Научная статья на тему 'Темпераменты приближения-избегания, целевое значение и эффективность, и контрасты предсоревновательного достижения целей: тест опосредования'

Темпераменты приближения-избегания, целевое значение и эффективность, и контрасты предсоревновательного достижения целей: тест опосредования Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Локбаум Марк Роберт

Цели, выбранные для достижения, являются значимыми детерминантами спортивных результатов. Поэтому так важно понимать, как спортсмены воспринимают достигаемые цели. Таким образом, настоящее исследование рассматривает вопрос, используют ли спортсмены ранжирование значимости и эффективности целей для достижения своих предсоревновательных целей, опосредованных отношением между темпераментами приближения-избегания к предсоревновательному достижению целей. В исследовании принимали участие 65 спортсменов, занятых как в межшкольных турнирах по американскому футболу, так и в университетских соревнованиях по легкой атлетике. Целевая эффективность полностью опосредована отношением темпераментов приближения-избегания к предсоревновательному достижению целей. Значимость цели частично опосредована отношением темпераментов приближения-избегания к предсоревновательным целям мастерства. Вопрос увеличения значимости и эффективности цели должен постоянно находиться в фокусе внимания тренеров и спортивных психологов, что повышает спортивную результативность, стимулируя преобладание проекции приближения над проекцией избегания достижения цели.

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Approach-avoidance temperaments, goal value and efficacy, and pre-performance achievement goal contrasts: a test of mediation

Achievement goals are meaningful determinants of sport performance. It is therefore important to understand how athletes adopt their achievement goals. Thus, this study examined whether athlete rated goal value and efficacy to achieve their pre-contest goal mediated the relationship between approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest achievement goals. Participants were 65 athletes competing in either interscholastic American football or university track and field. Goal efficacy fully mediated the relationship for the approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest performance goals. Goal value partially mediated the relationship for the approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest mastery goals. Increasing goal value and efficacy should be the focus of coaches and sport psychologists to help enhance sport performance by stimulating approach over avoidance achievement goals.

Текст научной работы на тему «Темпераменты приближения-избегания, целевое значение и эффективность, и контрасты предсоревновательного достижения целей: тест опосредования»

ников в системе профессионального образования позволит оптимизировать учебно-воспитательный процесс на различных этапах профессионализации, обеспечит постоянное поступательное личностно-профессиональное развитие сотрудников.


1. Купавцев, Т.С. Компетентностная модель подготовки сотрудников МВД России / Т.С. Купавцев // Ученые записки университета имени П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2013. - № 11 (105). - С. 85-90.

2. Купавцев, Т.С. Педагогическое обеспечение самостоятельной работы курсантов и слушателей вузов МВД России : монография / Т.С. Купавцев ; Барнаульский юридический институт МВД России. - Барнаул : [б.и.], 2010. - 226 с.

3. Поваренков, Ю.П. Профессиональное становление личности : дис. ... д-ра психол. наук : 19.00.07 / Поваренков Юрий Павлович. - Ярославль, 1999. - 359 с.


1. Kupavtsev, T.S. (2013), "Competence model of training for the interior Ministry of Russia", Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta, Vol. 105, No. 11, pp. 85-90.

2. Kupavtsev, T.S. (2010), Pedagogical maintenance of independent work of students of universities of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia: monograph, Publishing house Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia, Barnaul, Russian Federation.

3. Povarenkov, Y.P. (1999), Professional personal development, the Dissertation of doctor of psychology, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation.

Контактная информация: [email protected]

Статья поступила в редакцию 15.11.2014.

УДК 796:159.9



Марк Роберт Локбаум, доктор философии, профессор, Техасский технологический университет, Лаббок, Техас, США


Цели, выбранные для достижения, являются значимыми детерминантами спортивных результатов. Поэтому так важно понимать, как спортсмены воспринимают достигаемые цели. Таким образом, настоящее исследование рассматривает вопрос, используют ли спортсмены ранжирование значимости и эффективности целей для достижения своих предсоревновательных целей, опосредованных отношением между темпераментами приближения-избегания к предсоревновательному достижению целей. В исследовании принимали участие 65 спортсменов, занятых как в межшкольных турнирах по американскому футболу, так и в университетских соревнованиях по легкой атлетике. Целевая эффективность полностью опосредована отношением темпераментов приближения-избегания к предсоревновательному достижению целей. Значимость цели частично опосредована отношением темпераментов приближения-избегания к предсоревновательным целям мастерства. Вопрос увеличения значимости и эффективности цели должен постоянно находиться в фокусе внимания тренеров и спортивных психологов, что повышает спортивную результативность, стимулируя преобладание проекции приближения над проекцией избегания достижения цели.

Ключевые слова: темперамент, состязательный вид спорта, достижение целей, опосредование.

DOI: 10.5930/issn.1994-4683.2014.11.117.p213-218



Marc Robert Lochbaum, Ph.D., Full Professor, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas USA


Achievement goals are meaningful determinants of sport performance. It is therefore important to understand how athletes adopt their achievement goals. Thus, this study examined whether athlete rated goal value and efficacy to achieve their pre-contest goal mediated the relationship between approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest achievement goals. Participants were 65 athletes competing in either interscholastic American football or university track and field. Goal efficacy fully mediated the relationship for the approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest performance goals. Goal value partially mediated the relationship for the approach-avoidance temperaments to pre-contest mastery goals. Increasing goal value and efficacy should be the focus of coaches and sport psychologists to help enhance sport performance by stimulating approach over avoidance achievement goals.

Keywords: temperament, competitive sport, achievement goals, mediation.


Elliot's 2 x 2 achievement goals are structured within his hierarchical model of approach and avoidance motivation (Elliot, 1999). Elliot's hierarchical model places the 2 x 2 achievement goals as mediators of a series of antecedents to achievement motivation consequences. Within the 2 x 2 achievement goal framework, there are four achievement goals that by definition define one's competence. Competence for the mastery-approach goal is defined by a focus on task-based attainment such as improving upon one's past performance in a marathon, whereas competence based on the mastery-avoidance goal is defined by a focus on avoiding a worsening of task-based attainment such avoiding not improving upon one's personal record in the a shuttle run fitness test. From the performance goal perspective, the performance-approach goal defines competence based on normative achievements such as a student in a physical education class focusing on scoring more soccer goals than anyone else in class, whereas the performance-avoidance goal defines competence based on avoiding displays of normative incompetence such as not missing more tennis serves than one's opponent. Pertinent to this prospective study, Lochbaum and Gottardy (2014), in their meta-analytic review, demonstrated that the approach goals (mastery and performance) are meaningful and positive determinants of sport performance.

Elliot (1999) hypothesized a number of neurophysiologic predispositions such as extraversion and neuroticism, BIS and BAS sensitivity, and positive and negative emotionality as antecedents to achievement goals. The theoretical linkage is based on the idea that neurophysio-logic predispositions and achievement goals are both biologically based. For instance, the approach goals and extraversion are linked with behavioral predispositions toward positive stimuli with the general consensus that extraversion is defined by active, social, and optimistic characteristics. Since, proposing his hierarchical model and testing the linkage between neurophysiologic predispositions and achievement goals, Elliot and Thrash (2010) have proposed that two temperaments exist as the basic dimensions of personality that thus underlie the neurophysiologic antecedents of achievement goals. In a series of six studies, Elliot and Thrash (2010) developed a valid and reliable instrument to assess the approach and avoidance temperaments as the foundation of personality and thus antecedents of achievement goals.

Given the distal nature of Elliot and Thrash's temperaments to achievement goals, it is logical that the relationship between temperaments and achievement goals are mediated by

thoughts inherent within competitive sport. For instance, athletes set goals for competition. It is very logical that the value and efficacy they have in achieving those goals are important mediators between temperaments and achievement goals. Specifically, the value they place and efficacy or confidence they have in achieving their goal should be important in adopting the achievement goals. Thus, the purpose of this prospective study was to determine whether athlete goal value and efficacy athletes mediate the relationship between temperaments and adoption of mastery and performance achievement goals specific to competition.


Participants were 65 male and female student-athletes that were competing in either high school football or collegiate track and field ranging in age from 15 to 23. Appropriate informed consent procedures for minors (the high school student-athletes) and adults (the university student-athletes) were followed. Once informed consent was obtained, each participant completed the Approach-Avoidance Temperament Questionnaire (AGQ). Two weeks later, the researchers first collected the Goal Setting Assessment Battery (GSAB) and then the Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Sport (AGQ-S) on the day of the football contest or on the day of the track and field competition.

Concerning the measures, the ATQ, developed by Elliot and Thrash (2010), is composed of 12-items that assess the approach and avoidance temperaments with 6 items representing each temperament. The questionnaire required participants to rate their agreement with each statement on a scale from 1 "not at all true of me" to 7 "very true of me". A higher score on either of the temperament scales indicates a stronger orientation toward that temperament. Participants responded to the following statement, "Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements as they pertain to you."

The GSAB, developed by Karoly and Ruehlman (1995), is composed of 36-items that assess four subscales. Only the GSAB's Directive Function Questionnaire was used that consists of two 4-item subscales that tap goal-related value and self-efficacy. The questionnaire required participants to rate their goal value and efficacy for their individually set goal for either the upcoming football game or track meet on a scale from 0 "not at all true of me" to 4 "very true of me". A higher score on the goal value and efficacy scales indicates a stronger belief. To measure goal value and efficacy, participants responded to the following statement, "Please indicate what your number one goal is for the football game or track meet. With this goal in mind, fill out the following survey."

The AGQ-S, developed by Conroy, Elliot, and Hofer (2003), was designed to assess four achievement goal orientations in a sport context (mastery-approach, performance-approach, mastery-avoidance, and performance-avoidance) using 3 statements per subscale for a total of 12 items. The questionnaire required participants to rate their agreement with each statement on a scale from 1 "not at all true of me" to 7 "very true of me". A higher score on any of the achievement goal subscales indicates a stronger orientation toward that achievement goal. To measure pre-contest goals, participants responded to the following statement, "When competing in your event (worded football game or track meet) this week, I..."


Data were analyzed as follows: first, Cronbach's alphas were used to examine the internal consistency of the self-report measures. Second, a MANOVA was conducted on the study variables to determine if differences existed in the linear combination of the study's variables to justify combining the two sets of athletes. Third, descriptive statistics and Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated to describe the sample and evaluate the correlations among the variables. Fourth, following past research recommendations (Stoeber & Crombie, 2010), both temperaments and the all four goals were first standardized prior to the contrast calculation (approach-avoidance contrast = zapproach - zavoidance temperament; performance

contrast = zperformance-approach - zperformance-avoidance; mastery contrast = zmastery-approach - zmastery-avoidance).

To examine the main purpose of this study, mediation was tested. Mediation for the two proposed models was tested using a bootstrapping technique via a SPSS macro (Preacher & Hayes, 2008). The bootstrapping technique was used because it provides a suitable way in which to simultaneously test mediation in small samples. The c in figures is the total effect of the approach-avoidance contrast on either the pre-contest mastery or performance contrast. The c' in figure is the direct effect of the approach-avoidance contrast on either the pre-contest mastery or performance contrast. The indirect effect for each model is represented by the path through either goal efficacy or value. Bootstrapped ninety-five percent confidence intervals (95% CI) were used to evaluate the significance of both the indirect effects for each hypothesized mediation model.


The MANOVA that tested whether a difference existed in the linear combination of the study variables was not significant, F(5, 55) = .29, Pillai's Trace = .03, p = .91. Thus, the two athlete samples were confidently merged. Table 1 shows the intercorrelations amongst the study variables and descriptive data for all study variables. Overall, the sample highly endorsed the pre-contest mastery-approach goal as well as the pre-contest performance-approach goal. At the temperament level, the sample endorsed the approach temperament more so than the avoidance temperament. On average, participants had reported valuing their goal as well have having fairly high efficacy in achieving their set competition goal. The intercorrelations amongst the model variables ranged from .14 to .37 suggesting that the necessary relationships for basic mediation modeling. Last, Cronbach alpha's were within acceptable ranges with only the avoidance temperament and mastery-approach goal being below .70.

Table 1

Intercorrelations, means (M) and standard deviations (SD), and for study variables

Variables 1 2 3 4 5

1 Temperament Contrast 1.00

2 GSAB - Value .30** 1.00

3 GSAB - Efficacy 32** .42** 1.00

4 Performance Goal Contrast .15 .19 .38** 1.00

5 Mastery Goal Contrast .28* .29* .28** .42** 1.00

M .00 14.69 13.50 .00 .00

SD 1.41 2.09 2.59 .84 1.50

Note: *p < .05. **p< .01.

For the pre-contest performance contrast (see Figure 1), the total model was significant, F(2, 62) = 3.44, p < .05, R2 = 10.01%, R2 adjusted = 7.10% and the bootstrapped upper and lower limits did not containing zero with the lower limit at .01 and the upper at .16 suggesting that the approach-avoidance contrast relationship with the pre-contest performance goal contrast is fully mediated by goal efficacy. Goal value was not a suitable mediator, and thus was not shown in the figure.

Figure 1. ATQ contrast, efficacy and performance contrast (*p < .05)

For the pre-contest mastery contrast, the total model was significant, F(2, 60) = 4.42, p < .05, R2 = 12.86%, R2 adjusted = 9.96% though the bootstrapped 95% upper and lower limits barely feel out of significance (i.e., upper and lower confidence limits not containing zero) with the lower limit at -.001 and the upper at .23. Only goal value was a suitable mediator, and thus efficacy was not shown in the figure.

Figure 2. ATQ contrast, goal value, and mastery contrast (*p < 0.05) CONCLUSIONS

Performance is the gold standard of competitive sport. Sport psychology constructs are of great value in understanding sport performance. Achievement goals are determinants of sport performance in that athletes more focused on approach goals being greater in their mind that avoidance goals perform better. This study demonstrated that basic approach-avoidance temperaments are of great importance when examined with the context of actual competition goals. Athlete rated goal value and efficacy in achieving their competitive goal mediated the relationship between temperaments or the basic neurophysiological foundations of personality and competition focused achievement goals. Thus, sport psychology professionals as well as coaches should help their athletes' competitive performances by increasing goal value and efficacy on the day of competition.


1. Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic and statistical considerations", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, pp. 1173-1182.

2. Conroy, D.E., Elliot, A.J., & Hofer, S.M. (2003), "A 2 x 2 achievement goals questionnaire for sport", Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 25, pp. 456-476.

3. Elliot, A.J. & Thrash, T. (2010), "Approach and avoidance temperament as basic dimensions of personality", Journal of Personality, Vol. 78, pp. 865-906.

4. Karoly, P., & Ruehlman, L. S. (1995), "Goal cognition and its clinical implications: Development and preliminary validation of four motivational assessment instruments", Assessment, Vol. 2, pp. 113-129.

5. Lochbaum, M., Gottardy, J. (2014, in press), "A meta-analytic review of the approach-avoidance achievement goals and performance relationships in the sport psychology literature", Journal of Sport and Health Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.10167j.jshs.2013.12.004.

6. Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2008), "Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models", Behavior Research Methods, Vol. 40, 879891.

7. Stoeber, J., & Crombie, R. (2010), "Achievement goals and championship performance: Predicting absolute performance and qualification success", Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 11, pp. 513-521.


1. Baron, R. M. The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic and statistical considerations / R. M. Baron, D. A. Kenny // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. - 1986. - Vol. 51. - P. 1173-1182.

2. Conroy, D.E. A 2 x 2 achievement goals questionnaire for sport / D.E. Conroy, A.J. Elliot, S.M Hofer // Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. - 2003. - Vol. 25. - P. 456-476.

3. Elliot, A.J. Approach and avoidance temperament as basic dimensions of personality / A.J. Elliot, T. Thrash // Journal of Personality. - 2010. - Vol. 78. - P. 865-906.

4. Karoly, P. Goal cognition and its clinical implications: Development and preliminary validation of four motivational assessment instruments / P. Karoly, L. S. Ruehlman // Assessment. - 1995. -Vol. 2. - P. 113-129.

5. Lochbaum, M. A meta-analytic review of the approach-avoidance achievement goals and performance relationships in the sport psychology literature [Электронный ресурс] / M. Lochbaum, J. Gottardy // Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2014. - URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2013.12.004. - Дата обращения 22.11.2014.

6. Preacher, K. J. Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models / K. J. Preacher, A. F. Hayes // Behavior Research Methods. - 2008. -Vol. 40. - P. 879-891.

7. Stoeber, J. Achievement goals and championship performance: Predicting absolute performance and qualification success / J. Stoeber, R. Crombie // Psychology of Sport and Exercise. -2010. - Vol. 11. - P. 513-521.

Контактная информация: [email protected]

Статья поступила в редакцию 22.11.2014.

УДК 796:159.9


Алла Викторовна Лысенко, доктор биологических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой, Татьяна Владимировна Таютина, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, Дмитрий Сергеевич Лысенко, преподаватель, Южный Федеральный Университет, Ростов-на-Дону; Владимир Александрович Арутюнов, кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник, Санкт-Петербургский Институт биорегуляции и геронтологии


Целью данной работы явилось выявление связи когнитивного инсайта с особенностями саморегуляции, совладания со стрессом и качества жизни у здоровых испытуемых, образ жизни которых в различной степени связан с занятиями физической культурой и спортом. Были проанализированы и обобщены данные современной литературы о тревожно-депрессивных расстройствах, их влиянии на соматическое и психическое здоровье, исследована распространенность и выраженность тревожно-депрессивных расстройств у лиц с разной приверженностью к физическим нагрузкам, оценено влияние интенсивности физических нагрузок на выраженность тревожно-депрессивных расстройств, определены возможные механизмы коррекции психического здоровья. В ходе выполнения работы были получены следующие результаты: физические упражнения воздействуют как антидепрессанты на определенные нейромедиаторные системы в мозге и помогают восстановить положительное отношение к жизни, уменьшая страхи и сопутствующие симптомы, такие как учащенное сердцебиение и дыхание. Спорт для профессиональных спортсменов может быть источником страданий, но даже осознание угрозы психического расстройства не останавливает их, и они продолжают заниматься спортом.

Ключевые слова: тревожно-депрессивные расстройства, уровень когнитивного инсайта, физические нагрузки, психическое здоровье, качество жизни.

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