Научная статья на тему 'Technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical physical education classes'

Technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical physical education classes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vilyansky V.N., Chernigovskaya S.A.

The purpose of the present study was to develop and approve the educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical classes of physical education. The paper presents a new approach to involving students exempted from practical lessons on the subject «Physical education» in the educational process via the development and implementation of the educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture. The educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical classes on physical education, can provide a comprehensive impact. First of all, these are educational effects (actualization of the «Health» value, generation of knowledge, skills and abilities to manage personal health, motivation to actively participate in physical activity and personal development, etc.). This is also the all-round positive impact on the psychophysical sphere of students during their independent sport and fitness classes. The study enables to recommend the designed educational technology of unprofessional education in the field of physical culture for students exempted from practical classes of physical education for using in the higher school practice. The prospect of further research is related to enhancement of individual elements of technology and rating system of progress of students with poor health.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical physical education classes»


V.N. Vilyanskiy, associate professor, Honorary trainer of Ukraine, Honorary teacher S.A. Chernigovskaya, Ph.D.

National mining university, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Key words: educational technology, nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture, physical education, students, health.

Introduction. Recently Ukrainian specialists in the field of study of physical education issues have noted the stable tendency to the decrease of the rates in physical development of young students. The number of students exempted from practical lessons on physical education for health reasons, is constantly growing [6]. According to the Physical Education curriculum for higher schools of the III-IV levels of accreditation, the given students are to fulfill the theoretical and methodological sections of the curriculum. The aim of such lessons is the formation of an active personality being able to look after his/her health. However, it has to be mentioned that the corresponding innovative technologies, that could set the educational requirements and content, forms and methods of the organization of effective teaching of students while learning the discipline "Physical Education", are underdeveloped. The theoretical analysis of the previous researches has shown that the foundations of education in the field of physical culture were laid as early as in the 90s in the doctoral theses of V.V. Prykhod'ko and L.I. Lubysheva [4, 5]. These papers have become fundamental for further investigations in the sphere of the personality physical culture formation. Currently, there are three basic approaches in the improvement of the physical education process: sports-centered, personality-centered and environment-centered [3]. Having analyzed the available facts we came to the decision that the most perspective and personality-centered technology is the educational one of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture, developed for the students of the main medical group (V.V. Prykhod'ko, 1991) [5]. Therefore, we used the basic regulations of the given educational technology concept to develop the innovative educational technology of the lessons with students exempted from practical lessons on physical education. Materials and methods. The educational experiment was held on the basis of National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk. The 1st-3d year students temporarily exempted from practical lessons on physical education took part in the experiment. The control group consisted of 2nd and 3d year students in the number of 45 people (27 girls and 18 boys), who studied in the form of reviews. The experimental group consisted of 1st year students (41 people: 18 girls and 23 boys), who followed the educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture that we had developed.

During the experiment the following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; questionnaire in order to define the knowledge and skill levels in the sphere of physical activity. Mental state was examined using psychological and diagnostic methods: "value orientations" (M. Rokeach), diagnostics of social frustration level by L.I. Vasserman, differential diagnostics of depressive states by V. Zunge (modification of I.I. Balashova), determination of neuropsychic adaptation level (I.N. Gurvich) and anxiety level using the "Taylor Personality scale of manifest anxiety" (modification of V.G. Norakidze) and "life-meaning orientations" test (D. Leontiev). The functional state of the cardiorespiratory system was assessed using the following methods: measurement of blood pressure, pulsometry, Stange's test and spirometry. The results were processed using the standard methods of mathematical statistics.

Results and discussion. The direction of the innovative educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture is distinguished by its usage for effective organization of the educational process for students exempted from practical lessons on physical education; its final goal is to form the student's personality as an active healthy lifestyle carrier who strives to protect and strengthen his health [1].

The module organization of lessons is in the technology structure. It consists of four modules that provide the consecutive involvement of students into the system of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture. The algorithm of health and fitness lessons based on the programme "100 minutes" for the exempted students was developed. This algorithm provided conditions for phased acquisition of the ways of creation of individual health and fitness programmes and outlined the methodological requirements for organization of self-study [2, 8] including types of teacher's control, medical control and self-control of own health by a student with the obligatory provision of the self-control diary to a teacher and a doctor. The performance appraisal rating system, stimulating students for more serious physical activities, was developed.

It has to be noticed that the module programme on nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture as a basis for the content of the educational technology was designed in accordance with the following stages:

- development of the whole course of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture with the distinction of modules that correspond to the content of I-IV semesters for 1st and 2nd year students;

- development of the structure for all four modules;

- selection of educational elements in accordance with the aims of each module.

Thus, the following interconnecting modules of the educational and training process on nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture were distinguished:

Module 1 - the first semester: "Introduction into the course of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture, adaptation and starting actively motivating students for their health management".

Module 2 - the second semester: "Involvement of students into the system of independent health and fitness lessons and the self-control system".

Module 3 - the third semester: "Improvement of the system of independent health and fitness lessons and the health-improving effect form them".

Module 4 - the fourth semester: "Further formation of a physically active personality and a healthy lifestyle carrier personality".

The particular place in the content of the technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture belongs to the algorithm of independent health and fitness lessons based on the programme "100 minutes". This algorithm implies the strictly defined and logical sequence of teacher and student actions that ensures the creation of own effective health and fitness programme of lessons by the latter in view of the specifics of his disease. The principal sequence of actions on the algorithm includes the following five interconnected stages.

1. Gnostical stage - is associated with the acquisition of lacking knowledge.

2. Stage of construction - is associated with the combination of health and fitness influence options, i.e. combining them in a programme of lessons. These are the complexes of morning hygienic exercises, self-massage, P.T. break during an academic day, complexes of exercise therapy in case of disease, conditioning to the cold and other indicated health-improving measures which are available for those engaged.

3. Stage of appraisal and completion of the composed by a student individual programme of health and fitness lessons considering his disease which is being held under the control of a doctor and a teacher of the physical education department.

4. Stage of trial realization_of own health and fitness programme by a student.

5. Stage of preliminary results analysis and programme improvement, achievement and consolidation of the desirable health-improving effect.

The application of the given algorithm presupposes adhering to the following methodological requirements by a student and a teacher.

A teacher carries out the operational (during a particular stage), current (according to results of each stage) and final (according to semester results) control and its results are recorded in the students' performance appraisal rating system.

During the programme development and realization a student fulfils the following methodological requirements:

- follows all the above mentioned stages of the algorithm with no exception;

- controls carefully the state of his health and in case of the first negative sings of ill health stops attending lessons and consults a doctor;

- informs promptly his teacher from the physical education department about ill health and doctor's recommendations;

- a student can keep on doing his health and fitness program, which can be changed if needed, only after a doctor's permission.

The scheme of the content of the programme of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture is shown in Fig. 1


1. Gnostical.

2. Programme design.

3. Individual programme appraisal

4. Trial realization of the programme

5. Programme analysis and improvement


Control: 1. Pedagogical - operational, current, final. 2. Medical. 3. Student's self-control

Algorithm of independent health and fitness lessons

Module 1

Introduction into the course of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture

Methodological requirements:

1.Educational, medical and self-control methods are applied. 2.1n case of ill health the one is to stop attending lessons immediately up to doctor's permission. 3. Keep on training after doctor's permission




Module 2

Involvement of students into the system of health-improving lessons



Module 3

Enhancement of the system of health-improving lessons

-N V

Module 4

Further formation of health builder personality


Students exempted

from practical DŒ lessons on physical education

Educational process on NPEPC Teacher -¡/»Students

Healthy lifestyle carrier model

(social and professional features, cognitive orientation, first experience of health and fitness classes)

(Module 1)

Aim - mobilization and self-organization to the regular efforts made to improve own psychophysical status and health

(Module 2.3.4)

Aim - active involvement of students into the process of lessons based on the individual programme for health improvement

1. Providing a health certificate.

2. Testing the initial psychophysical status.

3. Working out, improvement and development of the semester programme of lessons.

4. Individual consultations with a teacher during the semester.

5. Final control test of psychophysical status of students.

6. Assessment and points crediting according to the rating scale.

Fig.l. Content of the nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture for students exempted from practical lessons on physical education

It has to be mentioned that the performance appraisal rating system was adapted to the peculiarities of each semester; hence each semester had its specifics in crediting of conventional points and final evaluation of students' learning activity. Students were rated on the basis of total of points which were converted into the five-point scale according to the following principle: 91-100 points corresponded to the "excellent" mark (or A according to the ECTS scale), 81-90 points - "good" (or BC), 61-80 -"satisfactory" (or DE), 41-60 - "poor" (or FX), less than 40 points - bad with the compulsory review of the learnt material of the discipline (or F). The aim of the performance appraisal rating system in the first semester was mobilization and self-organization of students exempted from practical lessons on physical education, for applying conscious and systematic efforts to their psychophysical status and health improvement. The aim of the rating system in the second, third and fourth semesters was active involvement into the self-study process based on the designed individual health-improving programme "100 minutes" for health improvement and ensuring a stable remission and maybe the positive dynamics in eliminating the present disease symptoms.

Proceeding from the experiment, this technology enables to change the student's position into the one of a subject of an educational and cognitive activity, which provides with the academic personality-centered process.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the influence of the developed technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture on the functional and physical states of students exempted from practical lessons on physical education, the corresponding research was carried out. Table 1 shows the statistical data on the indices of functional state and physical development of students of the experimental group before and after the experiment. On completing the experiment statistically significant changes in heart rate, Stange's test and the ratio of actual lung capacity to the proper one were fixed among the indices of functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of students of the experimental group.

Table 1. Statistical data on the indices of functional state and physical development of students of the experimental group before and after the experiment (n=41)

Before ex periment After ex periment

young males young young males young

Indices n = 23 females n = 23 females

n = 18 n = 18

X ±s X ±s X ±s X ±s

Heart rate, bpm 76,39±6,97 73,94±6,91 72,69±6,03 71,17±3,03

Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 126,30±16,59 112,77±8,95 123,91± 10,76 112,5±8,62

Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 79,78±9,94 77,5±4,93 81,96±7,19 76,94±4,58

Timed inspiratory capacity 47,04±5,98 44,11±7,4 54,21±6,54 51,45±6,84

Timed expiratory capacity 21,39±3,68 23,56±4,91 24,91±3,1 28,17±5,03

Body mass, kg 76,69±16,97 58,77±7,44 78,35±15,27 59,33±7,52

Body length, cm 179,17±5,26 166,72±4,94 179,65±4,99 166,72±4,94

Wrist strength, kg 44,91±7,82 25,33±7,19 46,78±7,63 26,61±7,41

Body mass index, c.u. 23,74±4,56 21,03±2,16 24,16±6,21 21,19±2,16

Power index, % 59,83±10,43 42,5±12,45 62,04±12,25 45,06±13,92

Actual lung capacity, ml 3878,26± 692,79 2821,11± 488,96 4247,39± 558,13 2915±482,57

Ratio of actual lung capacity to the proper one, % 77,06±12,78 80,07±10,59 83,25±7,61 83,59±9,61

Note: The indices showing the statistically significant differences are typed bold (p<0,05).

According to the data in Table 1 the statistical indices of heart rate were for young males in the

experimental group were X = 76,33 bpm before the experiment and X = 72,69 bpm after it;

for young females X = 73,94 bpm and X = 71,17 bpm respectively (p<0,05). Statistically significant differences were also noted in timed inspiratory capacity (Stange's test) before and after the experiment: X = 47,04 s and X = 54,21 s for young males respectively, X = 44,11 s and X = 51,45 s (p<0,05) for young females respectively; as for timed expiratory capacity the indices for young males were X = 21,39 s and X = 24,91 s, for young females X = 23,55 s and X = 28,17 s.

At the same time, statistically significant data on the examined indices of functional state and physical development were lacking in the control group at the end of the academic year.

During the investigation of the structure of value orientations we were interested in the results of the influence on the awareness of students as potential healthy lifestyle carriers. When using the described technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture our goal was to establish whether it was possible to influence the process of health value actualization for exempted students with the help of this technology. The statistical processing of test results of young males and females from experimental and control groups based on the psychological indices before the experiment had not revealed any significant differences between them. So we united young males and females in a single sample. Table 2 shows the results of psychological indices of students of experimental group before and after the introduction of the technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture into the academic process.

Table 2. Statistical data of psychological indices in experimental group before and after the experiment (n=41)_

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Before experiment After experiment M c ~ .2

Indices X ±s X ±s Studen t-criter > a ep J

Life goal, points 31,52 7,15 29,97 7,41 0,84 0,4058

Process satisfaction, points 28,39 6,94 32,35 4,44 2,68 0,0094

Result satisfaction, points 26,03 4,62 28,13 3,21 2,07 0,0424

Locus of self-control, points 22,00 3,47 21,39 3,80 0,66 0,5100

Locus of life control, points 30,48 5,84 30,16 6,33 0,21 0,8355

General life conciseness, points 103,23 16,11 98,87 18,56 0,99 0,3278

Neuropsychic adaptation, points 22,45 15,60 26,32 17,04 0,93 0,3546

Social frustration, points 0,91 0,45 0,94 0,54 0,17 0,8689

Depression, points 49,97 5,93 45,90 4,85 2,95 0,0045

Anxiety, points 19,06 6,89 15,65 4,72 2,28 0,0262

Active strenuous life, rating 8,52 3,94 6,45 2,29 2,52 0,0144

Health, rating 6,52 4,88 3,45 3,73 2,78 0,0073

Perception, rating 11,94 4,02 11,45 4,00 0,47 0,6366

Development, rating 9,13 4,40 6,77 2,99 2,46 0,0166

Creativity, rating 12,74 5,70 12,35 4,67 0,29 0,7709

Self-confidence, rating 6,29 3,50 6,28 4,44 0,01 0,9998

Note: The indices showing the statistically significant differences are typed bold (p<0,05)

Students' life values were examined using the technique of M. Rokeach. Six terminal values were in the center of our attention which we believe had to have an advantage over other ones in the life-sustaining activity of a person taking up the position of an active healthy lifestyle carrier in the system of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture, namely: active strenuous life, health, perception, development, creativity and self-confidence. Values were rated according to the smallest amount of collected points. Thus, the decline in the estimated point of an investigated value indicated to its increasing importance in the terminal value system of a person. "Health (both physical and mental)" has an important place among the highlighted values in the investigation. According to the questionnaire results, in the beginning of the study this value was not the dominant one for students of experimental group, which was rather unexpected. The obtained experimental results indicate the growth of the rating of the "Health" value, and, consequently, the importance and role of health in the students' life, from X =6,52 to X =3,45 with t=2,78, p=0,0073 (p<0,05). Apart from the "Health" value, statistically significant changes were defined in such values as "Active strenuous life" and "Development". The arithmetic mean data for the value of "Active strenuous life" were X =8,52 and X =6,42 points before and after the experiment with t=2,52 and for the value of "Development" - X =9,13 and X =6,77 points respectively with t=2,46, p=0,0166.

Changes in the indices of the values of "Active strenuous life" and "Development" fully correspond with the G. Allport's definition of personality, namely: "Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to the environment". As a matter of fact, it is active strenuous life that encourages a person in the evolution and changes in his behaviour, but "Health" and "Development" show the constant mental activity and the conscious integration into vital processes of "body" elements.

Depressive positions were defined according to the Zunge's diagnostic technique of depressive positions. The obtained statistical data, shown in Table 2, show the significance of the differences between the indices of "Depression" before and after the experiment, 49,97 and 45,90 points respectively, t=2,95.

The obtained anxiety indices decreased significantly in the end of the experiment as proved by the statistical data before and after the experiment X=19,06 and X=15,56 respectively, t=2,28, p=0,0262. Considering the aim of this study we had to assess the educational effects of the developed technology, since according to our calculations there were approximately 30000 students of the special medical group temporarily exempted from practical lessons on physical education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2012. Despite such a medical report, a person cannot be exempted from self-care and care of his psychophysical state.

According to the questionnaire data on the investigation of physical activity level the following facts were distinguished. Despite the school study and available experience, students of experimental group did not have knowledge and skills needed for the initiation of physical activity in the beginning of an academic year. There were only fragmentary knowledge and some skills to do standard exercises used for health improvement, performance enhancement and for sports leisure organization (morning exercises, for example). There was detected the lack of knowledge and skills for character and will building. On the other hand, at the end of the modeling experiment the technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture promoted to forming of profound and in-depth knowledge and skills for health improvement - for 78%, for performance enhancement - for 82%, for sports leisure organization - for 73% of students.

At the same time, fragmentary, not profound knowledge was defined in the control group both in the beginning and at the end of the experiment, which was not enough to expand physical activity. Therefore, reports made by students of the control group to pass the Physical Education test did not ensure assimilation of the total of different knowledge and skills necessary for the organization of independent health and fitness lessons.

Conclusion. The paper presents the new approach to involving students exempted from practical lessons on the subject "Physical education" in the educational process by developing and implementing the educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture. The innovative educational technology involved the module organization of an educational process, consisting of four sequent modules. The algorithm of health and fitness lessons on the programme "100 minutes" provided the conditions for phased creation of individual health and fitness programmes by students. It defined the methodological requests for the organization of self-trainings, including types of pedagogical control, medical control and self-control of own health by students with the obligatory keeping of a self-control diary and giving it to the department teacher and doctor. Thanks to the developed performance appraisal rating system students expanded their physical activities. The created model of a healthy lifestyle carrier is an obligatory component of efficiency of the educational technology. It contributes to the formation of a motivated, self-defined and active personality of a student as a healthy lifestyle carrier, which is the goal of the non-professional physical education lessons.

The developed and introduced into the academic process technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture significantly changed the structure of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for students to be able to manage their health which was proved by the study.

The changes occurred in the examined mental processes during the experiment. As a result of the usage of an innovative educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture, the statistically significant changes in psychological level such as decrease in the level of depressing positions and anxiety were fixed.

Their application during health and fitness lessons contributed to the improvement of the indices of students with weak health from experimental group not only in their mental sphere but also in the functional state and physical development. Statistically significant changes were distinguished in the indices of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of students of experimental group, at the end of the study comparing to those of control group. The statistical indices of heart rate of young males before and after the experiment were 76,33 and 72,69 bpm respectively; and of young females 73,94 and 71,17 bpm (p<0,05) respectively; as for timed inspiratory capacity: young males - 21,39 s and 24,91 s respectively, young females - 23,55 s and 28,17 s (p<0,05) correspondingly.

Thus, the educational technology of nonprofessional education in the field of physical culture of students exempted from practical lessons on physical education, can provide a comprehensive impact. First of all, these are educational effects (actualization of the "Health" value, generation of knowledge, skills and abilities to manage personal health, motivation to actively participate in physical activity and personal development, etc.). This is also the all-round positive impact on the psychophysical sphere of students during their independent health and fitness lessons. The study enables to recommend the designed educational technology of unprofessional education in the field of physical culture for students exempted from practical lessons on physical education for using in the higher school practice. The prospect of further research is related to enhancement of individual elements of the technology and performance appraisal rating system of students with poor health.


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