Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
Gulnora Gulyamova
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology Tashkent State University of Law
This article discusses the phenomena of hyponymy in Uzbek legal terminology, vocabulary derived from this basis, generic relationships within the thematic groups of legal terminology, hyponyms (types) of a particular hyperonym (gender), vocabulary that plays the role of a hyperonym in the formation of the term. In the article, the state of lexical synonyms and differences of variability in the interaction of vocabulary units, including terms is drawn attention. It is also devoted to the relationship of lexical units, including terms and issues of a general legal thesaurus in jurisprudence.
Keywords: term, hyponym, archiseme, hyperonym, type, lexical unit, lexicon, dictionary, thesaurus, unification, legal thesaurus.
The adoption of a number of laws related to human rights in our independent state, in turn, led to the emergence of thousands of new terms related to jurisprudence. Although these terms are legal concepts reflected in the language in the form of words or terms, they must be expressed and formed on the basis of the laws of the national language.
The vocabulary of the legal language consists mainly of terms. But in order to express any legal concepts, the terms are preceded by certain requirements and norms. This stems from the nature and nature of the term.
The process of studying the system of legal terms of the modern Uzbek language shows that the method of lexicalization is extremely active.
The development of any national language is inextricably linked with the development of society, nation. Because the development of a nation, society, historical processes, first of all, is reflected in the language in which the life of the people is expressed and realized, the national ideology. Consequently, the national language is one of the four main factors in the recognition of a nation as a nation. The
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
national language is one of the most important symbols of independence. The status of the state language guarantees its all-round development.
Thanks to the independence of our state, Uzbek linguistics and its directions began to actively develop. Attention to the state language began to acquire a national character, raising the status of the Uzbek language and unleashing its potential became one of the issues of state policy. Ample opportunities have been created for the development of all areas of linguistics, in particular, industry terminology. In this regard, the issues of the state language and terminology have received special significance.
In the sectoral terminology of the Uzbek language, in particular, in the system of legal terminology, a number of changes have occurred, which include the following.
Firstly, as a result of national self-awareness, a new ideology, a transition to socially oriented market relations, a number of individual and complex terms related to jurisprudence began to be used: absenteeism, bipatride, blanket disposition (blanket order), budget with loans (budgetary loan), de- jure, leasing, reorganization, rehabilitation, factoring, macroi^thisodiot (macroeconomics), depository, mulk sugurtasi (property insurance), davlat tasarrufidan chi^arish (denationalization), ui-joini husiilashtirish (property privatization) (rent), izharasiam joint stock company), bojhona tizimi (customs system), barter, bitimlari barter (barter agreements).
Secondly, for these reasons, a number of terms began to be used in legal terminology with new meanings. Let's look at examples to prove our point. The term "exchange" is defined in the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language as follows: "In capitalist countries: a large trading institution where securities and various goods are traded."[15] Let's pay attention to the current, modern definition of the term: "An enterprise that is a legal entity that creates conditions for free wholesale trade in exchange commodities through open trades, based on pre-established address and temporary rules" [16].
In linguistics, in particular in lexicology, it is emphasized that lexemes, which are the main lexical unit of a language, do not exist in isolation from each other, but in interdependence, in various semantic connections. The same situation led to the creation of different lexical layers. For this reason, such lexical layers are grouped in a specific order.
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
It should be noted that the thematic classification is based, firstly, on the classification of the objects and events themselves in reality (extralinguistic factor), and secondly, on the hyponymic relationship of lexemes (interlinguistic factor).
The classification proposed by Uzbek scientists M.Kasimova and Sh. Kuchimov, who conducted research in the field of legal terminology, legal terms can be generalized and classified as follows:
№№ Classification Examples of
1. Persons by occupation Recidivist, гиёхванд (drug addict), котил (killer), жосус (spy), угри (thief), товламачи (fraud), ворис (heir), терговчи (investigator), тадбиркор (businessman), банкир (bank clerk/manager), тижоратчи (merchant) and etc.
2. Process, event, incident суд (cour), амнистия (amnesty), тергов (investigation), апелляция (appeal), мажбурлов (compulsion), тинтув (search), тиббий курик (medical examination), мусодара (confiscation), харбий холат (martial law), фавкулодда холат (emergency), юзлаштириш (confrontation) and etc.
3. Title of legal documents Ордер (warrant), акт (act), субсидия (subsidy), гувохнома (certificate), лицензия (license), виза (visa), нота (note), санкция (sanction), декларация (declaration), фармон (decree), карор (decree), (постановление), ажрим (divorce)
4. Socio-political processes related to law битим (agreement), келишув (compromise), референдум (referendum), сайлов (election), мониторинг (monitoring), оммавий тартибсизлик (public strike), террор (terror), омбудсман (ombudsman) and etc.
5. Circumstances directly related to finances (funds) жарима (fine), солик (tax), бож (custom), пенсия (pension), алимент (alimony), маош (salary), гонорар (honorarium), стипендия (scholarship), ёрдам пули (allowance), иш хаки (salary), мукофот пули (prize), устама хак (bonus money) and etc.
6. Types of punishment турма (prison), the colony, хушёрхона (sobering-up station), жарима (fine), ахлок тузатиш ишлари (community service), хизмат буйича чеклаш (service limitation), озодликдан махрум килиш
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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
(imprisionment), yM K;aMOFH (house arrest), maprau x,yKM KH^Hm (probation) and etc.
This analysis shows that legal terms with a negative meaning are basically words that define the type of crime, they define crimes related to a person's condition, event, incident, process:
- crimes against the person;
- crimes against peace and security;
- economic crimes;
- environmental crimes;
- crimes against the order of military service, etc.
In legal terminology, the connection between the concept and the term is very clearly expressed by T.Yatsyuk [1].
For example: жиноят (crime) - рецидив жиноят (recidivism) - мураккаб айбли жиноят (compound crime) - касддан содир этилган жиноят (deliberate crime) - э^тиётсизлик оркасида содир этилган жиноят (crime committed by negligence). Пудрат (contract) - пудратчи (contractor) - маиший пудрат (household contract) - оилавий пудрат (family contract).
Жавобгарлик (responsibility) - маъмурий жавобгарлик (administrative responsibility) - ашёвий камчиликлар учун жавобгарлик (responsibility for material shortages) - танишишдан келиб чикадиган мажбуриятлар буйича жавобгарлик (responsibility for obligations arising from acquaintance) - ашёдан фойдаланиш натижасида учинчи шахсга етказилган зарар учун жавобгарлик (liability for damage caused to a third party as a result of the use of the material) and etc.
Research on legal terms has shown that the relationship between hyperonym and hyponym also has a special meaning in this area. Consider the topic of customs law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan regulates relations associated with the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the collection of customs duties,
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
customs clearance, customs control, as well as the prevention, detection and suppression of violations of customs legislation constitute the concept of impact. This concept is based on the term customs, which serves as a hyperonym as an archisation of this thematic group [17].
His hyponyms consist of many terms, which are expressed as a combination: 6o^xoHa (customs) [hyperonym] - 6o^xoHa TynoBnapn (customs duties) -6o^xoHa xygygn (customs territory) - 6o^xoHa nerapacn (customs border) - 6o^xoHa 30Hanapn (customs zones) - 6o^xoHa xygygn capx,agnapn (borders of the customs territory) - 6o^xoHa pe^HMH (customs regime) - 6o^xoHa 6poKepn (customs broker) - 6o^xoHa hmh (customs) - 6o^xoHa оперaцнaсн (customs operation) -6o^xoHa TapTH6-TaoMHHH (customs procedure) and etc.
Let's pay attention to the term "goods" related to customs law.
The product is a hyperonym, which has formed a number of hyponyms: product [hyperonym] - TOBapHHHr Ky3aryB xy^^araapH (documents for tracking goods) - xuco6BapaK-$aKTypa (invoice) - WKna6 ^yHararn (transportation of goods) - roK xarn (shipping letter, invoice) and etc.
The above examples show that there are several hyponyms (types) of a particular hyperonym. It should also be noted that some hyponyms can also function as hyperonyms. This is important evidence that the terms are related.
The language policy of any country implies strengthening the status of the state language. As one of the symbols and foundations of statehood, language plays a consolidating role in society.
With the granting of the status of the state language to the Uzbek language, the social status of the Uzbek language has increased. Development and enrichment of the Uzbek language as a state language is a priority direction of our state policy. Thanks to the personal initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, cardinal measures have been taken to further increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as the state language.
For example, the Department for the Development of the State Language and the Fund for the Development of the Uzbek Language have been created under the Cabinet of Ministers of the country.
State, educational, educational, office work, cultural and educational work is carried out in the Uzbek language. Laws are written in Uzbek.
The nationalization of the language and style of law contributed to the emergence of a number of legal terms in Uzbek: davlatchilik (statehood), qonunchilik
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
(legislation), vakillik (representation), bandlik (employment), sarmoya (capital), mulkdor (owner), x,issador (shareholder), hisobvaroq (personal account), kafillik (guarantee), kafolat hati (letter of guarantee), mol-mulk qarzi (property loan), reklama bozori (advertising market), etc. Special attention is paid to the legal terminology of the language of law. The development of the Uzbek legal terminology during the period of independence is of particular importance in all respects.
The principles of the unity of Uzbek legal terminology, the standardization of terms, the study of legal terminology as a specific system, the development of the principles of their scientific and theoretical classification make it possible to create a general legal thesaurus of the Uzbek language.
Thesaurus - (from the Greek. Thesauros - treasure, reserve). A dictionary that reflects the semantic connections between words, terms and other elements of the language [13].
The thesaurus is the ideal vocabulary underlying terminology. A thesaurus is a lexical unit that provides complete semantic information about a word and a term, a system of intersemantic and extralinguistic connections of a specific concept.
This is a dictionary of concepts or terms. In it, you can find words - synonyms or antonyms for the concept of interest (word, term).
Thesaurus (from the Greek for "treasure"), in a general sense, is a special terminology. More strictly and substantively - a dictionary, a collection of information, a corpus or a collection, fully covering the concepts, definitions and terms of a special field of knowledge or a field of activity, which should contribute to correct lexical, corporate communication (understanding in communication and interaction of persons related to the same discipline or profession); in modern linguistics - a special kind of dictionaries, which indicate the semantic relations of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, hyponyms, hyperonyms, etc.) between lexical units. Thesauri are one of the most effective tools for describing specific subject areas. Unlike an explanatory dictionary, a thesaurus allows you to identify meaning not only by definition, but also by correlating a word with other concepts and their groups, due to which it can be used to fill knowledge bases of artificial intelligence systems.
Previously, the term thesaurus was used primarily for dictionaries that fully represented the vocabulary of the language with examples of its use in texts.
In psychology, the thesaurus of an individual is characterized by the perception and understanding of information. Communication theory also considers the general thesaurus of a complex system through which its elements interact [14].
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
A thesaurus creates a model of a terminological system that uses individuals and connections belonging to a specific scientific field. The result is a scientific classification of thesaurus in lexicography. The terms are the main components of this scientific classification of the thesaurus.
Recently, a systematic approach to the scientific field has been recognized as an integral feature of any speech objects. Likewise, in terminology, the interconnection of systematic separate linguistic elements implies the logical correctness of the system. Thus, the legal terms of the general legal thesaurus are key factors in the language of legislation. Since the terms in the field of legislation are not a set of free tokens, but a terminological system, which is an internal connection in jurisprudence. Consequently, the relationship of legal terms in legislation also reflects the general legal thesaurus. The thesaurus imposes certain legal requirements and encourages strict adherence to terminological rules. That is, a general legal thesaurus expresses the relationship between concepts and encourages a clear definition of the concept so as not to lead to conflicting meanings. Thus, the accuracy of terms is achieved, the stability of unambiguity. The General Legal Thesaurus defines the unique meaning of the term that can be applied.
Thesaurus fully reflects the general features (facets of meaning and semantics) inherent in legal terms. Thus, the semantics of the thesaurus is equivalent to the basic (general) meaning expressed in legal terms: the meaning of the thesaurus is the dominant meaning for jurisprudence. Consequently, the essence of the thesaurus is determined by generalizing and interpreting all aspects, features, semantic shades (function - function, meaning - semantics, semantics - semantics, etc.) characteristic of the terms. As proof of our opinion, let us take the Uzbek interpretation of the term афв (pardon).
In the "Russian-Uzbek dictionary of legal vocabulary" (T., 1991) amnesty is designated as афв, and in the "Dictionary of legal terms and phrases" (T., 1993) amnesty is designated as умумий афв (general amnesty). The first definition is not a clear expression of "amnesty", while general amnesty is included in the general legal thesaurus in strict accordance with the meaning of amnesty. Thus, the thesaurus determines the precision of the meaning of each term. Each term included in a general legal thesaurus must fully comply with terminological requirements. Consequently, the more thorough and perfect the general legal thesaurus, the less likely it is to use the phenomena of synonymy, homonymy, ambiguity in the field of terminology, which eliminates the need for long definitions [12]. One of the
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
responsibilities of legislators is to ensure that the legal terms used are correct, consistent, accurate, simple and unique.
Thus, with the help of a general legal thesaurus, inconsistencies in legal terminology are eliminated, and uniformity of terms is achieved. The Uzbek legal thesaurus should be based on the grammatical rules of the Uzbek language, the principles of national pronunciation, norms and criteria of the literary language. The thesaurus allows you to normalize general or specific legal terms, to correctly resolve issues of uniformity.
The general legal thesaurus consists of an alphabetical list of descriptors (descriptor - Latin "descriptive" - the lexical unit of the information retrieval language (word, phrase) and keywords (synonyms and conditional synonyms of descriptors), and they refer to the used descriptors.
Consider the following terms used in various fields of law: иш стажи (work experience), ишлаб чикариш стажи (industrial experience), мехнат стажи (work experience). These terms actually represent a single concept. Now it is necessary to determine their predominance. In our opinion, work experience prevails in these terms. In the thesaurus, they look like this (the dominant and its synonyms are in strict alphabetical order).
In the thesaurus, the hyponymic connection of legal terms also finds its full expression. For example, in the Uzbek language, on the basis of the term contract (shartnoma), more than 50 complex terms are formed: ижара шартномаси (lease agreement), хадя шартномаси (donation agreement), якка шартнома (individual agreement), пудрат шартномаси (work contract), молиялаштириш шартномаси (agreement for financing), хукукий шартнома (legal agreement), etc. Of these, we choose the term "legal contract" as the dominant, more precisely, hyperonym [10].
There are no superfluous words in the language. Words that exist in a literary language are the vocabulary of that language. But the terminology of any language is based on the principles of uniformity of terms with precision, scientific character, and validity. Achieving this uniformity, a single arrangement of terms leads to the development of a general thesaurus, limiting the introduction of a wide group of concepts synonymous with the thesaurus, since a well-formed general legal thesaurus helps to determine the plan of expression of the term with the plan of its content.
To keep the legal language clear and concise, a legal thesaurus is essential. A term is a verbal expression of a concept, and a concept is a reflection of what exists in
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
human consciousness, which is expressed in a legal thesaurus. That is, the correctness or incorrectness of the concept is defined in the thesaurus using the terms: [12]
concept term thesaurus
Thus, the presence of a terminological thesaurus ensures the development of the sectoral language technique, the appropriate use of terms, the avoidance of differences between them, the uniformity and correct understanding of a particular concept by all the same.
The thesaurus is a complex dictionary. The creation of a thesaurus requires the participation of dozens or even more specialists. For this, it is necessary to create a creative team consisting of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent State Law University, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and lexicographers. Only in this case it is possible to create a general legal thesaurus that meets the requirements of the time, in which the terms will be streamlined, regulated, and the quality of legislation will increase.
The legal terminological system consists of thematic groups of terms representing the branches ofjurisprudence.
Legal terminology is a complete system. Confirmation of our opinion is the presence of such types of interaction of terms as hyponymic, synonymous, antonymic.
The thesaurus of general legal terms plays an important role in ensuring the further development of the legal terminology of the Uzbek language. Considering that the thesaurus of any industry terminology has not yet been developed in Uzbek lexicography, it is obvious that the implementation of this work is a new and important factor.
The structure of a general legal thesaurus is of paramount importance as it brings together terms from all areas of jurisprudence. As a result, it is possible to regulate legal terminology (for example, to exclude synonyms) and, on this basis, create a variety of dictionaries.
Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89
DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-181-190
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