SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(4), April, 2023
The article highlights the problems of creativity development, the abilities of primary school students, the work experience of performing tasks, the spiritual, moral and creative development of children outside the classroom, the important aspects and assessment approaches that are focused on in the assessment. Information on the content and methods of forming creative thinking in students is provided.
Key words: creativity, development, creative abilities, assessment, approaches, ability, ability, research, analysis, creative assignments.
В статье освещаются проблемы развития творческих способностей, способностей младших школьников, опыта работы по выполнению заданий, духовно-нравственного и творческого развития детей во внеурочное время, важные аспекты и подходы к оцениванию, на которые делается акцент в оценка. Приведена информация о содержании и методах формирования творческого мышления у учащихся.
Ключевые слова: креативность, развитие, творческие способности, оценка, подходы, способность, способность, исследование, анализ, творческие задания.
Creative approaches and achievements have advanced human civilization worldwide in fields ranging from science and technology to philosophy, art, and social sciences. Creative thinking is more than just coming up with random ideas. A real skill based on knowledge and experience allows a person to achieve better results in sometimes-difficult situations. Societies and organizations around the world increasingly need innovative knowledge and creativity to solve problems, which, in turn, increases the importance of innovation and creative thinking. It is true that the impact of creative thinking is behind significant types of innovation on society as a whole, but it is also a universal and equalizing phenomenon, meaning that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to think creatively.
A. Leontev, D. Elkonin, O. Vasilchenko, E. Melkumova, V. Miretskaya, M. Sukhomlinova, E. Emmanuel, among the scientists of the CIS countries, studied the
Ibodulloyev Nurali Sheralievich
Bukhara state university, Bukhara city, Uzbekistan
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(4), April, 2023
theoretical foundations of the development of individual creative abilities. In the works of foreign scientists such as EPTorrance, N. Rogers, J. Purnell, P. Roberts, AMGalligan, Sh. Tatsuno, the issues of individual abilities and creative potential of a person are revealed. In fact, according to experts in the field of education and psychologists, creative thinking, understood as being engaged in thought processes related to creative activity, leads to the development of a number of other personal skills. These include metacognitive skills, interpersonal and self-awareness skills, and problem-solving skills. At the same time, personal growth, educational success, future professional success, and public reputation also depend on a person's creative thinking skills.
The development of an international program for the assessment of creative thinking can lead to positive changes in educational policy and pedagogy. While creative thinking is considered a unique field with a societal impact, it is a more universal and generalized phenomenon than one might believe. The development of an international assessment program for students' creative thinking can enable positive changes in educational policy and pedagogy. PISA 2022 Student Creativity Framework for Assessment of Student Creative Thinking in PISA 2022 The PISA 2022 International Assessment of Student Creative Thinking provides program officials with reliable, practical, and legal assessment tools that allow them to make evidence-based decisions. The PISA Assessment of Creative Thinking in Research provides a clear, reliable, and actionable assessment tool to help policymakers make evidence-based decisions. The results also fuel debates in society about the importance and methods of developing this important skill through education. This activity in the international assessment program PISA is related to another project of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development aimed at supporting a new pedagogy for the development of creative thinking. The main task of education in creative thinking is to form the skills that the student will need today and in the future to lead a successful life in society. Creative thinking is an important skill that today's youth must have, and this skill will help them adapt to a constantly and rapidly changing environment that requires personnel with up-to-date skills beyond simple literacy. In general, today's students will work in fields that do not even exist in the future; forming new skills for new problems will allow them to solve increasingly complex local and global problems through an unusual approach. In recent years, the training of creative people who have a non-standard perspective on the educational needs and problems of society; changes that are able to adequately and timely respond to what is happening in the world.
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(4), April, 2023
Solving these problems should start at school. Development of creativity. Development of abilities of young schoolchildren is the most important task of schools in the modern era. This process covers all stages of the child's personality development, encourages initiative and independence in decision-making; is the habit of free expression, self-confidence and opportunities. The importance of developing creative thinking at school is not limited to the labor market. Extracurricular activities have a wide opportunity to develop a person in all aspects and prepare him for life activities. These activities are organized on a voluntary basis according to the children's interests. Professional pedagogy: the opportunity to master new methods and technologies of teaching and education, the possibility of endless professional growth of pedagogical skills and self-improvement. This factor is more relevant in the first place, because a person who does not have clear value orientations cannot translate constructive ideas into the world. At the current stage, in a society where there is doubt about the choice of development paths, and the search for ideals has been carried out for several decades, the teacher must take responsibility for educating the new generation in the spirit of patriotism and humanity. Kindness and responsibility for the world. School is important for young people to discover their abilities and skills, including creative talents. Creative thinking also supports student learning by interpreting events, experiences, and behaviors in new and personally meaningful ways. The curiosity of the learner comes into play in the learning process, and creative thinking thus becomes a means of mutual agreement, even in the context of predetermined educational goals. In order to increase student motivation and interest in school, it is necessary to introduce new forms of education that take into account the creative potential and enthusiasm of all students. 1This can especially help students who are not very interested in the educational process, and it will help them express their opinions and develop their potential. Like other skills, creative thinking can be developed through a practical and focused approach. It seems to some teachers that the development of student's creative thinking comes at the expense of other subjects in the curriculum. In fact, students can think creatively in all subjects. Creative thinking is especially important as it is developed through approaches that support research and invention instead of blind memorization during the lesson aimed at imparting knowledge. Teachers should be able to distinguish creative thinking, know the conditions suitable for such thinking, and know how to help students to think more creatively. A more thorough understanding of how
1 Gaffarov Ya. H. (2019). Technical approach in the education system. International journal on integrated education. England. 2019. 40-41.
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(4), April, 2023
creative thinking occurs, in turn, requires teachers to have a certain amount of time in the educational process for students to have creative ideas.
Assessment of creative thinking skills is based on evidence-based evidence, linking what students do, learn, and create on a computer platform to multidimensional competencies. Assessment of creativity is the analysis of specific claims about a student's abilities in an evidence-based reasoning process. In general, student responses to assessment tasks provide evidence for this reasoning process, while psychometric analysis determines whether the evidence is sufficient to analyze each claim. The PISA assessment program can be used as the main framework for assessing creative thinking. PISA uses a description of creative thinking appropriate for 15-year-old students. In the PISA study, creative thinking is defined as the ability to effectively participate in the development, evaluation and improvement of ideas that lead to original and effective solutions, achievements and imagination in the field of knowledge. This description emphasizes that students need to learn to participate effectively in ideation practices at different contexts and levels of education, to reflect on an idea while evaluating its originality and validity, and to refine the idea until it is ready. The development of this description also took into account the advice of experts in various fields and the results of an extensive literature review on creativity. While creative thinking is a nascent interpretation, the construct of creativity has a broad and strong research tradition. Creativity, then, is the interaction between ability, process, and environment through which an individual or group creates a meaningful product that is both new and useful for that social context. Achieving creative goals requires creative thinking, but it also requires broader and more specific skills and abilities, such as mental capacity, domain knowledge, and artistic talent. For example, great creativity related to the creation of masterpieces of art or technological discoveries requires, in addition to creative thinking, considerable talent, deep knowledge, tireless work in a specific field, and recognition by society that this product has value. On the contrary, small or everyday creativity (for example, skillfully arranging pictures in a photo journal, creating a new dish from leftover food, or finding a creative solution to a complex problem at work) is necessary for almost all people who are capable of creative thinking. In order to de-emphasize innate talent and place more emphasis on an individual's ability to think creatively, which can be improved, the PISA assessment of creative thinking focusses on these sub-tasks of creativity. This type of creative thinking applies not only to educational contexts,
2 Gaffarov . Yes . X. _ School reform and teaching methods improvement . Science and education. Scientific Journal. 2020, 482 .
Mardonov, S., Toshtemirova, S., Ahmadjonov, B., & Koshanova, N. (2020). Structure and Mechanisms of Action of the Educational Cluster. International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
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such as writing an essay or painting, where reflection of the inner world is mainly required, but also to broader areas related to the analysis of ideation issues and solving problems in society. As the first generation of creative thinking tests was based on the idea of domain generality, i.e., the existence of common features of creativity in any field, researchers assumed that the results of a person in creativity tests can be generalized, and that creativity in one field can be transferred to another
The studies emphasize either that the abilities and skills required for creativity are domain-specific and differ from domain to domain, or present models of creativity that partially combine the two approaches. A "domain" is defined as "any particular branch of science, such as art, literature, history, or astronomy," or "a set of representations underlying and supporting a particular branch of science." Researchers have listed the following domains of creativity: everyday, educational, action, science, and art. Creative activity is divided into "artistic" and "scientific" fields. Creative activity can be divided into three general domains: verbal, artistic, and problem solving. According to a detailed analysis of case studies that have studied the fields of creativity, the scientific field of mathematics has always been clearly distinguished from other fields of creativity.
Four necessary parts for creative activity of any person are listed: skills related to the field; processes related to creativity; enthusiasm for the task (motivation); suitable, comfortable conditions. Creative productivity is the basic resource or domain-specific skills, including knowledge and technical skills, and the ability to combine them in new ways requires the necessary motivation to move away from ready-made manuals. These four components consist of both static, improvement, and environment-susceptible components. It is also appropriate to analyze how the indicators of students' creative thinking depend on their research abilities. Similar to the method used to measure a student's motivation; his research ability can be analyzed based on data obtained from monitoring (telemetry) his behavior on a computerized test.
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2. Mardonov, S., Toshtemirova, S., Ahmadjonov, B., & Koshanova, N. (2020). Structure and Mechanisms of Action of the Educational Cluster. International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(4), April, 2023
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