official growth of the public servant. In Russia qualification of the official substantially is defined by a formal image by its educational level. It is characteristic and for the European countries, but with some reservations. In Europe approach a question of quality of education of public servants much more seriously. This issue is resolved as through system of training of officials in specialized educational institutions, and through institute of supervisory (trustee) boards at educational institutions. Such approach is characteristic for France, Germany, Spain, Portugal. The Russian practice does not give a certain option of educational model of the public servant. Quality of their preparation is not watched almost by anybody, except for Rosobrnadzor, which has also no special tools for such assessment. Besides, despite existence of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, preparation and professional development of the public and municipal servants is carried out on the most various platforms in the absence of uniform standards. Thus, the incentive of official (career) growth of the public servant both in France, and in Russia is in many respects connected with his education, but its formality to the detriment of quality can become an obstacle in a way of real career growth.
The system of internal advance on public service in France is rather transparent, proceeding from the Russian standards, and at its various stages different incentives for motivation of the employee to high-quality activity, so, and to office growth are used. Serving, or so-called "public employees" whom all employees of social public sector are among are distributed on one of three categories (hierarchical categories A, B or C).
During the career, the worker can change a job as in a certain category, and having passed into other category. Thus, the mechanism of internal advance based on an assessment of results of work of the employee or competitive procedures, both external, and internal character is used.
Change of a position or category via mechanisms of internal advance is possible only within a certain government body (establishment). Application of competitive procedures means substantially formal criteria (age, degree in categories, an experience of public service). Thus, for ensuring career growth in various cases also concrete results of work and formal signs matter. Besides already designated, one of the main requirements is the minimum of vocational educational training. Advance on hierarchy of categories A, B or C means growth of a salary of employees and social guarantees. Therefore, stimulation of the employee to better work or increase of the educational level has material benefits which increase in process of advance on office hierarchy in a basis. It is interesting that internal advance also has to be carried out on a competitive basis. Anyway the choice is
carried out by administration of the employer or as a result of carrying out special professional examination. And so promotion provides to French to "the public employee" the status meaning execution of more significant functions, higher scale wage payments and increases potential opportunities for further career growth.
It is worth noticing that in France these rules established for employees are executed in most cases. In case of formalization of the declared principles of activity of government and functioning of system of public service defining are client relations. Unfortunately it is still characteristic for Russia, both in the past, and in the present, and also for the countries of "the second echelon", for example, of the states of Latin America. The relations on the client boss line often level an assessment of results of work, do it minor for career advance. It is impossible to tell that in France and Germany such relations do not take place, but they are widespread much to a lesser extent. The high productivity of work recorded in a certain form can accelerate considerably in these countries advance of the employee on a career ladder.
The system of compensation of public servants and volume of remuneration in the last decades became the major questions for many foreign countries. In so-called new public management the flexible and adapted for conditions of the market system of compensation is one of the corner principles of its functioning. In a number of the Asian countries where an indisputable example is Singapore, the high material motivation at corruption suppression also makes a basis of model of public service. It is impossible to tell that in continental Europe these questions did not cause interest. On the contrary, within career model increase of compensation of civil servants at simultaneous increase of value of non-material privileges and guarantees were of very great importance. Within this trend, there was an inflating of funds of material stimulation of public servants in Greece. Fatal results had aspiration "to be arranged" under the leading countries of Europe for this country. However, in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and some other countries growth of material stimulation occurred rather successfully in the last decade and this process proceeds.
France traditionally prefers such types of encouragement of civil servants as increase in positions and increase in a salary, but thus accurately installed system of encouragement does not exist. Salary increase can happen and without replacement of a new position. Personal material encouragement of the French civil servants (functionaries - les fonctionnaires) depends from:
- office status (department, rank, rank);
- specifics of a post for the highest functionaries (according to new situation about bonus, the sum of an extra charge can make 10% of a basic salary);
- awards can be appointed for processing, at special difficulty of work and also in case the position demands specific qualification, etc.
Thus in practice, often an award are appointed collectively, and the sum in many respects depends on a rank and on the ministry which civil servants treat. Only 10 interest of functionaries are drawn bonus in number of 30% of a salary. The most considerable awards are concentrated in the highest echelon of civil servants. Thus, awarding represents pyramidal system. The maximum awards directly depend on the status of the employee in hierarchical system.
The annual budget of bonus payments is allocated with the Ministry of Finance, various departments and departments receive, thus, the fixed sum based on indexation of the corresponding kind of activity and number of employees. Some departments try to build own system of awarding. So in 2003, the Ministry of public service declared plans to put all bonus into dependence on overall performance of the highest civil servants, varying the sum of awards from 15 to 20 percent from a salary, and also about intention to introduce this practice in all layers of civil servants, but not in individual, and in a collective form. But this important work was not fully complete up to the current year.
Despite the high level of material stimulation of civil servants, the main problem is lack of accurate system of encouragement of administrative workers for effective work. The system of material encouragement looks not clear not only for public observers, but also for most of functionaries. Situation about awarding has the general character and from criteria of encouragement distinguishes a manner of work of the civil servant, his competence according to a post and actually overall performance.
Distinctive French feature is also that various administrative departments possess a big autonomy in policy of encouragement: in some of them criteria of administrative activity were reconsidered, and now the young effective worker can receive much bigger encouragement, than his senior colleague, which all merit is reduced to a length of service. The most important result of this practice is, thus, division of a length of service and encouragement, and decentralization of system of awarding. Sometimes for department use own funds for awarding of employees. Decisions on awarding for effective work are passed by the special technical commission. Audit of the made decisions is booked by the state financial inspectorate or parliament.
One more problem is that the system of secondary encouragement tends "to be flown down to a uniform point" and to provide all with the employee of one rank approximately identical sum of encouragement that reduces their value. Also, the problem consists in uneven encouragement of employees depending on the ministry which they treat. It is natural that such ambiguity of the principles always becomes a source of a certain mistrust.
However, you should not think that the French employee easily moves ahead on an office ladder. Large volume of material benefits assumes continuous monitoring of its professional level. Within local civil service monitoring is realized in the form of so-called interview.
An interview are got annually by each official of local authority. The assessment of this interview is considered at possible office advance and on its results the quantity of certain bonuses of the employee is fixed. During interview the level of professional activity according to tasks of the organization and functional conditions of service is estimated, the purposes for achievement next year, need for training, prospects of development of career and strengthening of mobility are defined. Results of interview can become the basis not only for promotion, but also for the termination of the contract with the employee. In administrative structures of the local level (la fonction publique territoriale) criteria more accurate, but they are also defined by special technical committee. Treat them: overall performance and achievement of the objectives, competence and communicativeness, and also ability to play the leading role at higher hierarchical level or to be engaged in coaching.
The similar system of interview is installed for officials of the public civil service. It should be noted that increase as civil servants, as a rule, happens within national competition to the replaced position. However there is also a mechanism of internal promotion realized with observance of certain procedures. This type of increase in a position is connected with a rating assessment of the public servant. Similar increase is not direct encouragement of the worker as the efficiency of his activity which is subject to encouragement has to be supported with a certain length of service, for example. However, partially it is possible to call such procedure encouragement as the advanced worker gets out heads of administrative structure. There are still some conditions, for example, accelerated promotion on service can happen only within the same organization.
The rating assessment of the employee passes according to different schemes in the different state organizations. In all administrative organizations of the central submission (la fonction publique d'État) the criteria taken into account accurately are not defined: "Criteria of an assessment of the professional importance depend about t of feature of a
post and the executed work". Other criteria are defined by competent technical committees.
Thus, it is possible to note that a front view of non-material encouragement, first of all, is possibility of the accelerated increase in a position. In this regard, since 2002 the internal system of an assessment of efficiency and a rating of the civil servant was developed: the procedure consisting of several stages comes to an end with drawing up the report which has to be approved by the worker, and also his immediate superior. Enter criteria of an assessment: professionalism and technical competences, quality of the organization of work, personal and public qualities of the employee. Such assessment of the functionary is the basis for his accelerated increase in a position.
Except material remuneration, the civil servant is encouraged with moral advantages. Moral remuneration causes content and desire to work more effectively. In France this rewarding with the Honourable medal of national, regional or municipal level. The award is urged to encourage long-term public service.
The medal is remuneration for the long period of work in local authorities or public institutions. It has three steps: the silver medal can be handed after 20 years of service, gilded - after 30 and big gold after 35 years. Each step can be reached only after passing of the previous level, at observance of a break in one year at least. The awarded civil servants gain also corresponding diplomas in which features of their service which became a rewarding subject are specified. It is clear that the employee will receive it only in the middle or at the very end of the career, but thus the moral incentive which sometimes is of very great importance is created. It is interesting that the basis for rewarding is not only professional competence of the employee, but also his "devotion" of a profession. The medal can be and is taken away from her owner, in particular, for the disciplinary violation involving punishment.
Nevertheless, in modern France and in other countries of Europe, many representatives of "public service" do not consider themselves financially and socially protected. In other words, the incentives established by the state do not seem to them sufficient. First of all it belongs to municipalities. How business in general is? According to the authoritative newspaper "Figaro" in France more than 20% of economically active population are in public service of the republic (2,4 million people), on service in local government (1,8 million people), healthcare institutions (1,1 million people), and also in various central government bodies (ODAC) which include such various structures as CNRS, the Parisian opera, France Weather, etc. In total them more than 5,3 million people are. The vast majority of employees has big material benefits in comparison with the private sector and a set of other advantages. Many developed countries faced this problem. Some of them, such as Canada and Sweden, not only reduced number of employees, but also reformed their status.
Really, the contract system on public service, unlike the private sector, is more long-term (till 6 years, in the private sector - no more than one and a half years). The extremely rare are cases of dismissal of employees, even for gross violations. Higher is also the salary of employees (except for local service). As a rule, it grows quicker, than in the private sector. Working week of the French employee makes 37 hours that below, than on average over the country. Besides, they pay less social payments, in also use many other bonuses and privileges. For example, an extra charge on the apartment, payment of the health insurance, preferential crediting and a so-called family increase to a salary which costs to the state about one billion euro in a year. The family increase is that the benefit to already first child dependent is provided to employees. The part of the public and local servants also has the right for free housing.
At last, public employees have higher pension. It is possible even to claim that the pension mode is the main privilege and material incentive of activity of employees. Calculation of their pensions is carried out proceeding from a salary for the last six months
whereas at calculation of pensions of the serving private enterprises 25 best years are taken into account. In 2011, 2.6 million public servants received average pension of 1724 euros a month while in the private sector it made 1215 euros. The age from which the employee automatically acquires the right for full pension, fluctuates from 60 to 67 years. Whether everything depends on that the employee is "sedentary" or "active". But also the period of insurance premiums matters. For full pension it is established from 40 to 43 years. In this case achievement of age limit is not obligatory, but in practice these time intervals () are rather identical to age and an experience. Also exceptions are provided: retirement on full or partial disability, at education of the disabled child aged till 20 years. As a result the French state spends huge budgetary funds for provision of pensions of public servants. 75 billion euros are provided in the budget of 2015 on these purposes. By 2050 annual allocations for pensions for employees can double. Now pensioners employees make 15% of total number of pensioners, but for them 25% of pension payments are necessary. Growth of pensions was the last years inflation rapid growth. By calculations of economists since 2006 30% of a gain of the public expenditures are caused by pensions of public servants. Now in France the question of change of a method of calculation of pensions for employees is sharply discussed.
But despite it, exactly in recent years in France new material payments to public servants, for example, an award for a position and efficiency (since 2011), grants on change of a place of work, the award for labor productivity which is appointed in the individual order since 2011 in the ratio which is not exceeding 18 percent, an extra charge for special qualification, a grant on an individual guarantee of purchasing power, etc. were entered.
Now and until the end of 2016 in France there is an input of the new mode of material payments to employees of state structures which replaces the majority of the existing awards and depends on a post, the mode of hierarchy, experience and an involvement into work: RIFSEEP. Employees of administrations already receive payments for this system since July 1, 2015. Such decision was made because the previous mechanism of encouragement was too difficult and, at the same time, incomplete. The system of awarding has to become, thus, more rational and simple.
The foundation to reform is laid by the decree of May 20, 2014. RIFSEEP is urged to replace the majority of the existing privileges and encouragement of civil servants. The new mode of privileges and encouragement assumes the accounting of the executed functions (fonctions), a rank (hierarchical situation (sujétions), competence (expertize) and devotion to service (engagement).
The first part of encouragement is based on an assessment of the first three factors, this award is charged monthly. Officially, the size of an award is charged "depending on a level of responsibility and the competence necessary for execution of official duties". The second part of encouragement is an annual award for devotion to business and for "manner" of service. The law says that the award "can" be added by the civil servant according to the ancient, ascending by 1984 conditions. Labor unions of civil servants estimate criteria of the fourth group as absolutely subjective and depending on opinion of the chief. Thus this award more considers interests of civil servants of category A. The annual award is appointed in the maximum size of 15 percent from the total amount of awarding on group for category A, of 12 percent for category B and of 10 percent for category C.
However critics of new system consider the applied criteria very disputable, subjective. According to the same labor unions of an innovation will lead to unjustified increase in demand for a certain type of the most highly paid posts. Civil servants will seek to transfer not for work, more interesting to them, and on that which brings in the bigger income, and to leave low-paid "silent" positions. Because, as if effectively they did not work there, it will not be valued according to the merits. The civil services serving on
so-called "hot spots" will receive more than the less noticeable colleagues. Other problem - a lot of things will depend on subjective opinion of the chief estimating this or that a post. Among civil servants the inequality as employees of the same department will receive a different salary will be aggravated. However these remarks belong to private questions, besides to overcome the subjective beginning at an assessment of work of the personnel, including. civil servants, hardly perhaps. Anyway rules of material stimulation during service become more systematic, predicted and explainable.
According to new criteria, official duties of public servants are divided into some groups within the same department, the number of groups is defined individually for each department. The minimum sum of awards on various groups is not specified, and has to be appointed the ministerial resolution. Supporters of new system, on the contrary, consider the applied criteria quite scientific, objective and serious (essential). So competence and experience is confirmed by various additional criteria, such as the leading functions, coordination, development of projects and so on. It is also important to note that the minimum bonus guarantees which are defined only by the employee's rank are established.
It is unconditional that material stimulation serving in France is an economic problem. It is possible also that the number of employees can be reduced, but the basic principle remains immutable: public servants have to earn worthy material reward both during service, and after its end. In Russia it is possible to recognize provision of pensions of public servants satisfactory, proceeding from domestic opportunities and realities, but it cannot be told about a salary of most of employees. Its size hardly is stimulating. Besides we will not forget that in France the concept of "public service" does not coincide with that in the Russian Federation is carried to systems of the public or municipal service.
System of work incentives of public servants in neighboring countries, in particular, in Italy and Spain have lines of similarity to the French model.
In Italy since 90th of last year a lot of work on increase in efficiency and transparency of encouragement of public servants was carried out. It is possible to mark out the following features:
- regulations on awarding for overall performance belong, unlike France, only to personnel workers;
- awards for a position and awards for overall performance are allocated;
- personnel workers of an average key element receive from 5 to 10 percent bonus for a position, and the director, that is the top management management, from 10 to 15 percent;
- total amount of an annual award for efficiency cannot be less than 20 percent of a salary in annual expression;
- the system of material payments in general copes collective national the contract regarding the total allocated amount which nevertheless leaves a certain leeway in the field of private contracts;
- the system of awarding of the highest executives is completely individualized and is part of private contracts;
- the system of stimulation copes not only the law, but also collective agreements;
- each administrative structure, local or central, can and has to develop the system of an assessment of efficiency;
- the highest shots of administration pass an annual assessment of efficiency which is directed by the commission appointed at the beginning of a year, she sets the annual purposes before the top key element and estimates their realization;
- the assessment of overall performance of the employee is carried out by directly higher personnel worker, and the shots, highest in hierarchy, are estimated by the minister.
It is possible to tell that the system of material stimulation for overall performance serving in Italy was not created yet finally though already allowed to develop the principle of encouragement for result and norms of a regular assessment of quality of work of administration. However, achievements of the Italian system of stimulation are also similar with French, as well as the existing problems. First of all, it is possible to carry the following to them:
- realization of the purposes can be not always expressed in a quantitative equivalent, bias of an assessment follows from here;
- insufficiency of planning and control;
- a lack of the allocated resources;
- mistrust of labor unions concerning system effectiveness of an assessment;
- encouragement for efficiency is not the fixed sum, in this regard its value decreases.
Many ministries prefer other mechanism of encouragement and selection of the personnel. For definition of degree of efficiency they are inclined not to set the purposes which would give in to a quantitative assessment. As the purposes on the future, the Italian administration sets before itself the purpose to unify system of an assessment of efficiency and improvement of equipment of an assessment and encouragement. Let's note what exactly such process and happens in France now.
Some words about stimulation of administrative workers in Spain. In the country also there is no accurate system of an assessment of overall performance of public servants, each ministry and department installs own mechanisms. The main material encouragement is the award for labor productivity (efficiency) which is most often used in the central administrative organizations, but also can be used and in the local. At the same time the award for productivity is connected not with efficiency, and with increase in number of the fulfilled hours. In the first decade of the current century in connection with adoption of the new law on the status of the public servant provides establishment of system of an assessment of the efficiency and professional behavior which is directly connected with an assessment of competence of the worker: it has to become base for optimum encouragement for efficiency.
Lately the countries of the Pacific Rim achieved huge economic and political successes. In this regard it is interesting to analyse the peculiar models of public service (and, in particular, systems of stimulation of public servants) which developed in these countries which in huge degree and influence overall performance of government and progress of these countries in general.
In these countries the so-called "east Asian" or "elite" model of public service is realized.
This model is characteristic for Japan, Singapore, the Republic of Korea and some other countries of Southeast Asia and assumes:
- existence of the strong state with effective government;
- public service is considered honourable and prestigious since it is stable and is well paid;
- knowledge, labor skills and motivation of labor behavior of the public servant is a main factor which defines quality and level of administrative activity;
- at revenues to public service the system of competitive selection works. At selection the emphasis is placed for work with a personnel reserve through identification of perspective pupils, encouragement of their study, granting grants and the direction of the most capable for training and training abroad;
- at making decision on the career growth of the public servant the main criterion is efficiency of its work (but not, for example, an experience or experience);
- the salary (the monetary contents) of public servants is, as a rule, reconsidered every year and consists of a basic salary, and also extra charges for professionalism and extra charges, considering an economic condition of the country;
- when charging a salary (the monetary contents) market methods are applied. The salary corresponds to a rank of the public servant and pays off according to the formula attached to an average salary of the persons which are successfully working in the private sector. The compensation size also depends on success of national economy.
Let's sum up some results. It is necessary to recognize that development of system of material and non-material stimulation of activity in public service in continental Europe has many common features. It is also important to note a certain similarity of these systems to system which functions in modern Russia. The thought most over and detailed systems of stimulation are created currently in France and Germany. The analysis of development of model of stimulation of civil servants in France allows to draw the following conclusions.
Success of creation of system of material stimulation is substantially connected with the budgetary opportunities of the state. Unlike many European countries of Russia has no opportunity to include in system of public service of the serving numerous public institutions. Reduction of civil servants in these conditions, for the purpose of growth of a salary, not always expediently.
The current material stimulation has to be based on an assessment of various factors available to the analysis and having objective justification.
Provision of pensions in the maximum volume has to be connected with the long standing of work comparable to the experience established for most of citizens.
Application of such measures of stimulation as a "family" extra charge, payment of part of medical services, food and other similar is inexpedient since they even in Europe cause criticism and public rejection.
It is necessary to strengthen measures of non-material stimulation. It equally can belong to out-of-competition procedures of promotion and to introduction of special awards within the public and municipal service.
Anyway studying of the current experience of France and other leading countries of Europe is necessary for updating of the Russian legislation and development of system of public service in the Russian Federation.
In general, the analysed experience of legal regulation of stimulation of public servants abroad leads to a conclusion about desirability seriously to address to world experience and to reform public service of the Russian Federation. It is desirable to take and combine positive lines of each of models.
Reforms have to be directed on the increasing professionalizing of government. It is necessary to enter elements of "system of merits" during the completing of government and advance on a career ladder.
All this demands specialized education of public servants in the relevant educational institutions over all country.
Besides, creation of special body of the management of public service independent of other ministries and other executive authorities is possible.
All offered events have to be held together with the administrative reform, which is already going in the country which needs to be finished in the nearest future.
Materials of the present article can be useful to public servants, and also the scientists who are engaged in a perspective of public service.
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The paper attempts to develop the multilevel control system for territorial and branch development in market conditions. The system is constructed on the basis of wide use of different types of marketing (Lavrov & Polikarpova, 2012) and their horizontal and vertical integration.
territorial competitive positions, branch competitive positions, integration, control system for territorial and branch development
Alexander Lavrov Lada Polikarpova
PhD in Economics, Professor PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
head of the Department of Marketing Department of Marketing
Kemerovo State University Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo, Russia Kemerovo, Russia
[email protected] lada_polikarpova@mail. ru
Alla Handramay
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Department of Economic Theory,
Taxation, Business and Right
Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo, Russia
Effective management of territorial-branch development in market conditions requires development of theoretically reasonable principles and provisions, which allow to consider nature of interrelation of branches and territories in the conditions of open economy and determine necessary parameters of effective interaction of various subjects of management.
To solve the above problem it is offered to use the multilevel control systems for territorial and branch development constructed on the basis of wide use of different types of marketing and their horizontal and vertical integration. Nowadays forms and methods