Section 6. Philology and linguistics
Borisova Yuliya Mikhailovna, Candidate of philological sciences, Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail: [email protected]
Terminologisation of the archaic and dialect vocabulary for animal transport in the Yakut language
Abstract: Development of scientific-technical progress generates inevitable changes in traditional lifestyle of the peoples, which leads to the extinction of the entire topical groups of vocabulary. The necessity to study archaic and dialect lexical layer that serves to name animal transport is provoked by the fact that this part of the vocabulary gradually passes into passive use: together with realia, their names also disappear. Currently, this category of words in the speech of middle-aged and younger people is limited or not used at all. In this respect, timely collection and fixation of terminological units of the specified industry, their systematization within the frames of intra-verbal and inter-verbal means of term formation become especially relevant.
Keywords: Yakut language, terminological vocabulary for transport system, terminologisation, archaisms, dialecticisms, animal transport.
Old Yakut means of transportation were adapted to the conditions of rough taiga. The Yakut hadn't known wheel carriers before the Russians came, and, until very recently, people in the more wild areas never saw a wheel. Sledges and sleighing were known; in central districts, Yakut sledges had almost identical shape with the Russian wood sledge; and in the north, there were straight plank reindeer sledges [5].
Archaized and dialect vocabulary for animal transport forms an original layer of vocabulary of the Yakut language, the study of which gives a lot of interesting information both, for language specialists and historians and ethnographers. The analysis of this vocabulary layer allows acquainting with the material culture of the Sakha people, its present and historical past, and contributes to the revelation of household-cultural relations of the Yakut with other peoples.
E. I. Okoneshnikov notes that in recent past, the entire layers of the Yakut vocabulary related to socio-political, religious, moral and other historical
realis were considered archaized [2, 151]. It also includes terminological vocabulary for animal transport, which is proved by the material collected from «Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language». The developers of this Dictionary note that the multi-volume academic normative Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language most fully covers the vocabulary and phraseology of the modern Yakut literature language, common dialecticisms, folk lexis, colored words of spoken language as well as specific folklore fund (obsolete words and expressions, formula elements etc.). According to P. A. Sleptsov, «Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language» is a new type of definition dictionary of the Turkic languages in respect of its idea and purpose. This is primarily expressed in the fact that the dictionary is designed as a national dictionary of normative-registration type [3, 49].
Professor P. A. Sleptsov writes that the Dictionary contains rarely used or obsolete words in the modern spoken language, but occurring in
Section 6. Philology and linguistics
different sources, outdated lexis, folk terminology as well as more advanced and quite common dialect words [3, 49]. One can assume that many words were not commonly used earlier and known only to a small group of people. For instance, shamans, hunters, fishermen, blacksmiths, carpenters and other craftsmen had «specialized» language known to them only, which played the role of terms in old times. But with time, under the influence of extra-linguistic and other reasons, such «specialized» words go beyond the zone of use of terminology and become not only everyday words, but also get archaized. However, so-called archaized words are not lost irrevocably also because they potentially exist in the hiding places of material and spiritual culture of the people and can be reborn anytime in favorable conditions. Reborn pro-terms of the names of harness are as follows: aASapa "horsecloth, blanket on the saddle", aMaqamu "improvised (of a belt, osier-bed) leash", 6omo "saddlecloth of soft grass", dbupuM "belt of saddle strap, saddle strap", kuhum "saddle flaps", mamaAqa "belt used to tie horse load to the saddle", xoMypqan "hogback of the skids of the sledge", xowcyomy "hook on the saddle bow".
As we can see, the most valuable native lexical-semantical layers forming the major vocabulary fund of the national language, due to extra-linguistic reasons, becomes «obsolete» or loses its functional activity. E. I. Okoneshnikov proposes, in the new historical conditions, to perform careful joint work by language scientists and specialists in the spheres of different sciences to revive and regulate pre-scientific pro-terms of different lexical-semantic groups [2, 154].
Archaisms found by us in the «Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language» are marked as "aprap.", i. e. "an obsolete word, expression". Oddly enough, the major number of examples are archaisms borrowed from the Russian language and rendered by way of phonetical adaptation, such as 6oA6yom "horse cart", дoAгyyha "carriage, the body of which is placed on long flexible perches, dolgusha (wagonette)", BbaaM "station at the mail path, where horses, guides, carts
and pits were changed", KyohyAa "seats for coach>} u 1 >} u • 1
men, KyyHap coachman, mapanmaac springless carriage", MaAamuuAKa historical "threshing mill", mupaaxma "tract". It can be explained by the fact that
Russian words started coming to the Yakut language from around the middle of XVII century, the time, when Yakutia became a part of the Moscow state. As P. A. Sleptsov writes, the total number of pre-revolu-tionary Russian lexical borrowings in the Yakut language account for about 3000 words [4, 453]. Such number of words can be undoubtedly considered numerous, even mass borrowing, ifwe take into account the fact that it was borrowed in the spoken language by oral way exclusively. Many of these borrowings either replaced the original Yakut words, meanings of poly-semantic words or used along with the Yakut synonyms. P. A. Sleptsov notes that after the victory in October revolution, end of civil war in Yakutia and obtaining of statehood in the form of autonomy, systematic, purpose-driven work on the implementation of the Yakut language in all important spheres of life of the autonomous republic began [4, 210]. It seems that after this, phonetical adapted words from Russian language lost their activity and became archaisms. P. A. Sleptsov writes that the problem of enrichment of terms from own language resources is the main question of terminological work [3, 202]. Thus, the terms found by us, such as mahaqacHum 1) "someone engaged in the transportation of cargo by horses, cart man"; 2) "cart horse, heavy draft horse", mamaAqa "belt used to tie horse load to the saddle", Keqen "colt leash", KeAze "draft cattle (horse or buffalo)", xeAzeM "buffalo sledge", xeAeecxe "four-wheel carriage with folding top", кeAyehэ cuapqa "cart", am Kehe "horse skin", kuhum "saddle flaps (leather areas on the sides of the saddle)", Mapdbaax "sledges to carry hay", Sopozyon "in the past: travel fee", in our opinion, can be "revived" and given old specialized use.
According to P. A. Sleptsov, in 1930-1940, a prominent statesman, founder of Yakut Soviet literature, scientist-linguist P. A. Oiunsky and Yakut Soviet writer, literature critic A. A. Ivanov-Kyunde repeatedly wrote about the need to use all language resources, including dialect, in the terminological work. Despite this, a negative attitude to dialecticisms prevailed; a strive to develop unified steady literature language on the all-people basis was observed; there was clear negative or extremely reserved attitude to archaisms and folklore lexis, which, according to some representatives of
cultural language construction cannot be used not only in terminological practice, but in literature language in general [4, 216]. We found a sufficient number of dialecticisms in the vocabulary for draft transport in the «Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language»; they are marked in the Dictionary as тyeA6э, i. e. a "dialect word", such as cuapqa ma6a "one reindeer draft, a pair of reindeers", cuap^a maua^a "a stick to push reindeers, polecats", mapuup "a strong stick with an iron end used as manual brake for dog sleighs", mимэхmиин "a strap for reindeer packsaddle", moSyypxa "pins to fix ropes to sledges during summer works", HaA6a "big, wide sledges for stacking, made of long timbers", киpээки "long narrow sledges", дbapгuA "covering of planks and sticks in the sledge", dbizuucxa "light two-wheel cart", BoAAoxy cuap^a "small, light reindeer sled", Sua cuapqa "sled with belt fixing of planks", Soudo "freezing of water on the surface of sledge skids",
6yx33K "covered sleds with the top drawn on the case of arcs". Ancient, still unsolved history of Yakutia, enormous territories and distances, neighborhood with other peoples were the factors of appearance of dialects in the Yakut language. The language started gradually changing and new words were added under the influence of Turkic and Mongolian tribes, Russian people, Tungus. The examples considered by us mainly refer to the speech of reindeer Yakuts, i. e. the speech of north-west group of nomad camps of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Hence, we, like A. A. Ivanov-Kyunde, also believe that translation should be the main principle of term formation, i. e. the selection ofwords similar in meaning from available language resources, including dialects.
Hence, we may conclude that archaisms and dialecticisms found by us can be used in terminologisation to indicate animal transport means and their parts.
1. Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language = Caxa tmamh 6bihaapbibiAaax yAaxaH TbiAgbMTa: in 12 vol./Edited by P. A. Sleptov. - Novosibirsk: Nauka.
V. I.: Letter A. - 2004. - 680 p. V. II.: Letter E. - 2005. - 912 p. V. III.: Letters T, A, Ab H. - 2006. - 844 p. V. IV: Letter K. - 2007. - 672 p.
V. V: Letter K: KYeAэhнс rwH - кээнэрэ. - 2008. - 616 p. V. VI: Letters A, M, H. - 2009. - 519 p. V. VII: Letters Hb, O, 0, n. - 2010. - 519 p. V. VIII: Letter C - ceAAe^ep. - 2011. - 572 p. V. IX: Letter C: ceAAen - cээн, Letter h. - 2012. - 630 p. V. X: Letter T: t - тehYYAЭЭ. - 2013. - 575 p. V. XI: Letter T: TeTeAAeex — тээтэн,нээ. - 2014. - 528 p. V. XII: Letter y, Y. - 2015. - 598 p.
2. Okoneshnikov E. I. Sakha language: problems of lexicography and terminography (collection of scientific articles)/E. I. Okoneshnikov. - Yakutsk: IGIiPMNS SO RAN, 2015. - 210 p.
3. Sleptsov P. A. Yakut literature language. Origins, establishment of norms. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1986. - 261 p.
4. Sleptsov P. A. Degrees and problems of Yakut language studies (collection of scientific articles)/P. A. Sleptsov; Council for language policy under the President of the RS (Ya), Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North SO RAN. - Yakutsk: IGIiPMNS SO RAN, 2008. - 544 p.
5. Means of transportation and settlements ofYakuts/Ethnographic blog about the peoples and countries of the world, their history and culture//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: - Title from screen.