Научная статья на тему 'Теоретические и практические аспекты биологизации земледелия в современных условиях мирового развития сельского хозяйства. Theoretical and practical aspects of agriculture biologization in current trends of world agriculture development'

Теоретические и практические аспекты биологизации земледелия в современных условиях мирового развития сельского хозяйства. Theoretical and practical aspects of agriculture biologization in current trends of world agriculture development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Лобков В. Т., Плыгун С. А.

Биологизация сельскохозяйственного производства является одним из определяющих направлений развития сельского хозяйствав мире. Решая проблему обеспечения человека продуктами, интенсивное сельское хозяйство часто сталкивается с проблемами их качества. Нитратное загрязнение, остатки пестицидов, ухудшение вкусапроисходит в основном за счет интенсивного влияния факторов интенсификации. В поисках решения этих проблем в науке формируется новое направление -биологизация сельского хозяйства, предполагающее решение этих проблем через усиление биологических процессов воспроизводства агроэкологических ресурсов. Работа ориентирована на опыт биологизации земледелия на примере Орловской области России.

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Agriculture biologization is one of the defining trends in world agriculture development. By solving the problem of providing human by food products, intensive agriculture often deal with issues of its quality. Nitrate contamination, pesticide residues, taste deterioration of crop production is mainly due to the extensive use of intensification factors. In the search for solutions to these problems in science formed a new direction agriculture biologization, suggesting solution of these problems through increased biological processes of reproduction of agro-ecological resources. Paper is focused on experience of agriculture biologization on example of the Orel region of Russia.

Текст научной работы на тему «Теоретические и практические аспекты биологизации земледелия в современных условиях мирового развития сельского хозяйства. Theoretical and practical aspects of agriculture biologization in current trends of world agriculture development»

***** ИЗВЕСТИЯ *****



УДК 631.58:631.46:631(100)


В.Т. Лобков, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук С.А. Плыгун, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук

Орловский государственный аграрный университет

Биологизация сельскохозяйственного производства является одним из определяющих направлений развития сельского хозяйствав мире. Решая проблему обеспечения человека продуктами, интенсивное сельское хозяйство часто сталкивается с проблемами их качества. Нитратное загрязнение, остатки пестицидов, ухудшение вкусапроисходит в основном за счет интенсивного влияния факторов интенсификации. В поисках решения этих проблем в науке формируется новое направление -биологизация сельского хозяйства, предполагающее решение этих проблем через усиление биологических процессов воспроизводства агроэкологических ресурсов. Работа ориентирована на опыт биологизации земледелия на примере Орловской области России.

Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство, биологизация, агроэкологическиересурсы, плодородие почвы, севообороты.

UDC 631.58:631.46:631(100)


V.T. Lobkov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences S.A. Plygun, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russian Federation

Agriculture biologization is one of the defining trends in world agriculture development. By solving the problem of providing human by food products, intensive agriculture often deal with issues of its quality. Nitrate contamination, pesticide residues, taste deterioration of crop production is mainly due to the extensive use of intensification factors. In the search for solutions to these problems in science formed a new direction - agriculture biologization, suggesting solution of these problems through increased biological processes of reproduction of agro-ecological resources. Paper is focused on experience of agriculture biologization on example of the Orel region of Russia.

Key words: Agriculture; Biologization; Agro-ecological resources; Soil fertility; Crop rotation.

Agriculture biologization is one of the defining trends in world agriculture development. Nowadays, thousands of farmers in Western Europe, USA, Canada and other countries have switched to organic farming, following the objective and comprehensive principles of environmental safety of agricultural products.

This is due to the fact that, along with the achievements, intensive farming has created many serious problems. By solving the problem of providing human by food products, intensive agriculture often deal with issues of its quality. Nitrate contamination, pesticide residues, taste deterioration of crop production is mainly due to the extensive use of intensification factors [15]. Moreover, according to estimates of various experts, the stocks of raw materials for

the production of phosphate fertilizers on the planet will be enough for 70-80 years, at the present rate of their use, and potash fertilizers - for 60-65 years.

In the search for solutions to these problems in science formed a new direction - agriculture biologization, suggesting solution of these problems through increased biological processes of reproduction of agro-ecological resources [3, 4].

Extensive experience in the use of the biological factors [5, 6] of agriculture accumulated in the Orel region of Russia. Many farms focuses on the development of crop production - the basic sector of the regional agro-industrial complex.

It is planned to purchase instruments for equipment of private agrochemical laboratory to provide immediate and more reliable determination of the parameters of the fertility of concrete fields and nutritive value of feeds.

Technologies, used in farms, focused at the maximum use of biologization factors for yield formation. So, up to 80% of perennial grasses - legumes (clover, alfalfa, goat's rue), characterized by a high level of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. In addition to classic bladed primary tillage methods, superficial methods are widely used [7] .

Mineral fertilizers are applied strictly differentially, depending on the need for nutrient substances by cultivated plants, and taking into account the phase of vegetation, that can save significant amounts of money. Fight against weeds is conducted by mainly agro-technical methods and by complying of a scientific and reasonable crop rotation [9, 10, 16]. Sufficient supply of farms by harvesters will enable cleaning of grains crops by direct combine harvesting, preventing shedding of grain on the stalk and in the most favorable agro-technical dates.

The notion of agriculture biologization mostly characterizes the system of farm management than system of arable farming. Various economic conditions create unequal opportunities for production on the principles of biologization [11, 12, 1].

Full translation the all crop production of region only to the biological methods is impossible. It is connected with a considerable degree of loss of nutrients with the harvest of cultivated crops. Purely biological farming can take place in small areas and in special economic and natural conditions.

The ratio of area of natural grassland and arable land is of great importance. The larger the share occupied by natural hayfields and pastures, the farm has a great opportunity for implementing the reproduction of soil fertility through biological farming.

In raising the level of biological farming, field grass cultivation plays a special role. This is primarily connected to the unique properties of perennial grasses to improve and protect the soil. A. Thayer equated forage grasses for their action on the yield of subsequent crops to manure. He divided all agricultural plants on depleting and enriching the soil. To the latter he included perennial and annual grasses and divided them into three groups: moderately enriching (annual grasses), their action he estimated as equivalent to the effect of 4.8-6.0 tons of manure per 1 ha; more enriching (red and white clover, sainfoin on poor soils), their fertilizing power was equal to a dose of manure 7-9 t/ha; greatly enriching (alfalfa three years of use, sainfoin on good soils), their effect is comparable to the dose of manure 9.6-14.4 t/ha.

Biologizing agriculture also involves extensive use of non-market part of crop, livestock by-products, green manure, etc. Need for introducing organic matter into the soil causes several tillage peculiarities.

One of the ways to reduce energy and resource costs is minimizing tillage. Experience shows that the minimization does not lead to increasing farming culture. Particular importance there has the new combined aggregates [13, 14] . It is known, for example, that when applying subsurface cultivator tillage, fuel costs may be reduced by 5-6 times and performance of technological operations is significantly improved [2, 17].

The issues of soil fertility reproduction are resolved primarily through the use of the most accessible and cheap factors. One of them is using of by-products for fertilizer. About a third of all manufactured straw is used in animal farming as fodder and litter. The remaining part can be used as fertilizer. Straw yield is determined by the relative non-market part of the harvest and grain for winter wheat, buckwheat and peas - 1.5; winter rye - 2.0; spring wheat and oats -1.3; barley - 1.2. When applied to one hectare of four tons of crops straw, into the soil in average enters (kg/ha) 3200 organic matter, nitrogen - 14-22, phosphorus - 3-7, potassium - 22-55, calcium - 9-37, magnesium - 2-7. Furthermore, the straw contains microelements - boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, sulfur.

Thus, at the area of 2,000 hectares with grain yield of 4 t/ha, due to the use of non-market part of the yield as fertilizer, you can save on the purchase of mineral fertilizers almost 1 million rubles.

The use of straw leads primarily to a decreasing erosion because crop residues on the soil surface is one of the most powerful means of combating water erosion. Besides soil erosion control, the use of straw increases the content of organic matter in the soil, promotes biological fixation of nitrogen.

One of the most important and available reserves for increasing crop yields and soil fertility are green manures. They are cheap, renewable, can occupy a single field and sowed as intercropping. Using legumes as a green manure can not only restock the organic matter in the soil, but also to use nitrogen, accumulated by symbiotic nitrogen fixers in an amount of 80-100 kg/ha.

The use of perennial grasses as green manure leads to increased microbial activity in the soil, improving the phytosanitary condition of winter wheat crops, nutrient regime, especially nitrogen, increased use of summer-autumn rainfall period.

Using green manure increases the yield of winter wheat by 10-15% in comparison with the other without the use of mineral fertilizers.

And there are no discoveries. The positive impact of green manure on soil fertility has long been known. In the mid-19th century «Agricultural newspaper» (1843) wrote that «... the amount of plowed grass has influence on forming humus during its rotting.»

D.N. Prianishnikov believed that green manure crops in the non-chernozem zone can be cultivated on an area of 2.5 million hectares, and that this can replace manure use on all soils.

The green mass of crops as green manure is currently used mainly into green manure fallow lands, where are grown such undemanding to the level of soil fertility culture as lupine, clover, white mustard, oilseed radish and others.

Are known methods of decontamination of soils, contaminated with heavy metals, by plants capable of selectively absorb them by developing a large vegetative mass. With the help of these plants can remove an excessive amount of items that represent a risk of contamination of food products.

At low levels of soil contamination to prevent deterioration of the hygienic quality of crops is possible following approach - plant them with plants growing intensively and selectively absorbing harmful elements to humans and livestock. It can be a plant of the cabbage family, or buckwheat. When plants, with different ability to absorb soil polluting elements, growing together can obtain marketable products that meet the quality requirements, since principal amount of pollutants will be used by plants - ameliorants. These plants are not removed from the field at harvest, and plowed into the soil as green manure. Subsequently, they are mineralized and freed heavy metals again absorbed by phytomeliorants next year, thus a significant portion of them will be constantly kept green mass. To achieve the maximum pro-

tective effect it is necessary to know the optimum balance between trademark and améliorants plants, which depends on the type of crop, phytomeliorants and contaminated soil.

Inter-cropping for feed purposes should be considered as a factor of biological farming. At the same time, from 10 to 15 t/ha of absolutely dry mass with braced and root residues comes to soil and manifested their positive impact on soil fertility. However, in biological agriculture more important issue is the impact on soil properties and components of agrophyto-cenosis to reduce the negative human impact on the environment.

One way to improve plant productivity and soil fertility improvement in the conditions of biological farming is the use of bacterial fertilizers. Among them is quite high efficiency demonstrated in preparations of nodule bacteria peat (rizotorfina) and dry nitragin (rizobin). Application of these preparations brings significant economic benefits and is widely used in many countries around the world. In the United States annually held inoculation of soybean seeds, thus yield is increased to 30%. In India Bacterization of seeds at entering lime in the soil has the same effect as the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers in the amount of 100 kg/ha. In England and Belgium inoculation applied on almost 100% of the area occupied by legumes. In Bulgaria, their application in soybean gives increase yield by 2.5 kg/ha, the protein content is increased by 0.4-3.2%.

However, as practice shows, positive results from the use of bacterial fertilizers can be expected only in well-cultivated soils, with high levels of agricultural technology and the availability of high-quality, active strains of microorganisms in these fertilizers.

High culture of crop farming provides the effective protection of plants in the conditions of biological farming.

Crop rotation is the basis for the regulation and stabilization of the number and spread of pests.

Cultures with same pests and diseases should be returned to its original place no earlier than 3-4 years (grains, beans, cabbage) to 5-6 years (sugar beet, sunflower). Between such cultures should be observed spatial isolation from 300-400 m to 1-3 km.

Best predecessors, regionalized and resistant to pests and diseases varieties reducing the risk of yield loss.

High phytosanitary effects provide fallow tillage techniques, green manure crops, particularly cabbage (mustard rape, rape).

Timely tillage, proper preparation and application of organic fertilizers, the use of quality seeds, sowing at the optimum time, all other activities aimed at improving the growth and development of plants are essential to protect plants.

For weed control, need to know debris fields on the basis of maps of debris. Regularly conducted a census and prevalence of pests, disease diagnostics will prevent an increase in their severity.

Russia has accumulated considerable practical experience in the application of biological methods in agriculture. Thus, on the farms of many regions in the complex of measures against pests and weeds the mechanical and biological processes are in focus, and the latter is restore soil fertility.

Implementing the concept of biological farming is associated with multitude of tasks and cannot be carried out simultaneously. At this stage it is necessary to create conditions for the resolution of questions that do not require significant changes in the process and the organization of production.

This primarily concerns the introduction of scientifically based crop rotations, aimed at creating the best possible conditions for biological farming. In the current conditions, crop rotations are irreplaceable biological factors of improvement phytosanitary situation in phyto-cenoses. On the basis of increasing crop rotation as the main biological factor, the entire concept of biological agriculture should build on it.

The optimal structure of sown areas is condition for implementation of crop rotation. It should match the main idea of the biological agriculture - approximation conditions of functioning agro-ecosystems to natural plant communities, the existence of which is based on self-regulation and sustainability. This idea is realized primarily through the use in crop rotations the unique eco-stabilizing properties of perennial grasses, which are the basis of agronomic crop rotations.

The major direction in biological agriculture is intensification of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. There are real possibilities to increase the number of biological nitrogen from 3-4 to 15-17 kg/ha. As a result, biological nitrogen fixation can provide delivery an additional amount of soil nitrogen without additional procurement of fertilizers. Complex application of biologization factors, in turn, will lead to the non-deficit balance of humus in the soil and substantially improve nutrient cycling.

Proceeding from the above, we can conclude that the transfer of agriculture to the principles of biologization may be one of the directions leading-out the agricultural sector to a new level of development and stability of crop production.


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2. Evaluating the effectiveness of cropping depending on the methods of basic soil cultivation in the Central Black Earth region / V.T. Lobkov, N.K. Kruzhkov, A.A. Zabrodkin, A.S. Novikova // Vestnik OrelGAU. - 2013. - № 1. - T. 40. - P. 8-11.

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5. Lobkov ,V.T. Biological farming and soil protection complex /V.T. Lobkov // Agriculture. - 1997. - № 1. - P. 8.

6. Lobkov, V.T. Economic and bioenergetic evaluation of biologization factors in crop rotation link / V.T. Lobkov, N.I. Abakoumov, A.N. Kruzhkov // Vestnik OrelGAU. - 2009. - № 4. - T. 19. - P. 10-14.

7. Lobkov, V.T. Improving the efficiency of the symbiotic systems of chickpea (Cicer Ari-etinum l.) / V.T. Lobkov, M.V. Donskaya, A G. Vasilchikov // Vestnik OrelGAU. - 2011. - № 3. - T. 30. - P. 39-42.

8. Lobkov, V.T. Dependence of the phenol and carbohydrates content in different soils from the allelopathic activity of the soil environment / V.T. Lobkov, S.I. Konoshina // Reports of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 25-26.

9. Lobkov, V.T. Allelopathic properties of soil as a fertility factor / V.T. Lobkov, S.N. Konoshina // Agricultural Biology. - 2004. - № 3. - P. 67-71.

10. Lobkov, V.T. The fertility of dark gray forest soils with applying different methods of tillage / V.T. Lobkov, A.S. Novikova, A.A. Zabrodkin // Grain farming Russia. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 27-31.

11. Lobkov, V.T. Analysis of priority ways for agricultural development at the present stage of technological progress / V.T. Lobkov, S.A. Plygun // Russian Journal of Agricultural and SocioEconomic Sciences. - 2012. - №2. - T. 2. - P. 3-9.

12. Lobkov, V.T. Automation of designing the elements of precision farming systems on the basis of biologization, resource and environmental safety / V.T. Lobkov, S.A. Plygun // Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences. - 2012. - № 1. - T. 1. - P. 3-6.

13. Lobkov, V.T. Priority directions of agriculture development / V.T. Lobkov, S.A. Plygun // Vestnik OrelGAU. - 2012. - № 1. - T. 34. - P. 2-6.

14. Monitoring of weed infestation in modern resource saving primary tillage methods / A.A. Zabrodkin, A.S. Novikova, S.A. Plygun, V.T. Lobkov // Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences. - 2012. - № 9. - T. 9. - P. 33-37.

15. The possibility of legumes production / A.P. Glinushkin, S.A. Plygun, E.M. Ageev, I.M. Ageev, N.I. Devina, L.S. Gromova, E.S. Kosenko // Russian Journal of Agricultural and SocioEconomic Sciences. - 2013. -№ 10. - T. 22. - P. 17-23.

16. The role of tillage and herbicide application «Trizlak» at winter wheat cultivation on grain quality / V.T. Lobkov, S.A. Plygun, N.I. Abakoumov, Y.A. Bobkova // Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences. - 2012. - T. 4. - № 4. - P. 32-37.

17. The efficiency of different methods of primary tillage at broomcorn millet production in the Orel region / V.T. Lobkov, N.I. Abakumov, Y.A. Bobkova, Y.L. Mikhaylova // Vestnik OrelGAU. 2013. - № 6. - T. 45. -P. 9-13.

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