Section 5. Food processing industry
Section 5. Food processing industry
Savriev Yuldosh Safarovich, Hakimov Shaxruz Shuxratovich, Majidov Kaxramon Halimovich, Bukhara engineering-technological institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected]
Technological features of olive seeds
Abstract: Cellular and endocellular structure of the kernel and cover of olive seeds, and their change under the influence of technological parameters have been studied by methods of poremetry, light and scanning electronic microscopy. Chemical, physical-chemical and kinetic methods of researches carried out with use of standard methods of the analysis.
Cellular and capillary-porous structure of physiologically mature seeds of the cotton, safflower, rape, soya and sunflower with the optimum humidity, different sizes, form, initial maintenance of lipids and fibers have been studied. The combination of the listed methods has allowed newly analyzing the structure of olive seeds at cellular level in the volume image. Have revealed interrelation between the structure of seeds and the maintenance lipids and albumens in them, and have estimated its role in formation of structure of materials in technological processing.
Keywords: olive seeds, cotton, safflower, rape, soya, sunflower, porous structure, technological factors.
Introductions: Seeds of some plants contain up to nowadays cultivated in Republic of Uzbekistan have
50 ... 70% of lipids from te mass [1]. The greatest quan- been studied.
tity of spare lipids is usually concentrated in their basic Estimation of results and their statistical reliability
fabric of seeds — a germ and endosperm; other parts are carried out with use of modern calculation methods of
rather poor in lipids [2]. statistical reliability of measurement results.
Vegetable oils are one of the basic fatty compo- Results: seeds of olive cultures processed by the in-
nents in a food of the person, playing the important dustry represent difficult biological objects and differ on
role in metabolic processes in the organism [3]. the physical and chemical, physic-mechanical and tech-
For manufacture of vegetable oils are characteristic nological properties. the ineffective technology, processes and the equipment. Processes occurring in seeds, their morphological
Technological processes differ in multistageness and parts and oil-keeping materials in technological process-
power consumption. ing and feature of their natural capillary-porous and cel-
For the decision of the problem connected with lular structure have been studied. maintenance of necessary consumption level of high Cellular and capillary-porous structure of physiologi-
quality vegetable oils of the domestic production is nec- cally mature seeds ofcotton, safflower, rape, soya and sun-
essary perfection of technology of their reception. flower with the optimum humidity, different sizes, form,
In this connection it is actual studying of processes initial maintenance of lipids and fibers have been studied. proceeding at extraction of oil and on these basis creation Sharp distinctions in size of cells and their ultra-
essentially new recourse-saving technologies. structure in superficial layer of reserving fabric, basically
Materials and methods: features of a structure of ol- parenchyma, and also the sizes and localization of lipif
ive seeds — cotton, safflower, rape, soya and sunflower spherosomes and albumin globules have revealed.
Technological features of olive seeds
Differential curve of distributions of pores in the sizes in a cover of oil seeds of the investigated cultures are presented on fig.
On the resulted differential curves maxima of certain groups of pores, both in seeds and for kernels are observed.
In porous system of the cover of sunflower prevails the group of the macropores with equivalent radiuses 1000-6000 À (52%) and group of the supermacro-pores with equivalent radiuses 62000-420000 À (19%).
In the bared cover of seeds of the cotton the group of a passing pores does not exist at all. In porous system of cover of the pore are distributed in the sizes as follows: the considerable quantity — groups of big, macro- and supermacropores in the size 9200-280000 A (76%), then — groups of a mesopores in the size 37-980 A (14%), small macropores with equivalent radius 9809200 A contains insignificant quantity (4%).
The bared cover of seeds of cotton differs with the high maintenance of group of a macropores in the size 6000-50000 A.
Figure 1. Differential curve of distribution of the pores in the sizes in a cover of olive seeds: 1-rape; 2-safflower; 3-sunflower; 4-cotton; 5-soya.
Discussion: Revealed essential distinctions of a structure of fabrics of intact structures, and properties of natural porous system of kernel and fruit cover of olive seeds will predetermine character of total effect of the response of capillary-porous structure of oil-keeping material with the various maintenance of cover (non-decorticated seeds) on influence of technological kinds of processing.
By studying of cellular and capillary-porous structure
of oil-keeping materials in a range equivalent radiuses 37-1000000 A at different stages of technological processing it is proved that all flowed out free oil from spherosomes destroyed as a result of complex influence of processing methods concentrates in again formed pores and capillaries in the range ofthe sizes 1000-35000A. Oil is kept in this pores and capillaries with adsorption and capillary forces which are necessary for overcoming for its extraction.
1. Viability of seeds//Translated from English - M.: Kolos, - 1978 - P. 415.
2. Bohinskiy R. Modern views in biochemistry//Translated from English - M.: Mir, - 1987. - P. 544.
3. Arutyunyan N. S., Kornena E. P., Yanova L. I. and others. Technology of fat processing. - M.: Pishepromizdat, -1999. - P. 452.