TERMINOLOGICAL FIELD “SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS”: SEMIOTIC APPROACH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lukoyanova Tatiana V.

This article describes the history of the formation of semiotics as a science that studies signs and sign systems as a tool for creating, transmitting and storing information. The author writes that the term, as a linguistic sign, is capable of evolving, since it reflects the development of science. An ideal term should be characterized by a one-to-one relationship between the signifier and the signified. However, during the development of science and knowledge of a specialist, the word and its meaning doesn’t cover each other completely, their boundaries do not coincide at all points, which leads to an asymmetry of the linguistic sign. The results of the analysis of the terms of the terminological field "surgical instrumentation" in the German language showed that these lexical units are characterized by the appearance of synonymy and variation.

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Лингвистика и образование. 2021. Том 1 № 4 (4). C. 85-92 Linguistics & education 2021 Vol. 1, no. 4. P. 85-92



Tatiana V. Lukoyanova

Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia lukoyanova_tanya@mail .ru

Abstract. This article describes the history of the formation of semiotics as a science that studies signs and sign systems as a tool for creating, transmitting and storing information. The author writes that the term, as a linguistic sign, is capable of evolving, since it reflects the development of science. An ideal term should be characterized by a one-to-one relationship between the signifier and the signified. However, during the development of science and knowledge of a specialist, the word and its meaning doesn't cover each other completely, their boundaries do not coincide at all points, which leads to an asymmetry of the linguistic sign. The results of the analysis of the terms of the terminological field "surgical instrumentation" in the German language showed that these lexical units are characterized by the appearance of synonymy and variation.

Keywords: terminology, medical terminology, term, medical term, surgical instruments, asymmetry of a linguistic sign

For citation: Lukoyanova T.V. Terminological field "surgical instruments": semiotic approach, Linguistics & education 2021;1(4):85-92. https://doi.org/10.17021/2021-1-4-85-92

Научная статья УДК 61: 001.4



Татьяна Владимировна Лукоянова

Астраханский государственный медицинский университет, г. Астрахань, Россия lukoyanova_tanya@mail .ru

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается история становления семиотики как науки, изучающей знаки и знаковые системы в качестве инструмента создания, передачи и хранения информации. Автор подчеркивает, что термин, как языковой знак, способен эволюционировать, поскольку в нем отражен путь развития науки. Идеальный термин должен характеризоваться одно-однозначным отношением означающего и означаемого. Однако в ходе развития науки и знания специалиста знак и значение перестают покрывать друг друга полностью, их границы не совпадают во всех точках, что приводит к ассиметрии языкового знака. Результаты анализа терминов терминологического поля «хирургический инструментарий» в немецком языке показали, что данным лексическим единицам свойственно появление синонимии и вариантности.

Ключевые слова: терминология, медицинская терминология, термин, медицинский термин, хирургический инструментарий, асимметрия языкового знака

Для цитирования: Лукоянова Т.В. Терминологическое поле «хирургический инструментарий»: семиотический подход // Лингвистика и образование. 2021. Том 1 № 4 (4) С. 85-92. https://doi.org/10.17021/2021-1-4-85-92.


Scientists were always interested in the nomination process as a way of transferring knowledge. The language is a complex system. E.E. Brazgovskaya says: "Languages are not so much an information transmission mechanism as a phenomenon of our consciousness - the space in which the birth, transmission and perception of information takes place" [Бразговская, 2019: 11]. It is clear that for the implementation of these processes, language must be associated with such cognitive abilities of a person as perception, imagination, memory and thinking. Thanks to cognitive processes information about objects, phenomena and processes of the reality around us is reflected in human consciousness in the form of various linguistic units (linguistic signs).

The science that studies signs and languages is semiotics. Semiotics studies "signs and sign systems as a tool for creating, transmitting and storing information, that is, as a medium that connects our consciousness, languages and reality in which we exist in a single chain" [ibid, 2019: 11].

The term "semiotics " in relation to science was first proposed by J. Locke in his book "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" in 1690. Thinking about the sciences, the scientist proposes the "doctrine of signs" or semiotics as the third section, emphasizing that "the most common signs are the words", and the tasks of semiotics include consideration of "the nature of signs that the mind uses to understand things or to convey its knowledge to others" [Локк, 1985: 200].

Nevertheless, the preconditions for the establishment of semiotics as a science can be seen in the antique period. So the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, discussing the names (the words) and the nomination process, concluded: 1) "the name is a tool by means of which we instruct each other, that is to say, divide things according to their natures" [Plato: 107], 2 ) "the names are not given by chance, but have some sort of correctness" [ibid: 115], and "the names express the truth about the things that are" [ibid: 154].

Aristotle's idea of the so-called semantic or sign triangle, described in the treatise "On Interpretation" (or "De interpretatione"), is of great importance not only

for semiotics, but also for linguistics. An object, its representation in the soul and a symbol are at the apexes of Aristotle's triangle. Aristotle believed that, despite the fact that people use different languages, objects and ideas are universal - "spoken words are the symbols of mental experience and written words are the symbols of spoken words. Just as all men have not the same writing, so all men have not the same speech sounds, but the mental experiences, which these directly symbolize, are the same for all, as also are those things of which our experiences are the images" [Aristotle:1].

At a later time the theory of Aristotle was rethought by the Stoics and Epicurus. The Stoics added propositions to signs. From their point of view, three "things" are interconnected in signs - the signified (the object expressed by sound, which we comprehend with our mind, as already existing), denoting (the sound) and the object (external substrate) [Античные теории языка и стиля, 1996: 74]. In addition, the Stoics considered signs as a means of displaying information about the objects of the world around us. "In the word must be relationship between the sensation of a thing and the sensation of the sound" [ibid: 77].

Epicurus added perception and sensory component in the theory about the word. The scientist believed that words (the names) arose from the "nature of people", which "experienced the effects of (surrounding) things" through impressions and received special perceptions. Then "in each tribe, people chosen special designations. They have done it to do communication less ambiguous and more concise" [ibid: 70].

Later, such scientists as Jan Baudouin de Courtenay, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Etienne Bonnot de Condillac, John Locke, A.A. Potebnja, Ferdinand de Saussure, G. Frege and others studied the signs, linguistic signs and the language. The base of modern semiotics was laid down by the American scientist Charles Sanders Pierce in the XIX-XX centuries. Ch.S. Pierce defined a person as the creator and interpreter of the sign, in which he identified three characteristics - the material shell, the designated object and the rules of interpretation established by the person.

It should be noted that, since the immediate subject of semiotics is the system that carries information, this science finds its objects everywhere - in society, in a man (in his thinking, psyche) and in a science. For the first time, an attempt to systematize the knowledge of various sciences was undertaken by ancient scholars. Till nowadays the scientists continue the research in this area. Terminology, terminological systems and terminological fields of certain disciplines are described in a number of works, e.g. surgery (T.V. Lukoyanova, 2017), obstetrics and gynecology (L.A. Kiseleva, 2018), pharmacognosy (E.M. Baidasheva, 2021, A.O. Sinitsina, 2019), nursing terminology (S. Madzhaeva, 2005), homeopathy (T.A. Tkacheva, 2021), clinical terminology (L.M. Kasimtseva, 2015). The term is the smallest element of these systems. The status of the term (B.N. Golovin, R.G. Piotrovsky, A.A. Reformatsky, etc.), its definition, properties, functions, semantic processes (O.S. Akhmanova, V.V. Vinogradov, G. O. Vinokur, V.P.Danilenko, V.M. Leichik, T.V. Lukoyanova, S.I. Madzhaeva and others) were also described by the scientists. Many scientists believe that the main criterion of the "ideal term" is a monosemy, that is the correspondence to one sound complex (form) of one content (meaning) (1:1).

The purpose of this article is to describe the types of asymmetry of the terms of the terminological field (TF) "surgical instruments" in German language. To achieve this goal a descriptive method, the methods of semantic, definitional and component analysis were used.


It should be noted that when a new term is "born", one form of its expression corresponds to one form of the content, i.e., we have the symmetry of a linguistic sign (1:1). However, in the process of its "life", the term as a semiotic sign develops an asymmetry of relations between the signifier and the signified. Because of this it's possible to say that a term is a special sign. The principle of symmetry is fundamental in defining the "ideal term". But, over time, due to the expansion of its sphere of functioning, as well as the limited means of language and a certain linguistic

economy, the term has various changes in either the signifier (form of expression) or in the signified (form of content), and sometimes in both sides of the linguistic sign.

The results of the analysis of terms revealed that terminological units of the TF "surgical instruments" in German language are characterized by processes that reflect the tendency of scientific thinking to detail of the main cognitive features of the concept. Among them, synonymy (13.7%), variation (6.2%), polysemy (0.2%) were identified.

Polysemy is the asymmetry of a linguistic sign (in our case, of a term), characterized by the development of new signifieds in one signifier. However, polysemy is unproductive in the studied TF. This fact, in our opinion, can be explained by the peculiarity of the medical profession. Polysemy can disrupt understanding and lead to serious practical mistakes.

Another example of the term asymmetry is synonymy and variation (when one signified has new signifiers). The presence of synonymy and variation indicates the "mobility" of the linguistic sign, its ability to "evolve" [Kap^BCKHH, 1965: 90]. During the development of science and knowledge of a specialist "sign and its meaning don't cover each other completely, their boundaries do not coincide at all points" [ibid: 85], that's why it is necessary to highlight other features of the concept. For example, die Biopsiezange - die Probeexzisionszange (biopsy forceps). The term die Biopsiezange encodes information that the forceps are used for biopsy (a research method in which small pieces of tissue (or cells) are taken from a certain part of the body for further research). In its synonymous term die Probeexzisionszange (die Probeexzision (tissue excision) + die Zange (forceps) = forceps for tissue excision) another cognitive characteristics is highlighted - the process of the research method. However in TF "surgical instruments" of the German language there are other reasons for formation of synonyms and variants: 1) possibility to convey the phonetic structure of the term in different ways; the use of 2) eponyms, 3) abbreviations 4) borrowed and national terms and 5) complex term instead of combination of words.


Study of the term in semiotic approach allows us to understand the mechanism of interaction between the signifier and the signified in the structure of this linguistic sign and to understand the processes that take place in the semantics of the term during its functioning in a certain terminological field. V.P. Danilenko noted that "terminology is within the general literary language, but it is an independent sector," therefore "terms are the words, and they have all linguistic characteristics" [Даниленко, 1977: 10]. At the same time, the terms reflect the history of science -"to study the history of science means to study the history of terminology" [Флоренский, 1994: 359]. The research has shown that existence of "ideal term" is impossible. The asymmetry of the term as a linguistic sign causes external and internal changes in the term form - development of new signifieds in one signifier (polysemy) and development of new signifiers for one signified (synonymy). © Лукоянова Т.В., 2021


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