Temporal and spectral indicators of heart rate variability of taekwondo athletes
UDC 612.172.2
Dr. Biol., Associate Professor Yu.A. Shchedrina1 PhD, Associate Professor D.S. Melnikov1 PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Pavlenko1 1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author:[email protected] Received by the editorial office on 06.19.2023
Objective of the study was to determine the features in the regulation of the heart rhythm of taekwondo athletes in transitional training at the stage of sports improvement.
Methods and structure of the study. Taekwondo athletes of the Master of Sports (n=18) and candidates for the Master of Sports (n=2) of youth took part in the study at the end of the competition (fights were completed 2-3 weeks before the study). The temporal (variation range; stress index) and spectral parameters of heart rate variability were recorded using the Varicard hardware-software complex. Processing and analysis were carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. The values of the variational range in male taekwondo masters of sports on average in the group are 300.30±98.02 ms, in the group of girls 244.41±64.83 ms; the value of the tension index in taekwondo athletes is 96.29±41.91 c.u., in taekwondo athletes - 91.09±21.77 c.u., which does not indicate a significant decrease in the functional potential of athletes, at the same time only in 2 athletes from 20 found the optimal structure of the spectrum: HF> LF> VLF, the rest of the study participants have a different spectrum structure scheme and indicate a state of fatigue, overtraining, psycho-emotional stress.
Analysis of mean group values of temporal and spectral frequency parameters of heart rate variability does not allow one to objectively judge the state of regulatory systems. When considering personal values of heart rate variability, it is possible to assess the degree of tension of regulatory systems, the tolerance of realized training loads, the reserves of adaptation to the conditions of training and competitive activities.
Keywords: functional state, variational pulsometry, heart rate variability, taekwondo.
Introduction. In recent years, most experts point out the need for a coach not only to know the method of analyzing the spectral parameters of heart rate variability (HRV), but also to be able to correctly apply it in the training process of athletes to control the functional state of an athlete, optimize training loads and recovery measures [1, 2].
Objective of the study was to determine the features in the regulation of the heart rhythm of taekwondo athletes in transitional training at the stage of sports improvement.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved taekwondo masters of sports boys (n=10) aged
18-21 and girls Masters of sports (n=8) and 2 candidates for the Master of sports aged 17-21, the athletes performed training loads according to a single program. The study was carried out on the basis of a training center. To process cardiointervalograms and analyze heart rate variability, the hardware-software complex "Varicard" was used. The popularity of this complex is explained by the non-invasiveness of testing, the registration of the parameters necessary for the formation of conclusions, taking into account Western standards [3] and the methodology of Soviet and Russian specialists [1]. A 5-minute recording of the heart rhythm was carried out in comfortable conditions after collecting an anamnesis and a
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cms ms ms
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Youth taekwondo fighters aged 18-21 Figure 1. Values of the variation range of taekwondo fighters
Taekwondo girls aged 17-21
5-minute rest. The temporal and frequency parameters of the heart rhythm were assessed in accordance with the "Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical use" [3].
Results of the study and their discussion. MxDMn is an indicator of the variation range of cardi-ointervals, which indicates the state of the autonomic balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, and is also sensitive to individual typological features of regulation and the activity of the sinus node. The predominance of the central contour of regulation, the strengthening of sympathetic regulation during mental or physical exertion is manifested by a stable rhythm, a decrease in the variation range [1]. The smaller the range of the variation range, the greater the activity of the central circuit of regulation. The values of this indicator in the group of boys are 300.30±98.02 ms, in the group of girls 244.41±64.83 ms, and are included in the range of values of healthy individuals of the cor-
responding age group - the gray contour in Figure 1, while there is information about more a narrow corridor for persons with an increased functional state - in Figure 1, a white background.
The personal values of boys have a greater spread than the values of girls (Figure 1).
The tension index characterizes the degree of tension of regulatory systems, namely, how much the activity of the central regulatory mechanisms prevails over the autonomous ones. This indicator is sensitive to increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system [1]. Average group values for the group of taekwondo fighters are 96.29±41.91 c.u., for the group of girls 91.09±21.44 c.u., which is in the optimal range of 80150 c.u. (gray corridor in Figure 2), lower values are typical for athletes - the dotted line in Figure 2. When considering individual values for some athletes, the stress index in a boy and 2 girls indicates a state of tension in adaptation mechanisms with a tendency to
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Youth taekwondo fighters aged 18-21 Figure 2. Tension index values for taekwondo athletes, (n=20)
Taekwondo girls aged 17-21
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I September I № 9 2023
Table 1. Values of spectral parameters of HRV of taekwondo athletes, (n=20)
V.N. 7780 1557 2060 4163 V.N. TP VLF LF HF
CM 1 L.K. 9514 3876 1748 3890 L.K. 1683 114 881 688
00 A.D. 550 83 246 221 CM A.D. 6255 1159 2263 2832
<u V.N. 8365 723 3889 3753 h- V.N. 2771 686 1398 688
£ <u T.M. 12349 2890 5612 3847 ■u <u T.M. 6132 1440 1766 2926
■C V.S. 2530 1114 890 526 a J2 V.S. 5392 1812 1218 2362
0 ■u Sh.V. 7587 2282 2710 2595 '5 0 Sh.V. 3846 530 1860 1933
c § S.S. 11497 2316 2373 6808 ■u c 0 S.S. 6186 923 1238 4025
<u ra Kh.V. 2690 565 339 1785 a Kh.V. 5764 759 1657 3348
■C M.D. 12795 8121 3267 1407 £ M.fl. 7480 1490 1764 4226
£ M 7565,6 2352,5 2313,4 2899,7 M 3883 993 1401 1464
m 1442,36 778,30 555,70 665,23 m 4939,3 945,5 1544,7 2449,1
s 4327,09 2334,89 1667,10 1995,68 s 605,16 168,02 131,88 419,71
increase the activity of stress-realizing systems, one Master of Sports - in Figure 2, the value in the dark gray zone is 442 c.u. exceeds the damage threshold, which is considered to be 400 c.u.
An increase in the value of the stress index is often accompanied by a decrease in the indicators of the spectral frequency analysis of HRV, which is observed in the athlete A.D. - voltage index 442 c.u., the value of the total power of the spectrum and the power indicators of high-frequency and very high oscillations of the spectrum are reduced (table 1), which indicates a state of stress.
According to Shlyk T. I. with the same total power of the spectrum, the order of distribution of the components of the spectrum can be different [1] and normally the structure of the spectrum corresponds to the scheme: HF>LF>VLF We have such a ratio when analyzing the average group spectral parameters of boys and girls taekwondo athletes; when considering the data personally, such a scheme of the spectrum was recorded only in 2 athletes. 7 taekwondo fighters and 3 sportswomen have spectrum structure VLF>LF>HF The ratio LF> VLF>HF was found in 3 boys and 2 girls; the structure of the spectrum - VLF>HF>LF was noted in 2 taekwondo and one taekwondo. The last three schemes described indicate a state of fatigue, overtraining, psycho-emotional stress. Due to the fact that the performances at the competitions ended 2-3 weeks before the examination, we can assume a state of fatigue, overtraining.
Analysis of the ratio and quantitative expression of the components of the spectrum on average for groups does not allow us to see the imbalance, respectively, to correctly assess the condition of athletes.
Conclusions. It is shown that it is not correct to control a group of highly qualified taekwondo practitioners
working even according to one program according to the averaged HRV data, because the average group data of girls and boys in our study indicate the optimal state, which is refuted by a personal analysis of the results of the examination of athletes. Thus, the assessment of: the tension of the heart rhythm regulation systems, the degree of tolerance of the performed loads, the reserves of adaptation to the conditions of training and competitive activity in order to optimize the educational and training process requires a personal interpretation of the data of variational pulsometry.
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