Научная статья на тему 'Terminology as a special field of linguistics'

Terminology as a special field of linguistics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ismailova G. K.

This article deals with such general linguistic problems as the structure of the word, lexical system, phraseological system of the German, Russian and Kazakh languages. Nomination of concepts in financial credit system of terminology in the form of a substantive word, i.e. in the form of a noun takes place in all three languages. On the whole they have similarities on the ways of lexical substantive nomination in the form of simple noun, affixation derivation, compound word and on semantics derivation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Terminology as a special field of linguistics»

/ «возможность существования давали...»; «я постиг»/«на мой взгляд»), различное лексическое наполнение сегментов («возможность существования»/ «средство существования»).

К маркерам трансформации, обусловленным экстралинг-вистическими факторами и отражающим различия в выражении единой микроситуации действительности, отнесены: членение фрагментов на разное количество сегментов, различия в выборе лексических единиц и отличия в деталях описания (в переводе во втором сегменте опущено то, что «заросли были высокими»).

Итак, специфический характер процесса образования перевода как особого вида вторичного текста определяется целью создания перевода, которая заключается в социальной потребности создать тот же текст, но на другом, доступном получателям языке. Эта цель определяет стремление переводчика к максимальному тождеству перевода оригиналу на всех уровнях, то есть к максимальной эквивалентности. В ходе пропози-тивного анализа и сопоставления выбранных фрагментов выяснилось, что стремление к тождеству, эквивалентности текстов проявляется в сохранении микроситуации оригинала при

Библиографический список

переводе. Однако эквивалентность текстов расценивается лишь как относительная, поскольку в силу влияния лингвистических и экстралингвистических факторов перевода во вторичном тексте происходят структурно-семантические преобразования, проявляющиеся в появлении маркеров трансформации, которые были выявлены в ходе проведённого анализа. Та же цель создания перевода детерминирует абсолютное изменение формы вторичного текста. Таким образом, существование первичного текста на языке оригинала и целевая установка переводчика определяют необходимость образования текста, полностью отличающегося от оригинала по форме, но сохраняющего как можно большую степень тождественности на смысловом и функциональном уровнях. Следовательно, специфический характер процесса образования перевода как особого вида вторичного текста определяется, прежде всего, изменением языка с исходного на переводящий. Важно отметить при этом, что такое изменение должно быть эквивалентным, то есть при смене языка содержание оригинала на уровне микроситуаций должно сохраняться.

1. Бровкина, Ю.Ю. К проблеме деривационной текстологии / Ю.Ю. Бровкина, Н.А. Волкова, Т.Н. Никонова, А.А. Чувакин // Человек -

Коммуникация - Текст: сб. ст. / отв. ред. А.А. Чувакин. - Барнаул, 2000. - Вып. 4.

2. Голев, Н.Д. К основаниям деривационной интерпретации вторичных текстов / Н.Д. Голев, Н.В. Сайкова [Э/р]. - Р/д: http:// lingvo. asu. ru/ golev/articles/z89. html

3. Калинина, В.Д. Теория и практика перевода: курс лекций. - М., 2008.

4. Henry, O. The Octopus Marooned [Э/р]. - Р/д: http:// www. literaturecollection. com/ a/ o_henry/236/

5. Генри, О. Сочинения: в 3 т. - М., 1975. - Т. 2.

6. Шмелёва, Т.В. Смысловая организация предложения и проблема модальности // Актуальные проблемы русского синтаксиса. - М., 1984.


1. Brovkina, Yu.Yu. K probleme derivacionnoyj tekstologii / Yu.Yu. Brovkina, N.A. Volkova, T.N. Nikonova, A.A. Chuvakin // Chelovek -Kommunikaciya - Tekst: sb. st. / otv. red. A.A. Chuvakin. - Barnaul, 2000. - Vihp. 4.

2. Golev, N.D. K osnovaniyam derivacionnoyj interpretacii vtorichnihkh tekstov / N.D. Golev, N.V. Sayjkova [Eh/r]. - R/d: http:// lingvo. asu. ru/ golev/articles/z89. html

3. Kalinina, V.D. Teoriya i praktika perevoda: kurs lekciyj. - M., 2008.

4. Henry, O. The Octopus Marooned [Eh/r]. - R/d: http:// www. literaturecollection. com/ a/ o_henry/236/

5. Genri, O. Sochineniya: v 3 t. - M., 1975. - T. 2.

6. Shmelyova, T.V. Smihslovaya organizaciya predlozheniya i problema modaljnosti // Aktualjnihe problemih russkogo sintaksisa. - M., 1984.

Статья поступила в редакцию 15.07.12

УДК 801.3: 336.01

Ismailova G.K. TERMINOLOGY AS A SPECIAL FIELD OF LINGUISTICS. This article deals with such general linguistic problems as the structure of the word, lexical system, phraseological system of the German, Russian and Kazakh languages. Nomination of concepts in financial credit system of terminology in the form of a substantive word, i.e. in the form of a noun takes place in all three languages. On the whole they have similarities on the ways of lexical substantive nomination in the form of simple noun, affixation derivation, compound word and on semantics derivation.

Key words: financial credit system, market economy, term, terminology, language structure, scientific and special notions, nomination, borrowings, word formation, phrase formation.

Г.К. Исмаилова, канд. филол. наук, доц., г. Семей, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье рассматриваются такие общие лингвистические проблемы, как структура слова, лексические системы, фразеологические системы немецкого, русского и казахского языков. Выдвижение концепции терминологии финансово-кредитной системы в форме существенного слова, т.е. в форме имени существительного происходит на всех трех языках. В целом они имеют сходства в способах лексических номинаций в виде простых существительных.

Financial and credit system is a certain conceptual space, which is structurally dismembered by every language differently. That means it internally consists of separate spheres, parts. In a study of its linguistic structure, we proceeded from the division into 2 fragments: verbal and substantive, each of which we examine separately, independently in three languages and in relation to each other.

In the terminology of financial and credit system we investigated the lexical category in the form of simple, derived and compound verbs. Basically they are derived from substantive, substantive expressed categories and concepts of financial credit system, i.e. they are denominative verb formations. Their semantics depends on the semantics of those substantive terms which they came from,

for example: Finanzen - finanzieren, финансы - финансировать, к,аржы - к аржыландыру; Kredit - kreditieren, кредит - кредитовать, несие - несиелеу; Saldo-saldieren, сальдо - сальдировать, сальдо - сальдолау [1].

Such verbs are very few in each of the three languages. The number of verbs of figurative semantics is also low. All these simple words are different by the system of infinitive suffixes and endings -avalieren - авалировать - авальдау.

The following type represents the derived verbs-terms. They are complicated by derivational suffixes, prefixes. In German, they number 60, in Russian -70, and in Kazakh - only 15, as a distinctive feature of verbal word-formation of the Kazakh language in the field

of finance and credit is the absence of prefixing word - formative elements. Prefixing verbs in the Kazakh language are more borrowings or calques with the prefixes дe -, рe - for example, реин-вестициялау, демонетизациялау [2].

Complex verbs in the financial credit system we have identified separately. According to our card file verbs of such word formative structure are found only in German and Russian, they are about 20, for example, zurbckzahlen, hochtreiben, самофинансировать, самоокупиться. We have not discovered verbs of this structural type in the Kazakh language.

The pattern of verbal terminology nomination of concepts of financial and credit system in the form of stable combinations looks quite different. They are several times higher than in the verbal lexemic terminological nomination. If the number of German verbal nominations in the form of simple derivation and complex verbs is about one hundred units then in the form of fixed verbal phrases -about seven hundred. And in regard to structural and semantic types of linguistic structure and expression of the nature of its semantics they are much more diverse. In other words, lingual consciousness of German more appeals to a phraseological method of nomination, than to the lexical. In German cross-language phraseological variants are differentiated: variation of an article, preposition, case, for example, den Preis reduzieren, eine Anleihe aufnehmen. In the Russian language object-directed phrase formative models prevail: реализовать портфель ценных бумаг, акцептовать вексель коммерческого банка, субсидировать объекты экономики. They are about six hundred. In the Kazakh language phrase formative models have genitive-object structure, for example, эмиссияны дай-ындау, белсенді твлем балансын жасау [3].

In the verbal system of expression of financial and credit terms of the three languages on the basis of fixed combinations another pattern is found out. These are phrase combinations containing in its structure reinterpreted metaphorically-evaluation components and presenting in one respect or another idiomatic expressive-evaluative phraseological nomination, for example, heiЯes Geld konvertieren, фиксировать ножницы цен, добиться ясельного финансирования, долларовая инъекция and in the Kazakh language доллар-ды “енгізу“. This can be explained by the fact that even in such a special terminology of reality as finance and credit, the human mind can not refuse such a capability, both figuratively expressive, based on analogies to reflect and represent the concepts of finance and credit.

Numerical superiority and structural semantic diversity of verbal nomination of concepts of the financial credit terminological system by means of verbal set word combinations is explained by the following factor: on the whole the scale and content of financial credit terminological system are determined by those basic notions which are introduced in a subjective form, i.e. in subjects. This is as a rule the nucleus of this system and proper notions of the financial credit system are characterized by the capacity to be combined with a number of different verbs of non-terminological group forming a whole group of verbal phraseological nominations or verbal phraseological nominative paradigm of denotation of one and the same substantively expressed concept but in different verbal combination or in different financial credit usage, for example, einen Kredit sichern, in Anspruch nehmen, einen Kredit ьberziehen, einen Kredit кьndigen, einen Kredit abdecken, einen Kredit erhalten, einen Kredit ein^umen, einen Kredit er^nen, einen Kredit genieЯen, einen Kredit gewдhren, einen Kredit geben.

As far as we can see valence distributive verbal compatibility of such substantive lexical terminological financial credit system of the German language is very wide and on the basis of these terms it has the formation of twelve verbal phraseological nominations in financial credit system of the German language. All other substantive terms in a form of a word have the same process.

Practically it is the main mechanism of the verbal terminological phrasal formation and the essential factor of quantitative superiority of the verbal phraseological terminological nomination over verbal lexemic nomination.

As an example there can be a fragment of substantive financial credit terminological system in each of the three languages and between languages according to the mentioned above scheme in language research.

In financial credit system of the Russian and Kazakh languages there are also substantive words of the similar word formative structure. Its number is about 200 units, for example, вексель, гарант, чек, баж, жал, ж'йе. Moreover, all of them are borrowings [4].

The next type of substantive lexemic terms are affixation units.

There are lots of substantive terms, formed by means of suffixes in financial credit system of the German, Russian and Kazakh languages. In German there more than 1,5 thousand units. Among

them regular suffixes of word formative models are: -un, -e, -heit, -keit, - tion: die Akzise, die Buchung, die Konvertierung.

There are about 1000 units in Russian and the suffixes such as -ость, -ние are very active, for example, инвестирование, доходность, дисконтирование.

There are about 800 units in Kazakh and the most regular are in noun formation are the following suffixes such as -гер, - кер, -ьы,, -лщ , -ды, , -дк, -шы, -шл, чк, -ыс, -ю, for example, к аржыгвр, кептдж, салы,шы, табыс, ю^с.

It's clear that the main point is the system of suffixes in all three languages denoting abstract semantics on the whole, i.e. abstract concepts from financial credit field of analysed languages.

Prefix suffixed nouns in financial credit system are also highly productive the number of which is more than 1000 units in German, for example, Durchrechung, Unterpacht. In Russian prefixed nouns are significantly few. Among them prefixes which are widely spread: -при, - под, -пере, for example, прирост, подсчет.

Prefixed formation of lexical terms in financial credit system refers only to two languages: German and Russian in particular, in Kazakh this way of formation is absent.

Interesting patterns are detected in financial credit system of three languages in the sphere of complex words.

Composition in German is absolute majority, thus it considerably prevails over other ways of word formation. About 2,5 000 units were formed by this way of word and term formation in financial credit system of the German language, for example, Finanzfutures, Steuerkataster, Hilfskonto. In Russian complex words are considerably less than in German. There are about 700 units: банкнота, жирооборот, банкрот.

The same tendency is observed in financial credit system of the Kazakh language. There are about several hundreds, for example, енбе,а, ы, инфраурылым.

Therefore, composition is a word formative way that is highly productive in German but poorly developed in Russian and Kazakh. However, suffixation is highly developed in Kazakh, prefixation and suffixation - in Russian.

The next typical feature in lexical term formation of financial credit terminological system of three languages is that the semantic lexical way of lexical term formation is highly productive. A great number of lexical terms in Russian, German, Kazakh are formed by this way of lingual derivation. The mechanism of metaphoric and metonymic figurative meaning of words are on the basis of these ways of word formation. For instance, nouns from public language: in German “Steueroase” - tax oasis - the country grant tax discounts to foreign investors, der Baissespekulant - a bear- a direct meaning, terminological meaning -а stag, playing for decrease in the rate of securities, currency; ба, а - а stag, playing for increase in the rate of securities, currency; пл - a variety of bank certificates, the cost of which is more than 100 000 $ US [5].

In substantive fragment of investigated conceptual space a certain number of analyzed concepts is expressed in the form of fixed word combinations. There is a certain regularity: the more complicated notion, the more complicated the structure of the corresponding term combination. Due to this reason there are two, three and four component substantive word combinations in all three languages expressing and nominating definite notions in financial credit system of three languages. Overall they repeat the structure of substantive syntactic word combinations which are typical of syntax, syntax system for each of three languages. In German they are not so numerous and structural semantically diverse other in Russian or Kazakh. The cause is that in German substantive word formation, in particular, composition is strongly developed. Therefore, in German term combinations in the form of substantive word combinations are second to term combinations in respect of the substantive word. There are about 300 units of them, for example, laufendes Konto, active Zahlungsbilanz.

On the contrary, in Russian and Kazakh substantive term combinations are highly regular and they're numerous, for instance, нуллификация валюты, активы банка, дивидендный налогооблагаемый доход, нары, зацдары, багалы , аг аздарын айна-лымдылыгы. Moreover, in financial credit system expressive evaluative substantive term combinations are also widespread in semantics.

As it was stated above one of the regular ways of development and enrichment of lexical and phraseological systems of any language are borrowings.

In financial credit terminological system are many borrowings from English - Barter, Business, Spot; from Italian - Saldo, Valuta, Franko, Avisto; from French- Devisen, Akzise, Allonge. Similar and other borrowings penetrate in Kazakh mainly in two ways: a) through Russian and b) directly through corresponding languages. To tell

the truth, the first way is the most active, compare: банк, маржа, ипотека, аккредитив [6]. The most regular way of financial credit system enlargement of the Kazakh language is replication of morphological structure of Russian substantive terms, for example, тексе^с, мндеттеме, налы,, несие.

So, the analysis of lingual structure of financial credit terminological system of three analysed languages in the aspect of lexical and phraseological nomination, derivation and in verbal substantive opposition showed that there are more general features in three languages than differences. It is evidence that phraseological notional space of analyzed terminological system of three languages has more similarities than differences in all parameters of research of that terminological system. Coincidence or similarity is available on the size and content of that notional space, on main ways of terminological system enrichment, on main lexical and phraseological ways of nominated concepts of the terminological system, on asymmetry character in verbal and substantive lexical and phraseological nomination and derivation. Differences occur only in some cases, in particular, absence of prefix way of lingual derivation, absence of prepositions, therefore, prepositional substantive structures in the Kazakh language. In other words, asymmetry and differences in lexico-phraseological assimilation and presentation of financial credit terminological system of three analyzed languages is defined mainly by differences in the language type and system -structural peculiarities in initial systems in all three languages, in particular, in word formative, lexical and syntactic systems of the German, Russian and Kazakh languages.

Language is a particular human category and the main power of any nation. Communication is an important part of human life and language meets all demands of people in verbal communication. Another prominent function of a language is cumulative that is to accumulate knowledge about the world. The information obtained by a man is kept in the main lingual units such as words, word-combinations phraseological units, sentences and texts. Objective world knowledge exists in various forms. Scientific knowledge takes place among all kinds of knowledge. It's concentrated in special categories of lingual units such as terms and terminological system. It also indicates the level of science, society and industry development. Terms and terminological system reflect the only moment in gnoseology of an ethnos, in particular, what scientific knowledge this or that ethnos has. The process of globalization, the introduction of world states into the market economy, their cooperation in various fields of science, industry and culture may contribute to the inter-penetration and mutual enrichment of terminological systems of different nations and languages. The exceptional significance of the scientific and other special terms, scientific information in the development of science, economy and culture of people determines the need for a special collaboration between researchers and exports in the field of terminology. It also actualize the adoption of a variety of activities in this area, in particular, the systematization and standardization of terms , creation of


ideographic, explanatory, and translation dictionaries text books and teaching aids in industry terminology. Any scientific, industrial professional or other kinds of special notions in any special sphere of ethnic knowledge and human activities obtain its lingual objectification and representation through certain language categories in particular, nominative, lexical and phraseological meaning, borrowing, calking. In categorical relation the scientific and specific notion of terminological systems are presented in two categories: objective or objectified and action process or procedural. This is the reason that in terminological system including finance and credit there are two types of category concepts of terminology systems: substantive and verbal. They, in their turn are not homogeneous that is, there are it is own different types and subtypes and they all have their own semantic nomination, referential characteristics and preferences. It is specified by means and models of word of phrase formation. Word and phrase forming systems, loan translation and borrowing on one hand and lexical, phraseological system which is the basis of any terminology system, including finance and credit one. But different languages have their own ideo-ethnic features. They cannot help reflecting the national thinking and the nature of linguistic structure of terminological system. The analysis of linguistic structure of financial and credit system of German, Russian, Kazakh languages clearly confirmed this regularity. Especially bright diamorphism of the given language categories is observed at the level of substantive and verbal lexical and phraseological nomination and derivation. Any kind of asymmetry in all of these and other categories is predetermined by peculiarities of language type. That is why there are more similarities, analogies, coincidences in lexical and phraseological nomination in Russian and German than in Kazakh, German and Russian [7].

It is indicated on the level of structural semantic word formation and phrase formation, as well as on verbal and substantive word and phrase formation level, notional lacoons, borrowings and calkings.

On the other hand the Kazakh language being of agglutinative type possesses quiet different word and phrase formation system, yet reveals more structural similarities with Russian than with German. This is due to the significant reason: all the close contacts between Russian and Kazakh people, between Kazakh and Russian language, the presence of borrowings in Kazakh terminology including financial and credit terminology of the Kazakh language as well as the tracing the morphological structure of the terms of the Russian language. This is the reason that the same terminology concept of finance and credit system is expressed in the researched languages by different forms and ways, what is more, the method and form of expression in Kazakh and Russian languages are often the same. This study represents one of the first applications of the integrated studies of the finance and credit system of terminology in three languages. The progress and results of research reveal a lot of problems and it determines the great perspective of this research topic.

1. Nassyrova, М. Aleumettik-ekonomikalyk terminderdin kyskasha oryssha-kazaksha tusinderme sozdigi. / М. Nassyrova. - А., 1990.

2. Aldasheva, А. Zhana ataular (Kazak leksikasyndagy zhana koldanystar) / А. Aldasheva, Sh. Sarybayev, N.Ualiyev. - А., 1992.

3. Kenesbayev I. Kazak tilinyn phraseologiyalyk sozdigi. / I. Kenesbayeva. - А., 1977.

4. Dal, V.I. Tolkovy slovar russkogo yazyka sovremennaya versiya / V.I. Dal. - М., 2001.

5. Anglo-russkiy slovar bankovskikh i finansovykh terminov. - М., 1992. - Т.1.

6. Volkova, Т. Universalniy slovar inostrannikh slov russkogo yazyka / T.Volkova. - М., 2000.

7. Vechkanov, G.S. Kratkaya ekonomicheskaya entsiklopedia / G.S. Vechkanov, G.R. Vechkanova, V.T. Pulyayev. - Sankt-Peterburg, 1998. Статья поступила в редакцию 15.07.12

УДК 802.0+801.6

Kravtsova T.A. METALINGUISTIC STRATEGY FOR PROVIDING EFFECTIVE TEXT COMMUNICATION. The article deals with peculiarities in realization of metalinguistic strategy in the text communication, it describes some types of metacommentary speech tactics, their contents and functions, illustrated with examples taken from English fiction.

Key words: metalinguistic strategy, metalinguistic tactics, metalinguistic commentary, communication tension, language ego.

Т.А. Кравцова, аспирант каф. перевода и межкультурной коммуникации Алтайской гос. педагогической академии, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье рассматриваются особенности реализации стратегии метакомментирования в художественном тексте, предлагается типология речевых тактик, выявляется их содержательный и функциональный потенциал.

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