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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Popova N.V., Krutko I.S., Arslanbekova Em.

Objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the use of technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as a prevention of student deviation in the university under study.Methods and structure of the study. The empirical part of the study included three stages: Stage 1 - conducting a pre-project analysis using the questionnaire method (100 students were interviewed); 2nd stage - development and implementation of the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center"; 3rd stage - determination of the effectiveness of the project implementation by the method of formalized interviews (20 people were interviewed).Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed the presence of an average level of students' awareness of the technologies for managing attitudes towards healthy lifestyles as the prevention of youth deviations and the need to improve them. The authors developed and implemented the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center", aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills through managing their health, time, resources, nutrition, the results of which revealed that this project is a technology of social design and contributes to the modernization and increase in positive impact on young people of preventive techniques, which will reduce the number of deviations among young people.

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Technologies of managing attitude to a healthy lifestyle as prevention of deviations of students of the institute

of physical culture

UDC 796:035

PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Popova1 Dr. Psych., Associate Professor I.S. Krutko1 E.M. Arslanbekova1

1Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract

Objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the use of technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as a prevention of student deviation in the university under study.

Methods and structure of the study. The empirical part of the study included three stages: Stage 1 - conducting a pre-project analysis using the questionnaire method (100 students were interviewed); 2nd stage - development and implementation of the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center"; 3rd stage - determination of the effectiveness of the project implementation by the method of formalized interviews (20 people were interviewed).

Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed the presence of an average level of students' awareness of the technologies for managing attitudes towards healthy lifestyles as the prevention of youth deviations and the need to improve them. The authors developed and implemented the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center", aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills through managing their health, time, resources, nutrition, the results of which revealed that this project is a technology of social design and contributes to the modernization and increase in positive impact on young people of preventive techniques, which will reduce the number of deviations among young people.

Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, technologies, deviations, youth.

Introduction. In modern society, in recent years, due to a number of reasons, including instability and intense social changes, the number of factors that cause deviant human behavior has increased, and often its degradation, which leads to complete self-destruction. It can also be observed how higher and higher demands are placed on the individual and self-determination. The need to study the problem of prevention of deviations among young people is due to the trend towards an increase in the number of young people prone to behavior that does not meet social norms, and the issue of preventing deviant behavior is one of the highest priorities for educational institutions. In this regard, the development and implementation of the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center" at the Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of the Ural State University of Physical Cul-

ture (hereinafter - the university under study) is quite relevant.

Objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the use of technologies for managing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as a prevention of student deviation in the university under study.

Methods and structure of the study. The empirical part of the study was conducted in Yekaterinburg in 2022 and included three stages: Stage 1 - conducting a pre-project analysis using the questionnaire method (100 students were surveyed); 2nd stage - development and implementation of the "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center"; 3rd stage - determination of the effectiveness of the project implementation by the method of formalized interviews (20 people were interviewed).

When conducting the study, we relied on the works of domestic and foreign scientists, including V.E.

Zmanovskaya [3], V.S. Nikolaev [7], O.S. Litovchenko [6], I.P Uymanova [8] and others. In joint publications, we studied aspects of the resilience of student-athletes in terms of safe behavior, contributing to the formation of a safe type of behavior personality [4], preventological support for the safe behavior of students [1], as well as key problems of preventive work in universities [5].

Using the concept of "youth", we mean a socio-demographic group with an age range of 14 to 35 five years, characterized by certain physiological, psychological, social and pedagogical characteristics.

A healthy lifestyle is an optimal and conscious concept of human life, which determines the productive and rational work of both a single organism and its specific organs and systems. A healthy lifestyle acts as a key source of primary prevention in the fight against bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and also by overcoming adverse life situations [8, p. 64].

Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the standards and norms accepted by society. Characteristic manifestations of such behavior are: violation of moral standards, rules of conduct in public places, drunkenness, drug use, aggressiveness, vandalism, as well as criminally punishable acts.

Technologies for managing attitudes towards healthy lifestyles: pedagogical, recreational (restorative) and sports and recreation, health-saving, health-forming, training, sanctions, Wellness.

Results of the study and their discussion. The results of a survey of students from different faculties of the studied university showed the following. Slightly more than a quarter of students (27%) adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and only 6% categorically do not comply with it. Three quarters of students (73%) are interested in information about healthy lifestyles and ways to improve health. More than half of the students understand healthy lifestyles as: healthy eating, maintaining optimal physical fitness, giving up bad habits (63% each). Slightly more than half of the students go in for physical culture and sports to maintain their health (58%), keep proper nutrition and try to spend more time outdoors (52% each). The sources of information about healthy lifestyles for students are the Internet (58%) and expert advice (46%). Slightly more than half of the students (54%) prefer to spend their free time visiting sports and health centers, doing physical culture and sports.

In the studied university and its dormitories, one can observe such forms of deviant behavior as: tobac-

co use, rudeness, foul language, alcohol consumption. More than a third of students (38%) use smoking mixtures (cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vape, hookah), almost half (46%) use alcoholic beverages. The motives for the use of drugs, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages by young people are: stress relief, fatigue, curiosity (60%). Students believe that in order to increase awareness of the technologies of healthy lifestyle management, it is necessary to conduct trainings, courses, quests, sports and recreational, sports and competitive events.

The results of the study showed the presence of an average level of students' awareness of the technologies for managing attitudes towards healthy lifestyles as the prevention of youth deviations and the need to improve them.

Based on the problem identified by us, an analysis of existing practical technologies that are used in the activities of the university under study was carried out, the project "Students-healthy lifestyle center" was developed and implemented, aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills through managing one's health, time, resources, and nutrition. When developing the project, we were guided by the recommendations of the Ural scientists L.N. Boronina and Z.V. Senuk [2].

The general goal of the project is to organize and conduct the course "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center". The duration of the entire project was 60 working days. The training included organizing, conducting and monitoring the implementation of the project program for the prevention of deviations among students by the technology of managing healthy lifestyles, consisting of a training on rational nutrition, the training "We want to be healthy", "Stress and health", the seminar "Daily routine. Motor activity", preventive action "Challenge "Live in the rhythm of a healthy lifestyle" and physical culture and health training.

We have identified project performance indicators: the number of project participants; planned and actual costs; coverage of posts in the official group on the VKontakte social network; positive impression of participants and desire to participate in subsequent years (according to feedback from participants); implementation of the project on schedule; increase in the number of students who have adopted healthy lifestyle values. These indicators made it possible to obtain a comprehensive overview of the project from different points of view, objects and subjects to be assessed.

In order to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Cent-


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I november I № 11 2022

er" project, a formalized interview was conducted among students after its completion. It was recorded that after the implementation of the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center", the students' attitude to healthy lifestyle changed for the better. For example, those who indicated that they did not use smoking mixtures (cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vape, hookah) decreased by 10%, and the use of alcoholic beverages by 11%.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the project "Students-Healthy Lifestyle Center" is a technology of social design and contributes to the modernization and increase in the positive impact of preventive methods on young people, which will reduce the number of deviations among young people. The results of this study can be applied in the organization of educational work among all categories of young people, including university students of all specialties, as well as in the preparation of undergraduates in the direction "Preventology in the youth environment" specialty 39.04.03 "Organization of work with youth".


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