Научная статья на тему 'Technical training of volleyball players 13-14 years old when playing defense'

Technical training of volleyball players 13-14 years old when playing defense Текст научной статьи по специальности «Технологии материалов»

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Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Sedova V.M., Danilova G.R.

The article discusses the process of learning the techniques of playing volleyball players in defense, which is of great importance in achieving a high sports result in volleyball competitions. After analyzing the scientific and methodological literature, we can say that technical training has a great influence on the protective actions that allow the ball to remain in the game after the attacking actions of rivals. There is a problem of quick response to unexpected actions of rivals, manifestations of high speed abilities, when performing certain technical methods of the game, quickness of orientation, the need for movements, attacking and defensive actions under conditions of a strict shortage of time, complex interaction with teammates. The results of the pedagogical experiment conducted by us showed the effectiveness of the use of the exercise complexes in the training process, which had a positive impact on the technical actions in protecting the volleyball players aged 13-14 years.

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Техническая подготовка волейболисток 13-14 лет при игре в защите

Рассматривается процесс обучения технике приёмов игры волейболистами в защите, что имеет большое значение в достижении высокого спортивного результата в соревнованиях по волейболу. Проанализировав научно-методическую литературу, можно сказать, что техническая подготовка имеет большое влияние на защитные действия, позволяющие оставить мяч в игре после нападающих действий соперников. Возникает проблема быстрого реагирования на неожиданные действия соперников, проявления высоких скоростных способностей, при выполнении отдельных технических приёмов игры, быстроты ориентировки, необходимости перемещений, атакующих и защитных действий в условиях строгого дефицита времени, сложного взаимодействия с партнёрами по команде. Результаты проведённого нами педагогического эксперимента показали эффективность применения в учебно-тренировочном процессе комплексов упражнений, оказавших положительное влияние на технические действия в защите волейболисток 13-14 лет.

Текст научной работы на тему «Technical training of volleyball players 13-14 years old when playing defense»

УДК 796.325 ББК 75.569


V.M. Sedova, G.R. Danilova

Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture of Sport and Tourism, Kazan, Russia

The article discusses the process of learning the techniques of playing volleyball players in defense, which is of great importance in achieving a high sports result in volleyball competitions. After analyzing the scientific and methodological literature, we can say that technical training has a great influence on the protective actions that allow the ball to remain in the game after the attacking actions of rivals. There is a problem of quick response to unexpected actions of rivals, manifestations of high speed abilities, when performing certain technical methods of the game, quickness of orientation, the need for movements, attacking and defensive actions under conditions of a strict shortage of time, complex interaction with teammates. The results of the pedagogical experiment conducted by us showed the effectiveness of the use of the exercise complexes in the training process, which had a positive impact on the technical actions in protecting the volleyball players aged 13-14 years.

Keywords: technical training, in the protection, volleyball players 13-14 years old.

Introduction. Technique tricks games are linked to the development of physical qualities. The proper level of development qualities is necessary For successful. Improvement of technology and the development of necessary physical qualities originate in unity, combined [2].

In the process of playing volleyball, as in other sports games, there is always the problem of quick response to unexpected actions of rivals, manifestations of high speed abilities, when performing certain technical methods of the game, quickness of orientation, the need for movement, attacking and defensive actions under conditions of a strict shortage of time, complex interaction with teammates.

In the learning process, little attention has been paid to the accuracy of the exercise by technology. Typically, coaches are looking to perform a specified task.

Purpose of the research. Theoretically justify, develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of the use of sets of exercises of technical training in the protection of volleyball players at the age of 13-14 years.

Research results and discussion. In the study, only 20 people were taken, which were divided into two subgroups: experimental and control.

At the beginning of the study, tests were conducted, where the initial indicators of technical training in the protection of volleyball players of 13-14 years of control and experimental groups were identified.

The following tests were proposed to compare the indicators of technical training in the defense:

1. Blocking the ball. Blocking single hit strikes from 4, 3, 2 zone with second gear. With a single blocking player located in zone 3 and at the time of the transfer to the blow goes into the appropriate zone for the production unit. The direction of impact is known as well as, the height of the transfer to the impact (5 attempts).

2. Reception filing. When receiving a submission, the player is located in zone 5, performing reception for accuracy in zone 2 (6 attempts).

3. Acceptance of the attack hit. When receiving an attack hit, the player is placed in zone 5. An attack hit is executed through a grid of 2 and 4 zones. The player must bring the ball to the binder located in zone 2 (6 attempts) [1].

After the tests, it can be concluded that at the beginning of the experiment, the difference between the control and experimental groups was unreliable, since the groups had almost the same performance and were in equal conditions.

During the six months from October 2017 to March 2018, we introduced experimental sets of exercises in the training process 6 times a week, at the end of the main part of the lesson. Mode of operation 6-1 (six days of training, one day of rest, which corresponds to this age group).

Trainings were held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 1.5 hours. The first and fourth sets of exercises were given on Monday and Friday and were aimed at improving such a technical element as the reception of innings.


Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2018. Т. 3, N№ 4

Technical Training of Volleyball Players 13-14 Years Old when Playing Defense

The second and fifth sets of exercises were given on Tuesday and Saturday and were aimed at improving the blocking of the ball. The third and sixth sets of exercises were given on Wednesday and Sunday and were aimed at improving the reception of attacking strokes. All complexes contained 3 exercises, and the execution time was 20 minutes.

At the end of the experiment, measuring the performance of technical training in the protection of volleyball 13-14 years of experimental and control groups, we conducted a comparative analysis to test the effectiveness of the developed sets of exercises.

Testing carried out at the end of the experiment allowed us to establish that in all three control exercises there were significant intergroup differences between the volleyball players of the experimental and control groups.

Thus, when blocking the ball in the experimental group, the increase in the indicators was 27 %, and in the control group -5 %, when receiving the feed, the increase in the indicators in the experimental group was 22 %, in the control group -7 %, when receiving the forward blow in the experimental group, the increase was 25 %, and in the control group -3 % [3].


1. After analyzing the scientific and methodological literature, we can say that technical training has a great influence on the defensive actions that allow you to remain the ball in the game after the attacking actions of rivals.

Поступила в редакцию 14 ноября 2018 г.

2. At the beginning of the study, the initial parameters of the experimental and control groups had relatively equal average results in all tests.

3. For the experimental group of volleyball players, we have compiled and implemented in the training process 6 sets of exercises.

4. The analysis of the results recorded at the end of the experiment showed that the volleyball players of the experimental group showed significantly higher results compared to the volleyball players of the control group in all control exercises.


1. Glinskaya E.G. Sovershenstvovaniye priyomov voleybola [Improvement of volleyball techniques]. Fizicheskaya kul'tura v shkole [Physical education at school], 2016, no. 5, pp. 33-36. (In Russ.).

2. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Chachin A.B. Voleybol: Primy-ernaya programma sportivnoy podgotovki dlya detsko-yunosheskikh sportivnyikh shkol, spetsializirovannykh detsko-yunosheskih shkol olimpiyskogo rezerva (ehtapy sportivnogo sovershenstvovaniya, vysshego sportivnogo masterstva) [Approximate program of sports training for junior sports schools, specialized junior schools of the Olympic reserve (stages of sports improvement, higher sports skill]. Moscow, 2014. 96 p. (In Russ.).

3. Sedova V.M. Tekhnicheskaya podgotovka v za-shchite voleybolistok 13-14 let: vypusknaya kvalifika-cionnaya rabota [Technical training in the protection of volleyball 13-14 years: final qualifying work]. Kazan, 2018. 48 p. (In Russ.).

Для цитирования: Sedova, V.M. Technical Training of Volleyball Players 13-14 Years Old when Playing Defense / V.M. Sedova, G.R. Danilova // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2018. — Т. 3, № 4. — С. 64-66.

Техническая подготовка волейболисток 13-14 лет при игре в защите В. М. Седова, Г. Р. Данилова

Рассматривается процесс обучения технике приёмов игры волейболистами в защите, что имеет большое значение в достижении высокого спортивного результата в соревнованиях по волейболу. Проанализировав научно-методическую литературу, можно сказать, что техническая подготовка имеет большое влияние на защитные действия, позволяющие оставить мяч в игре после нападающих действий соперников. Возникает проблема быстрого реагирования на неожиданные действия соперников, проявления высоких скоростных способностей, при выполнении отдельных технических приёмов игры, быстроты ориентировки, необходимости перемещений, атакующих и защитных действий в условиях строгого дефицита времени, сложного взаимодействия с партнёрами по команде. Результаты проведённого нами педагогического эксперимента показали эффективность применения в учебно-тренировочном процессе комплексов упражнений, оказавших положительное влияние на технические действия в защите волейболисток 13-14 лет.

Ключевые слова: волейболистки 13-14 лет, технические действия в защите, техническая подготовка.

Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor Recreation. 2018. Vol. 3, no. 4


КЫ. Sedova, G.R. Danilova

Список литературы

1. Глинская, Е. Г Совершенствование приёмов волейбола / Е. Г. Глинская // Физ. культура в шк. — 2016. — № 5. — С. 33-36.

2. Железняк, Ю. Д. Волейбол: примерная программа спортивной подготовки для ДЮСШ, СДЮ-

ШОР (этапы спортивного совершенствования, высшего спортивного мастерства) / Ю. Д. Железняк, А. В. Чачин. — М. : Совет. спорт, 2014. — 96 с.

3. Седова, В. М. Техническая подготовка в защите волейболисток 13-14 лет : выпуск. квалификац. работа / В. М. Седова. — Казань, 2018. — 48 с.

Сведения об авторах

Седова Виктория Михайловна — магистрант, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. [email protected]

Данилова Галина Рауфовна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. [email protected]


Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2018. Т. 3, 4

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