Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings'

The analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Siddikov Ilkhomjon Khakimovich, Anarbaev Muhiddin Almanovich, Bedritskiy Ivan Mikhaylovich, Khasanov Mansur Yusup O'Gli

Article is devoted analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings»

Section 11. Technical sciences

Siddikov Ilkhomjon Khakimovich, Doctor of science, Head of the chair «Power supply systems» of Tashkent University of Information Technology, Uzbekistan,

E-mail: [email protected], Anarbaev Muhiddin Almanovich, senior teacher of the chair «Power systems» of Djizak Polytechnics Institute. Uzbekistan, Bedritskiy Ivan Mikhaylovich, Ph. D., Ass.Prof. of the chair «Power supply of the railways transports» of Tashkent Institute of Engineers Of Railways Transports, Uzbekistan,

E-mail: [email protected] Khasanov Mansur Yusup o'gli, postgraduate student of the Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan

The analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings

Abstract: article is devoted analysis of base characteristics and inaccuracies of electromagnetic transducers current to voltage with flat measuring windings.

Keywords: current, voltage, electromagnetic transducers, flat measure winding.

At management of continuous processes of manufacture, transfer, distribution and consumption of electric energy accuracy of elements and control system devices as errors in management conduct to a considerable economic damage have great value. Basic elements of measuring and operating systems in electric power industry are primary converters of a current in which quality current transformers are usually used.

Classical single-phase transformers of a current have a difficult converting part, the big indicators of weight and a dimension, are labor-consuming at designing and operation in control systems; do not provide unification of target size at teamwork with modern techniques of processing of the information. They do not consider interference of magnetic streams and the fields created by currents of a three-phase electric network of power supply systems.

The specified circumstances cause necessity ofworking out and introduction of the reliable, unified, exact electromagnetic converters of a current in voltage, the currents of a three-phase electric network differing from each other both on size considering asymmetry, and on a phase.

In [1; 2; 3] new designs of electromagnetic converters of a current in voltage with flat measuring windings (FMW) primary one-and a three-phase current in secondary voltage with the expanded functionality and the unified target sizes are offered. They consider asymmetry of a three-phase current and allow creating on their basis of system of high accuracy

for the combined management of reactive power of energy systems.

Formulas for building of the steady-state features for secondary voltages of the phases A, B and C three-phase electric network [2; 3]:

UA = 4,44 fWFm

_ Rit

A e L ± F A

max A rem A

Rt L,,

U b = 4,44fWFmaxb e L» ± FiemB e



UC = 4,44 fWF C e Lm ± F C e

C ' J max C remC




- Rmt Liii

The graphs of the steady-state features of the electromagnetic transdusers of the current to voltage for one phase are presented on fig. 1-4:

As can be seen from fig.1 and 2, when increase the air clearance A, sharply decreases the value of the output voltage U. The best values U are provided at value A equal 0,0020,003 m and count whorl WFMW equal 3-4 (fig. 3). Increase the number whorl of the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage promotes more fluent change the value U, change area sections of FMW provides linear change the output value U (fig. 4).

The results of the research of the influence of the temperature surrounding ambiences of current transformer on value U of the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW are presented on fig. 5.

Section 11. Technical sciences


Ac< omit iiig / /2


Exp< "lime utal

l-l \=20i mil

2-¿=2 2 iran 3-A=24iran

/A l=26i mil



24 LA

Fig. 1. The steady-state features of output voltage U under different FMW under importances of the air clearance A

Expt Liiine] itaL

''Ac comii Ulg

i t




Fig. 3. Dependency of the output voltage U under different importances of the number whorl — WFMW

What have shown the results of the research, total reliability of the design of electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW forms: R = R *R =0,98* 0,98=0,96,

O cat par ' ' ' '

where: R , — catastrophic reliability, R — parametric re-

cat L '1 par L

liability fully corresponds to the requirements of combined auto control systems of source of reactive power of energy systems.

For the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW total errors is defined based on foursquare inaccuracy windings excitement, magnetite, FMW and measuring scheme: S . . = 0,02; S = 0,01; S , =

o prim.win 1 ' m 1 ' fmw

0,01; S = 0,05.

' ' SniltVP '

U.B 16



\ \\ A tccoi lll(ill£

V ■S

/E1 qieiii lient? 1


2 4 6 Ax10"3m

Fig. 2. Dependency of the output voltage U with different importances

U.B 16


Ji /S l

Exp eiiin« ntal| 6

4ccoi mtiiij i



-4 2 SfmvxIO iran

Fig. 4. Dependency of the output voltage U under different importances area sections

The entropy importance of inaccuracy for the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW is defined on formula for S „ = k *S_, where: S_ -total impor-

trans e i i L

tance of inaccuracy of the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW, equal 0,11; ke -entropy factors, having different importance under different law of the distribution (for normal law of the distribution of inaccuracy ke = 2,07). The calculation is installed that entropy inaccuracy of the electromagnetic transducers of the current to voltage with FMW forms S = 0,11. The experimental dates of evidence


S = 0,21.

exp 1

U.B 16


w tli ii and nine einp Lit FMW ?iatme y

witt H CU] lient FMV


witl lOllt Í C1U1 eut F MW

Ex]] eiiin ental





Fig. 5. Research of the sources of inaccuracy output voltage U


1. For the investigated converter of a current in voltage with FMW best values out voltages U are provided at value of the air clearance — ^=0,002-0,003 m and numbers whorl

FMW — WFMW = 3-4.


2.When change a temperature surrounding ambiences, inaccuracy of the transformation increases 0,03%, wrong fabrication from FMW — 0,07%. Accounting entropy inaccuracy of the transducers of the current to voltage does not exceed 0,2%, but experimental importance of inaccuracy electromagnetic transducer of the current to voltage with FMW forms 0,21%.

3. Application of the investigated converter for automatic control of reactive power in electric networks allows raising service life of electric equipment at the expense of rated voltage.

4. At introduction of converters at 20 enterprises of Republic Uzbekistan at the expense of increase of accuracy of management by reactive power of loss of the electric power have decreased for 15% that corresponds to economy of 1,7 billion sum (370 000 $)

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