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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Маiemer Azamat

The content of the patriotic education of pupils offered by the author technique regional and local history materials at schools of the republic of Kazakhstan is considered. In it deeper studying of the concrete region of Kazakhstan, which forms at pupils love for the country, the attitude towards natural wealth, is shown.

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15. Kurmangaziyeva M., Kokimbayev A. Guide to professions: the short reference book for the youth choosing specialty and work. Almaty: Al - Farabi, 1998.

16. Maiemer A.M. Geografiya Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan region. Uralsk, 2005.

17. Parfyonova of A.Ya. Geografiya of agriculture of the West Kazakhstan region. Uralsk,1990.

18. Pichugin B. V., Fisunenko O. P. School geological excursions. M.: "Education", 1981.

19. Petrenko A.Z., Li K.A., Fatly P. V. Priroda of the West Kazakhstan region and its protection.Uralsk, 1992.

20. Preobrazhensky A.I. Economic cards in teaching geography. M.: Education, 1981.

21. Rysbekov T., Birimzharov B., Kurmanalin S., Zhaksygaliyev. History West Kazakhstanareas. Uralsk, 2001.

22. Solovyov A.I., etc. Encyclopedic dictionary of the young geographer of the local historian. M.:"Education", 1981.

23. Turemuratova of Zh. Priuralye. Almaty, 2001.

24. Encyclopedia. West Kazakhstan region. Almaty, 2002.



The content of the patriotic education of pupils offered by the author technique regional and local history materials at schools of the republic of Kazakhstan is considered. In it deeper studying of the concrete region of Kazakhstan, which forms at pupils love for the country, the attitude towards natural wealth, is shown.


patriotism, local history material, methods of geographical researches, patriotic education, applied course


Azamat Maiemer

Geography teacher of highest category the member of republican nominal school of U. Esnazarova geography Village Beles, Zelenov Region, West Kazahstan Oblast, Kazakhstan

[email protected]

Education of patriotism in the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the main objectives of an education system according to the Law on education and the actual task set by the State program of a development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 -2020, the Concept of the 12-year secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan [1].

In educational process of school local history material is studied at lessons of different subject matters and in out-of-class work. Realization of the local history principle goes deep from a class to a class taking into account age of pupils of studying of new subjects, with the advent of new aspects of intersubject character in studying of the native land.

The purpose and problems of training of geography in new conditions are inseparably linked with the general installations of school geographical education. One of the main objectives of the Concept of school geographical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "to study the native land as part of the world geography, to lay, thus, the objective

foundation of patriotism and love to the native district in indissoluble communication with internationalism and a broad view on the world, a pride progress of the native land and compassion to its problems" [2].

This task is traced by a red thread in the functioning State obligatory standard of education (GOSO - 2010), training programs initial, main, senior steps of schools, textbooks and other documents on education.

The famous geographer A.S.Barkov considers that "the object and methods of studying of geography and study of local lore coincide. The last is possible and has to consider as "small geography", more precisely, as small regional geography" [3].

The largest Soviet geographer L.S. Berg (1876-1950) calls study of local lore, geography of the native land. Speaking about study of local lore, most often understand it as study of local lore geographical which task includes the comprehensive, synthesized studying of the native land. In study of local lore as well as in geography, a subject of studying are the identical phenomena and objects. The term "study of local lore" means that the territory determined by the concept "native land" is studied [4].

Studying of geography of independent Kazakhstan represents one of the major national educational objectives. The geography forms ideas of the nature, natural richness of the native earth, promotes development of a sense of responsibility for a state of environment, causes a patriotic spirit of pupils [5].

The main objectives of patriotic education of pupils means of regional and local history materials can be solved, having entered the program of school education the applied course "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region". The course gives great opportunities for formation at pupils of love for the country, to the native land, the relation to the nature to public wealth, increasing knowledge of history, economy, culture, tradition of the native land. The technique of studying of an applied course based on the principles of a tselopologaniye, collectivism, sequence and systematicity, availability, assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, presentation in training, unities of educational process and pedagogical influence is stated in contents of the "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" program.

From this point of view patriotic education in the applied course "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" is also considered:

- knowledge pupil of history, natural components, economy, population of the native land;

- the positive relation to "our" facts of history, culture and negative - to the negative phenomena in the past and the present;

- readiness to participate in cultural development, life of the native land and all country.

Work of school students on studying of the native land is means of formation of ecological, local history knowledge, patriotism education. An effective development tool of ideas of pupils of the edge is the manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" [6]. Methodical providing an applied course is developed: program and methodical grant [7, 8]. Except above listed, the school and local history atlas is created [9]. Therefore, there is a possibility of creation of the educational and methodical complex (EMC) within regional and local history material.

Today still leading tutorials are the textbook, the manual. The manual - specially made materials which are used as a source of knowledge in addition to the textbook. Application of manuals in the course of training helps development of cognitive activity of school students, fixing of knowledge; promotes activization of independent cognitive activity of pupils [10].

The manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" is created on the basis of the big local history material collected within five years and systematized [6].

In this manual the physiographic characteristic of the area is given: geographical position and its influence on the area nature, geological structure, relief and minerals, climatic features, placement of a surface water, characteristic of natural complexes, vegetable cover and fauna. The section of social and economic geography includes an area economical geographical position, materials about the population, economy, transport, social infrastructure of the area. The listed questions define system of knowledge which allow to form a geographical image of the small Homeland at school students, of an earth corner where they were born and live, allow to be proud of its progress and to worry because of failures. The manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" includes 140 pages, them them 112 pages of the printing text and the appendix: kartoskhema, statistical data in the form of tables, charts, schedules, photos.

The manual is made at the high ideological and theoretical level, local history material is presented in it actually and specifically, communication of the theory with life is traced, the grant is written in public, clear language [12].

The training program of an applied course - the document defining the main content of training in this course, the volume of knowledge which should be given to pupils. In it the purposes and problems of training, feature of the organization of occupations and a technique are formed, lecturing, carrying out interviews, performance of practical works, independent work with the recommended literature, etc. is planned. The program contains the explanatory note, the educational and thematic plan, requirements to the level of training of pupils, system of estimation of pupils, the list of references for the teacher and pupils. Subjects of lessons, a number of hours, types, forms of carrying out lessons, the list of the necessary equipment, the planned result, vocational guidance of pupils, intersubject communication are presented in the educational and thematic plan


The methodical grant "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan region" consists of four parts: general recommendations about lessons, practical works and excursions, approximate subjects of creative works of pupils and appendix. The educational, educational and developing tasks are accurately defined, the technique of studying of regional and local history materials on examples of concrete subjects is developed, the attention is focused on the purposes, the contents, the UMK resources and questions of the organization of educational activity of pupils [8].

The UMK important resource is the school and local history atlas of the Zelenov region - systematic meeting of local history material in the kartoskhemakh with the short characteristic of natural components, the population and economies of the area. The made kartoskhema are intended for school and a wide range of the population and can be used as reference materials at the solution of many economic questions in economy of the area [9].

The applied course on geography of the Zelenov region is based on physical, economic and social geography of Kazakhstan and is continuation of more detailed studying of the concrete region of Kazakhstan, represents great opportunities for formation at school students of love to the small Homeland, the relation to the nature as to national wealth.

UMK at an applied course will be coordinated with a geography course as has system structure, realizes the methodical principles of scientific character, updating, the differentiated approach, keeps idea of integrity, an integrated approach and availability. The analysis of the maintenance of UMK shows that in it the formation foundation at each pupil of system of knowledge of an originality of the native land that promotes education of youth, not indifferent to the small homeland, is laid. Local material isn't end in itself, and serves as the link promoting deeper assimilation, fixing of that knowledge, skills which are provided by a basic component of education [2].

As a result of work on the "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" program pupils get the competence following:

- ability to use a map and kartoskhema; - ability to work with text and numerical information;

- ability to receive information from mass media, the Internet, scientific literature;

- ability of self-presentation and ability to self-determination;

- ways of social and responsible behavior in the nature and Wednesday;

- ability to discuss, ability to reason conclusions; - ability to mark out features, to systematize, generalize;

- ability to work in collective, to make decisions and to bear responsibility for them[7].

UMK corresponds to the concept of the 12-year secondary general education. It is necessary to carry out introduction of UMK in teaching and educational process of school that will allow to realize effective model of patriotic education of pupils on regional and local history material as it is demanded by the Concept of the 12-year secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, aiming "... at formation and development of the educational, creative, competent and competitive person capable to live in dynamically developing environment ready to self-updating both in own interests, and in interests of society [13].

UMK within regional and local history material creates all pedagogical conditions for development of one of the main competences - valuable and orientation which formation is provided by this Concept and is described as "... ability of the pupil adequately to perceive world around, ability to find the role in creative life of society on the basis of the supreme ethical values, civic consciousness and patriotism" [13].

Use of UMK in educational process is focused on a training individualization, socialization of school students, promotes development of a creative initiative of pupils, their patriotic qualities.

During approbation of the applied course "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" criteria of such estimates were developed: the sheet of a self-assessment on five-point system which pupils fill in independently during studying of a course. Such leaf of a self-assessment of activity allows to conduct correction of pedagogical impact on the pupil, on his personal qualities. The leaf of a self-assessment needs to be entered already on the first occupation when school students get acquainted with requirements imposed to performance of each independent and practical work, criteria of an assessment of results. Such work will promote development of the school student, his information and communicative skills, public relations, increasing knowledge of the native land; to advance in self-education. The vigorous activity of the school student, the is more experience of communication with other people, the it is more than information on itself as persons, and the quicker and more actively ability correctly to perceive, and to estimate the behavior, acts, the personal qualities and qualities of other people develops. Methods of stimulation and self-education promote formation of active living position, education of the citizen, patriot of the native land. The active living position of the school student is a creative, conscientious attitude to activity, to any socially useful business, resolute upholding of interests of the native land, school, collective; a civil maturity, ability, will and ability to put the belief into practice. This conscientious attitude to a public debt, which is based on strong moral belief when the unity of the word and business become a daily standard of behavior. So, the subjects of creative works of pupils containing in the program of an applied course, for example: "Identification of sources of pollution of atmospheric air of the area", "Rational use of land resources of your village, area", etc. - open to school students the public, personal importance of the studied material. The knowledge gained as a result of research work on

these subjects puts the pupil in the certain spiritual and moral position caused by a choice, decision-making. Studying of the native land will allow school students to feel it as a component, to feel an inclusiveness in life of the area, village, to realize the activity, to feel the social importance in life of the native land. Implementation of the program of the applied course "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan Region" allows to form an active civic stand of the school student, need for a constant constructive labor on the native earth that in the natural way imparts love to the Fatherland. Positive motivations from consciousness of the necessity form motivation to knowledge acquisition about the native land, to disclosure of the internal potential. Therefore, all activity of the school student can be full, diverse, allowing to rise by higher step of development [2].

N. F. Vinokurova's methods used in modular training of geography it is possible to use in a regional component as they provide individual, the personal focused approach in training of pupils and promote their patriotic education.

Methods of training of N. F. Vinokurova [14] are subdivided into four groups:

1) Motivational and approximate methods. Are included in this group of methods: a method of formation of a fancy of the area by means of a kartoskhema, with use of drawing; the method directed on establishment of interrelations figurative and logical; communicative method; essay method.

2) Information and explanatory methods: method of associations; identification method.

3) The methodological and operational method realizes ideas of the personal focused training.

4) The methods developing creative activity of pupils, focusing on search of personal sense: a personification method, a method of a moral choice, a design method, work with the book.

Proceeding from above stated, it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

-UMK on regional local history material allows to carry out special technology of training and education which is developed within complete pedagogical process in practice, that is, the principles of pedagogical activity, the purpose, structure, estimated results of work are defined according to the concept of development of school, and also taking into account the level of informative abilities and interests of pupils, their age, psychological and physical capacities.

-UMK promotes formation at school students of the personal relation to the processes and the phenomena occurring in society and the nature of the native land. - Conditions for a conscious choice by each pupil of the educational trajectory within a regional component taking into account the abilities and opportunities, vocational guidance are created.

-Continuous communication and cooperation of pupils, schools with the parental public, sociocultural, improving, administrative agencies of the city and area for the purpose of implementation of the solution of the problems of regional character chosen by pupils for the researches is carried out.

-This technology in practice allows to execute the social order of the state -education of the Kazakhstan patriotism at younger generation. "The geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan region" forms patriotism of school students in continuous communication with the native nature, broad acquaintance to social living conditions of the people.


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The article presents the statistical data (morbidity, incidence, mortality and lethality rate) of digestive diseases in the adult working age population of Minsk and older those who are able to work. Increased morbidity and mortality have been noted. A negative effect of alcohol consumption on the morbidity and mortality of the population has been highlighted with an emphasis on alcohol-associated diseases frequency in Minsk. Morbidity and mortality from oncologic diseases are also discussed in the article


digestive diseases, morbidity, mortality, lethality, oncologic diseases


Tatiana Matveichik

PhD, Associate Professor at the chair of Public Health

and Healthcare Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Minsk, Belorussia matveichik51 @rambler.ru

Svetlana Antipova

PhD, Associate Professor, Minsk, Belorussia

Irina Bryleva

Senior Teacher of the chair of Public Health and Healthcare, Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belorussia

The need for medical care and, therefore, referral to health care institutions is mostly a self-regulating process depending on both the health status of a patient and the condition of the health care system and non-medical factors (influencing the accessibility of medical care).

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