TECHNOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF YARN OF SLIMMED POLYMER COMPOSITION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Ключевые слова
size / drying / composition / polymer / viscosity / glue / yarn / humidity / adhesion to yarn / breakage / шлихта / сушка / композиция / полимер / вязкость / приклей / пряжа / влажность / адгезия к пряже / обрывность

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Ismatova Rano, Kazakov Avaz, Amonova Matluba

A new sizing composition based on water-soluble polymers has been developed. The use of preparations from the developed sizing composition makes it possible to increase the speed and degree of yarn impregnation during the sizing process, which increases the mechanical fastening of the adhesive film on the fiber and has a positive effect on weaving. It has been revealed that cotton yarn treated with polymer compositions can be processed on various types of weaving machines, which provides a reduction in breakage by 35-40% and an increase in machine productivity by 5-10% compared to yarn sized with starch sizing.

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Разработан новый шлихтующий состав на основе водорастворимых полимеров. Применение препаратов из разработанного состава шлихтующей композиции по¬зволяет увеличить скорость и степень пропитки пряжи в процессе шлихтования, что повышает механическое закрепление адгезивной пленки на волокне и положительно сказывается в ткачестве. Выявлено, что обработанная полимерными композициями хлопчатобумажная пряжа может перерабатываться на ткацких станках различного типа, при этом обеспечивается снижение обрывности на 35-40 % и повышение производительности станка на 5-10 % по сравнению с пряжей, ошлихтованной крахмальной шлихтой.



Rano Ismatova

Doctor of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry named after Abu Ali ibn Sino,

Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara

Avaz Kazakov

Teacher of chemistry and biology, Academic Lyceum named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara

Matluba Amonova

Doctor of chemical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Rector of the Bukhara Institute of Innovative Education and Medicine,

Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara E-mail: [email protected]


Исматова Раъно Ахадовна

д.ф.т.н (PhD) доцент, преподаватель кафедры Биохимии академического лицея имени Абу Али ибн Сино Бухарского государственного медицинского института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Казаков Аваз Санокулович

преподаватель химии и биологии академического лицея имени Абу Али ибн Сино Бухарского государственного медицинского института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Амонова Матлуба Мухтаровна

д.ф.х.н, PhD, доцент,

Ректор Бухарского института инновационной образовании и медицины,

Республика Узбекистан, г. Бухара


A new sizing composition based on water-soluble polymers has been developed. The use of preparations from the developed sizing composition makes it possible to increase the speed and degree of yarn impregnation during the sizing process, which increases the mechanical fastening of the adhesive film on the fiber and has a positive effect on weaving. It has been revealed that cotton yarn treated with polymer compositions can be processed on various types of weaving machines, which provides a reduction in breakage by 35-40% and an increase in machine productivity by 5-10% compared to yarn sized with starch sizing.


Разработан новый шлихтующий состав на основе водорастворимых полимеров. Применение препаратов из разработанного состава шлихтующей композиции позволяет увеличить скорость и степень пропитки пряжи в процессе шлихтования, что повышает механическое закрепление адгезивной пленки на волокне и положительно сказывается в ткачестве. Выявлено, что обработанная полимерными композициями хлопчатобумажная пряжа может перерабатываться на ткацких станках различного типа, при этом обеспечивается снижение обрывности на 35-40 % и повышение производительности станка на 5-10 % по сравнению с пряжей, ошлихтованной крахмальной шлихтой.

Библиографическое описание: Ismatova R., Kazakov A., Amonova M. TECHNOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF YARN OF SLIMMED POLYMER COMPOSITION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 9(126). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/18212

Keyword: size, drying, composition, polymer, viscosity, glue, yarn, humidity, adhesion to yarn, breakage. Ключевые слова: шлихта, сушка, композиция, полимер, вязкость, приклей, пряжа, влажность, адгезия к пряже, обрывность.

Today, all over the world, in ongoing scientific research and the creation of new technologies for creating a sizing composition, in order to replace or reduce the consumption of food starch, special attention is paid to developments that make it possible to obtain polymer compositions from natural and synthetic polymers, more effective and high-quality sizing preparations. At textile enterprises, of all the polymers used for sizing cotton yarn, the largest share is native starch.

To obtain the required characteristics of sized bases, the starch-based composition must contain a large amount of the main adhesive. However, significant consumption of starch for sizing needs leads to the loss of part of the valuable product for the food industry, as well as the emergence of pathogenic microflora in wastewater as a result of the biodegradation of the polysaccharide [1, c. 322-325].


Today, synthetic materials have been obtained, for example, preparations from synthetic homo- and copolymers, which allow sizing without the use of food products. But these preparations have a high price, are difficult to obtain and do not have multifunctionality in relation to fibers of various chemical structures, are difficult to wash out from the surface of the fabric, the consumption of preparations for desizing increases sharply, and the time for desizing the fabric increases accordingly; in addition, it is important to note that when sizing Only with synthetic polymers in the process of drying the yarn after sizing does the yarn stick to each other, which is the main negative phenomenon of the process, which makes it difficult to effectively process yarn on high-performance weaving equipment [2, c. 18-20].

Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of food starch, the search and development of technologies and

methods for processing yarn with preparations from water-soluble polymers based on starch, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile (HIPAN) is very relevant, especially since there is practically no scientific research on this problem and is little studied. The issue of creating sizing preparations for cotton yarn using starch, their combination with some water-soluble synthetic polymers, and the introduction of special-purpose textile auxiliary substances (TAS) into their composition are reflected only in minor works [3, c. 102-106].

Methods and materials

In this regard, the purpose of this work is to develop and physicochemical substantiate the technology for sizing cotton yarn using PVA and GIPAN as sizing preparations in order to reduce the consumption of valuable food starch.

It should be noted that given the physicochemical parameters of the sizing preparation process, interaction is possible between polymer groups and the reactive groups of PVA and HIPAN. The products formed as a result of this interaction contain, in particular, amide -CONH-, urea-, -NHCONH-, carbamate -OCONH2, ester -OCO- and other groups. Their presence in the macromolecules of the polymer composition makes it possible to improve elastic, structural and mechanical properties, and reduce the electronegativity of the adhesive film formed on the yarn during sizing [4, c. 124].

Results and discussion

An important factor for sizing cotton yarn is the drying of the yarn after sizing. Therefore, to establish the temperature and time parameters for drying sized yarn, as well as to determine the speed of warp movement during sizing, the drying kinetics of yarn treated with compositions was studied (Table 1).

Table 1.

Kinetic parameters of the drying process of yarn sized with a composition based on starch, PVA and GIPAN at a ratio of 1:0.05:0.01, respectively

Developed sizing composition Factory size based on starch

Drying temperature, оС

85 90 95 90

Base moisture % 58 54 59 43

True glue, % 7 6 6 7

Second drying period time, min. 12 10 9 14

Drying speed, m/sec 0,5 0,8 0,8 0,5

Total drying time 22 10 10 24

Based on the study of the kinetic parameters of the sizing process, the concentrations of the components included in the sizing composition, which are presented in Table 2, were determined using the developed

compositions. As can be seen from the table, the amount of sizing polymer composition is 50 g/kg, versus starch-based sizing - 70 g/kg, i.e. starch consumption is reduced by 25-30%.

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It was revealed that the drying speed is predetermined by the chemical nature of the preparation, the fibrous composition of the yarn, and the time and temperature conditions of drying. The ability of yarn treated with various sizing agents to lose moisture mainly depends

on the type of composition. The relatively low ability to retain water molecules is explained by the presence of hydrophobic cycles in the macromolecules of PVA and HIPAN [5, c. 67-71].

Таble 2.

Optimal technological parameters for preparing dressing based on the developed composition

Sizing components Content of adhesive components, g/l Starch dressing

Type of yarn

Cotton yarn number

34 40/1 40/2 54

Polyvinyl alcohol, g/kg 3,0 2,0 3,5 3,5 -

Hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile, g/kg 2,0 2,0 2,5 2,5 -

Starch, g/kg 45 50 50 50 70

Gelatinization temperature, 0C 85-90 85-90 85-90 85-90 90-100

Gelatinization time, min 20-25 20-25 15-20 15-20 30-35

From the data obtained, it should be noted that the specific breaking load is one of the main physical and mechanical indicators of cotton yarn. For yarn sized with the proposed composition, the breaking load is 13-15% higher than in the traditional case, with the same coefficient of variation [6, c. 389;7, c. 32-34].

Below are comparative results of sizing of cotton yarn with a composition based on the developed composition with data on sizing of yarn with starch in the conditions of the Naksh Oydin LLC enterprise (Table 3). As can be seen from Table 3, the concentration of the size,

which has a significant impact on the cost of the size, ranges from 45-50 g/kg of the composition, against 70 g/kg of starch size, although the true glue remained at the same level.

Based on the results of the experiment, it was established that in the case of sizing cotton yarn with the developed sizing compositions, a significant reduction in starch is achieved, i.e. by 25-30%, which in economic and environmental terms indicates the feasibility of using the developed composition [8, c. 84; 9, c. 134-137].

Таble 3.

Physico-mechanical properties of yarn treated with sizing obtained under optimal preparation parameters

Indicators Unit change Developed size Factory size, starch

Cotton yarn number

34 40/1 34

Viscosity, solution flow time seconds 6 7 7

True glue % 23-25 19-21 10-12

Relative strength increase % 18-20 17-19 13-15

Yarn elongation at break % 7-8 6-7 9-11

Yarn moisture % 10-12 10-11 10-15

Coefficient of variation: breaking load % 90-100 90-100 90-100

Adhesion to yarn kg/sm 0,8-1,2 1,0-1,4 0,7-1,2

Wear resistance coefficient % 06,-1,2 0,5-0,9 0,8-1,4

Precipitation arr/m 0,31 0,37 0,61

It has been established (Table 4) that yarn breakage depends on a number of factors: the method of spinning, the chemical nature of the fibrous composition of the yarn, the nature of PVA and HIPAN and their amount in the composition of the sizing preparation. Processing yarn with this sizing during the weaving process allows reducing warp breakage by 35-40%, increasing

productivity by 5-10% and reducing fraying by 20-25% compared to starch sizing preparations.

The results of the analysis of technological indicators of the process of sizing yarn with developed polymer compositions (Table 4.) show that as a result of sizing, a strong base is obtained with minimal costs of sizing and TVV [10, c. 58; 11, c. 150-157].

Table 4.

Average indicators of breakage and productivity in weaving

Fabric, art. Machine brand Breakage, r/m Productivity, m/hour Fabric, art. Machine brand Breakage, r/m Productivity, m/hour

47/44 АТ-120-6М 0,29 10,15

150 АШ-120-U 0,41 5,78

544 AT100-LB 0,27 11,05

12209 AT100-LB 0,24 8,66

15182 STB-2-220 0,36 7,74

Average 0,32 9,23


The obtained research results provided the scientific basis for the creation of a number of formulations of sizing compositions characterized by easy processing by traditional methods and high physicochemical, rheological and mechanical properties of cotton yarn. Considering the high adhesive ability of PVA and HIPAN to cotton fiber, the consumption of adhesive materials when used in sizing is reduced by 25-30% compared to starch.

The technology for producing a dressing based on a polymer composition differs from the basic one by reducing the consumption of a valuable food product -starch, simplifying the technological processes of preparing a dressing that is more stable during storage and economical during application, simplified desizing, as well as giving the fibers sufficiently high mechanical strength and elastic properties, reducing the percentage thread breaks during processing.


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