Научная статья на тему 'The activity of the zemstvo of Zmiev county in agriculture sphere in 1917–1919'

The activity of the zemstvo of Zmiev county in agriculture sphere in 1917–1919 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
zemstvo / Zmiev county / the civil war in Russia / земство / Змиевской уезд / Гражданская война в России / земство / Зміївський повіт / Громадянська війна у Росії

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Yuriy Alexandrovich Kolovrat-Butenko, Daria Ihorevna Bedner

The article is devoted to the work in the conditions of the civil war one of the most successful forms of administration – zemstvo. In the conditions of growing economic crisis, gaining the turns of the civil war, the zemstvo of Zmiev county was not only trying to provide the region's population with food, but also continued the policy of improving the quality of conducting of agriculture activity by local peasants. The fighting and the final consolidation of the Soviet power was interrupted this work of the local government. Reviewing of the work of the zemstvo in 1917– 1919 allow to make a conclusion about the high effectiveness of such form of administration, as the zemstvo.

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Деятельность земства Змиевского уезда в сфере сельского хозяйства в 1917–1919 гг.

Статья посвящена работе в условиях гражданской войны одной из наиболее удачных форм администрации – земству. В условиях нарастающего экономического кризиса, набирающей обороты гражданской войны, земство Змиевского уезда не только пыталось обеспечить население региона едой, но и продолжало политику повышения качества ведения местными крестьянами сельскохозяйственной деятельности. Боевые действия и окончательное закрепление советской власти прервали эту работу органов местного самоуправления. Обозрение работы земства в 1917–1919 гг. позволяет сделать вывод о высокой эффективности такой формы администрации, как земство.

Текст научной работы на тему «The activity of the zemstvo of Zmiev county in agriculture sphere in 1917–1919»

УДК 09(09) (477.54) «1917-1919» ББК Т63


Yuriy Alexandrovich Kolovrat-Butenko president of Zmiev Scientific Local Lore Society

Daria Ihorevna Bedner teacher of Zmiev lyceum №1 after named Z. K. Slyusarenko

Коловрат-Бутенко Ю. А., Беднер Д. И. Деятельность земства Змиевского уезда в сфере сельского хозяйства в 1917-1919 гг.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена работе в условиях гражданской войны одной из наиболее удачных форм администрации - земству. В условиях нарастающего экономического кризиса, набирающей обороты гражданской войны, земство Змиевского уезда не только пыталось обеспечить население региона едой, но и продолжало политику повышения качества ведения местными крестьянами сельскохозяйственной деятельности. Боевые действия и окончательное закрепление советской власти прервали эту работу органов местного самоуправления. Обозрение работы земства в 1917-1919 гг. позволяет сделать вывод о высокой эффективности такой формы администрации, как земство.

Ключевые слова: земство, Змиевской уезд, Гражданская война в России.

Коловрат-Бутенко Ю. О., Беднер Д. I. Д1яльн1сть земства Змивського пов^у у сфер1 сгльського господарства у 1917-1919 рр.

Анотащя. Статтю присвячено робот в умовах громадянсько! вшни одше'1 з найбыьш вдалих форм адмшктрацп - земству. В умовах наростаючо! економiчноï кризи, набираючо! обертв громадянсько'1' вшни, земство Змивського пов^у не тыьки намагалося забезпечити населення регюну ïжею, а й продовжувало пол^ику пщвищення якост ведення мкцевими селянами сыьськогосподарсько'1' дiяльностi. Бойовi дп та остаточне закршлення радянсько'1' влади перервали цю роботу оргашв мкцевого самоврядування. Огляд роботи земства в 1917-1919 рр. дозволяе зробити висновок про високу ефектившсть тако'1' форми адмшктрацп, як земство.

Ключовi слова: земство, Змпвський пов^, Громадянська вшна у Росп.

Yu. A. Kolovrat-Butenko, D. I. Bedner. The Activity of the Zemstvo of Zmiev County in Agriculture Sphere in 1917-1919.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the work in the conditions of the civil war one of the most successful forms of administration - zemstvo. In the conditions of growing economic crisis, gaining the turns of the civil war, the zemstvo of Zmiev county was not only trying to provide the region's population with food, but also continued the policy of improving the quality of conducting of agriculture activity by local peasants. The fighting and the final consolidation of the Soviet power was interrupted this work of the local government. Reviewing of the work of the zemstvo in 19171919 allow to make a conclusion about the high effectiveness of such form of administration, as the zemstvo.

Key words: zemstvo, Zmiev county, the civil war in Russia.

During half a century (1864-1919) the zemstvo of Zmiev county, as a phenomenon in the social, economic and political life, played an important role, becoming a powerful mechanism in the development of

the region. Branches entrusted to the zemstvo by Russian Empire (medicine, education, agriculture, infrastructure) exactly in this period received an exponential rate of development. Therefore, this research seems

topical. Especially if we talk about the period of 1917-1919.

Generally the Historiography of the zemstvo is quite large. The first scientific monograph belongs to B. B. Veselovsky [7]. The book collects data of the creation and operation of the institutions of the zemstvo in Russia in the period from 1864 to 1909. There is the information about the county that is interesting for us. But subsequently, in the period of the USSR, the zemstvo was studied poorly. Especially it concerns the local history literature. Also the zemstvo is not interesting for modern ethnographers. For example, in the works of M. I. Sayany [12], E. G. Dehodyuk [8] and collective book of L. P. Khimenko and K. M. Kovalenko [13], although there is a description of medicine, education and agriculture, but without denotation of the role of the zemstvo in the development of these branches. Such situation seems to us methodologically incorrect. One of our previous works devoted to medicine, but chronologically, it is brought only to 1917 [11].

These problems in history of the research of the work of the zemstvo of Zmiev county in 1917-1919 i. e. in one of the most crucial moments of history determine the necessity of the study of this topic.

The geographical scope of work are defined by area of scientific interests of Zmiev scientific local history society and comply with the administrative borders of Zmiev county as of 1919.

Chronologically, the article covers the period of active battle actions, socioeconomic and political transformations of civil war - the end of 1917 - the end of 1919.

The aim of the work is to study the functioning of the zemstvo of Zmiev county in conditions of devastation, its attempts to support agriculture in the hardest economic conditions.

Two revolutions of 1917 and the followed disorder have significant crippled to agriculture of Zmiev county. The best hotbeds were died and the substantial part of

the rolling farm machinery was stolen by local population.

Saving the property of the landlords (and thus the foundation of the economy of the county) from plundering by the peasants, the zemstvo has taken it on its balance or for rent. At the end of 1917 the sworn attorney A. T. Frantsevich wrote in council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county:

«In view of the fact that the council has been already given the agreement to the adoption of the rental use of wheel workshops of baron V. A. Ungern-Sternberg, at st. Aurélie hereby ask the council to take these workshops in its management and superintendence giving away the relevant certificate to this submitter, wheel master Maxim Kalashnikov in that the workshops are operated by the zemstvo and all equipment which are located in them are taken registration for the works by the agricultural implements.

With the adoption of the workshops I ask to hurry, because their integrity is in danger by the local peasants who believe that their workshops and inventory create membership of estate and is subjected to the peasants.

Also there were 6 forges (3 usable), 2 drills, 2 presses for the pressure holes and cutting of iron, 1 milling-machine for bushings, 3 clutches, 10 anvils, 7 tubiks with dies and mechiks, 5 large hammers, hand hammers and small tools, 8 workbenches, 1 adjustable machine for wheels, 1wooden turning, a full set of tools and 4 workbenches, 2 graters for paint not very soft brushes and other small tools in the workshop.

The price of workshops is 150 rub. per month, starting with January 1,1918.

The term is 1 year.

Also the rooms are rented for workers» [1, sh. 19, 21].

In March 1918, the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county was even compelled to make an application to the Council of Peasants' Deputies on elimination of the arbitrarily seizures [2, sh. 7 rev.]. Such excesses of the revolutionary time become

commonplace, and any power could not stop the people element.

However, the zemstvo of Zmiev continued its work in such difficult conditions. On the agronomic meeting November 19, 1917 agronomist of the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county V.A. Yablonovsky reported about the placement of rental of agricultural implements throughout the county: 40 zemstvo and 25 land survey points. Such points were placed in the following localities: Zmiev, Zidki, Borova, Dudkovka, Taranovka, Sokolov, Ohochaya, Gulyaypole, Borki, Sheludkovka, Skripai, Lyman, farm Georgievsky, Andreevka, farm Petrovsky, Kopanca, Volchy Yar, Balakleya, Verbovka, Borschevka, Chuguev, Kamennaya Yaruga, Vvedenskoe, Zarozhnoe, Korobochka, Malinovka, Grakovo, Mosypanovka, Volohov Yar, Brigadirovka, Dudnikov Yar, Petropolye, Alekseevka, Bereka, Otrada, Shebelinka, Glazunovka, Aseevka, Lozovenka, Pavlovka, Preobrazhenskoe, Plisovoe, Ivashkovka, Lygovka, Motuzovka (Novonikolaevka)1 (Shopinka) (Chernokamenka) (Tsybin Yar). Herewith the made the decision to transfer the Kochetoksky rental in Malinovka [2, sh. 12].

At the same meeting it was increased fee for rent of agricultural implements:

for the cleaning of grain by cockle and sorting 2 kop. / pood; for the cleaning of grain on sorting 1 kop. / pood; for seeder 2 rub. / day; for plow 75 kop. / day; for harrow 40 kop. / day; for lushchilnik (boukari) 1 rub. / day;

for thresher 8 rub. / day; for the disc harrow 1 rub. / day; for hand weeders 25 kop. / day; for mounted weeders 50 kop. / day;

1 Some localities are pointed in original in brackets. The meaning of these brackets from this text is unclear.

for hiller (ukr. pidgortach) 50 kop. / day;

for horse straw 25 kop. / day; for hand straw 50 kop. / day; for truck 20 kop. / day; for reaper 2 rub. / day; for winnow 1.50 rub. / day [2, sh. 2].

Characteristically, raising the fee, agronomists discussed the issue of cancellation fees as such. No less important issue was to discuss the ways of repairing implements on the points. The meeting decided to write the assignment to district agronomists to examine the degree of damage implements and establish the possibility of repair on the spot. Agronomists should send the data to the council of the zemstvo of county with petitions of transfer of the advances [2, sh. 2]. The following spring, it was decided: to adapt the local smithies for the agricultural machinery, repair and bespeak the details at the factories [2, sh. 7].

In January 1918 in Andreevka it was planned to hold the courses for the population on beekeeping, cattle breeding, grass cultivation, natural history, gardening, horticulture, apiculture, pig-breeding, feeding animals, farm shops and agricultural cooperatives. The pay for lecturers was increased from 1 to 2 rubles. The agronomists of the county improved their skills too. For example, V. A. Yablonovsky went on the agronomic congresses in Kiev and Kharkov [2, sh. 2 rev.].

In November 1917, 6 agronomic plots were distributed in Zmiev county: in Zmiev, Andreevka, Chuguev, Preobrazhenskoe, Otradnoe, Volokhov Yar. Herewith the question was put about the necessity of creation a plot in Taranovka [2, sh. 2 rev.]. But in mid-March 1918 in connection with the difficult economic situation the zemstvo could substitute only two agronomists of the necessary four, on the agronomic plots: Alexeyevka and Andreevka [2, sh. 5].

In November 1917, the sires were procured by the zemstvo of Zmiev: stallions, bulls and knurov. At the same time the question was discussed about the demobilization from the front the «equine stocks». According to the decree the agronomic meeting should organize the widespread awareness of the people about the possibility of the acquisition of demobilized horses. The size of the deposit was set - 25 rub. for horse [2, sh. 2 rev., 3]. By March next year, the zemsto of Zmiev began to experience difficulties in acquiring fodder for the pedigree animals. To get out of the predicament P. A. Kostjukov2 offered to apply to the Kharkov food council with a petition about leave for the zemstvo from the estates of Schreieder and others located in the Alexeevka, Nizhne-Orelsky,

Preobrazhenskoe, Popelnyanskoe Otradnoe parishes, 2,000 pounds of hay and 500 pounds of oats, and also acquire the chaff-cutter for Zmiev point. This offer was adopted unanimously by the agronomic meeting of the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county [2, sh. 5 rev., 6].

Nevertheless, the spring of 1918 there was no fura. It put in jeopardy the delivery of the released stallions from Kharkov factory stables. To save the existing sires from starvation, it was decided that the stallion «Gafoor» will be sent to Burluk and 2 bulls in Lyman, i. e. in more secured fodder places. Concerning the delivery of stallions it was planned that in case of the agreement of the zemstvo of Popelnyanskoe parish to put a room and give the fodder - to put the breeding point in Chernokamenka [2, sh. 6].

In November 1917 it was decided to terminate the cheap sale of seeds, but arrange more demonstration areas for sowing the seeds of which give out for free

2 In 1917 Pavel Andreevich Kostjukov was registered as a clerk of the technical department of the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county. The son of the freeman (Харьковский календарь на 1917 год. Год сорок пятый. - Х., 1917. - С. 51).

[2, sh. 6]. By mid-March 1918 the situation is significantly deteriorated. Therefore, V. A. Yablonovsky offered to use the seeds, that were requisitioned by Chuguev food council in the estate «Rotermund and Weiss», instituting the appropriate petition [2, sh. 5].

At the same time the zemsto of Zmiev county with a view to the speedy sale of frozen cabbage and beet from the vegetable stores, decided to reduce the price by selling cabbage - 1 rub. for pood and beet - 1 rub. for pood [2, sh. 6].

In 1918, the government of hetman P. Skoropadsky, intending to warn oncoming hunger, had sent the requests to all county zemstvos in the presence of waters suitable for fish farming. In response the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county inter alia reported: «Recently, the Donets River, Uda, Bereka and Orell were abounded with fish, but because of predatory fishing by the thick nets and at an inopportune time, when the fish spawn, its number has cut. Such species as bream, pikeperch, carp completely disappeared from local rivers» [3, sh. 4 rev.]. Therefore, to solve the food problem at the expense of fishery has not been possible.

The situation was aggravated by inflation, which strongly influenced on the provision of countryside by staff. The salary of veterinary paramedic of Zmiev county in October and November 1917 was 141.66 rub. and 33.34 rub. the increase in the dearness. The salary of veterinarian in May 1918 was 250 rub. and 175 rub. the increase in the dearness [4, sh. 1, 28]. The salary of workers (data in Kharkov) in 1919 was 200-600 rub. per month [9, p. 237]. In connection with inflation in 1919 the council of the zemstvo of Zmiev county petitioned to increase the salaries. So, for example, the salary of veterinarians should be 3000 rub. per year, for veterinary paramedics - 1 200 rub. To salary relied the apartment (to pay for a removable housing): 600 rub. per year for veterinarians, for veterinary paramedics -360 rub. per year. Besides the meeting of the zemstvo of Zmiev county set 70 % the

increase in the dearness of the basic salary of veterinarians and 80 % of veterinary paramedics [5, sh. 17].

The evidence of the downward financial situation was the fact that the May 21, 1918 released a circular on which the councils of the county zemstvo and insurance agents of Kharkov province were allowed to insure the buildings on credit. And there were what to insure, after all the zemstvo of Zmiev county owned by the agricultural warehouses, breeding points, pedigree animals. In Zmiev on the zemstvo balance were brick stable and brick animal barn for pigs. In addition, on 24 and 26 September, 1918 Kharkiv provincial of the zemstvo council initiated the question of insurance of farm animals within the province [6, sh. 1, 5, 7, 20, 36].

As seen from the above, in conditions of the growing economic crisis, the zemstvo of Zmiev county was not only trying to ensure the region's population with food, but also to continue the policy of improving the quality of conducting the agriculture activities by the local peasants. Only fighting and the final consolidation of the Soviet power was interrupted this work of the zemstvo. However, the review of the work of the zemstvo in 1917-1919 let to conclude about a high effectiveness of such form of organization of local self-government.


1. Kharkiv region State Archives. - Fund 309. -Inventory 1. - Storage unit 27.

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6. Kharkiv region State Archives. - Fund 309. -Inventory 1. - Storage unit 32.

7. Веселовский Б. Б. История земства за сорок лет : В 4 томах / Б. Б. Веселовский. - СПб., 1909-1911.

8. Дегодюк Е. Г. Лиман. Село Змпвського району Харювсько! област / Е. Г. Дегодюк. - К., 2009.

9. История города Харькова ХХ века / А. Н. Ярмыш, С. И. Посохов, А. И. Эпштейн и др. - Х., 2004.

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11. Коловрат Ю. А. Краткий очерк истории медицины Змиевского уезда в земский период. 1865-1917 гг. / Ю. А. Коловрат. -Змиев, 2011.

12. Саяний М. I. Змпвщина - Слобожанщини перлина / М. I. Саяний. - Х., 2009.

13. Хименко Л. П. Соколiв и соколяни. З далекого минулого до сьогодення (Iсторiя. Документи. Спогади) / Л. П. Хименко, К. М. Коваленко. -Балаклея, 2007.

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