Научная статья на тему 'Territorial organization of recreational activity'

Territorial organization of recreational activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
recreation / natural potential / recreation resources / territorial recreation system
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The article discusses the importance of organization of recreation activity taking into account people"s needs for having rest. There is given a classification of functional recreational zones based on the distance parameters, time and material expenses.

Текст научной работы на тему «Territorial organization of recreational activity»

y^K 504



O. Kihtenko, student, S. Anisimova, ass. prof., E. Voronova, ass. prof.,


Abstract. The article discusses the importance of organization of recreation activity taking into account people’s needs for having rest. There is given a classification of functional recreational zones based on the distance parameters, time and material expenses.

Key words: recreation, natural potential, recreation resources, territorial recreation system.


The constant increase of urbanization level and economic assimilation of natural landscapes of a region makes urgent the problem of maintenance of recreational needs of people and simultaneously preservation of nature in places of rest.

In modern conditions any territory acts as a natural resource that has alternative opportunities to satisfy various public needs’ and therefore the development of several kinds of activity (both mutually complementary and mutually exclusive) differ in character of nature exploitation determined by function designation of place at present or in future.

Organization of recreational activity

The quantity of types of nature usage, to be possible to carry out on a certain territory, is caused by a number of factors:

- structure and character of public needs;

- resources of the given territory, their combination into a certain place and by conditions of their development;

- types of nature usage to take place in other (adjacent and remote) territories;

- size of the territory.

The recreational potential of a territory is considered to be an equivalent potential of other social and necessary kinds of activity. To achieve maximum capacity of potential recreational territory at present or future it is necessary to consider all the consumptions and proportional correlation of every kind of nature usage on a certain territory.

With the purpose of the analysis of the basic needs of cities in creation of close places of rest the settlement zones for cities with the perspective

population of more than 10 thousand men were determined. In accounts the Kimshted’s formula was used, on which the radius of zones of an arrangement of close places of rest is defined

R = 2 ■.-------, km


where H - number of the citizens

Pic. 1. Structure of a suburban zone of city: 1 - cities, 2 - localizations of natural conditions for rest organization, 3 - borders of a green zone of the city, 4 - borders of the country

It is possible to offer classification of recreational territories on the basis of the literature references. It is given in the table 1.

To define the recreational potential of a territory one can find out a number of factors preventing their rational usage. Besides the relation within the territorial recreational system (TRS) between it’s components «rest and natural recreation territory» are

T able 1 Classification of recreational territory for short-term rest depending on the factor of territorial availability

Population, thousand th, Thousand the man. Class of territorial availability

R radius, km I II III IV V

10 ~6,5 0,5- 1 1-2 2-3 , 'Л, 34 6, 4, 5 5 I

50 ~14 - 03 3-5 5-7 18 О 1 40 I

100 20 1-5 5-8 8-12 12- 16 16- 20

1000 60- 3- 10- 20- 35- 50-

65 10 20 25 50 65

2000 85- 5- 15- 30- 55- 75-

90 15 30 55 75 90

complex and dynamic. The duration of existence of TRS formed by them depends both on parameters and adaptive qualities of a natural subsystem and on a subsystem «having a rest». Forecasting the development of TRS it is necessary to take into account both prevailing chosen by tendencies recreants to places and kinds of rest and interrelation peculiar to subsystems. According to quality of the natural resource potential of the prevailing needs of recreants can vary therefore the realization of functional differentiation of certain territory is expedient.

For any group of recreants tendencies chosen by them in most cases depend on distance parameters, time and material expenses. According to it the following functional recreational zones are selected:

I. remote rest zones, which can include:

1. All-the-year-round recreation zones:

- rest and tourism seaside areas;

- rest and tourism mountain areas;

2. Periodic (Seasonal) recreation zones:

- Rest and tourist riverside areas (The Dnieper, the Dnister, the Desna, the Northern Donets).

- Health-improving rest areas situated near zones of nature protection and with limited economic activity (natural parks, reserves).

II. Nearest rest zones:

1. Sports centers.

2. Quiet rest centers in areas of mosaic landscapes, near water or forests.

III. Rest zones in the district of residence:

1. Rest areas within the city (parks, reservoirs, gardens).

2. Rest areas in the suburbs ( vacant urban territories, forests, woodland).

Various functional types of TRS have the specific features of territorial organization to be taken into account for achieving rational confort from functional and territorial structure of material base for recreational needs(requirements).


Recreational potential of any territory appears to be equivalent to the potentials of other socially necessary kinds of activity. Thus for achieving the maximal capacity of potential of recreational territory nowadays or in future it is necessary to take into account different socially necessary expenses.

The estimation of alternative variants to use a territory for recreational purposes in comparison with the estimation of other public needs potentials allows to define the further character of nature consumption on a given territory and in particular the character of further recreational usage.


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природных условий для организации отдыха. - М: АН СССР, 1969. - 320 с.

2. Долженко Г.П., Беленко Н.Г. Рекреационная

география и туризм. - М: РнД РГУ, 1983. -270.

3. Шеффер Е.Т. Ладшафтные исследования и

планирование отдыха. - М: АН СССР, 1973.

- 490 с.

4. Клюшкин В.А., Михайлова И.Ф. Анализ и

оценка природных ландшафтов в проектах рекреационного освоения бассейна о. Байкал // Зоны отдыха и озеленение городов. -1973. - №4. - С. 152-167.

Рецензент: Э.Б. Хоботова, профессор, д.т.н.,


Статья поступила в редакцию 12 сентября 2006 г.

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