УДК 614.2-053.6:616-08-039.57(574.57)
N.K. Abdiyeva, S.O. Ossikbayeva, A.S. Meiirman
School of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Republic of Kazakhstan
Children are our future. And their health and well-being development on the way to maturation is an urgent problem. In the research work, the dynamics of attendance of adolescents in outpatient care was studied. Keywords: teenagers, children, population, dynamic, health.
Introduction. Teenagers are acknowledged to be at high risk of health-damaging behaviours including smoking, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol use. Additionally, the recognition of high levels of psychological distress is cause for serious concern about teenage health [1]. People aged 16-24 years tend to engage in behaviours damaging to health to a greater extent than those in other age ranges [2]. These behaviours may result in immediate health problems such as injuries or sexually transmitted disease, as well as increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer in later life. Health of the Nation targets for this age group [3], including reducing the prevalence of smoking, conceptions, suicide, accidents and sexually transmitted disease, have mostly not been met [4].
The targets for the next 12 years are to cut heart disease and stroke by a third, accidents by a fifth, cancer deaths by a fifth and suicide by a sixth. Teenagers exhibit a high prevalence of the risk factors associated with each of these areas. Promoting healthy behaviour among this age group aims to encourage the development of healthy adult lifestyles and thereby reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality in these target areas. In order to address
fully these areas, several different approaches will need to be combined involving national and local policy, the media, schools and local initiatives in communities and in general practice. This paper focuses on the role of general practice and the primary health care team. Materials and methods: teenage population. A preliminary search indicated that there are no current literature reviews of adolescent health promotion in general practice. A systematic search and review was therefore carried out to determine what is being done and to gather evidence of interventions that are effective. The method of sociological research was used to evaluate the basic values of schoolchildren's adolescents and give a comparative sociological assessment of schoolchildren in adolescents, depending on gender and course. The questionnaire and the analytical method were used. Result. For an assessment of outpatient polyclinic volumes on the help given to the teenage population, the city dynamics of their attendance has been studied. The results of studying the total number of visits, of the teenage population to the medical organizations, in Almaty city between 2011-2013 (Picture 1) show that in 2011 just 126429 teenagers were examined.
155000 150000 145000 140000 135000 130000 125000 120000 115000 110000
Picture 1- Total number of teenage population visits
In 2012 the frequency of teenager visits increased by 14,9% to 145281. There was a further 3,6% increase in urban teenager attendance during 2013 to 150546. During 2011 complaints about disease were 30.8% of total attendance (Picture 2), amounting to 38962 teenagers. In 2012, 43689 teenagers (or 30,0% of total
to outpatient polyclinic organizations in Almaty city number)
attendance) were assessed for diseases and in 2013 this figure increased to 50188 (or 33,3% of the total attendance). Comparative attendance evaluation on complaints about disease established a growth trend in 2012 of 12,1% and in 2013 of 14,8%.
BecTHUK Ka3HMy №2-2017
Picture 2- Total number of teenage population visits to outpatient polyclinic organizations in Almaty city,
to complain about disease (absolute number)
Of important interest are the dynamics on the daily, monthly and yearly burden on Doctors treating adolescents in Almaty city (Picture 3). The daily average of sick teenagers accepted by Doctors in 2011 was 23, in 2012 was 19 and 22 in 2013. Herewith this indicator decreased in 2012 by 17,4 %, and the trend reversed in
2013 by increasing 15,7%. The monthly burden on doctors treating sick adolescents was 511 in 2008, 422 in 2009 and 481 in 2010. Comparative analysis showed that in 2009 the monthly burden decreased by 17,5 % compared with 2008 and in 2010 increased by 13,9%.
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
422 19
-• 481 -• 22
Picture 3- Doctors treating adolescents' factual burden at outpatient polyclinic organizations in Almaty city
(number of sick teenagers)
Doctors in Almaty city accepted 5622 sick adolescents in 2008 , 4640 in 2009 and 5053 in 2010. In 2009 in comparison with 2008 this indicator decreased by 17,5 %, and in 2008 increased by 8,9 %. Conclusion: In summary, the assessment of teenagers' attendance at outpatient polyclinic organizations in
Almaty city shows the establishment of a dynamic growth. At the same time from the total number of visits, the specific percentage of visits concerning disease increased from 30,0% to 33,3%. Average factual burden of visits for one doctor per day is 21.3, per month is 471.3, and per year 5105.
1 Jacobson LD, Pill RM. Short reports. Critical consumers: teenagers in primary care // Health Social Care Community. -1997. - №5(1). - P. 59-62.
2 Department of Health. Health Related Behaviour // An Epidemiological Overview. - London: Department of Health, 1996. - P. 25-33.
3 Department of Health. The Health of the Nation: a Strategy for Health in England. - London: HMSO, 1992. - 103 p.
4 CHMU. Progress towards the Primary Health of the Nation Targets // CHMU. - 1996. - №7. - P. 26-34.
Н.К. Абдиева, С.О. Осикбаева, А.С. Мейирман
Цазацстан Республикасыныц денсаулыц сацтау министрлтнщ цогамдыц денсаулыц сацтау MeKme6i
ТYЙiн: Жасeспiрiмдер - бiздiн, болашагымыз. Ал олардын, денсаулыгы мен есею жолындагы салауатты дамуы K^ipri заманнын, e3eKTi мэселесi. Маа;алада жасeсmрiмдердiн, амбулаторлы-емханалык; кeмекккежYгiнуi мен каралуы зерттелдi.
ТYЙiндi сездер: жасeспiрiмдер, балалар, халы;, динамика, денсаулык;
Н.К. Абдиева, С.О. Осикбаева, А.С. Мейирман
Школа общественного здравоохранения, Министерство здравоохранения, Республика Казахстан
Резюме: Дети - это наше будущее. А их здоровье и благополучие развитие на пути созревание является актуальной проблемой. В исследовательской работе была изучена динамика посещаемости подростков амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи.
Ключевые слова: подростки, дети, население, динамика, здоровье.
УДК [613.2+502]:632.95
A.S. Meiirman, A.E. Yerlan, N.K. Abdiyeva
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university, Department of normal physiology with valeology course
Intensive use of chemical plant protection products in agriculture in many countries of the world raises the need to identify the levels of pollution by them of environmental objects and food products; Assessment of their potential danger to establish real and safe levels of exposure to pesticides on humans using different technologies for processing crops. Particular danger from the point of view of widespread pollution of the environment is persistent organic pollutants, which have high toxic properties, resistance to decomposition and increased bioaccumulation. Keywords: pesticide, environment, hygiene, agriculture, health
Introduction. Pesticides have been specifically designed to combat pests and plant diseases. However, these artificially synthesized substances, destroying pests, cause and cause significant harm to many useful organisms; undermine the health of biosensors and the ecosystem as a whole. Residual quantities of persistent organic pollutants are recorded on all continents and in all regions representing the main climatic and geographical areas of the world.
No less dangerous are modern pesticides, which in themselves are less stable and easily decomposed during application. At the same time, the products of their decomposition have not been studied sufficiently, and in some cases are more toxic than the original preparation. Therefore, the issues of studying and optimizing the existing environmental and hygienic monitoring of the application of modern priority pesticides with an assessment of the risk of their impact on public health are relevant and timely.
Materials and methods of research. The analysis of environmental pollution by modern pesticides has shown that highly effective methods for their determination have been developed and are actively used internationally. It should be pointed out that in international practice, the development and improvement of methods for analyzing pesticide residues in human habitat facilities is assigned
to various ministries and departments, and not to pesticide manufacturers (manufacturers). Supervises this issue of the International Council for Cooperation in the field of analytical chemistry of pesticides (CIPAC). To date, 9 collections of techniques have been published. Once every four years the International Congress on Plant Protection Chemistry is held (until 2002 - the Congress on Pesticide Chemistry) under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which is an important milestone in the work of specialists from different countries in the synthesis, use and control of chemical Means of plant protection[1]. More than a dozen modern technical regulations are harmonized with international requirements in the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of them is the Technical Regulations "On Requirements for the Safety of Pesticides". Based on the analysis and evaluation of known, the developed modern methods for determination of residual amounts of pesticides in various environmental objects and food products are given, which allow to determine chemical substances at the level of international hygienic standards. They can rightfully serve as an example of unifying the methods of analysis, that is, their harmonization with international requirements [2].